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Everything posted by 86er

  1. Yea, Lowell, grab some tire chains and RIDE ON DUDE!
  2. Wrong Grayghost, Jeff! This is Leon; Cliff is Gray Ghost! And then there is Robert who is greyghost. I guess all we are missing is a Grey Ghost. Hey Leon, it was Wildhair39 that used mower boots on his. I believe they are Snapper. They look pretty good.
  3. If you need a place to stay in the Atlanta area, give me a call. I live in Marietta, which is the NW corner of the metro area. 678-472-6768 If I don't answer, leave a message and I'll call you back.
  4. By the way, it was 4 1/2 men; and all were snoring!
  5. We've got a Famous Dave's here in Marietta. They've got some great sauce, especially "Devil Spit"!
  6. How would you know? You and Sleeperhawk were too busy riding off into the sunset!!! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!
  7. I'm glad Y'all had good weather, a good turnout and a good time Lewis! I guess you and Wingman decided against seafood!
  8. I just used the "Donations" button on the top toolbar of this page again! Any of you that read my " The Oficial "I Dropped My Bike At Vogel" Thread" know that I decided to donate $5.00 for dropping my bike. Well, yep, I did it again! And it happened the same way as last time. I was stopped on a slight hill ready to make a left (blocking traffic for our ride at the M&E), and as I started out the tranny popped into neutral! Leaned for the turn + sudden loss of momentum = oops! I laid the RoadSofa gently on it's side, stepped off and "walked" it back up. Heck, I even keyed the PTT button with my little finger as I was lifting, to answer Muffinman when he asked if I needed help! Oh well, stuff happens!
  9. I put this in the other thread before I saw this one, so now I'll put it here too! I'm proud to say that I was the first one there and the last to be kicked out.....er, I mean to leave! Made it home at about 7:15, after a nice ride where the only time Blackjack and I saw interstate was passing over them! Oh yeah, those of you that left before us missed out on............You guessed it DQ! Hey, tradition is tradition! A most excellent weekend with some great friends :~> George and Bobbie outdid themselves again! And all I can say is that it's probably a good thing that they don't have too many neighbors yet. Can't wait for the next one!
  10. Hey!.................I never heard ME snoring!!!
  11. All I have to say to you, Rick, is: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! You were very close to what I had already decided. Although I don't have any pics yet of the cleanout (I'm waiting for my friend to email them to me), here are pics of what I did with the bottom of the collector! First I painted it orange (I prefer to think of it as Harley Orange rather than fluorescent ), used stick on letters, painted it black and then pulled off the letters. And before anyone asks, I used 1200 degree paint and baked it in my oven before the next coat. It should look good leaned over in a turn! Depending on which way I'm leaning determines which line is right-side up!
  12. I dunno, Jeff, they are...................UNMARKED!
  13. "Toga Party In Chat......" Man, I was hoping that was Chattanooga! I'm only an hour and a half from there!!
  14. Gee, Don, does this mean we need to go out and dump our bikes in the creek for pictures for your next contest???
  15. Thanks for that Jeremy. So are you saying that I shouldn't use K&N oil on a foam filter? And can I find the right oil at the local "Your Cheap Parts" place? I have K&N oil for the filters in my Intruder.
  16. How ya gonna go, Dude? Hiway or Funway? Ya know you can cram that 3 or 4 hour trip into about 8 hours!!!
  17. I started smoking when I was 11. Not a lot, just a few a day, but we all know where that went! At one point I was at 2 packs a day! I quit a few times in the next 41 years. Even made it for a year once! But I always wanted another cigarette; knew how good that next cigarette would taste; I always felt like smoker that wasn't smoking. Then on 03-05-05, just like Buddy, I went to a group hypnosis ($40 bucks now...inflation:confused24:). I too threw out my pack and haven't wanted one since. The important thing is that I not only don't feel like a smoker, I don't even feel like I was a smoker! (weird, huh?) The hypnotist regressed me to before I smoked, then had me light a cigarette and take a drag. IT HURT! And it tasted really bad. For the next few days I would bum a hit off someone's cig and try to inhale it and I couldn't, it hurt to much, tasted nasty and made me cough a lot. After a few months I started smoking cigars but, again, I can't inhale them because it hurts and makes me cough. Even when by accident, like the wind changing or something, I can't take it. Good Luck!!! Oh, and another helper, but almost as addictive as cigarettes.............Altoids Gum! It's the crack of the gum world!
  18. Well Mike, even if you buy the Wing, you know the rules: You Can Never Leave The Family!
  19. 86er

    Great Idea

    I just noticed in the comments at the bottom of the You Tube page, the company went out of business after Katrina hit N'Arlens. Company lost everything and the owner moved to Tx. Says he won't start it up again.
  20. Just follow that link and scroll down the page, you'll find the 1st gen wings listed for 83 to 93.
  21. 86er

    My Best Friend

    Don, I am sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose a friend and there is not much that can be said to ease the pain, but know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
  22. Don, I assume you told her "You bet we are a local club...........Globally Local!"
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