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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Now just put the marbles in the microwave for about 2 minutes until they turn blue again, and they are as good as new.
  2. Man, I do like that scoot, awesome color and lots of shine.
  3. Just to emphasize this: the half washers are only one half per part bag. So if you ordered only 1 than you'll have to order another to get the complete set. Just don't know what some bright stick was thinking on this one?????????:think:
  4. If they are halves then halves they are. They don't come with a full retainer because only half is needed. I went and bought a new bearing from the bearing store, same exact number but the retainer was full but a fair bit thinner, so had to wait for a real Yammi one that came without the half retainer. So much for experince.
  5. Opps,,,,,,,,,find out where exactly it's coming from and maybe we can help. Let it sit in the same place and keep an eye on the floor. Some leak a bit now and then, and then not for a long time. Could be the rubber O-ring on the plastic elbow coming from the front of the waterpump, or could be the waterpump seal. Both are somewhat common and not expensive or hard to fix.
  6. Could be mould from sitting too long, best put it up for sale, but let me know first.
  7. Sorry I'm so long getting back to you, had some work to do on Scamper tonite. If the calipers are slow to return, the master is not, so a vaccum is created in the system and the easiest place to get air is past the seals in the master. From what you lastly posted, I would take off the calipers, give them a good going over with new kits and clean up the cylinder with a hone, there must be no pit marks or scratches in the cylinder. Put it all back together and you should be home free. Everything needs to be clean, clean, clean. Brakes are nothing to fool with, with out them working perfectly you'll be riding a wild ass torpedo.
  8. First of all, if you are getting air into the system, it' got to come from somewhere. Either the calipers, or the master. Most likely the master, for as the piston moves back it either sucks the fluid back, that should be under pressure form the calipers or it will suck air into itself if there is not enough pressure from the calipers. Bleeding does not seem to be a problem if I read your post correctly, you are getting a firm pedal and that means, no air, and no air is no air. Check out your master, by pushing it in and then slowly, very slowly releasing it. If you do this a number of times and get some air it would indicate a problem in fluid return, which could come from a stuck caliper, or it may be the rubber lines losing their elasticity. Also check out the rubber line from the reservoir to the master, make sure the clamps are tight, don't just feel them, actually tighten them. If you at can see your way to do it, get steel flex brakes lines, I did and what a diifference. I'l never go back to rubber.
  9. Yep, GPS ain't much good to you when you're upside down in the ditch, or deciding which hospital room you're in.
  10. Oh, we all take our hands off the bars for many reasons, but if we were to use them for keying a mic to say something, what do you think will happen when we need our hand elsewhere, real quick? The first reaction will be to finish what we have to say, in a hurry maybe, but it will at least be given some thought, and that takes time, precious time which we can ill afford in a critical moment.
  11. Sooner or later you are going to want to do 3 things at once, pull the clutch, put on the brakes and talk into the mic. So which one are you not going to do????????seeing as the mic is already in your hand??????. You'll waste precious parts of the 2 seconds or less that you have to get out of trouble, that's why I no longer have that setup, it's just toooo dangerous. May be fine for a long time, but it's trouble in the making.
  12. Yes, I checked out Blondie and she does have what it takes, but the oil would all come running out if I took it off, and then the owner would become suspicious. And no, I'm not about to change his oil either, it's too fresh in my mind what happens when you go to change the oil. Not changing the oil no more,,,,ever,,,,,,well ????????? Thanks to Freebird a replacement is on the way and his greenhouse is going to look a little cleaner.
  13. Take a propane torch, squirt some propane into the tire, pull back, light the torch, flash it at the tire, and pronto, it's mounted.
  14. As some of you already know, and if you don't, you will now know, I did second gear on my 85. Well, in order to do that job I found out that you need to pull the whole motor out of the bike and then turn it upside down. I figured that it would be a smart thing to first drain out the oil, so out comes the drain plug and off comes the filter. Now the drain plug is an easy one to loose so I was really smart and put it back ASAP. The filter housing on the other hand is a messy business so after taking it off, I neatly put it upside down in the garbage can to drain out, to be retrieved and cleaned at a later date. Well that date was today, and nowhere can I find that housing or the filter itself. I have a new filter but it's somewhat useless without the cover, so now where did the old one end up??????? The best guess I've got at this point, is that seeing as I like things to be as clean as possible and that the garbage was gettiing full, I neatly put a garbage bag over the can, turned it upside down, tied it up and sent it off to never never land where they are building a big heap of other leftovers. Yep my filter cover is gone, gone, gone. Now I need another, but where to find such a thing, I thinking maybe there be someone around who would quietly send me one so that the whole world won't find out how smart I can sometimes be.
  15. Just helps if you remove the lower faring. Other than that, no sweat.
  16. If it has sat for a while, I would put some Rislone in the oil and then run it some, let it sit and then run it some more. Rislone loosens up carbon and other sludge and so cleans things up real good, shouldn't hurt the clutch but will thin the oil so you can't run it steady. It works great if you need to clean the insides. You can use Seafoam as well.
  17. I plan on being around for the next time Easter comes this early, and so far so good.
  18. Not near long enough for you to get your scoot over there, I bet.
  19. So what happens if you turn it on and then cover the mic(s) with you hand, completely inclosed? There should be no noise at all, if there is then something is generating that noise, and that needs to be eliminated. Other than that you are trying to fix an issue that shouldn't be there in the first place.
  20. There are two ways to measure, one is length, the other is depth. Maybe Don measured the wrong way??????????????? You never know, he is originally from the south somewhere and now has to deal with stuff he wasn't brought up with. Now about packing it down????? Works great. I used to do it all the time, you just got to make sure that the whole drive gets packed, not just the tracks. When it thawes, it all seems to run away, just like as if it had never been there.
  21. Have you got your CB turned on? If so, is the squelch turned down? I'm just reading a little between the lines here, but it seems that would be a likely area for the noise to come from, if nothing is running or making noise. The noise from the CB does not come from your mics, but from the CB receiver, so the squelch needs to be turned down. Just a thought.
  22. It keeps coming to me that I should think about retirement, problem with that is the thinking part, how do you do that?
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