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Everything posted by 86er

  1. Ahhright! Sounds like there will be lots of room. Somebody save me a little real estate, I'll be there Sat afternoon. I ran into BillM in the grocery store the other day and he's planning on coming up too. I haven't talked to him yet so I'm not sure what day.
  2. Randy, I'm planning on leaving after work on Saturday from Alpharetta. Probably between 1200 & 1300. I'm gonna go straight to the KOA to set up camp, then dinner. I'm guessing I should be at the big K by 15-1600. Hey Mini, what site do you guys have? And does anyone want to share a site? If not, I need to make a resi pretty soon.
  3. I believe it's like the Tn law (and now Ga has adopted it I've heard); if a light doesn't recognize a bike, the rider, with due caution, can proceed. There are some lights that I hit daily that don't "see" my bike. If there is not a car there or behind me, I pause and go. I don't know about the magnets in the video, but I've heard that the "Green Light Trigger" magnets don't work.
  4. Alright, Chuck, good job dude! When I first started reading your post, I thought maybe the Navigator was on the back and wanting to slow down!
  5. Don't know if I can make it, but I may try to roll out after work on Saturday (about 1pm) which will put me there about 4:30 if I blow up the highway. Besides, I need some Sour Bratten! We'll just have to see.
  6. 86er

    Home safe

    Naw, Dan, Bubba still hasn't let any smoke out of the wires, that was all on our favorite Newnanian(?)!!! We did make it safe and sound. I had been planning on getting the "StopNGo" plug kit but hadn't gotten a round tuit so we had to use regular rope type plugs. I'm gonna get a kit ordered up this week.
  7. 86er

    Home safe

    I peeled off from DragonRider and Ediddy on I75 about 13:30 yesterday and made it home about 2pm. I don't know if Lewis posted it or not so I'll just make a quick note of it here. We had just crossed into Ky from Oh when Eddy came on the radio to say his back tire felt funny. It's no wonder, look below to see what we pulled out of his tire!!! We plugged it and pumped it and all was well the rest of the trip. (Well, I'll let Lewis tell you about the fire!) Sure had a great time at MD! Thanks Don, Eileen and Dillon, y'all are great hosts.
  8. Hey, Marcarl, Bubba might get O-ffended by that whole " horror " thing! It was great meeting a lot of new friends this weekend. Bubba and I didn't get a chance to meet nearly enough of y'all!
  9. Glad everyone came out OK. That is most excellent!!! Unfortunately, crashing is part of the sport in which we are involved.
  10. The reason that "The Simpsons" is located in Springfield is because that is the city name that occurs in more states than any other. So why don't y'all meet me in Springfield at the Mickey D's on 1st street at the corner of Central Ave. and we'll discuss it.
  11. But it is in the rally section and not getting much attention.............so just want to get it out there, it doesnt matter if you have posted there or not, this way everyone will see it up front and not have to go looking for it..................
  12. I don't know, but it sounds like you have a Californicated bike there and you know how weird those people are out there! (Just ask Condor) If so, I doubt that it needs to be hooked up.
  13. According to a friend of mine that rides a RoadGlide, he says "Harleys don't vibrate.......they shake!!!
  14. Sorry, Dude, but you're half way there! (I just won't tell ya 1/2 of which!!!)
  15. A friend of mine that some of y'all know, Chris, who rides a Road Glide, called the other day and said "I ran into a friend of yours." Chris drives a Life Flight Helicopter out of Hugo Oklahoma; he works 15 days on and 15 days off. He commutes from Atlanta. He was on his way to work Saturday (a 12 hour trip) and called to say that he stopped in a little town in western Arkansas for a bite at a KFC. The grilled chicken hasn't made it that far west, by the way. This town was so small that he said the WalMart should have a historic plaque proclaiming it the smallest WalMart in the world. As he pulled in and parked for some yard bird, 2 bikes pulled in. One was a Harley and the other was a Kawasaki Voyager. He said he parked and walked in as the bikes went around and stopped on the other side. He walked thru' and out the other side and said to the Kawi rider "You sure are an ugly old fart!". He said Lowell looked at him like "I know you but can't call your name", that was ok 'cause Chris couldn't remember LA's name either. They spent about a 1/2 hour having lunch and talkin' (read: telling lies! ). It sure is a small world when two friends can meet by accident at a Colonel Buckets hundreds of miles from their respective homes!!! The Ambassador is on the road again!
  16. I don't know what days I'll be able to get off yet. I'll be there at some point or another, even if I just come up in the afternoons. Although I missed the first year, I figure this will be year 4 for me if we count that you and I were the only two to make it to Vogel IV in '08, Lew!!!
  17. Personally, I don't think you should have bought a bike that was made with 35 thousand miles on it!
  18. Great pics, Bobbie, as usual! I still think that's best picture I've seen of Lew!!!
  19. ee Don't think the Eye-rackeeees are ready for the Mini!!! She might try to drag them all the way up into the 13th century!!! Hang tough, Muff, and keep your As..... er......head down! We'll keep the home fires burnin' for ya.
  20. NanaNanaNanaNanaNanaNanaNana...............BATWING!!! Once Eck got out the hammer, things went together pretty well. Lewis was getting awful nervous though!!! That trailer was wired so that when the trucks left turn signal was on, the right signal on the trailer would blink and vice-versa. We finally got it so there were brake lights on the trailer but no turn signals or running lights. Well...almost no turn signals, when the left signal is on... everything on the trailer blinks! I couldn't figure out how that guy had wired it?!?! I think Eck has his work cut out for him on that. He'll have to rewire the trailer and the Wing. Oh well, the mexican food and beer afterwards were excellent!
  21. Actually, Paul, I started the donation "thing" based on the practice of a club with which I ride. $5 for a dropped bike, $10 for a crashed bike. The difference being 5mph. Under is a drop, over is a crash! Unfortunately I've put in $20!!! But it is for a great cause! Glad you are ok, Dave. It sucks when something like that happens. Make you wanta kick some a$$!
  22. 86er


    The bag locks and mounting locks are fairly easy to pick once you know how. I played with the ones one the abandoned MkI that I picked up and got them open. I just don't remember exactly how I did it. I'll try to take a look at them tomorrow and see if I can remember and try to give you instructions that make sense! You can even pull the whole cylinder out with a dental pick.
  23. That's an interesting rear light set-up between the trunk and the tail light. Wish I had some spare bucks! It'll be interesting to see what it brings in these financial times.
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