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  1. Wow....!! I haven't been on since late yesterday afternoon, and there were only 21 new posts this morning, and after checking I see 225 members logged in. Talk about being slow lately. I really never pay any attention to the logged members, but I normally get 50+ new posts when I check in the AM... Are we all getting bored???
  2. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them. Hellloooo,............just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year! I told him. There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.
  3. I just got back from the Orthopaedic surgeon and now I have to go in Fri morning to have a plate put in my shoulder since it is not healing right, my right shoulder has dropped an inch and is getting worse. My day just keeps getting better now I may have to quit my job to get my money out of retirement to pay my mortgage and keep my house. So riding is not on the top of my list but I will not stop as soon as I am better I will buy another bike. TOM
  4. I don't own a 2nd Gen so I'm not in the market for anything from this seller, but I've seen this often on E-Bay and now here and I always wonder WHY NOT? Boxing it up would be the same price! The Buyer usually has to pay the shipping (and deal with customs)...so what's the problem? It is always preferred to use USPS instead of UPS or FedEx to avoid the outragous brokerage fees they charge to cross the border. That means you have to pay the postage up front....but you can always have the buyer pay the cost before you ship. So why do sellers DISCRIMINATE against us poor Cannucks? (Did I just open the floodgates for a world of digs?)
  5. ... and using your credit card along the way, (or for that matter, any time you use your cc) ... monitor your statement closely. If you have on-line banking, do it daily. As some of you know, Nina & I travelled to Cody and return with 2 other riders. En-route, I arranged our motel reservations. Chekking my Visa account today, I found that the last place we stayed charged me twice (the others were to pay their own) So, I called them ... the first person I get says ... it was the reservations system ... they apply the amount to your card to hold the room and it will be deducted within 10 days. (B/S as far as I'm concerned). Anyhoo ... I tell her that a) they're using my money for which I will pay interest on, b) when they go about reversing it, will I be given the exact same US-CAD exchange rate, and c) this is a policy that is not acceptable to me and I want the funds refunded tout-suite! She tells me they don't have the capability to do that and I'd have to call Visa. (more B/S). I finally get a manager on the phone and after some digging, she discovers that the second charge was for the room one of our riding companions was in (the motel somehow screwed up). Thankfully, they did take his credit card so the manager is able to credit me and charge him (no names here but guys, check your credit card statement in case they bill you twice). Other than that, all other charges appear legit (so far )
  6. I am back. Name is a little different but still the same. As soon as I can get this paid without pay pal I will join again. Someone got into my pay pal account and took almost $1000 so I am done with pay pal. I got another 83 venture, It runs good for 115,000 miles on it. All I want to add is a stereo to this bike. (its not a royal)
  7. The wife is bugging me to ride on her own . I have a Suzuki 1400 intruder collecting dust in the garage. The wifes not big or strong enough to ride it, but could ride it if it was triked w/ a 4 wheel kit. Since we would still 2 up on long trips, I don't want to pay the bucks and am sure I could build one if I can come across some information. Has anyone built one or can direct me to pictures or info. Anything would be helpful. Thanks Richard
  8. Had chaps made by them, to protect my bad legs from the heat of the day. Only got mesh on the backs. Now I have the Harley I'm feeling bike heat bad on the back of my right thigh...due to it being stiff, and the angle straight down. Contacted Lorna to purchase some heat shield fabric....won't let me pay! She is going to hem it for me AND mail it to utadventure's address -- at her cost :clap2::clap2: Nice folks:sign yeah that:
  9. :(Well it has finally hit home. The great budget cut axe has fallen. The wife has been told she will no longer have a job teaching next year. I guess our Governor and President are getting what they want, ignorant kids. First they attack the teachers with pay cuts and no more long term contracts and now cut them out of a job. The outragous amount of pay (which is 1/2 what the private sector pays) and the great benefits (900.00 after 30 years of service) is breaking the state and federal bank I guess, couldn't be their pay of course. Not sure how long we can hold on to the house but I guess toys will have to go. had a great vacation lined up this summer, no way now. My health is not so good anymore, but I guess I will try to get some sort of work to help get us by if the doc doesn't find cancer with my biopsy next month. Sorry for the rant but just needed someone to vent it on. Wish us luck please, maybe a miracle will happen and they will change their mind or she can find a new job that pays more than the minimum wage they are offering around here.
  10. Ok just bought a 2005 RSTD so what is the best money spent for a comm system. Needs to work with driver/passenger, driver to other driver and ability to connect to a cell phone for long rides. Willing to pay a finders fee, ok well maybe just send you chocolate chip cookies in the mail. No guarrenty that they will get to you.
  11. If you see a sort of short 1LT over there with a Fargason nametape and a 1st ID patch, tell Josh he owes you an ice cream and I will pay him back when he comes home. Yeah I know it is a big country, but weirder things have happened. Stay safe.
  12. The North Dakota Department of Labor claimed a small Bismarck farmer was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to investigate. Department of Labor employee: I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them. Farmer: Well, there's my farm hand that’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board. Then there's the mentally challenged worker. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally. Department of Labor employee: That's the guy I want to talk to...the mentally challenged one. Farmer: That would be me.
  13. Help! I'm about ready to punch my monitor......... Every time I download something from www.freedownloads.com it ends up not being free............ "EVEN THOUGH THEY SAY SO!" I've tried and removed the following supposed freeware: Regcure, Pcfix and Tuneup360. Oh yeah, they do their scans but you have to pay for the activation key! This is not as they were advertised in the Freeware section. Anyone know where I can get some FREEWARE to fix windows registry problems? I need a beer!
  14. Anyone interested in these items....... The Headset is for a full coverage ...Just pay shipping
  15. My bike doesn't have the emblem on the cassette door and I want to use one for other things. I can't find them on ebay, does anybody have one they want to part with. I'll be happy to pay for them, I think I want to get two of them.
  16. Hi everyone been a while since I've been on. I need some help or a favor! My son is a college student and lives in Bowling Green, Ohio. He is in desperate need of a job while in school there to pay rent and such. If anyone around that area has any pull it would be appreciated by us both. Thanks Pappa Bear:fingers-crossed-emo
  17. Anybody ever have a new stator put in, the mechanic breaks something, and then you have to pay for it???
  18. Just a heads up for you 1st genners, I have put up 2 items for St. Judes in that area of the classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3077&title=venture-drivers-backrest-pad&cat=15 http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3078&title=-2786-to2793-1st-gen-drivers-backrest-brackets&cat=15 If your looking for them, bid these up, it's for a good cause. I will personally pay for the shipping to anyone on this website no matter where they live.
  19. Dear Mr. Harper ( or Mr. Obama) , Please find below my suggestion for fixing our economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks and car companies, that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan: There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations: 1) They MUST retire. Twenty million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They MUST buy a new Canadian CAR. Twenty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed. 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed. 4) They MUST send their kids to school / college /university - Crime Rate fixed. 5) Buy $50 of alcohol / tobacco / petrol a week - There's your money back in duty / tax etc. It can't get any easier than that! Yours truly, Ordinary Joe Citizen P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances.
  20. Ok, so I'll be putting the original engine back in my 84 soon. But before I do so I'll be taking care of the second gear issue. It has never had the slipping yet, so I wanted to do some preventative maintenance before I put it back in. I figure it would be less costly if I took care of the problem now than if I wait until it starts slipping out of second gear. You know what the mechanics say,"You can pay me now, or you can really pay me later". But anyway, is there anything else in there I should address while I'm in there besides just the defective thrust washer? While I've got it apart I was also going to put in one of Buckeye's higher output stators. Can I still get one of those stator cooler upgrades somewhere? I'll also be putting in one of Buckeye's spin-on oil filter adapters and solid engine mounts as well. Am I missing anything? Any other suggestion while I'm in the process? Thanks, Bill
  21. Monty

    Neck wraps

    Does anyone know of a store that carries the cooling neck wraps, or do you have to order them online only? I want them before Friday, but I don't want to pay an extra $30-$40 for fast shipping.
  22. It's sad when people in vehicles do not pay attention or just won't. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/jun/16/fatal-crash-early-wednesday-morning-palm-city-slow/
  23. OK folks, I'm going to pull the plug on the group reservations for BBQ at the Moosehead Grill on Friday night. Eileen and I drove up there today and it's just too much trouble on top of everything else we have going on for the weekend. We have to reserve their "Party Room", pay the $100.00 rental, pay a per head price of around $16.00 per person and the "catering" menu that we have to select from is basically the same as what we have already ordered for the Saturday meal. So, basically everybody will be on their own for Friday night. If some want to go to the Moosehead, that is fine and I'm sure they can handle multiple small groups. Some of us usually go to a little place called Scoreboards in LaGrange, about 8 miles away. There is also a small Mexican Restaurant in Oberlin that is pretty darn good and also a Chinese place in the same building. So......everybody can decide where they want to go and everybody doesn't have to go to the same place. Hopefully this is OK with all of you.
  24. I was checking to see if there were any members who were VIP members to Wingstuff.com. There is a JMCB-2003-dual set on there for 305 and it asked me to become a vip member and I could maybe get a discount. I was checking to see if anyone was a member and check if I could get better deal. I don't mind becoming a member if I can but don't own a Goldwing so it would not pay for me to join. After this I will probably never buy anything there again.
  25. Web Bike Worlds article on customer satisfaction for helmets seems to show 'you get what you pay for'. Having owned HJC, Nolan, Fulmer and Scorpion, I guess I fall into that category. The scorpion is by far the best I have worn. What do you think? The report is linked on the right side or click here.
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