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Everything posted by autopilot

  1. Don, I can't tell you how much I hate to hear that kind of news. You and Eileen have been such troopers through y'alls travails the last few years. My earnest prayers are gladly made on y'alls behalf. May His strength and peace be your's & Eileen's (and all the family). Sometimes, it's hard to "know" and harder to believe. Sometimes, it's hard to hear His voice over the clamor and chaos because of it, but if we go to that one still and quiet spot in our minds....He IS there! His voice is like a breeze, barely discernable but there nonetheless. You can feel it as much as hear it....."Peace, Be still and know"........ I hear and obey, my Father. I carry His voice on eagles wings in my mind to places I do not know, to people I have neither met nor recognize. The Word is in His voice and there is power there. I speak His words and leave them in those places and with those people and send the eagle home. Thought is power; it is the Word unspoken. Spoken, it is manifested. I therefore pray by thought and speech and as a child of God, I invoke His name and the power of it. Bless Him..Praise His Holy Name. Above all else, His Will be done! OK, that was ..different. I'm not sure who that second part was for, but I hope you see it and it provides the confirmation you were seeking.
  2. Prayers up for you from here. His will be done!
  3. 10 seconds......that's it 10 seconds....If that screechin child doesn't shut up in 10 seconds, I swear, I'm going over there and smack the lot of them!!!
  4. I had similar problems a few months ago when my ISP changed over from using their own servers to having all the mail functions handled through Gmail. My email address is still the same as it always was but the mail goes through Gmail servers and this arrangment of using Gmail as a handler has some quirks of it's own and does require some setup of it's own separate from Outlook (which I also use). It's Gmail, but its not. (don't ask) If this sort of change hasn't taken place recently, then I don't know what to tell you except what everyone else has. Triple check everything! The one think I left off (on purpose) because it's a complete and total "put me out of my misery" experience is setting this stuff up on an Ipad if you DON'T happen to want your mail all web based. But let's deal with one thing at a time!
  5. I'm sure most of you, like me are following all the coverage of the Japanese earthquake & tsunami aftermath to one degree or another. That first day or so, I was transfixed watching the severity of the devastation inflicted on Japan and it's people. I was floored by the numbers---the specs., if you will about the quake itself and the crustal shift, etc. But, I noticed that through all of it (or at least most of it) that the spirit of the Japanese people shown through...they were relatively calm, orderly, patient, controlled and typically disciplined even in the face of adversity. I was humbled to witness that, knowing from our experiences with Katrina and the BP disaster what a lack of calm and discipline looks like. I was proud of them, proud for them; that led me, more than any thing else (I think), to pray more earnestly than I have about a lot of things in quite a while. Which brings me to the situation which spawned the title of this post and the need to write about it. I was watching the 6:00 or 7:00 pm news today and a small newscrew & reporter (Diane Sawyer I think it was) was in a pretty heavily devastated area, when they came upon a small family of Japanese sitting outside, eating. What got to me, almost instantly when I saw it, was the father stood up, half bowing in usual Japanese fashion and offered the newspeople part of their food..................... They were sitting there with nothing but utter devastaion as far as the eye could see; surrounded by the rubble of their world as they had known it. They didn't have a lot of food, and yet, out of their need and their lack they offered part of what they had to this western news crew, in their fine western clothing; any of whom probably made more in a week than that man did in a year. I choked and teared up, not for the man and his family, though life will be a challenge for the forseable future for them, I cried not for them, but for us. This little Japanese man, this family, this people deserve EVERY last bit of respect we have to give; every last bit of help we can render and EVERY prayer we can muster. By all accounts, it is going to take years for Japan to recover from this disaster, which isn't entirely over yet! So, I will pray daily for Japan, for this man and his family, who offered of his meager meal and I will imagine that every Japanese person affected by this tragedy is just like him proud yet humble, friendly, giving selfless (whether the rest really are or not isn't important) I want to think of them all in that way and pray my very best prayers for them and hope against hope that a little bit of the little man rubs off on all of us! There is still hope!
  6. I just ordered the 32 gig, wi-fi+3G, myself, this past Friday and they said the same thing ....ship April 1, deliver April 6. My son has a first gen ipad and after playing around with his a bit, I was sold! The touch response of the display, the virtually instant start-up, the apps, the size and convenience........ I may trade my current phone on an iphone,as well. My problem is I think I'm going to have to buy one for my wife, too! The only real disappointments are that since Steve Jobs hates Adobe, the ipad will not play any flash video done with Adobe....that and the fact you can't just arbitrarily "run" windows stuff on it. (that may not matter because I believe all I'd have to do is log in to my big windows computer remotely and then use everything I need, in a window on the ipad.....I think!) Suffice to say, I'm rather looking forward to having it.
  7. My instinct is that they come back saying that you over-rev'd it repeatedly over time and fatigued the rod to failure. A. your statement that both yamaha & dealer theory would potentially cost you. B. The apparent lack of lubing issues with the piston sides (no seizure) and lower end bearing OK per dealer mechanic. Further, there are no impact indicators on the deck of the piston or any mention of bent/stuck valves due to improper oiling. C. The broken rod ends "look" like failure of a progressive old fracture...IE repetitive stress over time. hairline crack...to failure. D. the only hydraulic sort of failure at this point that I can see (since there was no mention of failed headgasket, etc.) or obvious presence of anti-freeze on the piston, would be from being flooded with fuel. I recall someone said something about bike not wanting to start earlier...pre-ride. If there is a carb leak over to that cylinder when it was stopped. that could easily do it...proving it would be a bear, however. Along this same line; they may say that carb sync. was off and cause a backfire which would potentially overstress the rod. then subsequent to that event it failed. AND, as additional fodder, they would likely throw in the old aftermarket oil & filter as a contributing factor........ Normally I wouldn't be so negative, but I had my upper teeth pulled and the plate is rubbing a little bit and the pain meds aren't helping so I'm a little out of sorts. It's a small wonder I'm making any sense at all! That's my 2 cents. FWIW.
  8. I would get the bike out of their posession as quickly as I could and take it to a neutral corner for the time being until I was able to set some ground rules. When the teardown did finally begin, I would have somebody legally mandated to witness & document the teardown....particularly the broken parts. I would get MANY High Res pictures and when they question why you want to pull the bike temporarily....I'd tell them straight out that the thinly veiled implications about your part in the engines demise are telling you that they may not be 100% honest when the problem is brought to light. With the bike in their posession with them working on it at their descretion ........you're just giving up too much control over what is looking like an increasingly dodgy situation. I would also tell them that the other reason is to put a hold on anybody doing anything until I had clearly define guidance from legal cousel. My point is that if they're already hinting that you may have done something that caused it, (probably at yamaha's urging), you can bet that lacking any other guidance, they'll find a way to make whatever you did THE CAUSE! If I were going to have to deal with these people at all, I would at least try to make sure as much of it was on my terms and not theirs and in so doing, put them on notice that you are not about to let them (any of them) railroad you into eating the cost of a new engine (or a repair). Get the bike, get a lawyer, get a gameplan, the go back & get a chunk of the backside of their britches!
  9. Get hooked up for a trip to the north side of the island and go see the "Polynesian cultural center" It is something to see & you learn about more than just Hawaiians. Definitely do the Pearl Harbor tour. The Aquarium is pretty cool too! I don't know your itinerary, but if you get to the other 3 major islands, you'll be way past thrilled. In any event, just go everywhere you can; I doubt you'll be disappointed. Have mass quantities of fun and take lots of pics!
  10. Used to drink coffee ALL the time (a pot by 11:00 AM as a start) Now, not so much, but when I do, I prefer the smoothness of 100% Arabica. (and don't talk to me about Luzianne dark roast columbian w/chickory or those overpriced Starbuck things that take 20 words to order......in either case, if a stir stick stands up in the cup on it's own, I ain't drinkin' it!) RE: teas....if iced, I prefer Luzianne bag tea (I believe it's orange pekoe and pekoe cut black). If hot, I really like Twinnings Earl Grey.....seriously good tea! Very aromatic, soothing, excellent flavor....mm....mmm...mmm!
  11. What did I get this Christmas? Time! Time to try yet again to get this life right; time to witness the unvarnished love & wonder of grandchildren; time to reminisce about Christmases past and loved ones no longer with us; time to voice heartfelt care and a blessing for my fellow humans, particularly my fellow Venturerider.org brothers & sisters; time to marvel at God's creation-earth and the amazing abilities He's given various people to paint and photograph it---to see through their eyes something that I may not ever experience myself. I received time, enough to finally start to understand, really understand that it isn't about us, about me...but it is ALL about Him! I received no gifts in the conventional sense and for the first time in memory, not only did I really, truly not care one iota, but that fact never came to mind until I wrote this post! I got time--to love and be loved......I got time to be hated & despised, if someone is so disposed. A fact, about which I care not! I got enough time to figure out....It really is about "Who You Know" (hint, nudge, poke)! I also got a feeling that what I got for Christmas ain't any different than most of you all, when you get down to it. It was a very, very good day!
  12. To Don & Family and by extension, our VentureRider family: May the blessings of He, who gave us the greatest possible gift.....the child, whose birth we celebrate this day, be upon each of you and yours this Christmas. May the true desires of your spirit be granted: wounds & infirmities healed; friendships made; friendships renewed, healed or strengthened; financial issues resolved; jobs regained; fears abated. But above all else, may you each set aside the unimportant, the petty and the prideful and partake of the greater gift and love that Jesus birth represents for us all. That is my fervent wish for each of you, especially this season. God Bless!
  13. I wonder what the max operating depth will be?
  14. 1. spaghetti 2. meat loaf 3. pizza 4. homemade vegetable-beef or chicken soup 5. tuna casserole 6. turkey sandwiches the day after the holiday the bird was cooked. This exercise is patently unfair..I just want you to know! 'cause I know there is leftover ham in the fridge and now I'm going to have to go get some. Thanks loads!
  15. Thanks for posting that. If that's not a blood moon, I don't know what would be!
  16. I hope for the best..for you! Good luck...
  17. ???ring bologna??? I never heard of that; is that like a meat donut? Seriously, though, I grew up around Pittsburgh and we had the best bologna (which for whatever reason we referred to as "jumbo". We also had chipped ham, which was boiled, chopped, pressed, polish ham...sliced paper thin and then fried for sandwiches (ditto the jumbo) and the hard salami was just phenomenal. Over in Philly the warm, soft, jumbo pretzels dipped in brown spicy mustard right from the street vendor, were...........(I'm drooling on the keyboard)...............man I'm getting hungry and where I am now I can't get any of that stuff (which in hindsight is probably just as well)
  18. ? Query! Do East Indians get the U.S. when they call tech support for their computer problems???????
  19. my bad! Got them yesterday......pretty neat. I read somewhere that Hammacher Schlemmer rated them the best anywhere.
  20. I nearly blew chunks just watching that!
  21. Not me, man!! I can't really use a back rest.
  22. Same here. Applebees had a nice deal last year; I'm thinking about going there for lunch. VA card sufficed for ID last year, should this year as well. I was tempted to try to go to golden corral for dinner too, but our DAV Chapter meeting is Thurs nite and the ladies auxiliary always fixes us some goooood ole home cooking. Last month it was chicken bog, greens, homemade mac & cheese, any of several deserts (or some of all of them). I'm anxious to see what's on the menu for this month.
  23. Thanks to my fellow veterans for your service to the people of this country. Thanks especially to those veterans who have been in combat. My highest accolades go to those veterans who were wounded or killed in action. Your sacrifices bring honor to the rest of us. Thank you, my brothers. If the subject comes up and you weren't informed about it, any veteran in civilian clothes can salute the flag rather than placing the hand over the heart. The change in protocol was made earlier this year if my memory is correct.
  24. People leaving their shopping carts in the parking spaces and driving off, especially when there is a return space within 2-3 spaces of their location. People cruisin down the road barely at (usually below) the posted speed limit in the left hand (passing) lane and won't move over. Drivers who are so insistent to ride your bumper, then blast around you, pull in ahead of you, slow down and then turn off to another road. (usually forcing you to climb all over the brakes to keep from running them over) Drivers who, even with an acceleration lane, insist on stopping on the entrance ramp and "waiting".....refusing to merge even though there are opportunities to do so. People who always feel obligated to "one up' you. Doesn't matter what the subject or situation. If yours was bad theirs was worse; if yours was good, theirs was great. If you bought a brand new car for 50% off because the dealer screwed up the advertising, they got one for free!(or they got the same deal, but on a better car) It's always more than, less than , better than, worse than; cheaper, more expensive and on and on. Last but not least (for now) are people who refuse to control & discipline their kids either in public or in your house and then get offended if you say something to the kid and make some stupid statement like "Well gee, they're only kids"; to which I say " true, but they are not going to run back and forth across the top of the back of my couch, in my house. I don't let mine, I surely not going to let yours". "The curmudgeon has spoken"!
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