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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. I agree that those soldiers have more right to be there than anyone else. But I would also put most of the blame on our media and of course the folks who will buy the media to read it. I'm not saying the media is directly to blame for what happened in the UK but it has a lot to do with the opinion of the general public, in this case the woman that was indicated and the other folks who didn't seemngly stand up for the soldiers. It happened in the UK but could just as easily happened in Canada or the US. Let us be vocal about our support for our Vets and not let them down like as happened here. Carl
  2. Awesome, I hope it don't crash again when I'm finished with my email.
  3. Posted at their web site: due to the overwhelming response to this link their site has crashed. They are trying to fix it asap. We try again later.
  4. Does that mean that you're going fishing and we have to clean our own?
  5. Just on the off chance or for the fun of it: Loosen the axle bolts, then loosen the pinch bolts, not tighten the axles and then retighten the pinch bolts then torque the axles.
  6. How come Charlie always seems to be at the BUTT end of the stick??????????
  7. Who says he knows anything, he just gave you an answer and you hope it's the truth. Worry none, PEIslander has it right. Don't worry about the stator, leave it in place and put a wet rag around it when you go to weld. Aluminum welding should not produce enough heat to bother it any. Enjoy your efforts and when you go to put the cover back on, be sure that the shifter linkage, in behind the cover, is in the up position, not hanging down as it would like to. The cover will install with it in the down position but you will have fun trying to get it to place right, put it in the up position and all will slide together slickidesmooth. As a bonus you will also be shifting in the right direction when you're done.
  8. That's in case the hole gets too big you can float your way out, hummm maybe something for another member here, you could use it in the winter and he in the summer.
  9. I'm wondering if you used a differnet type of tyre sealer before using Ride-On and so got a chemical mixture that don't work good together? An d did you shake the can real well before using it, or maybe it was old product???
  10. Yep, know the feeling, my wife wouldn't ride with me, not at all, until one day, after I got the VR she was standing on the porch, dressed and ready to go. Now if I leave by myself, even for s short trip, I can see the look in her face: what????I'm not going along????????? Scoot just isn't the same without her. Happy riding, be careful with her.
  11. Just leave the stuff on there, it helps to make it look faster. PROBLEM SOLVED.:happy65:
  12. Could be wind currents coming up from the back, but most likely you have a leak in your exhaust, but the pin holes in the bottom are for leaking out moisture and that wouldn't cause the problem, do not plug these up. Try a can of seafoam to clean the carbs and then see what happens.
  13. Maybe time to change the seal, looks like water got in with the grease, and that is never a good thing. All them 2nd genners only have to wait a few more years and then they'll find that the seals get old and dry, and then they won't know how to fix anything because they didn't think to pay attention when we was trying to learn them somthin.
  14. Does this mean that it's ok to go ahead with plans for a Meet & Greet on the 24th then:innocent:
  15. Depending on what you are doing and the accessories and gas, your center of balance will change. Best just to put the jack under the scoot, lift a little until both wheels are off the ground an inch or so. If they come off the ground more or less at the same time, you got it right, if the front one comes up first and the back one seems to be toooo heavy to lift, let it back down and move the lift a little to the rear. The opposite is also true. You should not have a problem with exhaust etc. but best to check when you put the lift under the scoot, you'll soon be able to tell. Hockey pucks or something similar will help out if needed. I always strap it down if I'm going to remove something from the front or rear, just makes me feel safer.
  16. Looks to me to be just a back country road and I can't see him being pulled over for anything in this country, now if he were on a super slab that would be a different story, as for the littering, yep he'd be charged. It also looks to be use of eccessive force to me, maybe he was drunk, but I would say he was just a few shy of a load.
  17. Can't mail them to Canada, something about shipping charges and not trusting the recipient:think:
  18. Yep, that's ok by me, only got room for so many scoots anyways. What are you trying? to raise the bid,,,,,,,,,,,,ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh you didn't check the calendar? ya I know I should have posted as well, my error. Now what?:buttkick:
  19. Nice looking bumper, I hope you get for that price.
  20. Probably just sitting on a lawn chair, on the back deck waiting for one to show up in the back yard, tell ya some guys got it easy.
  21. Maybe faster than a 1st gen, for sometimes you can even hear them, but you're right, when in gear very seldom seen.
  22. Don't know what happened, but thanks guys, you're doing a good job.
  23. I enjoy a rumble, or occasionally a bark, but riding behind or even right in front of loud pipes? ain't gonna happen, I will ride elsewhere by myself.
  24. Marcarl


    I thought about starting this thread, but then thought to leave the thought lay but now that you brought the thought back up I will put in my thought on the issue. Boy, that's almost enough thought for one day already. I seen the post, posted my dislike, as well as some others who figured it needed a response. I also noticed it took our moderators some time to get to it, (I guess they all took time off simultaneously), but that made it interesting, for we got to see what would happen if our moderators did have a 'meeting' some where out of reach. We would take care of business the best we could, and I think we did very well, because that's the way we want it, and that's us.
  25. Good thing for some, but for some others it will be all the more reason to ride faster and harder and make bigger 'accidents'. Now how much good these would be for collisions will still have to be determined, from what I can decipher this set up is designed for rider only mishaps, but wouldn't inflate in time enough, or do anything for the lower body in the case of cage interference.
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