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  1. Eusa1 has generously donated a set of his Diamond Cut cylinder fins to be auctioned off with all proceeds going to Squidley and Lonna. A very generous gesture on his behalf and one that again makes me proud to be associated with such a great group of folks, I have set the auction for a 5 day duration in hopes of getting the proceeds to them before Christmas. You may place your bids here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/photopost/showproduct.php?product=98
  2. Thank You... To folks that give of themselves freely and without reservation. Who don't look for something in return and genuinely give to their fellow man? As some of you folks know, unbeknownst to Lonna or Myself, y'all decided to secretly raise funds for us. I'm not the kind of person who openly lets my troubles known. Times are a bit tight right now as we have Lonna's son and his family with us. Me having kidney stones doesn't help either with the surgeries, but I wasn't greatly worried as I have walked this walk before. Then I find out this morning of y'all's plan, and was very humbled. Before anything else....Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for thinking of us and wanting to help us. Even though we are the reason for this, and blessed beyond our wildest dreams, it is all of you that prove who is truly blessed, and it is all of you. This time of year we look to give to others, and help those in need. This tells of our character and leading by example, which you folks have. My Grandfathers instilled in me probably the most important things that I know. Both were pay it forward type men, and always told me to do that when I could. I have had many great teachers, my Mother and both Fathers who told me to stick to my guns and accept responsibilities and actions if you screw up. I try very hard to live up to my parents and grandparents lessons. Karma, is a 2 sided sword, good will come back ten fold, bad will come back even worse. God has always provided for me and my family, and this is no exception. All of you should be very proud of yourselves, it's easy to just look the other way. It's helping when you can that defines you. I am very proud to know all of you, you folks let me know that what comes around goes around. We will never forget what you have done for us this year. Y'all are giving our children a great lesson of the season and showing them 1st hand that surrounding yourself with good like minded people is a good thing. Thank you all so much for helping us, as always, the door is open at this house here in Cleveland Texas.
  3. Thoughts and Prayers for all those folks in Webster NY.
  4. http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=2%5f0%5f0%5f1%5f6023368%5fAHYIw0MAAXYzUH1dQAjPkTr6sk8&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1&appid=YahooMailNeo
  5. Ok Folks, I started a post to see if there was interest in a Houston Maintenance Day, folks are sounding like they want one. So here it is, Saturday October 27th will be the main work day, but anyone wanting to come over Friday afternoon and spend a couple of nights are more than welcome. We have 2 1/2 acres and plenty of space for pop up trailers and tents. I have all the tools we'll need to do just about anything you want to try and accomplish. I will ask that you bring whatever fluids you want to change with you. I do have a vacuum bleeder, a Carb and Color Tune, and I'll borrow the tire machine from Doodle and we can do some tires if folks want to. If you can give a yea or nay up top it will give me an idea of how much grub we need to think about. If you have any questions PM me or give me a call, my cell is in my profile. Looking forward to seeing all the brethren again
  6. Not that we went anywhere ....but were back home. Didn't talk about the trip openly as I know folks would be wanting to see us. Went north to marry my Dad off, and it was a great wedding. Thank you to all the folks that we were able to see for their hospitality. It was one hell of a trip, 3700 miles in total. Now back to work tomorrow so I can pay for it all
  7. Who would of thunk? The other day the LEO's and Humane Society folks removed snakes from an Omaha family home. Not pets by my standards but poisonous ones. So far they have over 30 of them including 18 rattesnakes, 6 cobras, a few vipers and even a mamba. They are still working on identifying several others that they have no idea of what they are. They found tanks all over the house and even in the childrens rooms. So the snakes got removed and he got cited by the Humane Socitety for no permit for non-domestic animals. But the LEO's are looking at him has he has previous charges for terroristic threats and gun violations. Ya gotta wonder about folks sometimes. Guess who ain't a big fan of snakes? Mike
  8. Kruis'n the Kootenays Motorcycle Rally I hope you have your reservations made and the GPS's configured, as we are getting close to needing numbers for the New Grand's Catering Dept. so we will need to know fairly close numbers of how many we will be feeding for the hosted meals. If your plans are still up in the air but you think you still may want to come please drop us a msg so we can talk. Looking forward to getting those roads all rode on and meeting all you folks!
  9. but as hard as I have tried, I can find only one thing about it that bothers me...film at eleven This was a no-risk trial for me, as I had folks who said they would buy the tire from me if I didn't like it...so I actually have been VERY critical of the tire and deep-down believed I would find a number of things wrong with it, and end up putting the bike tire back on the Wing. I cannot feel any difference in the cornering...in fact, I seem to be leaning a bit more than with the bike tire. I like what appears to be a faster stopping with the c/t. I like the fact that the tire digs in as I make a turn from a stop...rather than the tire breaking loose that sometimes happens with the bike tire. I like the smoother ride I get with the tire. I will like the peace of mind I will have due to the increased weight capability...riding two-up...pulling a trailer I will enjoy the increase in miles that I expect to get from the car tire. Oh yeah, the one thing that bothers me...is the inability of the tire manufacturers, the Honda folks, and other riders to put the car tire down without even checking it out!
  10. Don I know how much you missed me at MD this year and I'm pleased you were relaxed:banana:. Of course there is always next year and this does give me plenty of time to plan something just for your enjoyment. You do know my folks live in NY so I could always go visit and then just pop up to the international to see ya. Of course that's just a maybe, but ya never know. So now I'll go back to my little corner and start thinking of all the fun we can have next year at MD. Just have to think of something to top the last thing I did. Oh that's right I only was part of other folks plans, never have done something on my own....................................YET. Ya know I love ya Boss, now to show ya just how much.:crackup: :ICkiss: Margaret
  11. I figured that I would come here and ask you folks a question as we have a lot of different knowledgeable people here. Lonna and I have cell phones through Walmart Family Mobile. They use towers from Tmobile for their service, but Tmobile doesn't let them use all their towers, only certain ones. At the new house here we have terrible reception, so bad to the point that we dont call out unless we absolutely have to. This is a huge pita as I know there are times I just want to grab the phone and chat with folks, some of them even from here :/ The thing that I like about the Walmart plan is, well, there isn't a plan, or a contract such as it is. I absolutely hate having to sign up for anything now these days and have a 2 year minimum requirement So my question to you folks is this, do they make some sort of antenna that will help me get better reception here at the house. AT&T has great reception here, but "Their" plan is another 2 year deal, and will cost me more money. What say you brethren, am I looking for a unicorn?
  12. :confused24:I have tried and can't get the fileter off my wing. All my filter wrencehs ate to big. What are you other folks using??? thanks
  13. The action for St Jude auctions has been slow, not a whole lot of competitive bidding going on, get in on the action, the kids at St. Jude would really appreciate it. And if your bidding and want more than the one shirt and pin in the auction, just let me know if you want more than the one and you can just match your winning bid for each one.........winning bid is $6.00, multiply your bid by how many you want, its that easy. No need to bid on several auctions. Thanks to all that help support the "Kids" at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Don't forget we will be meeting in Memphis in early Oct. to make our donation in person. I will be posting the actual date in the next week or so after I talk to the folks at St. Jude. This is a great chance to get out and meet some great folks from VR and St. Jude. The turnout last year was fantastic and hoping for the same again this year. You can click on this link here on when it appears at the top of the VR page, or just go to the Classified section, St. Jude Auctions.
  14. Did a U turn today and chased down a couple on a 2004 Midnight, they were not aware of the site so I gave them a card, hopefully they will join our big happy family. They seemed like nice folks which most Venture Riders seem to be there names are Chad and Tammy transplants from Minnesota.
  15. OK, I've heard some remarks about VR.Org being an Eating Club with a Riding Disorder. Wondered if anybody has been watching 'Hairy Bikers' on the HISP cable channel. They ain't riding Ventures, but would fit in here really well..... Even the wife get's a kick out of them, and I find myself laughing.... a lot.... My kinda folks...
  16. Found this link on another board and thought folks here may enjoy it as well.... http://www.go-faster.com/SS100.html
  17. There was mention of starting a new thread dealing with Ponch and his progress by one of our members. I thought this was a pretty good idea and after talking with the moderators, who thought it also a good idea we will implement it here in this thread. Freebird had a good point as many folks have the initial thread subscribed in case someone posts something up. That is valid also and what I will do is leave a link on that thread to this one. I will post updates here so folks can see whats going on. I will make this one a READ ONLY thread, this way we don't get to the point of the other thread with 10's of thousands hits and several hundred responses. I will also let folks know of updates in the original thread and y'all can post to that one. I am going to post updates from when we were 1st able to see David. Again Thank You ALL for your continued support and prayers for David and Kathy
  18. I know I'm still a newbie here but I'm trying hard to fit in an get to know people. What i would like to see is an easier way to figure out were folks are from. I do not recognize many of the state flags or cities listed in folks profile or when they post. Is there something I'm missing or a place on this forum to go with a map an stick pin of peoples location. Trying to figure out who is close by my location and the places I would like to travel to. I have about wore out my atlas an my eyes trying to find this information. No i don't have a GPS
  19. I hope the bike turns out to be decent . Im going to check out an 05 RSV tomorrow armed with some knowledge picked up from the folks on this site , hopefully Ill be able to figure out if its worthy or just a dud. Wish me luck !
  20. Hi Folks, First, let me say that this is definitely one of the best sites around and the folks here are always informative and if nothing else.. entertaining.. I have been on this site for about a year and a half and have found the tech sections and discussion very helpful and informative. Best $12 a year I have ever spent. The question I have for everyone is .. has anyone ever tried or is using the Baron's Longboard replacement for the stock floorboards? I have tried different style highway pegs and nothing seems to work for me but want a little more room to adjust my feet while out riding. Have seen the the longer floorboards on the Victory's and think they are a great idea. Have been looking for something similar and found the Baron's version but not sure how they would really work or how adjustable they are.. front to back.. side to side? Thought I would check here before I go and blow $300 on new floorboards and don't fit my needs either. Thanks Ah.. PS.. I am riding a 2004 RSV.. love the bike .. one of the best touring bikes I have ridden..
  21. Well, have been home a week now from Cody and have finally started getting caught up. Had 397 E-mails waiting for me in addition to about 2 dozen phone calls from clients to return when I walked in the door. But it was worth it. For those who have as yet been unable to make an International Rally, put it on your Bucket List. They just keep getting better and better and I don't believe you will find a better group of folks to hang out with. Have been ready all the posts sending congrats and compliments to Condor, Lone Eagle and the others who, without questions worked their butts off to make this years event a roaring success. But in reading those posts it became readily apparent that the folks that really made the 2011 International Rally a success have been grossly neglected. So, let me take this opportunity to correct that glaring slight. Any event; be it a Maintenace Day, Local Meet and Eat, Vogel, Ork in the Pines, or any one of the impromptu get-to-gathers would be nothing if it wasn't for the folks that show up. Be it a ride across town or across the continent, if you didn't take the effort to come out, buy tickets, make donations and the countless other seeming "little" actions it would all be for naught. So, to each and every one who participates, a rousing thank you. It is you folks that make each and every event, large or small, a huge success.
  22. Hi folks, I just wanted to once again thank all of you who so willing helped me in the restoration and rebuild of my 1983 Venture Royale. It is just about complete except for 2 niggling problems; the oil and brake icons on the monitor show up intermittently even though neither is at fault and E4 errors on the air control readout. And it looks like I have found the answer to both of those on the website. I will be fixing those this week. I have included a pix of the finished project of which I am quite proud. It runs well and I have enjoyed several rides. However it looks like that may be coming to an end. During this past Winter I have developed a chronic case of BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo). It usually starts as a dizziness and can get really bad, I wound up in the ER twice this year. Doc says older folks are more prone to get this (THAT'S ME!). So for safety's sake I”ll be putting both of my 2 wheelers up for sale (I also have a 2000 500cc Kawasaki Vulcan). Since I can't give up riding, I'm going to be looking for a used trike or frike. Three wheels will provide more stability and should give me ample time to react if I start getting dizzy. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. So if you know of anyone who might be interested in either of my bikes please let me know. And if anyone has a lead on a trike or frike also let me know. And again thanks to all you great helpers and this website, I couldn't have done it without you. Frank
  23. :223:I have a basic first aid kit and CPR mask that live in my left saddle bag. I'm sure most of you have one on the bike too, but do you have some kind of sticker to let folks know there is a kit on the bike?
  24. Don, the wife, daughter, and myself, want to thank you and your wonderfull wife, along with all of the other fine folks, that made our visit to your home on m/d this year a wonderfull time and great trip. we will certainly return again next year to meet more fine folks and make more new friends and eat some more of the best ice cream we have ever had. you can also plan on another set of diamond cut fins to give away, as our way of saying thanks!! this years fins winner Kim Woodworth of OAK Hill Va. was shipped out this afternoon. anybody wanna guess who's bike these black fins came from?? thanx again Don, you guys rock:bighug: Mike/Cherie/Teresa
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