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Everything posted by Reddog170

  1. I try to watch what I post. You just cant get vocal tones across in a text format. I have not been on here a long time but have come to realize this is an awesome group. Also I try to think about what I post before I post it, it can be deleted but some may still have read it before it gets deleted and then you gots trouble. BEST PLACE ON THE NET, period. Shaun
  2. Made me laugh so hard I had to go.
  3. I have seen worse go for $3500 so that may work for a low starting point. Nice looking bike. Shaun
  4. Ice cream is in order, cause DQ is open for the season. Thoughts and prayers going out. Best of luck. Shaun
  5. Lets see. Long rides out to the middle of, only God knows where, with TWO women that are just friends. I will make certain to follow this along. :whistling:
  6. Menards has those plastic sheds. Not to expensive, dont look bad and hold up to weather ok.
  7. When you said you wanted better cables you meant it. That is one monster cable. How flexible is it? Shaun
  8. Yep did that. Made a huge difference. Did not notice the ways to plot your route. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to putting this to the test. Shaun
  9. Ok this one is a TomTom one. The original. Now it does have a rather loud speaker built in, guess some do and some dont. I planned a trip into it for a test. Just a normal trip I would take. It routed me weird so I just went my normal route and it changed it by itself when I was back home. My question, I know the roads and how to get around this area. This allowed me to still take the short route even though this GPS had me routed to go almost 20 extra miles. Is this normal? This is the point where I admit that I have no experience with a GPS so this may be a normal thing for them, then again it may be a tomtom thing. The third choice may be operator error. But I am sure that I was right and this little electronic fangled thing was wrong, LOL. Thank You for the input, Shaun
  10. I have moved them with a 125 three wheeler. But like I said, I am a little off my rocker. LOL. Interested to find out who made this hitch though. Shaun
  11. Looks exactly what farmers do with there grain wagons. You put the pin through, weld it in place and now you can hook up and move a wagon in half the time. Shaun
  12. WOW.... First off I did not know about having to rejet for different filters. Second that V-Max airbox is huge!! The only idea I can think of is mounting the battery inside th fairing, there is room forward of the radio. Shaun
  13. Can you eliminate the airbox with those individual air filters I have seen?
  14. He will not respond. He also has ended the auction. I will not bid on his stuff or use a buy it now from him, ever. He burned me and will not even try to make it right. To me that is unethical and cold.
  15. yes it is a set of carbs that I need the other carbs I got were junk
  16. Well I cannot do anything as it was an item in his store. The odd part, it is now on auction and not listed as sold. Starting to think he just wanted more money. Well I called his bluff and now he looses. I put a max bid of 50% of what I offered. Shaun
  17. My Honda would do that from time to time. Check the solenoid. or the neutral safety switch. Shaun
  18. I had found some parts I needed for my bike on ebay. I made the seller an offer and he accepted my offer. I was waiting for the invoice so I could get him paid and instead he said that someone had "just" offered him more money. Now I do not get my parts and he just sayd it is business. So if you have to deal with ebayer onestopoutlet beware. Shaun
  19. Prayers will be coming, and you will be in our thoughts. This will try to hold you down. Just remember to smile and keep a positive manner. Shaun
  20. It does not look like Cody is in the works this year, , but a trip to KY is definitely in. Absolutely awesome how friendly this group is. Thank You all for the hospitality in advance, Shaun
  21. Well I am positive that my bike will be fully operational shortly. I will tool around here for a bit with it then take a nice long trip. Now being as I have a few variables that I cannot control the date cannot be set yet. But I am planning on making a trip to southern Kentucky around mid summer. A few questions, how do I find and either print or load into my GPS the help/ coffee break list? Do members mind a rider just calling up saying " Hey up for a cup of Joe?" I don't, but I am a little off my rocker. When putting this into my GPS (the tom tom from a previous thread) I found that it will plan from point a to point b but cant program in any stops, but I can deal with that. Am still bringing my atlas anyway. For those that have made longer trips what is most likely (other than the operator) to mess up? Thank You, Shaun
  22. That is some good stuff, Thank You. I will look into the Tyre map program you mentioned. I am not worried about the external speaker much so that will not be a worry but having it send me in the wrong direction might be. Shaun
  23. Ohh yea, run a can of sea-foam through her. Will help clean things out. Shaun
  24. She will make a nice bike for you. Now there are a couple suggestions for you. 1 if they are not already in it get the progressive springs,2 replace the fuse box with a spade fuse box. I would also recommend joining our group formally, best 12 bucks you will ever spend. Good job with the pictures. Shaun
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