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  1. My RSV has the Yamaha passing lights. Presently they are aimed to converge on the ground about 20 feet in front of the bike. Not really useful at night. I tried to aim them further down the road, but I'm having a problem. While it's easy to rotate them side to side, I can't find a way to adjust them "up and down" so that they are aimed further down the road. I was going to check the headlight aiming point and aim them just below that to light up the road without blinding oncoming traffic, but I can't find a way to adjust them "up and down". Am I missing something or is this how they are supposed to work? Andy
  2. Since I am the passenger, I tend to keep my eyes on the road especially when we are riding in the country. I watch for gravel that washed out on the road from gravel driveways, gravel in curves and piles of gravel that have fallen on the road from perhaps a passing dump truck. I look for your crushed gravel, your B19 and pea gravel. I can usually spot gravel 75 feet ahead of us. We have been on nicely paved roads that suddenly become gravel. We have had to ride on gravel roads for many miles at a time. I deal with it, but do not especially like it. When we were in the badlands in SD we went on a short cut on a gravel road to see the sights. While riding a road grader was coming the other direction and almost caused us to go down because we wound up in this heavy loose gravel. It was not a good moment. Then of course I find out Freebird has a gravel drive. I am a lot better about gravel now than I was at first. Point of the thread, do your wives help look for problems laying on the road while you are riding, and if so is it a good thing in your opinion or do you wish we would just set there and be quiet. No matter what you say, I will keep watching. Yama Mama
  3. I've been riding (at times off and on) for 34 years on 10 different bikes. I'd guesstimate I have close to 200K miles in that time. I've obviously had my share of close calls, and in fact I've been hit (slight bumps) three times quite a few years ago, but I have never been involved in an actual accident or gone down. Until Sunday afternoon... My 17 year-old son and I were headed to one of our local mountain areas to do some camping. I was towing our Cycle-Kamp trailer, and Matthew was riding what is now his Suzuki Boulevard C50T. It's only about a 150 mile ride, with the last 60 or so on Hwy 38, a scenic twisty mountain road. It was a nice sunny day, just very hot at the lower altitudes. It's not uncommon for a late afternoon thunder storm in the area, and we had seen the clouds indicating we may run into it, but I was hoping to miss it. But the rains did get us, and it was pouring down pretty good. Kind of a bummer to deal with, but certainly nothing new. Then it began to hail. The size of marbles, and it was coming down hard. And we were less than 10 miles from our campground. I was more concerned about my son, so I was looking for a suitable spot to pull off. I saw a potential area and started to slow down. I was going about 40 mph, on a slight decline and into a sweeping left curve. As I tapped the brakes, I felt what I think was the trailer probably coming around to the right behind me. Not necessarily jack knifing, but it was pushing the back of the bike to the left. I knew immediately I was in trouble, but for a second I thought I could correct it and ride it out. But I didn't. I went down to the right, and I came off the bike then, sliding about 40 or 50 feet. The bike apparently flipped over to the other side and slid a little more as well. I remember thinking to keep my head up and my hands up (I was wearing fingerless gloves), and I remember seeing me and the bike going towards a Chevy Tahoe coming the other way, and praying that he would stop. As I came to a stop I appeared to be unhurt and was able to get to my feet right away. Thankfully my son had been able to somehow stop safely, but he was a mess. I could hear him screaming as I was sliding along. Then I guess he didn't see me for a couple seconds, and he panicked even more. He came running to me balling, and just held on. He couldn't stop crying. The Tahoe not only had stopped, but he pulled across the road to block traffic. And several cars behind Matthew stopped. I had heard a woman in a car that was in the pull off saying "Oh my God, he's getting up!" The man driving the Tahoe came over to help me pick up the bike and push it to the side. At first glance the damage looked significant, and it was difficult to push. The floorboards were pushed up so I couldn't get it out of gear. Part of the coupler had actually broken, so we just had to remove the safety chains to separate the trailer. Once everything was off the road, I looked where it had all just happened. I was amazed at the conditions I was looking at. The hail was still coming down and the road appeared to be almost snow covered. Of course it stopped about that time, but it continued to pour down rain for another 20 or so minutes. And there was nowhere to take cover. I wanted to take some photos of the bike and road conditions, but I didn't want to ruin my phone. So here we were, on a mountain road 150 miles from home, in pouring rain, and with one bike unridable and a busted trailer. There are some awesome people in this world still. The couple in the Tahoe were those people for us that day. Steve and Kathy live in the mountain town of Bear City, and they were just out for a Sunday afternoon drive in the rain. They too were both soaked after helping me get the bike and trailer off the road. Steve told me he had a trailer and would be willing to go get it and trailer us into town, or even back down the mountain to the freeway. I humbly and thankfully accepted his offer. I had already contacted my brother that was going to head up to get us, but that was going to take a while. Steve and Kathy returned with their trailer in about 30 minutes, and we were able to load the RSV and the trailer onto it. By now they offered for us to come to their home to wait for my brother. Did I say these people are awesome? Once at their home, I made some phone calls. I cancelled my camping reservations, and notified family and friends about what had happened, but assuring everyone we were okay. I had to talk one of my daughters into staying put till we got home, she wanted to come up to make sure I was okay. We changed into dry clothes and Kathy even threw our wet ones in the dryer. And I inspected the bike more thoroughly. I must admit, I was now starting to feel some bruising, and the emotions were coming on. It was a bit of a scary ordeal. I have rambled on enough for now. I'm not sure, but I think the bike is totaled. I'll add to this later and include some details on the damage and some photos. I'm pretty bummed at the ruined camping trip and the potential loss of my bike, but I obviously have a lot to be thankful for. I am so thankful that it was me and not my son that went down. It was so hot when we left home, and I normally would have been without the jacket and wearing just a t-shirt. For some reason I wore my TourMaster mesh jacket, and it did do its job. I also tend to wear either my 3/4 or even half helmet in that kind of heat, but I had my full face modular helmet on. Not a scratch on the helmet, but you never know. Although the hail probably was the biggest cause of me going down, it also provided a slick "sheet" for me to slide along on. The Tahoe was able to stop on time. Kathy said from looking at me coming at them, she really thought I would be seriously hurt or even killed. Steve said he didn't know what to think as he saw me and the bike and trailer coming at him. Said it looked bad. I thank God I was not seriously hurt. And of course the kindness and hospitality that was given to us by Steve and Kathy. And thank you to all on here for letting me tell my story, and for all the kind words I know I will get.
  4. I just want to say that as a new Venture owner, (1st gen) this forum has been an immense help in helping get my project 83 road ready. Let's just say all the basics were covered, re-soldering the computer to solve the headlight problem, extensive help on bleeding the braking system, repairing plastic tabs and fuel pump alternatives just to name a few of the places I 've been here in the last couple of weeks. Needless to say, my bike is now road ready. This winter I will be doing the second gear repair with help from VentureRiders.org. Thanks to all who have contributed to this wealth of information. Twelve bucks? What a deal!
  5. Anybody heard of that famous Willy Nelson song On the Side of the Road Again? :-(
  6. 2 PM this afternoon saw two Ventures, Black Midnight and Silver, at the shopping center at intersection of state road 442 and US-1, later saw them heading north on US-1.
  7. Heading to Eau Claire WI to visit grandkids tomorrow morning, have not seen them for a while, just too busy, :cool10::cool10::bighug:
  8. On our way to the 911 ride last week we were riding with five HDs. While on the QEW near Niagara Falls, doing 70 mph I had pointed to somthing on the road with my left foot and when I put my foot back on the floor board something felt funny. I looked down and there was my shifter sitting on top to the floor board. Off to the shoulder we go. Now picture all these Harley guys standing around and laughing while I quickly removed a bolt from my side cover and put my shifter back in place. Thank you venturerider.org without you I would have never known how to make that road side repair. But I still can't believe it happened. I check that bolt all the time and I have 80,000 kms on the bike. So guys, be warned, keep an eye on that shifter bolt. Not to be out done, two of the HDs developed some pretty nasty oil leaks while on this trip too.
  9. I just got off the phone with Tom. He called me to let us know what was going on. First his health. He has 9 broken ribs, collapsed lung (fixed now) Laserated liver, lots of road rash on back, arms and shoulders, also road rash on his helmet. Good thing for the helmet. At this point no surguries needed. He is very sore and on lots of pain killers. He sounded pretty good considering everything. Now for what happened. He was headed south on Hwy 441 when a 93 year old women ran a red light and hit the front of his bike. This caused him to loose contol and pulling the trailer the bike and trailer jackknifed throwing him off the bike which sent him sliding down the road.. He is now out of ICU and like I said sounds in pretty good spirits considering everything. His biggest concern is how to get to his bike and get his belongings after he gets out of the hospital. I will call him later today or maybe tomorrow and remind him that the accident wasn't his fault and that the womens insurance needs to pick up all the costs and rent him a car and such. I am unemployed right now and if I can figure out the money side of it I might ride down and see if I can help him with everything that needs done. Anyway thought everyone would like to know what was going on. Here is his number if anyone wants to call and lift his spirits. 772-260-5431. I will update you when I get more info.
  10. I wanted to express my sincere thanks to B2dad, B2mom, and Rick & Shirley Haywood. On the way to Vogel I had trouble with the trike [apparently its an issue with how it was built] and we ended up all sitting on the highway split, in the heat for quite some time. I have road side assist with Harley -- but it only applies in Oz! Rick rang his tow company, and they sent a truck to pick up my trike and get it in to H-D Chattanooga. These good VR folk stayed with us till they knew we would get back on the road And they are good people at Harley too, worked hard to get me back on the road. Thanks again
  11. Linda and I decided to take off Tuesday morning without a particular destination for a day or so. After going thru Pigeon Forge for lunch and then down the the Foothills Parkway to 129, this seemed like a good time to show Linda the Dragon as she was wearing my 2nd Vogal Tail of the Dragon t shirt. After a visit at Deal's gap, we continued down 129 then turned north to pick up another mountain road that took us to Robbinsville, NC. Whenever we turned left on the 45mph highway, in a mile or so we had a silver Toyota pickup right on us. In a couple of miles we were turning right and you got it, he turned right behind us. Since we had several hundred feet of straight road in front of us, I slowed to about 15mph and motioned him around. After waving my arm several times, he finally came around and as soon as he was beside me he ran me to the very edge of the road and gave me the finger out the back window. He then took off and after getting a hundred or so feet in front of me, he slams his brakes on. I just slowed down and he finally went on. I really wish I had gotten his tag number as several miles up this narrow two lane road we met a NC Highway Patrolman. It was a bit disconcerting not knowing if we were going to encounter this moron again. I have absolutely no idea what got into him as I was just trying to be nice in slowing down and motioning him around me on a road I had never been on before. RandyA
  12. Ok the venture has a broke u-joint and the bolt holding the bottom half of the rear shock is out and caused a couple other problems. I might be back on the road in 10 days or so! Phill
  13. Today I ended up on the side of the road in Virginia near exit 12. Front tire blew out, it was three in the afternoon and AMA roadside assistance expected me to know where to actually tow the bike to for a fix. I called my wife instead and she looked up shops online. Found a place called Stuart's Cycle Shop in Henderson NC. She called, and even though he is not open on Saturday, he came up to Virginia got the bike on a trailer and took me to his shop. He had tires in stock, fixed me up with an E3 and got me back on the road pretty quick. The charges were 60 for labor, 60 for pickup, and 139 for the tire. Considering that I would probably had to wait in a hotel until a regular shop opened again, I was more than pleased. He was a great guy to deal with, even had a good time swapping bike stories on the ride back to his shop.
  14. Looking for help. Yesterday I was heading from Wisconsin to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. 20 miles down the road my 2005 Venture sputtered like it was running out of gas and left me stranded on the side of the road. Gas tank was full. Kill switch was fine. Plenty of electrical power as I could crank it over but it would not start. My dealership came and trailered the bike back to the shop and the bike starts right up and runs fine. We figure a fuel pump issue and by pass the fuel pump and I'm back on my way to Yellowstone. 20 miles down the road it does the same thing and I'm stranded again. Again the dealership picks me up and when we get back to the shop and the bike runs fine. Other things that I tried: Undid the vent hose thinking vapor lock. There was no pressure from the gas cap. Actualy tried running the bike with the gas cap off. No luck. Plenty of fuel from the petcock. The bike seems to run fine after it sits ( and cools down) for awhile. The dealership and I are out of ideas. Any help???? I can be reached at (608) 576-3117. I hope to catch up with my Yellowstone riders today. Thanks Mike Hickok Chapter 166 Madison, WI
  15. I picked up a long reach phillips screwdriver. Already synch'd two carbs. Anyone else wants to stop by, the cost is free, and I can give you a quick tour of the great river road from Guttenberg to Dubuque, IA. Takes about 5 minutes to synch the carbs and 1 hour to ride on some of the best MC roads in flyover country.
  16. Taking a trip with the family in the future down to Dinosaur World in Bowling Green, staying in Sevierville for the night and then heading on to Surfside Beach the next day. Anyway thinking of going from Bowling Green heading East on (not sure of road name) to Somerset KY then south on 27 to Wartburg to 62 East to I75 to Knoxville to 411 to Sevierville. Can you tell me the name of the road that stretches from Glasgow Ky to Somerset and let me know what to expect (road condition, etc...) for the roads I mentioned after Somerset. Thanks
  17. saw a first gen MkII just north of Kingston late Sat. afternoon. He was heading west on Unity Road crossing #38 onto Mud Lake Road...which takes you to the 401 I tried to get his attention but I was turning off and had someone right on my butt! Looked almost like MARCARL (poor guy!) ANYBODY FROM HERE?
  18. I'm interested in finding a set of Road King exhaust pipes for my 06 RSTD. Does anyone know of anyone or have any they might be interested in parting with? I think I need a bracket too, but I'm not sure which or where to get one. My understanding is that Road King exhausts will give me a bit of sound without putting my wallet in too much jeopordy so I'd like to give them a shot. As long as my ears won't be ringing after an hour long ride, I'd be OK. Based on what I've read on around here, quite a few folks like them and it doesn't sound like they will have any type of negative impact on the performance of my bike. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  19. where is the passenger lighter jack located? loving the bike but trying to find everything. Going on a hot Oklahoma birthday ride tomorrow my 50th. see ya on the road. Tony
  20. Linda and I were making a trek back to my house on a 65 mph divided four lane with uncontrolled entries and topped a hill and saw three police cars in the road. The light from them was so bright, it was hard to see much of anything. With it being about 10 pm and traffic, I was afraid to slow down too much, but as we passed, I did see a black and silver cruiser type bike laying in the road at an intersection. I am now watching the local news and nothing has been reported yet. It sure did give us both a sickening feeling. RandyA
  21. Holy Crap! I just hit a large rolling tool cart on my way to work. I was doing about 75 mph on the freeway in the early morning light. I was distracted by something (probably the truck pulling off the road up ahead) and suddenly a large gray square appeared about the same color as the road. I thought it was concrete! I did not have time to hit the brake and I just slammed into the middle of it with a shattering thwack. The heavy plastic shattered and flew all up into my bike busting my lower fairing and knocking the vents out. My feet were stinging but I was wearing cowboy boots so no injuries. I have not closely looked at the bike yet, but it looks like the fairing is repairable, but the vents are lost forever. I went back to the crash site after pulling over and catching my breath. Other cars had been smashing thru the debris. I found one of my vents crushed. I guess I am lucky, it could have been concrete. The great jumpmaster in the sky was looking out for me.
  22. Well, if it ain't loaded by now I probably didn't need it anyway. SO, I'm outta here. See you on the road or in Cody.
  23. I just had to ride yesterday. I started out visiting my Yamaha Dealer in Gastonia (no I don't use the one in Charlotte) for a clutch side switch and screw replacement to help fix my cruise kick off problem. In short order, they had me ready to go. I sent AKRefugee a text of my NEED TO RIDE and he responded ME TOO. So we met at a Subway for a quick "samich" (local for sandwich). Then it was GO West Young Man for both of us. HOT- We headed toward Lake Lure. At one point AK said his thermometer read 100 something. All I knew was that it was hot and while at the dealer having the cruise switch installed they had apparently done something to make my air conditioner stop working. We arrived in Lake Lure where we did a little twisty road close to some golf courses that I knew. Good little road. Crazy- From Lake Lure, we headed toward Black Mountain with the intentions of gaining some altitude and cooler temps. I then received a bee in the helmet. Two stops later he was out. This is where it got a little crazy. While driving through the quiet little town of Black Mtn, I realized there was a truck beside me. The driver was kinda looking at me funny. It appears that after AK and I had delivered a certain someone back to his area a few days ago, this guys wife felt it prudent to let him out of the cage again. [ATTACH]58956[/ATTACH] I'm just glad it was him and I did not have to recall my previous days target practice to get out of there. All kidding aside. Good to see you again Warrior. Cool- After leaving Black Mtn, we proceeded up the Blue Ridge parkway headed toward Highway 80. Along this portion of the ride, temps fell to the 70's. Wow, WAY COOL. Temps were great, views were great, road just repaved and great. Very enjoyable and a welcome reward for the hot ride up. [ATTACH]58957[/ATTACH] AKRefugee going through one of the tunnels. [ATTACH]58958[/ATTACH] One of the panoramic views we passed on the ride. Brakeless- We continued on up the Parkway enjoying the ride and all it had to offer until we reached Highway 80. Now this is what AK lives for. He loves the twistys and throwing sparks. So down 80 we go. AK takes the lead. (he is a better rider on the twistys and I did not want to slow him down). But you know how we all want to get better:big-grin-emoticon: I was doing a pretty good job of keeping up with him but in the process obviously heated up my rear brake fluid to the point my back brakes went away. Yes, I got stopped. Pried my butt off the seat, went to a tree to relieve myself and came back to the bike to figure out what the heck happened, lower my heart rate, catch my breath and to wait on AK to come looking for me. After some chuckles and some time for the fluid to cool, off we go to finish the ride down 80 and then home. Yes the ride down the rest of the mountain was much slower and smarter for me. Over all, great ride and a great day. Morals of the story...... 1) Riding can fix just about anything. 2) Riding with friends makes it even better. 3) Aways be aware of guys staring at you out their truck window. 4, 5 and 6) Don't ride the brakes.... Did I say, don't ride the brakes.:buttkick:
  24. IF ,thungs go right, will be on the road tomorrow don't know what route yet,maybe sume way around K C area'all packed.top is down,tank is full,BODY IS DOING THE BEST IT CAN wild hair 39 " O YAH " air condation works:fingers-crossed-emo:bighug:
  25. :mustache:Hi gang lookiing for a place to crash, heading to Toronto Ontario. along the way! going through Winnipeg, Thunderbay, SueSt Marie, Sudbary. Any help appreciated. Email.me mrich12000@hotmail.com I'm on the road as I type thanks, all. Michael Richard (little rocket)
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