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  1. Ok well I got into the rear of my 83. Everything looked pretty good. Had a buddy blast off the paint around the welds and no cracks. One weird part was when I took the covers off the swing-arm there were grease zerts there, thought in 83 they did not have them. The crossmember that the shock mounts to is very heavy with gussets in place, has it already been modified and strengthened? Another question is how much grease do you need to pump into the drive shaft grease zert? Everything looked really good so I will be putting it back together pretty much as is and just putting new bearings in the rear wheel. I will also have the rear rebalanced. Shaun
  2. I am trying to view the Cowling 1 fische at BB and it is unreadable for the MKII's( looked at 89). Is there one that is readable somewhere else?
  3. This is how my neighbour at the campground is hauling his HD Road King. First he removes the tour pack and windshield. Then he tilts the handle bars down a little. He has a winch to bring the bike in and out. I looked at one of these Prevost motor homes at a big RV show when we were in Tampa Fl and it listed for just over $2 MILLION.
  4. OK, I was riding to work today, and I noticed what looked like an RSTD at the light waiting to cross in front of me. As he went by, it looked like he had a billett cover between his cylinders kinda like the Roadstar has for the air cleaner. I may have been mistaken but since he had a 2 in 1 exhaust on the one side and I thought I saw another from the back that would indicate 4 cylinders. It looked awsome and covered up the dead space taken up by carbs inside. Any ideas or am I looking at a Roadstar. Nothing in the yamaha catalog on it
  5. I have a 2006 RSV with just over 12,000 miles. Purchased this last year and I'm the 3rd owner. Seems to run great and I don't have any complaints. I will admit that I'm not a gear head but can tell when something sounds different or is not right. Got the bike out 2 weeks ago and ran with no issues. Was able to get it out yesterday for a quick run. Noticed this morning that I have 2 drips from the bike. 1 from the first ride and 1 from yesterday. I looked under the bike and I see 4 hoses and I believe they are the carberator air intake. 2 of the hoses are dirty; 1 more so than the other. Have not tore into it yet as I'm hoping to get some help.
  6. Looks like my riding season will be shortened for a while. Went to see a different orthopedic surgeon yesterday about my right knee, which was scoped out 2 years ago by another surgeon and is failing. I was hoping he would be able to do another scope to buy me some more time but after his thorough evaluation he says I definitely need a new knee. There are several things going on in there that just cant be scoped out. He also looked at pics of my left knee and said that it looked much worse then my right knee. I told him that knee was scoped out in 1998 and its been holding up fine save for some low level pain. He was surprised. Either way, looks like ill be shooting for a Jan 2012 surgery date. I should have sufficient leave for this by then. He also took me off naproxen and started me on Celebrex, which seems to be working a little better. WooHoo, only 10 more months to go!!
  7. Mel


    Well, I've looked and looked, apparently a GL 1800 does not have a cassette player. Dang! Oh, look--- it does have a center stand. Wow. All in good fun folks.
  8. Hello. New to the forum. I've been looking at several 80's touring bikes to purchase. I went and looked at a 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale yesterday, was wondering if there is anything I should be looking for or maybe staying away from. The bike I looked at has been sitting since August (small mom and pop dealer). When first started it was poping/backfiring on the right side exhaust. When warmed up it went away (I think it could be attributed to bad gas). It looks like the air suspension system is partially disabled, the compressor and valve unit assembly was in the rear trunk. Bike has 66000 miles on it. Radio works. Engine looks dry and doesn't smoke. It also has a utopia backrest upholstered to match the seat. I was wondering how parts availability is? Like, if I need to put a top end on it in the future can I still get piston rings and gasket set? They want $2499 for the bike and it looks complete. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I'm nearing completion on some updates on my 09 RSV. (aux splitter, passing lights, trailer receiver, trunk wing, drivers back rest) I've been carefully labelling bags of parts and marking on the instructions/tips so I know where everything goes. For the saddle bags... figured I knew what I was doing because I had them off when I put saddle bag rails on last summer. Here is the scenario... unscrewed the four bolts holding the saddle bags on and put them into the little "cup" inside the saddle bag (closest to the tire). Did this on each side and closed the lids and set the bags aside. One tipped over but nothing major. Finished the trunk wing today and started putting the saddle bags back on. Missing 3 screws. Looked on my work bench, checked the plastic bags of parts. Still missing 3. Used a flash light to look in the bags again and nothing in the "cup" or in the bottom of the saddle bag. Looked in the mesh pouch... nothing. By chance, looked BEHIND the pouch where the rails are for the saddle bag lid and low and behold.... there they were ! Had to undo the flap from the mesh bag that attaches to the lid just to be able to poke a magnet down far enough to get ahold of them. Figured I'd check the right saddle bag to make sure everything was secure and found my hinge screws were loose. Only job left now is to fix the chrome windscreen tabs and put the fairing back together. Come on spring ! Forecast this week are temperatures near freezing and flurries.
  10. Just a few pictures to show what the TCI looked like that came off the 85 bike. I believe it has had some moisture go thru it. RandyA
  11. Is it just me or is this whole winter being a PITA for riding. This morning, early, the driveway was finally almost cleared of snow and the road looked pretty good. Decided I'd take the little bike out for a while, checked the tires and went in to get ready to ride. Looked out and "surprise" it was snowing like heck. Now we've got an additional 4" or so and it's still going strong. (and the temps are supposed to be in the 50's by Sunday!!) I'm gettin' cabin fever! I know y'all in the frozen north are used to this (used to live in Mich and Ia myself) but come on, this is Dixie! I usually get to ride several time a month year round, but NOT this year...
  12. Here is what my world looked like this morning, AAARRRR! Bryan
  13. A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, "Pick me up!" He looked around and couldn't see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice again say, "Pick me up!" He looked in the water and there, floating on top, was a frog. The man said, "Are you talking to me?" The frog said, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up, then kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you've ever seen!" "I'll make sure that all your friends are envious because I will be your bride." The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully and placed it in his front pocket. The frog said, "What! Are you nuts?" "Didn't you hear what I said?" I said "Kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride!" He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, "Nah, at my age, I'd rather have a talking frog!" With age comes Wisdom!
  14. THEY COULD NOT FIND THE ENGINE I PURCHASED ON EBAY 4 days ago!!! I emailed my arrival date along with my payment intentions. I called repeatedly to confirm. No answer, only busy signals. I arrived Dec. 28 waiting for the door to be unlocked. They spent 45 minutes looking for it before they told me that it wasn't where it was supposed to be. I did the requisite song and dance about deciding to do business with a company who professed their good reputation online, yet no one answering phones... blah, blah, blah, and "then I arrive here and you can't even find an engine you just posted on eBay?!?!" I was finally invited out back to start looking too...apparently in violation of strict orders from the boss who wasn't there...but after driving for 5 hours and spending the night in a hotel, they might have sensed that I was about to have a royal Canadian bird right then and there if I didn't get my engine. We found 2 other engines. One I recognized from online that looked like crap, which was why I went for the one that came up for sale more recently. The other engine we found was missing a side cover but looked a lot cleaner, however it might have 3 times the mileage than the one I saw online...ODO was 17,542...it looked that clean but I have to doubt it. Amber, the girl behind the desk, couldn't make a deal, but she expressed her frustration working a job without the required manpower, and covering for people who weren't at this location. She phoned the boss, the only concession was $25 off. WARNING: Pinwall Cycle is moving to a new location. There are signs all over the shop saying they are moving to the old Canton Elevator building. The move is planned to be completed by August 2011. The place is in total chaos now, half crew at new location, half at the old place. If this move is going to last for 8 months, and they don't have the ability to keep track of a whole engine in the mean time, I'm warning you all about potential order problems in the coming months.
  15. Does anyone know where I can buy 4 of these for my 07 midnight? Saw a pair on a v star and they looked shape.
  16. I see several sources for the ChatterBox DNR Touring kit at around $85.00. Anyone using this? Seems like an economical way to go if it works OK. The reviews I've looked at seem to say it's OK, but I trust the responses here more than on the sales web sites. Motorcycle Superstore has free shipping right now too.
  17. i was down at the casino. putting $20 in this machine and coins where comming out just as fast as i could hit the red button. man i was on a roll. then i looked up and saw it was a change machine. its going to be a long winter
  18. Does anyone know how to turn off the media player on this device? I have looked everywhere and tried everything I can think of, but once the player is turned on...it stays on. I can mute it...no problem there, but I want to stop it. Appreciate any help.
  19. This morning, I was coming home from work. It wasn't quite light yet, but just barely dawn. (cold too) I had just started to pass a car, when I saw a very big buck heading my way , in a hurry. ( he was an 8 or 10 point, at least). He stopped about 10 feet from the road in front of me, and just looked at me. I laid on the Stebel horn, and it was enough to send him running off the other way. I think the guy I was passing never saw him, and was wondering what I was honking at. Scary at the time, but glad it turned out ok. I see lots of deer between home, and the 40 miles to work.
  20. I have a disagreement with a vendor about when the FIRST Royale was introduced. He has parts listed from 1983 as Royale parts and although most of them would possibly fit, I say it wasn't until the Mk2 came out in 1986. Prior models were known as just plain vanilla Ventures! Who's right? I looked at the Venture History and it doesn't specifically say, but I think I'm right! Help me out. It isn't an argument, I'm just a stickler for details.
  21. For some reason at a redlight I looked down at the side of my engine. I noticed that the carb joints were pulsating with the engine. Fine right? There are huge cracks in the boots. Looked bad. Looks like 55 and 70 for left and right times 2 = 250 bucks. Ouch. Of course I don't want to be left on the side of the road either. I know how to find vehicle junkyards but haven't seen many bike yards. Anybody know where I can get some? I scanned ebay and didn't see any. Also might be a good time to upgrade my 97 RSTC to the 32mm Venture carbs. Anyone have a source on those either? I do plan to be a contributing member, may payup tomorrow. (no work tomorrow gonn abe home all day) I am in Gainesville, ga. Thanks very much.
  22. I've again, been thinking about a m/c trip to Alaska. I figured on riding to Alaska, then shipping the bike back. - Is this cheating? I CAN take 4 weeks off work, but would rather take 3. Do you think a person could travel from Omaha to Washington, then up the coast to Alaska in 3 weeks? I haven't looked at a map yet to figure out the path. I have a cousin in N.E. Washington that I would like to stop and see for a day on the way up. craigr
  23. I know I can purchase a billet cover for the ugly Air Intake, but I thin I saw someone use 5 inch car air intake before. I have looked and cant find. Or maybe somthing diffrent to get rid of that ugly black box.
  24. And it has me concerned. We went out for a day trip to Whistler, BC. Nice place if you've ever get the chance. Making a couple stops I noticed a wet spot after backing out of a parking spot. Not a little amount of clear liquid. I didn't examine it any more than to look at it from the back of the machine. But it looked like water. Kinda like when an air conditioner leaks under a car on hot days. It seems to have stopped now...but it has me worried! Should I be?
  25. Hello All, I have a 96 RS with 4/2/4 exhaust and looking for turnout mufflers. Have looked on the Web but cant find anything. Looking for ideas.
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