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  1. So there I was at Carl’s Birthday Party thinking this is really nice and what a great bunch of folks. Honestly, the way VR’s mixed in with Carl’s family you’d think we were all related! I guess we are in a sense and it’s nice to see the family grow and faces become more familiar. The gathering was great and nothing was missing, except Hal’s ‘wings’ of course (long story, if you weren’t at the Rally perhaps you seen the photo’s), even the weather behaved. Smiles and laughter were all around amidst great stories and even better food... one would think it couldn’t get any better... well it did. Part way through the evening while out on the deck I was approached by one of our members ‘bongobobny’. If you ever met Bob and his lovely wife Becky you’ll know what wonderful people they really are. Well by this time Bob and I had already said hello but hadn’t talked much. I was looking forward to catching up with him but our conversation took a little turn and that’s when it happened. Bob reached out to me with something in his hand and with the most sincere smile he said “here is something I’d like you to have”. When he opened his hand there was a small black velvet pouch and he handed it to me. Well I feel challenged to find words that adequately describe how wonderful I felt when I opened the pouch to find a VentureRider Guardian Bell. It truly is a gift of friendship and I will cherish it as such! Thank you very kindly Bob & Becky! PS. I haven’t put it on the bike yet but I’ve hung the pouch off my belt loop till I do... every once and a while I hear a “ting” from the bell and I think of Bob and it brings me a smile! At some point I’ll put it on the bike.
  2. I live in Dunnville, commute to Hamilton. So I know of a couple of nice ones to ride. Here is my list in no particular order: Hamilton area: Scenic Drive- check out the homes and the view Ridge Rd- killer views and a few twisties Niagara area: St Anns Rd (RR 69 I think) nice twisties Effingham Rd - twisties but a little bumpy lately Niagara Parkway - Millionaire's Row nice road and great views, even worth the ride through the mayhem of the Falls area. I like to go from Fort Erie up to Niagara Lake Erie shoreline: from Port Colborne through to Lowbanks, and then from Dunnville to Selkirk along the shore too. Second is a little bumpy but both nice rides. Thats what I've got for now.... anyone else want to add ......feel free! Always looking for a new ride!
  3. i got to ride a 0 mile 1700 roadstar , a friend just bought a new 07 one for 8900.00 with a lot of extras on it and he let me be the 1st one to ride it !! now my feelings about it , it is not my cup of tea , at the floor boards vib. is very bad the bars are old school , and it as a very short wheel base , 1st gear is ok but 2nd gear is very nice , need a back rest to hold you in the seat , it has a lot of power after 1st gear , very nice , the bike , too me is not a touring bike but a very nice cruiser , if anybody is looking for 1 check your local yamaha dealer , yamaha has sent 1 to most dealers to sell cheap ! Thom
  4. Thoughts on the best pipes to get for a more throaty sound? What are these slipons I get running across on the internet? I don't want a LOUD bike, but I do want a nice sounding, nice idling, can hear it when you get on it sound.
  5. BOO

    Got Stalked.

    Was at a Gander Mountain store near Kenosha, WI yesterday and when I was getting ready to leave a man his wife and their son came over to look at my Venture. He has recently bought a RSTD and had begun to ride again after several years of being off a bike. He has lots of questions and some issues with the new bike and his dealer (go figure) I was hoping he would have joined our group and been on the forum by now. I gave him the address and fed him full of BS about how nice you guys are so be nice if he shows up. Jerry
  6. No big deal you say? Well, yeah, I know, but ya see, I haven't been able to ride at all since May. I injured my left hand pretty good while cutting firewood about the 1st of June and haven't been able to close it except partially and with effort and pain. I went out a week ago and sat on the bike and worked the clutch a time a two but felt the hand was still too weak to trust for a ride. But it's finally improved to the point that I can almost make a normal fist and put some strain on it, so.....well, as I was about out of booze anyway, and the liquor store I patronize is 15 miles away, I thought that I could try it, and did. No problems at all going up there and back other than discovering I had no back brakes due to an undiscovered leak in the low pressure hose at the master cylinder. About an hour later my hand stiffened up some and is still a little sore now, 6 hours later. But I think I have it whipped now, and will ride to my VA appointment Monday morning which is about a 70 mile round trip. Was nice to be able to ride again and nice too to be able to stop and fill up for ten bucks.....think I'll go make me nice cool stout one and relax. Between the medicinal alcohol and the physical therapy with the clutch I should be normal in no time. Well, at least as normal as I was before.
  7. Im selling my Custom Honda. Because I dont have a great back and also have my RSV I want to sell my Custom Honda. Many of you have seen this in my profile but now its taking up space in the garage and as nice as she is it really a shame so its time to get her a new home. Take a look and tell your friends. I just want to see her used and enjoyed. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290244791872&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:Watchlink:middle:us
  8. :think:Remembering that I know nothing about how computers work....and this may be impossible...but is there any way that there could be a map put on the website for each state, with the ability for members to "red line" favorite routes that they have traveled. For instance, Gary and I plan on going to Kentucky next summer. I have never been to Illinois(except Galena and Savanna), Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky etc. Neither one of us like interstate travel and love the back roads. It would be nice to be able to see some routes that others have traveled and really enjoyed. We travel to Central and Southwestern Wisconsin all the time. Yeah, the Great River Road (35)is nice, but the smaller roads are so much twistier, scenic and less traveled. It would be nice to let others know which ones are worth riding. I know members are good about writing roads down, but it would be nice to be able to see it on an actual state map. I know we would have really used it this summer on our trip to the Black Hills. I don't know if it's even possible or how much work it would be, just thought I'd ask!
  9. Went out for a burger yesterday evening and on the way home had a "little fun" with some young bucks on sports bikes. I was cruising along about 65 mph (in fifth gear) when these two guys pulled up along side me. They both looked over at me and started doing these little speed burst and slow downs. They did this about 3 times and then hunched over their tanks and took off. I let them get about 500 to 600 feet ahead than I sped up (still in fifth) to pull along side them. We were doing about 85 now. I ran along side them for a few seconds (in a comfortable upright position) nicely waved with my left hand, reach back dropped a gear and nailed it. In my mirror I could see them leaning over their tanks even more but to no avail. They were easily left behind. Later on I let them catch up to me on an off ramp and the look on their faces was priceless. When I took off this time they didn't even try to keep up. Like I said I know it wasn't nice of me but I just couldn't resist
  10. I saw 3 Ventures riding towards the east in Virginia in the rain last Thursday and was wondering who it was! The rigs where very nice, my wife saw the trailers and now she's got it on our "things to get" list. Kenw
  11. cecdoo

    Nice Ride

    We spent the weekend on a nice ride thru the So. West corner of Pa. Anyone thinking of riding Pa ought to give this area some consideration. Took 30 west from Chambersburg out thru Laurel Highlands area, passed a few 1st gens and met 2 2nd gens at a gas station. Rt 31 is a great road as is 711 and 381. We payed our respects at the 9-11 memorial in Shanksville, it is a "moving" experience. Spent the nite at a country Inn in Ligoneer, great little rest. and pub rite on the premises. Woke up this am. had the included buffet breakfast, then headed home. Great motorcycle roads, beautiful scenery, plenty of places to stop, but no DQ:bawling:Oh yeah a friend and his wife rode along on their brand new HD street glide, nice bike! Guess which one had parts falling off?? Nope it was me, lost my shiney chrome choke knob:bawling: Craig
  12. I was planning to buy the Garmin Nuvi 200W GPS .. and today I Looked for a nice Handlebar Mount ... but the most mounts that I find are for the regular Nuvi 200. Does anyone knows a place who sell nice handlebar mounts for the Nuvi200W.
  13. Your new ride looks a little naked........not much safety chrome or fancy do-dads on it............If you need help, Im sure some of us can pick out some nice expensive safety chrome for that new bike...
  14. I just took a look at the latest Harbor Freight sales flyer and noticed they have a front wheel chock on sale for $37.00 bucks. Just the ticket for my flat bed toy hauler... It's a Haul-Master brand... which might be the HF brand... and it looks pretty nice. I'm going to mosey over to HB and take a look at it face to face. If it's as nice as the pic I may just pick one up. I'm now using a couple of pieces of 2x4 screwed to the bed..... http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/gifs/clear.gif
  15. My youngest (VenturePirate) turned 10 this weekend and I turned 50. Geeze I'm getting old. A little basic training in the soft grass at the camp had him making laps around the track in no time. Wish they had machines like this when I was a kid. A nice feature I turned down the throttle limiter to it's slowest setting until skill level improves. Now to get fitted for a helmet and riding gear.
  16. First decided to finally finish assembling my Piggybacker. Early afternoon I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from Niagara135 (Steve) and his wife Cindy and had an enjoyable chat. After they left, I went back to the task at hand, only to be surprised a few minutes later by Big Tom and Tater, along with his friend Daryl (sp) and his wife whom we are embarrased to say we can't remember her name but were glad to meet the two of them. Got to swing a leg over a Valkrye and was thoroughly impressed with how low it is and how easy to balance. Me thinks I would like a touring version of one of those!! Anyways, after a nice visit by those 4 I actually got the Piggybacker in one piece, just a little bit more to do. Sure is nice to see something that looks like a trailer rather than three large pieces laying around! Weather was super, company was greatly appreciated, and I got something accomplished!!
  17. got my wife to go on her first ride today! it was a nice day and hope to have many more like it!!!
  18. Well it's time for our annual couples trip, best friend and his wife and us. This year we have rented a house outside Ferryville, Wisconsin. I've heard there are nice roads in almost any direction you head out. Also looks like its going to be some HOT weather. Anyone from that area recommend any particualr rides or places to visit? Thanks, Jay
  19. Guest

    neat little video

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYY78qUO5a4]YouTube - yamaha royal star v4 burnout[/ame] some may or may not have seen this- TD doing a nice little burnout see ya:think:
  20. The trailer raffle ticket sales have died down to nothing and we are only about half-way there. We need to sell more tickets to be able to afford that trailer. As Don mentioned in the first thread on this issue......if we don't sell enough tickets to buy the trailer......I take the money and go to Mexico...NO..NO..just kidding!! If we don't sell enough tickets to be able to buy the trailer, then we will either buy one large price ( not sure what that would be) for whatever amount of money we have raised or buy a few smaller but nice prizes such as GPS units...maybe a few satellite radios....some nice prizes. Trailer tickets can be purchased - 1 for $10.00 or 3 for $25.00 by sending me your payment by PayPal to: reinyrooster@hotmail.com
  21. As all of you interested in picking up an Odyssey battery may...or may not... know after running into problems with the supplier I decided to discontinue the latest group buy. I still wanted to use an AGM battery, so what I did is take a chance and pick one up off Ebay. It is slightly smaller than the PC680 and in some instances has a better rating. So far...so good. The battery I picked up was a Half U-1 AGM from www.Gruberpower.com I tested it during our lastest Tahoe dayride, and it didn't miss a beat. Started with power every time during the entire 13hour trip. I also let the scoot sit for a week, and just went out to start it. The motor started without any hesitation. I can't attest to battery life, but for $32 + shipping it's a steal. It's made in China, and cosmetically it looks very nice. The only drawback..if you could call it that.. was the anode posts are a little different and some thought needs to be taken to route the positive and neg cables. A little twisting and it's do-able. So, if anyone was waiting feverishly for an Odyssey, here I feel is a great alternative. Anything else you'd like to know....ask, and I'll try to answer.
  22. well thanks to Bongobob, i now have my new Dunlop elite 3 on the rear of our 86. (i have an Avon Venom on the front) what a nice ride, tracks straight, rides quiet. cheers, Scott
  23. Yesterday evening I noticed a quite nice looking Blue colored 1st Gen with Ontario plates on I95 going through Bridgeport CT headed north. Anyone from here? Nice looking ride and a great grin on the face. You just beat out the rain that came through about 30 minutes later. Hope ya made it back north safely.
  24. Hi guys, just a note to say thanks to thems that what helped out with the multitude of questions about the 06 Midnight Venture I picked up. While convalescing from surgery last week, my buddies serviced the bike for me, oil change, spark plugs, new tires (E3's), fixed up some gnashed wiring, and installing an ear splitting air horn under the bat wing fairing, etc.. A week after surgery I took the beast out for a casual careful ride (new tires need to be scuffed) and to make sure I could handle it.. I mean I feel strong but ya know how it is.. Holy wow.. nice. Those tires severely wakened the bike up as she really wants to lean for it's size and now, it really doesn't feel top heavy as it did on the previous tires (rear E3 was barely legal worn and the front E2 was scalloped), this made for a huge handling difference. But now wow.. tomorrow is a full day of riding, get the scuff on the tires and burn some gas =) Only ran into one glitch though, the hazard lights stopped working.. signals are OK but no 4 way flashers.. Will post that one in another thread.. But ooooh nice.. My poor broken customized VStar is going to have to wait to get repaired now awww..
  25. Guest

    Camping Gear

    Ok...not exactly 'riding gear'...but I found a source on the net for camping gear, mainly tents and sleeping bags and pads, made especially for bikers who camp! I have placed an order, and when one item was out of stock, one of the owners emailed me to offer alternatives, and then invited me to visit him at their booth in Sturgis when I get there....not a big deal, but hey, so many internet vendors have automated email and this was a nice change. Here is the link: http://www.fullthrottlecamping.com They have a nice selection of oversize bags, and pads that slip into a sleeve on the sleeping bag, so you dont slide off your air matress onto the cold hard tent floor! Cool! This is not a discount house, just good stuff at reasonable prices. Good place to spend that Economic Incentive Check! I look forward to using the gear I purchased....I'll let yall know how it turns out.
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