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  1. Please help! On the way down to Panama City yesterday my low beam went out along with the driving lights. I still have the high beam, and the headlight fuse is OK. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions before I search for the dealer here? Also, if the bulb simply needs changed, how do I do that? The owner's manual and the service manual are not much help...
  2. As some of you may have recalled, I had a tire blow last year while running through West, by God, Virginia. It was a Dunlop D404 that had been put on a couple of months previously. I was beating myself up for neglecting to check my tire pressure and was sure that was what killed it with 5581 miles on it. For a lot of expense (towing, hotel stay, tire, install, etc.) I was able to get another D404 installed so I could get home. That was the only tire available at the time. Well - IT ALMOST HAPPENED AGAIN! I was recently on a 4000 miles run around and was meticulously checking the tire pressure. It never varied from the original 40 lbs. However, as I was checking the tire pressure after getting gas, I noticed the tire wear was extreme. It was already down to, or below, the wear bars in the center of the tire. Thank goodness it was so windy that I wasn't running on the center of the tire. Since I was about half way across South Dakota and had a good 600 miles (most to be at night) to get home, I thought prudence would be the better part of valor. I pulled into a rest area and got on the phone and found a dealer in NorthWest Iowa with a - D404 tire!!! I had to get home and wanted to get there in one piece. When I punched the dealer address into my GPS, I noticed it would be 6:30 (they close at 6:00) before I got there. I pulled off the next exit to see if I could find a dealer any closer. Luck had me pull into Chamberlain, SD. I asked for a phone book but there were no M'cycle dealers listed. The clerk mentioned there was a Honda dealer the next exit down, I called and they had - an Elite 3 in the appropriate size. Apparently, that is what the Wings use. Showed up, they had me drive right into the shop, and the technician and I got to work. I took off the saddlebags, dropped the pipe, and took off the brake caliper. The tech started on the axle. We jacked it up with a standard floor jack balancing it against the kickstand. While the tech removed the dead D404 and installed the E3, he told me where the Moly60 was and I greased the splines. We reinstalled and I paid the standard bill (list price on the tire, but no complaints here). Slipped the tech a twenty on the way out for getting right on it and for letting me help. 45 minutes in and out with a new E3. OK, bottom line. I got lucky this time. The D404 was not designed for this bike - regardless what the Owners Manual says. The D404 that blew in WV had 5581 miles on it. I now firmly believe the WV tire died a natural death, not from neglect (although, I neglected to inspect for tire wear). This tire, when removed, had 4311 miles on it. Would it have made it another 600 miles? Maybe. But there will never be another D404 on my bike - if I can avoid it. Just a note on the E3. I felt the tire was not quite as smooth on groved pavement as the D404. Almost like it was a 'harder' tire. However, it might be that the tech did not balance the tire. I was in a rush and we both just forgot. I'll throw in some Dynabeads this weekend and that might help. It is a very small price to pay if I can actually make a trip and return safely with the same tires on the bike. The Darksiders almost had me coming over after this. We will see how the E3 works out. Hopefully, I will be able wear it out this year - by riding a lot!! RR
  3. Get you mind back on Bikes! Darlene is a stock 2006 RSTD with 20k miles...... When the she is cold, I hear a groan when I climb on....Be nice! The groan seems to go away after I have ridden her a bit.... Oh, jeez! The dealer says that the Yamaha rep. has told him to take out the rear shock and lubricate it and all moving parts.... So having read many posts on here about this shock, I don't recall any that discussed removing and lubrication. The shock is not leaking as far as I can tell, but.... Am I being slow-rolled by the dealer/rep? The bike is still under warranty for another month. Many thanks....Steve ****UPDATE**** ****UPDATE**** Well, after a slight delay due to weather and health, I brought Darlene to another dealer who lubed everything up and still heard the groan. They told me today that they have ordered a new shock under warranty. This is a wonderful site and I am the grateful recipient of many tips from the others on here. I trust now that Darlene's action beneath me will be as energetic as when she was younger, but I'll probably miss her groan...................
  4. Just wondering if you can get a key made from the serial number from a dealer
  5. Saw a 2005 RSMV listed for sale at a local dealer. Nothing special about the bike, few extras like passing lamps, trunk rack, etc. Listed price was $11,999.00 I sent an email wishing them luck!
  6. I recently lost my 2006 VTX1300 in the floods in the Memphis,TN area. Dealing with insurance company now on the total loss settlement. Now with the basic background out of the way. I am looking at a 2006 royal star tour deluxe black. Dealer is asking $8999. Actually two dealers 100 miles apart. One bike has 4400 miles the other has 6800 miles. Got one dealer down to $7999 and am sure I can get the other down to that too. Is this a good price. Both bikes look show room clean. What are the known issues with this bike? How's the maintenance? What are the must have accessories? Is the seat a must replace and if so what's the recommended seat? What are the must do mods? I know yamaha makes a good bike. Just not overly familiar with this one. Anything I need to look for or check before buying? Sorry for so many questions. I'm sure the search tab would answer most of my questions but I like the answers fresh lol. And Im being a little lazy. Sorry. Thanks for the help. Ps I am an ok wrench and am not scared to do my own work.
  7. When I order a new car/truck or in this case Jeep, when does the dealer get factory credit for it. When I place the order or when he delivers it. Might help to know this to help with bargaining price.
  8. Wondering how folks do oil chnges on long trips? Do you look for a dealer? Do you change it at a filling station? Thanks!
  9. My ridding buddy just made the deal. He is trading his 08 HD Ultra in on a new Venture. The dealer had to get it from another dealer and it should be ready for pick Saturday. I sure hope he is happy with it. Earl
  10. I'm looking for a set of carb covers for my Venture. Apparently they have been discontinued. Anyone know how to do a dealer search? My dealer says he could not find them. Part no is STR 4XY 27 42 02 Thanks Mike
  11. Just finished an over 4k mile trip on the 05 Midnight. Started out on an Iron Butt Border to Border from Laredo, Tx to Emerson, MB, Canada. Ended up riding almost all of Texas in the rain. Then I had the rear tire started to go down west of Topeka, Ks on the Turnpike at midnight. It was several hours before I had the tire plugged and back on the road. By then with the rain and the tire, the B2B was going to be a DNF. After a few hours sleep, checked my phone and DaveZipcode here in Houston was following my Spot Tracker and wanted to see what went wrong. He then got me info on VR members in the Sioux Falls area that I could contact. Since I was sure I could make it to Sioux Falls where I was to meet the wife to start a trip to the Black Hills after the B2B run. I contacted member EZRALE (Ezra) who lives in Dell Rapids north of Sioux Falls. Explained my situation with the rear tire and needing a dealer to get a new one. I didn’t want to ride a long trip with the wife on a plugged tire. He gave info on a Yamaha dealer and some other choices for repair, Yamaha was just a stones throw from the motel I was planning to stop at and meet the wife who was flying in on Tuesday. That Tuesday morning got the bike over to the dealer and they had one rear tire for the Venture in stock. They had me fixed up in about 2 hrs. After picking the bike up, Erza came by the motel on his 97 RSTD to meet and we talked for awhile and then went for a ride around the Sioux Falls area out in the countryside. We had a great time chatting and then found out we are both in the Broadcast business working for TV stations. What are the odds? Erza had just joined VR in August and put down on his profile VR assistance, but thinking it would be a million years before he would get a call. You never know. Thanks Erza. Picked up the wife at the airport and we started our trip the Black Hills area, had a great time riding in South Dakota and will be back. Then we headed to Denver to see an old friend there. While there noticed a small coolant leak coming from #2 cyl. Immediately got on the VR site to search, and found out about the dime fix on the drain plug. Worked like a charm. Its still there. I, like most everyone on this site really enjoy the having this group of people who freely give help and knowledge for all to use. There isn’t another group like this I am sure. Thanks again to Dave, Ezra and my wife Mollie who brought a spare tire on her flight just in case the dealer didn’t have one. Here are some pics of the trip. PS. With over 97500 miles on the Venture, I know she is just getting broke in. Love to ride it and do. Perry
  12. Jaybird happened to be at the Chrysler dealer doing some windshields and stopped to say Hi, guess he should have known better
  13. I saw a new commercial for the Chevy Eco today: A guy drives up to a Chevy dealer in a new Toyota Camry and the dealer asks if he's "Ready to trade the ole girl in?" The drive replies that it's a brand new Camry and he just wanted to look at the new Chevy. When the owner gets out to look at the cars the salesman starts looking at the Camry and says there's no way this can be a new car. Antoher saleswoman steps up and asks "what are you looking for?" He replies " A cassette deck". I immediately thought about the Venture. (I had a 99 before the RSTD) Maybe if the other makers would call out our Venture Yammy might finally wake up!
  14. well here it is, got home this a.m. from our dealer valve adjustment in southern indiana. Lets start with obermyer yamaha being a first class operation, rolled into town "jasper" on thurs. p.m to drop off bike and get to the hotel. I was told they would have a loaner bike available and they did, a 2008 star raider with only 4500 miles more on that later. any way my 2005 rsv with 45,000 miles was in the shop for its 1ST valve check and it only had "one" valve out of spec. #4 inside intake was tight and swapped a 280 for a 275 and that was it. I was thinking there would be 3 or 4 outta spec but was happy with only one. 4 fresh plugs and new coolant and it was ready to go and only paid $320 which to me is a good deal considering a loaner bike for a day and a half. I usually never go to a dealer mech. but this one just did not sound like a good time and besides we made it a mini vacation, saw some sights and did a train ride, it was all good. If you ever get a chance to stop in jasper i recomend it, nice town with good people and a great yamaha dealer. I'm in the market for a smallish crotch rocket for commuting to work and I will buy it at obermyers !!!
  15. Our headsets have been intermittant (at best) for some time now...yesterday's ride they were unusable. What is the best way to have them repaired...take to dealer, or where? Or, should we just replace them...if so, with what?
  16. Guest

    My Dealer

    I have to give my dealer credit where it is due, my rear valve cover gasket is leaking on the left rear he order a new gasket and said he can put it on, or he would me let whatever I chose to do.. Being how the bike was going to be there for day or 2 I chose do to the repair.. Not many dealers like that anymore.. Oh and the gasket was no charge and so would have been the labor...
  17. I went to the local dealer to get some prices on a few items after I looked in the US online......(Yamahasportsplaza.com) Left Crash Bar - $390.99 CDN - $237.93 US Clutch Plates - $15.99 CDN - $6.95 US Oil Filter - $13.99 CDN - $7.95 US Air Filter - $44.99 CDN - $20.33 US Almost double to support the local CDN dealer......even with freight I'll still be in money. I guess I will have to support the US economy....again! Thought I'd share Keith
  18. well I'm finally gonna do a valve adjustment at 45,000 miles. Taking the bike to a yamaha only dealer in southern indiana next week "120 miles away". Were dropping the bike off thurs. afternoon so thay can get started and picking it up sat. morning. went ahead and got a hotel for a couple days while they do the work, even getting a loaner bike for the 2 days "he said it sure won't be a venture lol". they seem like great folks and hopefully won't cost too much, $175 to check them and a bit more for the ones they have adjust. I could probably do it but don't feel like it. anyway keep ya posted on the results.
  19. Coming off a 2000 Honda ACE Tourer for the last 3 1/2 years . (loved the bike) . Looked good lots of power. And was reliable. I put about 35000kms on in that time. Bike Had 80000 kms When I traded it in. I decided that which ever bike bought next would be new. So I priced the H-D Electra Glide looked at the Wing (for about 2 seconds) and decided to go with the Venture . Price and Warranty where major factors (price Wing) but when it came right down to it I know the Yamaha dealer And not only did he Take my bike but also my sled on trade. I went with the Venture because I ride two up alot. I wanted her to be comfortable so she would have nothing to complain about . haha . I actually signed the papers before i even sat on one because my dealer didnt have one in stock ! At this stage in life I decided that if I am going to make payments on something I may as well get something I really want (38). I have had the bike for about 3 weeks now and I have 4500 kms so far . Vacation for 2 weeks tho . I added the light bar the luggage rack and ........... LA chopper pipes. Yeah Yeah too loud too loud ( Remember Im 38 ) haha and gas cap cover . Most important addition was the Sirius radio. At first i was really nervous at slow speeds but some seat time and the 3 rules from "Ride like a Pro " and i feel more confident. But I KNOW I will someday drop this bike (its heavy haha ) i Thought i would need the lowering kit but ater reading all the reviews I am glad i didnt order one. So far I am very happy with my purchase I love the power it is very comfortable and most of all the wife is happy. I look forward to all the support and good information on here and i will do my best to help others on here as well. Thanks Jay:)
  20. My front wheel bearings disintegrated and wormed out my front wheel. I bought new bearings but when I removed the old bearings the wheel and sleeve were worn and wormed out. So I guess I will have to replace the wheel. Anyone have any ideas besides the dealer. I do not know what they cost but I do know there are cheper places than the dealer. Thanks Quicksilver Thanks guys for all the info and quick to. this is the best source of info on the net. Thank all of you again Quicksilver
  21. Hey guys, Could use a little input here... When I purchased a new set of tires for my 06 RSMV, I took them and the bike to a local metric dealer to be installed. (BTW, this will be the last time. I went to Harbor Freight and bought a few tools and I will do them myself on both of my bikes from now on). Anyway, a few days into my recent road trip, I noticed a faint sound coming from the rear wheel which would come and go. I also had the clicking sound so many of you have described from the rear end. It was an intermittent issue, and went away for the remainder of the trip. When I got back I went on this wonderful forum, and realized my problem had all the earmarkings of the dread "Creaking wheel syndrome". So I printed up the TSB and took the bike back to the stealer that did the tire change, explained the problem, the likely remedy, and asked them to fix it. Result, they kept the bike for 4 days and couldn't fix it. The service manager said "you know more about it than we do". But at least he didn't try to charge me. Anyway, took the bike home and put it up on the lift yesterday, removed the mufflers and saddlebags and brake caliper, etc. Started to remove the rear axle, which was tight as @#ll! After getting the axle out about an inch, I noticed that the axle spacer (the one between the swingarm and the caliper mounting bracket) was NOT on the axle. Oh, and I forgot to mention, they changed the final gear oil at the dealer to try to cure the noise and said it had metal shavings in it. I am sure the spacer was on the axle when I brought the bike to them because this was the first tire change. I've only had the bike since last October and it only had 4000 miles on it when I bought it. The guy I got it from was not exactly a stickler about maintenance so I really doubt he ever had the axle out, so it should have still been on there when I took it in. So guys, I guess I'm looking for some ammo to go back to the dealer with. What are potential problems that can be caused by leaving the spacer off? It seems to me that without the spacer things would either be too loose, or too tight back there, either of which could wreak havoc with the rear end of these bikes! Any input would be appreciated! Ride Safe, 1/2crazed
  22. Hi all, I hate to be the new guy wanting help, but hey, that's probably why most people find this site. I just bought a '99 RSV and trusted the seller a little too much. Apparenty he lied about having a dealer service done a 30,000 miles including the valves. I called the dealer and they had no record, and emailed him. He admitted he lied. Sooo, now after gathering myself and considering suing the prick, I have much maintenance to do on the bike including the valves (it has 36,000 miles on it with some engine noise that makes me nervous), changing fluids, (since I found my clutch fluid almost empty today after the bike was lurching forward with the clutch all the way in), as well as other needed things. Is there a maintenance day planned in this part of the world in the NEAR future? I really don't want to spend the money it looks like I could have to in order to have a reliable bike I trust having my wife on, and I use this bike as my daily rider to work... Or perhaps someone in the area who would be willing to show me some things?
  23. hello all as many may know i have had a bad running porblem with rt rear cycl i have ceaned jets changed coil took to two different shop last one dealer thay adj valves and tryed to sync carbs it is running better but still at 50 mph breaks down and will not run smooth dealer wanted to start changing parts hoping that it would fix it instead of trying to dignos it so i orded a set of carbs from pinwall today and hope that it will take care of problem the dealer said that with the bike being 12 rears old with 67000 mile it will never run right again i told him it did not mater how many mile or how old. it ran great before the problem started and should run right again if fixed correctly i guess ther are no mach only part changers bumble bee 1999 rsv
  24. Been looking for a ""Rear Fender Luggage rack"" for my new 08 RSTD. OK, came up with nothing, but sombody on this site had posted a part number. "" STR-4NK51-20-00 "" This rack fits in place of the passenger seat, for a Solo Set Up . Also it was stated that this Yamaha Accessory has been discontinued. All True, !! I found an accessory vendor web site that listed that number , with a photo of the part, and statement that is was indeed " discontinued " OK-- SO ?? I stopped at a dealer today, and had the parts guy run the number on his computer system, and check parts warehouse's. He found, 4 of them still in Variious Dealer, Stock, around the country. One was in Reno, Nev. !! He hands me the phone, and I order it from the Dealer in Reno !!! ( Its being shipped to me as we speak !!!!! ) OK, so what ??? He also found that there are 3 more of them in stock at other dealers around the country. !!! If you want one, go to a dealer and ask the parts guy to try to locate one of them ( There are Three Left, Somplace in the U. S. on a dealer shelf ) My charge from the Reno Dealer, was $82.00 plus shipping. I'm sure there are at least 3 members would like to have one of these rear fender racks
  25. http://www.tomroush.com/inventory-details/title/indianapolis-in-westfield-in-used-1982-chevrolet-corvette/vehicleid/504376135-3004b2 Still a bit high IMO, but much better. If only I had the $$$ http://www.fritzinfishers.com/1978_Chevrolet_Corvette_Fishers_IN_150882095.veh
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