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Everything posted by Solodadof2

  1. So here is the million dollar question if the tire had any issues or defects and need to be replaced would they tell you it was out of Warranty, because of it's age?
  2. Well Here is what I am guessing Rick sat at his computer in his padded room with his invisivble bike and took this wonderful trip. Pictures are worthless at this point as anyone can drag up some pictures that would convince us they had actually taken this trip. Non the less Rick we are glad you made it home Safe. Does R/B stand for RYTHM AND BLUES?
  3. I am very much a to each his own type person, I served my country to help preserve the right of free speech and freedom to choose. I will comment that here in central Illinois we have had several deaths in recent months that were motorcycle related. Not having a helmet was not the worst of this several were under the influence. Here in Illinois in 2009 we had 108 fatalities and 80 of those were not wearing helmets. maybe they would have helped and maybe not. A friend from years ago told me "the difference between wearing a helmet and not wearing one is an open casket funeral". None of us will cheat death so live it the best way that YOU can.
  4. Okay Just bought a couple synegy heated vest and was wondering are the different makers interchangeable.. So would say Gerbing Glove liners connect to the tourmaster vest? or do each have thier own unique connectors? thanks for the input!!!
  5. Maybe you did not mention the latter as that is not one for the memory books. Hope trip is going well, I have to admit I am jealous!!!!
  6. We will keep Rosemary, Dano, and Family in our thoughts for a speedy recovery.
  7. rick good to hear you are having safe travels, having met you and ridden with you you got my vote for love riding(NOT). Enjoy your trip as Shirley is getting ready to go on hers when you get back.
  8. I do and I purchase mine from mc-mountguys.com
  9. Sounds like there was some positive to it, remember if other chapters are like mine we will allow anyone in the group that has the desire to host a ride try it. Keeping in mind that person also has to demonstrate the ability to do so safely. Being a road captain in any ride is a huge responsibility and is not for everyone. Group riding is not for everyone, our group has become close enough that we can talk about a ride and what might have been good or bad about the experience. I am curious that you did not speak about your experience with the people themselves, would like to hear about that. Send me a message.
  10. Have you tried looking up the local Bike shops? Sometimes you can make arrangements with them.
  11. I am a Chapter president for Star Touring and Riding as well, which in turn brought me here. I Ride with a wonderful group of People, but there are some awesome people on here too. It is like any organization you get what you give. You can attend up to 3 functions before you are asked to Join Star Touring. That does not mean you have to join a particular chapter. It is a lot like here a lot of great people that share a passion. I belong to This Group, Star, American Voyager Association, and frequent some of the Honda websites. Most of the Star Groups that I have been exposed to have been very warm and accepting. Best of Luck! We also are not brand specific my chapter has yamaha, harley, suzuki, victory, honda, kawasaki. I dont care who I ride with as long as they are safe, like to eat, and enjoy good company.
  12. Anytime Rick!
  13. Finally got to use my Morgan CarbTune today, with the help of Rick Haywood and Dyno Don. Thanks Fellas
  14. I would lIke to invite anyone that may be in the Area To a short ride with a free meal of Chilli and BBQ afterward, this is a ride we do in conjunction with our Supporting Dealership. Dyno Don will be one of the road Captains. The Ride is Saturday october 22nd with Line up Starting at 10:15 and first group leaving at 11:00. The return time will be approximately 1-1:15 pm. Then some giveaways from the dealer, a 50/50, raffle tickets for a trailer to be drawn in June and A FREE MEAL. Love to have ya come on along. THe Address is Cupi's Motormall 845 Edgewater Drive, Pekin Illinois 61554
  15. Sorry guys I emailed shawn to see what was up, I will let you know when I hear something.
  16. check www.touringcycleaccessories.com Shawn Baker has a lot of older tour bike pieces NOS
  17. Hello one of the guys I ride with has a 97 royal star, he has started having an intermittant ignition problem. we will be running down the road then bike dies. stop turn switch of then on hit start button off we go. there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to the distance or the heat. Anyone had this problem? got any ideas? thanks!
  18. http://www.motorcyclearmrest.com/armrests/yamaha_star-stratoliner
  19. Sorry we really have 2 threads in one going on here. The original thread was for an RSTD. so for the RSV I think they have all alternatives covered here, there might be one more.
  20. Try Shawn Baker at www.touringcycleaccessories.com
  21. Did anyone mention the Armrest by Ultimate seats? there is another set out there call Love handles.
  22. With the cost from mama yama to replace a whole windshield adding up to around $3000 This is a great idea!
  23. Well we have a cross country in our stable, there are no heat issues(in fact there is more heat off my tour deluxe). It has been featured in several magazines and has beaten the competition (HD, Strat, Venture, Kawi Voyager and Vaquero)hands down. The cb on the tourer is accessory, but it comes with several options. You can also buy a Cross Country and build to suit. It is in fact air and oil Cooled.. Now that all being said it is my Wifes Bike. if you are in or near Illinois Randy's Cycle in Marengo or Integ Motorsports in East Peoria Illinois( ask for Will). Both of the Victory Dealerships are very professional and will treat you right. You would be suprised that the Victory has about the same tone as the Tourdeluxe with oem pipes.. One thing we enjoy about victory is they have a yearly event at the factory and they allow you to test ride(not many dealerships to that anymore).
  24. I feel for your brother, i have spent the last 7 plus years trying to keep my kids as far away from this crap as possible. Regardless of the fact that we have 50% custody, and the each of us is responsible to pay half of all medical, dental,optical,education, etc. She still takes me back to court every 2 years and tries to take my visitation away and get child support. We have very similar incomes and she now want me to have him my 50% plus pay her 20%, I guess it is more expensive to raise him at her has than it is at Mine. I told my attorney I would gladly take residential custody, allow her her continued 50% visitation and not ask for a dime above what we already have agreed to. The court systems are coming around to believing that men can be as good of a parent. We just recieved a financial affidavit from my ex where she lied on her income. She actually has it listed that she makes less now that she did when we got divorced 7 years ago. I guess she does not realize the pay stubs wont lie for her.
  25. there is a brand out there called Chariot I believe, Call Randy's Cycle shop in Marengo Illinois he is a dealer and might be able to help.
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