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Everything posted by elmicko

  1. Finally got a pretty Saturday to take the bike out and get the riding itch out of my britches. I've done a bunch of work on the bike over the winter and RandyA came over and helped me with carb diaphragms and lower in the needles. This is just my first impression of the improvement in performance, but SON OF A ______!!!! That puppy is fast now, I can't believe how much better it runs. Thanks Randy, you set me up right! Here are some pics of the bike now that I've worked on her for the past 3 months. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/PICT0014.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/PICT0016.jpg Randy, I believe I owe you a few more beers. Whoo Hooo!!!!
  2. Excellent job buddy!! Keep up the good work. So far I'm at 29 pounds gone, so I know how hard it is. Keep at it, looks like you've found something that works for you.
  3. One word of caution on bananas. They are a wonderful source of nutrition and a great food to eat, but most diets recommend you to stay away from them during weight loss. They have a high concentration of sugars so be aware if you are watching carbohydrates.
  4. Probably isn't fair because I have a degree in English, but my favorite of all time is The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway. I've read a bunch of good books, but that one is my favorite.
  6. We've got a Wii Fit and love it. I really just use the fit part for balance exercises. The big advantage to having a Wii is you have to get your butt off the couch to use it. I'm do a hard 30 minutes on the treadmill every morning and the Wii keeps me from vegging in front of the TV every night. The bowling game is a hoot.
  7. I've lost a little over 26 pounds in the last 2 1/2 months by doing a diet called "The God's Diet". It basically means if God didn't make it, don't eat it. Pretty much you're eliminating anything made with flour or sugar. I'm doing better with this than anything else I've tried. It's hard to complain too much when a steak and baked potato are a perfectly acceptable meal. I've also gone to eating off of 8 inch plates and that helps a lot too.
  8. I know mufflers have been discussed a bunch on here, but here we go again. I don't want a loud bike, but that sweet V4 needs to be heard a little better. I've read that a lot of folks really like the HD Road King pipes, but what would would sound good (not looking for loud, I just want to hear the bike better) and be easiest to install? Also looking for a bargain.
  9. I was about ready to set fire to my bike after working for over an hour and still not having the first plug out. Then, for some reason I remembered my bike came with a tool kit.
  10. I want a full body tattoo of a skinny man.
  11. Good job, buddy. I'm on a plateau right now and it makes it tough to keep focus. But I'm still on the treadmill every morning and doing some type of workout every night. I figure if nothing else, I'll be the most in shape fat guy you've ever seen. Got the bike put back together, now all we need is some warm weather and we can go for a ride!!!
  12. OK, I'm thinking about another project to get mp3 into my radio. One question, does the cassette deck automatically turn on when you put in a cassette, or is there a switch on the radio that activates it?
  13. That is one sweet bike!! I thought my 86 was nice, but it looks like a booger beside that one.
  14. It really bothers me that Yamaha is pretty much ignoring their touring riders. Yeah, they have the RSV, but they act like it's an unloved step child. I love my VR and one day may look at a 2nd Gen because I like the style. The Voyager is a very nice bike and I can't wait to see how it evolves over the next few years. Also everything I have seen of the Victory Cross Country looks very cool.
  15. There really isn't one time that they move less than others. During deer hunting season, they'll still move quiet a bit but they do it mostly at night due to hunting pressure. Any time you are in a full moon or new moon phase they are a bit more active during the day and night. The worst times for them to be a traffic concern are right before daylight and for the first few hours after dark. If you see one standing on the side of the road, slow down, blow your horn and pass with caution. They'll either get "deer in the headlights" syndrome and not move, or they'll try to bolt. If they bolt, they could very well come across the road. I guess the worst time for them is during the "rut" which is usually late fall. They are looking for love and don't pay much attention to where they're running. If you just watch out for them and expect them to be un-predictable, you're usually in good shape.
  16. Got my diaphragms installed today along with the mods to the needles. Thanks RandyA, I can't wait to open her up and see how she does.
  17. Ok, I've looked and I can't seem to find the thread, sorry if I missed it. Has anybody got instructions on removing the seat from a MKII VR? I've dug around on the seat and I haven't seen anything that looks like it would remove it.
  18. Easy big guy. I think I would rather find some boots with really thick soles over getting a really big girl to put on the back.
  19. Oh yeah. It's made a big difference in my driving. I am very aware of what's going on around me. I also really watch out for bikes when I'm in my truck and try to run interference when I can. A couple of weeks ago I was driving the four lane between Bristol and Johnson City and noticed a young couple on a crotch rocket going the same way. Not riding fast or stupid, just riding. Then I saw a welfare piece of junk pull in behind them and start riding their tail and wouldn't get off. The bike managed to ease up enough to allow me to slide in behind him and slow way down. Kept the biker safe and pissed off the burdens to society in the car. All in all, it was a win / win deal.
  20. Whatever they are, they aren't needed on a 1st Generation.
  21. Good Luck Rooster!!! Enjoyed meeting you this weekend.
  22. Thanks for the replies, but I don't have a problem with the screw (at the gas cap). The part that I'm talking about is the other end next to the handle bars. The rubber thing the tab on the false tank cover slides into. Sorry I can't explain it any better.
  23. Yep they list it. They're pretty proud of it too. I may have to break down and pay their price if I can't find it anywhere else. Thanks for the link.
  24. The rubber grommet that the front tab on the false tank cover fits in on my '86 VR is in pretty bad shape. Anybody got any idea where I can find a new one? Every now and then the tab will back out of the grommet and I'll see the tank cover start to lift while I'm riding down the road. It causes a feeling that is somewhat less than comfortable. Thanks for the help.
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