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Everything posted by Rottdoglover

  1. Glad to see SHE found someone who cares. I agree with Mini that she needs a few groceries in her. You deserve a BIG ATTABOY:178:
  2. Heat will expand metal thus reducing clearance. Also valves will wear down the face and seat area allowing the valve stem to move closer to the tappet. This also reduces clearance. Hope this helps explain why clearances DECREASE with wear.
  3. CHASING? Shouldn't that be the other way around. GW trying to keep up? All in fun. I believe all had a good time.
  4. Steering wheel & air conditioning make it a 3 wheel CAR in my book.
  5. Bike NOT included? Let's see, a $500 trailer with a relief slot cut in and a few brackets to keep YOUR bike verticle. I don't think so Tim! As for the eye appeal, I don't see anything good looking about it. But that's just MHO.
  6. My initials are MD and I prescribe for everyone (just to be safe) that you stay away from co-workers for the next 4 days so you won't infect them with something you may have. A good long motorcycle ride will blow the bugs off. I hear the weather in northest Ohio will be good this weekend to ease your suffering.
  7. Can't get link to work either. What is ebay listing number?
  8. Hope ya have a good safe trip home. But going to all those far away places just to eat sounds kinda 'fishy' to me.
  9. Easy SilvrT. It's not just you. I have a Venture (Gen1) a GW. I've noticed the 'snobbishness' some (Not All) Wingers have. I ride for the joy of it. Not for the bragging rights to say "I paid nearly $30K for this baby". I honestly can't say it because I had to buy used. I have found if I pull into a Wing thing on my BASE cheapy model, they (with lotsa chrome&stuff) look at me like I'm an alien from Mars. Not to many GW riders even work on their bike so talking tech with them is out of the question. I know I'm walking both side of the fence here,but from MY point of view, VR riders seem to be a more happy & friendly bunch. Oh yeah, it REALLY makes 'em do a doubletake of the venturerider.org decal on a GW! :stickpoke:Or maybe they're just jelous VR's have more fun for less $. Who knows? It's their problem, not mine.
  10. If Doc was a die hard HD guy he wouldn't have a rice burner anywhere close, would he? Must wanted the best of both worlds. Fast heeling to you.
  11. Just happened to my 88. I clamped a new ground wire on it and all is well.
  12. Have you looked at buying just the trailer and adding your own car top carrier? Price would be close to same and you would have greater choice in capacity and style. I can tell you the longer tongue pulls better.
  13. If you make it; we will eat it. Don't try to get a bunch of choices for we would HAVE to try each and every one. You know, just for fair comparision.
  14. Just wondering if anyone at Don's MD will want something welded. Someone mentioned plating over an exhaust collector. If there is enough interest, I may drag my MIG along.
  15. Timing belt replacement is not above the average guys skill level. Only hint I could give is MARK all gear position before dismantling.
  16. Nice scoot. Guess you'll be parking with the rest of us 'outcast' wingers huh. You will find out (as I did the hard way) the GW is no corner hugger. As you said it wants to stay verticle. But you still have a place in your heart for the Venture, so ride and enjoy
  17. Just like 'Hookt on fonix' "werx for me"
  18. IF you're going to make your little buddy ride in a trailer behind the bike and breathe exhaust, at least put LOTS of padding & bedding in it to help smooth out the bumps. And maybe a fresh air duct on top of box.
  19. Like GeorgeS states, about any will work. Even lawn mower ones. Just get the smallest posssible. As long as you get the + cable and start wire to it then get back to starter, it will work. Even if you have to move location and add longer cables.
  20. Short across the 2 main post on solenoid to make sure it's not a bad cable. If you are VERY careful, you can take them apart and clean the contacts. Just watch for tiny wire connections. I've done this on several with good results. Look at it this way; If it's broke you can't hurt it any more. Good luck. IF you have room, a solenoid off a old Ford works.
  21. Yeah you could bring it but you would get there quicker on Gen 1!
  22. Wife 'volunteers' to mow? RED flag! Just funnin ya. Be thankful it was something easily repairable and not an eye or other important body part. Still, I feel your pain (for bike). Good excuse for a new coat of shiney stuff!
  23. Hey Bill. Count me in for a couple. (1 for Venture & 1 for "other") I'd be proud to display for VR.
  24. Ride, drive, hitch hike, run or walk. Just so you get there.
  25. Sorry to have missed you there. I got there about 9:30 & left @ 11:30. Yes there were a LOT of bikes and several from far away. Lots of vendors to get in your pocket. And yes the wind & weather were not making for enjoyable riding. Hope you at least got a free dounut. See ya @ MD
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