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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Don't sit on the couch before changing, and you don't want to take a ride on the bike after without changing. Hmmm sounds like you know from experience? Esp the couch remark seems kinda telling.....lol!! brian:stirthepot:
  2. Glad youre ok and made the right choice for today. Brian
  3. Our price around here is a bit better , we seem to be around 899 a can.
  4. Yeah, what he said. Also I am in not in neutral except at very long lights, I think that if something is coming my way I would rather have an out in a hurry than be in neutral. Brian
  5. Hey Sarge its closer than kitchener so you shouldnt need as much "down" time....lol Travelling with you guys sounds like fun and dont worry, I am an old guy that doesnt want to travel very fast either, speed limits are fine, esp on unfamiliar roads. Ive already booked a room in the hub for the rally, all I gotta do now is get the time off. Brian
  6. I guess you had the time to wonder about them as you were laying there on the ground givin them the close once over a couple of days ago.......:rotfl: Sorry, couldnt resist....
  7. Here is an article citing several studies basically saying they dont work. Its taken from the Internet BMW rider website. http://www.ibmwr.org/otech/deerw.html Brian
  8. If you dont have a warning image as well as the red light, you may be using an lcd bulb in the tail or have a burnt out bulb. (the LCD doesnt use enough current and the computer console thinks there a dead bulb) You got a great deal on your 85, i paid a whole lot more than that for mine.. enjoy!! Brian
  9. hi and welcome to the group. I am glad to see another member from Sask here. If you ever want to go for a ride in the Regina area or want to make a coffee run, just drop a message .

  10. Now I get on the bike from the right side when it's leaning to the left on the side stand. Kinda look like an olympian running the high hurdles. ---Condor Thats why I park my scoot in a Baxley la chock any time I am at home , theres no lean so I can get on from either side depending on which knee or hip aint working right,,,,lol! Brian:stirthepot:
  11. A guy I have met a few times has changed out the signal light sockets and bulbs on his scoot and done some rewiring so that when he puts the brakes on one filament in the signals come on also. the signals run on the other filament in the new 2 filament bulb. I was thinking this might be a way to be a bit more visible without a lot of modding and messing around. I am wondering if it would be legal tho..... Brian
  12. hi I have never tried that company, but i have tried newenough.com several times and they give great service and have super prices. (and even their shipping to Canada is reasonable) You might check their closeout section, a couple of days ago they had ladies mesh jackets with amour and liner at 25 bucks! (might all be gone but worth checking). heres a link http://newenough.com/closeouts Brian
  13. That would be a great idea for those of us that gotta travel a bit o distance and have a couple of weeks vacation. Sarge; if you guys are going, let me know , would be great to do some travelling together. Brian
  14. friesman


    whats it about man?
  15. I am so glad that I am not the only guy in here who has issues with knees and stuff that doesn cooperate anymore! I am glad it youre ok and it wasnt a more serious drop, cause the bike coulda been damaged! and you know the old saying ....skin grows back plastic doesnt! Brian Jack, I wonder if you could message me me with the name of a motel close to you guys thats reasonable and clean.
  16. Yeah giga, I was wondering how they were doing yesterday, and then was thinking that I had seen jt around for quite a while. I hope Jeannie and jt are doin ok. Brian
  17. You didnt perhaps fill gas just before the synch and get a bunch of bad gas? Just grasping at straws here Brian
  18. Thats how it works for me too. Around here we have flat prairie for 6 hours in any direction and the speedlimit is 100kph but the RCMP wont stop you until youre over120KPH , ....so.... we usually go abour 130kph as you can usually see anything entering or leaving the highways a long way in advance, but when I do that my mileage drops to about 35-40 mpg. When I am riding along the lake roads where its twistv and slower I am always around 45 or higher for mileage. Brian
  19. Sure Ill host it in Saskatchewan but you guys might all fall asleep driving over the flat treeless prairie for 6 hours in any direction to get here.....LOL! And you know we dont want any riders having trouble with sleeping and driving. (but at our age sometimes we need to pull over and have a nap anyway...) Brian:cool10:
  20. Its amazing the differences in our 2 countries. Although we are so alike in so many ways, we are so different on this point. ( At least in my circle of people) . No one has a handgun for protection up here, and I only know of 1 or 2 that might have a shotgun for protection up here. I guess because handguns have never been freely available up here they just havnt gotten into very many hands and not into very many criminal hands. I wont say we never have a shooting but it seems to be very isolated incident up here..( we use Knives or bats, I guess....) I dont know which countries approach is better, but I just had to make the observation as it seemed so striking to me. Brian
  21. No it goes,,,,,,to proud to beg.........get your lyrics straight...lol Brian
  22. Thanks to Freebird and everyone at VR ! I am sure I can find something from newenough that ill need for the trip down to VentureWest IV in San Luis Obispo in Ca. in a few weeks! Brian:cool10:
  23. I just went to Uhaul and rented a bike trailer for 20 bucks a day and hauled my 85 home. I took it directly over to the Motor licensing office and had them check the VIn right there ( and they check the engine id here also to make sure it matches to the bike) paid my money took her and unloaded her into the garage. Brian
  24. friesman

    bug off

    I had a bunch of bugs on my windsheild a few days ago, and didnt have anything to clean it off with. I found my bottle of Plasma tv screen cleaner and did it ever do a great job! it lifted the bug residue and left the windshield nice and clean, no swirls, and not much scrubbing. If its good enough for my plasma I guess it should be ok for my Scoot! (the Pledge I use from time to time didnt seem to be an issue either, but it did take all of the pledge off too) Brian:cool10:
  25. Now I have a good idea of what to look for. I hope to get a look at it tomorrow if the weather is better. My garage is too small to work in, The parking lot works better. lol Thanks again for the input and wisdom! Brian:cool10:
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