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Everything posted by Carbon_One

  1. Hi Floyd Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner here. Was out of town from Thursday till this evening. Seeing as you already ordered your unit I'd say you're good to go now. Still if you want to stop by and check mine out you're welcome. Larry
  2. That's very close to what I have in my garage Floyd. Mine is made by Modine and called Hot Dawg. They're probably both made by the same company. Anyhow I have the 45k btu model and I can keep the garage toasty warm if I want - single digit temps outside and 60-70 * inside depending on what thermostat is set at. And it only takes a short time to get there too. Just insulating the walls and ceiling will generaly keep the inside at least 10* warmer overnight too. Come on over and you can check mine out. Larry
  3. Wow another price increse for the pass ports!! Glad I got mine last year. Still I'll probably get one of those wallet cards too. Much easier to tote along or keep it with you all the times. Larry
  4. What a tease you are Red Rider. Those are good boots thou and know of several people who have them. Not me thou. Larry BTW: Glad to have met ya even if we didn't get to chat much. Hope to see you another time.
  5. Yep we've all been there- done that too. Even to the point of actually spending more for personal mods than actually paying the stealers prices for their goods. Larry
  6. Gotta agree here with Goose too. I hate over paying for anything and will avoid doing so if possible. Yea I know there's times it can't be avoided too. At that point I'll either forego the item, put that idea on nold, or bite the bullet and open the wallet. All depends on how bad I want something. I added a pair of gauges to my bike last year- a voltage gauge and a Drag Specilities tach. mounted them both in bullet cups on the handle bars. I did a write up on them but it may have been lost with the sites crash. I'll check and if I don't see that article I'll post a couple pics of my set up here. Larry
  7. Looking good there Kenny. I see another must have purchase here. Thanks, Larry
  8. Glad to hear her operation was a success. And that all will be normal after some healing time. We'll see you guys before too long as well. Larry
  9. On my bike both of those ends had craked and weren't pulling the outer faing in tight enough so my soluation was to use a piece of brazing rod and a couple of flat washers . Made the rod as omlg as needed to reach another screw on the inner panel. Then had the other washer under the last screw on the windshiled bracket. I did a write up with pics a while back. Not sure if it was lost during the sites last crash or not. I'll check. probably still had the pics and could do another write up if needed. Larry PS: Ok couldn't find my write up but I'll attach a couple of pics of the repair I did.
  10. Looks like NE and GB as a match up from what I see. Other teams might get lucky and sneak in but I doubt it. Anyhow I think a match between Green Bay & New England would be a good game to watch. Just my here. Larry
  11. Check on the info in the 2nd gen parts and accessories of the Classifeds. Here's a link as well -- http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/69/cat/7 Larry
  12. Mark don't forget to check out some side cars too. I was very close to ordering one of them rather than going with the tirke conversion. Same deal there as with the insta trikes kits. You can change them back anytime you see fit too. http://www.texassidecars.com/ http://www.texassidecars.com/yamaha.htm And other links - http://www.sidecar.com/stuff2.asp Anyhow whatever it takes to keep you rolling. Larry
  13. Dog it don't matter what you ride as long as you can ride. Myself I'm taking the trike route but that's a lot more expensive than the Voyager system. And no going back to 2 wheels either if you wanted to. Either set up will take some getting used to so take your time there. Bottom line is do what you need to do to keep riding if that's your wish. The rest will fall into place. Larry
  14. While the bike can be replaced it sure would be hard to replace Lonna and Brad here. Glad to hear they are OK just the same. Larry
  15. Just a note here to let eveyone know I've got the Stebel horn brackets available once again. Check the 2nd Gen parts & accessories classified section for ordering info. Larry
  16. Joyce and I just got in from visting Gary this evening. As others here have said he's doing well and happy for any company coming his way. Hopfully he'll make it to our year end party but if not we'll have one for his coming out maybe. Whatever he is improving and that's what matters most. Thou it's been and still will be a long recovery for him. Larry & Joyce
  17. I tell you guys, Lonna's cheese cake is great no matter the flavor but her spaghetti is tops too. She's one fine cook IMHO. Those who have had both have been treated royally I say. Larry
  18. Your loss is our loss too. Prayers going out to you & John's family. Larry
  19. My grandson is playing in a hockey tournament in Windsor the weekend between Christmas and New Years Day. I'll try and make it a point to stop in for a vist with Gary Larry
  20. I agree with Brad here. Now is the time to get those applications sent in. In all likelyhood you'll have it in hand before winter is over. Wife & I got ours last fall in 3 weeks . I was totaly supprised but very thankfull just the same. Man what a relief to get that done. Bottom line. GetR done NOW. Larry
  21. Slow golng here as well. Life getting in the way of getting much done. Getting parts and stuff ordered and ready for installing is about all I've done except for cutting the body to fit over the rear end. just recieved all my tubing for the exhaust system this week too. Hope your hospital visit wasn't too serious. Later, Larry
  22. Hey Jerry those are old pics. Tell us you've gotten more done than that. Larry
  23. Got mine today. First class work there . and I can say I'm pretty happy and proud to have the bells. Thanks for your effort here Don. Larry
  24. Got a used set of brackets I made for my bike that I've taken off since I went back to the stock pipes on my ride. Check out my ad in the classified section of 2nd gen parts & acc. Larry
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