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  1. I recently just finished my redo of my 1987 Venture Royale and took my first road trip on it to St.Mary's Ga from Atlanta and back I was pleased with the overall look and performance but was somewhat dissappointed in the original Audio radio/CB. intercome hair lip audio sound. I am contemplating ripping the orginal out and replacing it with some current technology. Does anyone have some advice on components and installation?
  2. I am looking to put a audio system on my 2005 RSTD. I am not sure how many watts the bike can handle. I would like something that can drowned out the noisy Harleys that are on the road. I figure a 850 watt system should do that:rotf:. Does anyone have any suggestions:confused24:? I apperciate any suggestions and or pictures.
  3. It's a Shark Audio System SHKMSM2050K for my '98 RSTD. $115 and change. I'll let y'all know how it sounds and post some pics once I get it on the bike. That includes the system itself, a pair of handlebar brackets for the speakers, and shipping. I heard one of these on a Roak King a couple months ago, sounded pretty good. If you haven't seen or heard one, check out Shark Audio on you tube.
  4. Well I finally got my faring split. Turns out the hex bolts are 5mm on my 04 RSMV. Anyway with that being said can anyone tell me which connector is the Audio control unit connector? Thank you all for your help, it has been greatly appreciated. Chris
  5. Hello everyone. Just a quick question, has anyone here had any experience with ARC Audio equipment? There 125.2 mini amp and the 5.25 or 6.6 speakers? Or any suggestions on others. I am looking at upgrading the sound system in my fairing. Thanks in advance all
  6. Has anyone bought and installed the J&M audio bluetooth setup? I really would like to check this setup out but its like a unicorn. If it worked well I could maybe talk the boss into it. But at a cost of 600.00 or so with both parts there is huge jumping the shark potential! No dealers here in Nebraska and hell if I can find anyone online who even mentions it and how it works. Thanks in advance Frank
  7. First off... I have a 2009 RSV. I have really grown to love this bike (finally), although I still have a few minor complaints. But I am having an electrical issue that is DRIVING ME NUTS (kinda). The audio controller locked up after only having the bike for about 3 months. None of the buttons or switches worked at that time. I believe when it happened the FIRST time...I did something with the CB switch and it started working again, but that was about a year ago now. It happened one other time...very similar...turning the bike all the way (turning the KEY all the way off) and then back on...made the unit work. Now today, while on a 200 mile ride...the audio cutout, and when I looked at the audio controller, the HEADPHONES icon was on (top right corner of controller)...AND the controller was going dim, then blank, then back on again. So I thought maybe it could be a loose wire or power issue. I pulled off the road, turned the key/bike off...turned it back on and it worked fine again. Started riding again, and the AUDIO STAYED PERFECT...but the LCD on the controller started getting dim and disappearing and then coming back clear...the AUDIO STAYED PERFECT during the time the LCD kept dimming and disappearing. So now I am thinking it is a defective controller or something since the Audio did work even when the LCD was blank. Problem is that now it's working again and...most of you know how hard it is to FIX SOMETHING THAT AIN'T BROKE!!! Anyone else have this malady going on... Wally
  8. 2.5 mm to a 3.5 mm audio jack. Anyone have 1 kicking around.... Ontario Sucks Cant find one
  9. I had a Street Pilot III wired with Kennedy Tech cable into the intercom on my RSV. That way I would get GPS directions over my headset while leaving the stereo / CD Player / And Aux port free. I just got a Street Pilot 2730 and dont see any benefit of getting another Kennedy Tech cable for it because the 2730 has an MP3 player and XM Radio and I cant separate that from the GPS Directions. With that said should I just use the 2730's audio out port and plug it into my AUX port or is there a way to separate the GPS directions from the MP3 and XM Radio audio ? If I do that then I can not listen to the radio or CD player if I want to hear the GPS Directions. Am I getting this right ? It also has an FM Modulator but that will give me the same results.
  10. can anyone give me some info on the Shark Audio 600 watts system from gooddeals http://www.gooddeals18.com/product/S...-w-5-spks.html does anyone know if this system is as good as they lead you to believe. Also any info on DC Gold Speakers http://dcgold.com/products/classic-line/n5c/ either the N5C or the N4C.
  11. all of a sudden , no audio output either from the speakers or the headset from any source, GPS, radio, CD intercom, anything. I have a mike mute installed have worked for many miles. I have checked all the fuses I can find. all the electronics work, it's like the amperfier isn't working,, any suggestions
  12. I have been considering a GPS. I have read a number of threads this past year with various opinions as to what model to get. For budget reasons and because the boss isn't sure I need one I am looking at the lower priced ones. My question for those who have the lower priced ones is the audio loud enough to hear voice commands from the internal speaker or do you have a way to run it through the intercom? I run my MP3 player through the aux. jack by the cassette player. Your input is appreciated. Norm
  13. This is my first Wing and bike with a audio system. Getting a little nervous riding in the rain. how do these systems hold up to rainy wet conditions. I always cover the bike when i am at work, can you ride in a down pour or do you need to look for cover. Has anyone had problems due to the rain
  14. I was having problems with my audio system, 2008 venture, responding to the commands that I would punch in on the control located on the handle bars. It got progressively worst until one day it went totally out. The bike is under warranty so I took it to the Yamaha dealer where I purchased it. It should be noted that I found that people working on the audio system are really not educated on how it works and how to troubleshoot the system. Its change black boxes so to speak. So they tried the new control and that did not work. So they were on the phone with Yamaha techs for hours talking about what to do next. They took the front fairing off and found that the wires going to fuel tank for the intercom (rider) were all cut up. The wires had been routed wrong and got into the steering area and slowly were being smashed and cut to pieces by steering the bike. They ordered a new harness for the headset and installed same. The problem was still NOT repaired. Again on the phone with Yamaha techs and yamaha sent in a new amp that is located under the front fairing. That took care of the problem. The system now works great and responds immediately to the commands. This whole event took about two months to get worked out driving back and forth. In short everyone should remove their front fairing and take tie ties and really look at how their wiring is being run to prevent this from happening. I did write a letter to Yamaha about the routing of the wiring under the fairing and what had happen. I believe that the wires being cut on the headset cord shorted out the AMP blowing same. It only took two months and about 400 miles of riding back and forth waiting for parts and etc. I would also like to note that there are TWO fuses in the audio system. One fuse is in the battery compartment and the other is behind the RIGHT UNDER COVER. So if your having audio problems be sure to check both fuses. I hope that this will help someone. Please check all the wires running under the front fairing. It could prevent you from having the same problem. Yamaha techs also advised that the connections on the amp, which are many work loose so be sure to check them as well. Good Luck, DanC
  15. I installed a J&M Headset/Mic unit in my helmet yesterday to use on my 2000 MM. I checked all the connections for the helmet unit, but nothing comes through it. In selecting options on the audio panel of the bike....HS is not an option...it does not come up after SP. SP and all the rest of the adjustable controls seem to work fine, but no HS Option. I tried the rear headset plug also...nothing. I don't know if HS have ever been used on the bike. I think the previous owner did not use them. Is there something that needs to be connected/adjusted on the bike, before HS option is made available on the audio panel and they will work? Or am I looking at a new "part"? The J&M unit is the correct one for the bike and should work if HS can be selected. Thanks in advance for your interest and answers...
  16. Alright folks, I have a question for you. I don't understand what the big deal is with Yamaha offering us MORE options for fulfilling our audio desires. So many of you pee and moan about the bike being so 'behind the times' because it has a cassette deck. I do realize that some also indicate they are 'behind the times' due to lack of fuel injection and gauges - but I'd like to focus on the cassette deck for now since so many get fired up over it (I'd like to understand). The way I see it, is Yamaha is giving us MORE options. They give us the AM/FM radio, a cassette deck, an optional CD CHANGER (standard on 09 and up), integrated into the audio system as well as an Aux plug for whatever audio we want to plug into. So, if you don't like the cassette deck, keep the little door closed and don't use it, or pull it out and put something else in like a storage compartment or gauges. Why all of the complaining? I just don't get it. Just like the little, almost useless, DC connector under the seat that many of us snip off and put something else useful on there. Just because I choose NOT to use it, doesn't mean I'm going to B and Moan to Yamaha because they put it there. I really don't understand all the hub-ub about the cassette deck, maybe someone can enlighten me. By the way, I happen to use mine. I have a handful of cassettes that I recorded some music on for when I don't feel like hooking up my MP3 player - or when I don't want to deal with batteries going dead or whatever. My cassette deck never skips.
  17. Advice please, 2009 Royal star venture. The audio control shows no sign of life. checked connections. Will clean and reconnect after reading threads here. Is there any other secret repair. I have also checked the fuse and voltage to the brown/white wire. If it doesn't come to life what are the alternatives. How do you tell if it's the brain box or the controller and display on the handlebar? Is there repair for them? Where? cost? or replacement? where? cost? Thanks for your help.
  18. Removed the fairing, (easy) and cleaned the audio plug with pin cleaner....if it happens again, what is the harm in doing away with the plug and soldering the wires together...seems like a permanent solution?.....
  19. I finally got time to take the fairing apart and clean the connectors, coated with dielectric grease and put some tape on to help hold them together. We went for a 220 mile ride and the audio system worked better than before it messed up. Thanks ventureriders.
  20. Had searched venturerider for this info but couldn't find it. Found what I was looking for on another site. For others to easily find it... follow this link.http://forums.ilounge.com/car-solutions/44404-clarion-cbus-audio-input-installation.html
  21. a fellow is supposed to pick up my zx14 tomorrow. the wing is next to go. it's an 08 with 14,000 miles and loaded with all the extra goodies including a hitch that has never been used. well over $21,000 invested ,ridden in rain once, looks like new. dark red metallic. premium audio. lots of chrome and neat things. pm me if interested. swifty, this ones for you. lol:2133: ps. please help me retire again.
  22. I added a y adapter to my AUX input as suggested here so that my garmin could be plugged in. I thought I would still be able to listen to my iPod through the AUX input by the cassette deck. Unfortunately, now when I plug my iPod in (even when the gps is off). The audio is extremely weak. I discovered by accident that if I touch the back off the iPod to the fuel filler cap that the audio is normal!! I need to take it all apart again. Perhaps my plug became disconnected while I taped it. It's weird though because I certainly tested it??? The grounding thing is really strange too... The gps audio is fine...
  23. I have been having problems with the audio system intermittently locking up. Volume would freeze or error would come up etc. The dealer had it for four weeks looking for the problem. Changed the mpu, controller cb etc all to no avail. Today while I was installing handlebar riser spacers I split the fairing and removed the headlamp assembly. There it was. The harness for the audio was pinched under the headlamp adjusting bolt. I didn't split the harness open to see how badly the wires are crushed. I just unpinched the harness. If I still have problems I will ask the dealer to replace it. Hope these pictures help if anyone else is having similar issues. Mike
  24. Has anyone added a cd changer to their 1st Gen WITHOUT removing any of the stock audio stuff? I was thinking about mounting a cd changer in the trunk only if there was some way of wiring the audio into the present system without removing anything and installing it so that if I wanted, I could stilll use any of the original audio. I would just hate to ruin the OEM set-up. Has anyone performed this already? If you have, I'd love to hear from ya.
  25. I had asked yesterday what the back up fuse work for. Well I finally followed it through the wiring diagram. You will all be happy to know it fuses the audio and cb system. Sure enough without it, no radio or cb. Bob
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