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  1. I started something a couple of years ago that's kind of fun. I schedule a couple of "Ride With The Pastor" rides during riding season. We normally pick a destination and spend a Sunday afternoon riding. It connects me with people who have cycles in our church and helps me to get to know them better. Actually, I get to meet some husbands who may not attend church with their wives! Yesterday was our first ride. We left Newton and took a south then east route to avoid heavier traffic. Rode to the Amanas. One the way back we took a scenic route up to Tama where we ate at a great Mexican place. We did ride right past the Casino since the pastor was on the ride!! We left the church at 2 pm and got back to Newton at 8 pm. When we got back people were asking when our next ride was schedule. One of our young teenagers rode his 250 Suzuki as he a permit and kept right up with us. It was just a great day and fantastic time. If your pastor has a cycle you might mention this to him!!
  2. I would like to personally thank Dennis and Valerie Traynor for being the host of the Central Ky Memorial Weekend ride that myself and a bunch of other nice people I met attended. They were gracious to open up their beautiful home and feed a diverse group with a common love for riding motorcycles on Friday with two more wonderful days of riding and some of the most beautiful countryside to be seen. With this event even larger than last year, It is my hope that they continue to do this for all the fun that was had. If not, then it has been an honor and a privilege to meet these two wonderful people. The routes planned were great and the eateries that we attended were awesome. Again, Thanks form this big `ol Ky. boy from Catlettsburg. Harry Caines (a4pumper).
  3. there are only THREE kinds of people in the world! those that can do MATH, and those who can't! just jt:scratchchin:
  4. I have an 88 venture with no radio/CB/intercom and would really like to have them. Does anyone know how hard it would be to install them or does anyone know of an aftermarket system I could get. I would like to have all three of them. I see a lot of people junking out bikes does anyone have a complete system they would like to sell?
  5. I know that the intercom is always hot, which means lots of road noise. Have just gotten some headsets and am really surprised how loud the wind/road noise is. Did some searches and see several possible remedies: A solution often proposed is the "mic mute" or similar product that mutes the mic until rider or passenger activates the microphones. Well and good, and seems to be well reviewed. But it seems to me that when the mic is on the issue of road and wind noise is still there. Another option would be helmet headsets that have noise canceling microphones. How well do these work and in fact, do they work to keep the background noise down? Or is that only when someone is actually talking? Finally, what about voice activated headsets? How well do they work? If the sensitivity is set to prevent the road noise do the people speaking have to shout in order to trigger the VOX? Lots of questions I know, but wonder what people think or have actually tried. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi i got a 05 rstd from the states but live in England and looking at the forum i see some people have drilled out the Exhaust pipes. Is this a hard job? and how is it done.
  7. Hey Freebird I think it would be neat if we could have a section of the forum just for pictures of mods. Maybe divided for 1st gens, 2nd gens, and royalstars. What do you think? I hope this is not already set up since I couldn't find it! I think it would be awesome to get on and just look at the many different mods people have done to their bikes all in one convienient location. What do ya say?! Big Mike
  8. What is muderball, you ask????? It is "WHEELCHAIR RUGBY" and it's played at international level. I watched Australia and Canada play (on T.V.) last night--and boy! what a game. The last quarter was real bash 'em, crash 'em. Wheels needed replacing on chairs, and players rolling their chairs...and that's while they are strapped into it! They have able-bodied people who run out and pick them up, or change their wheels. I think these were the same teams that went to the Beijing Para Olympics. Well done everyone :clap2:
  9. I just got my license plate renewal form in the mail. I decided that I will bite the bullet get the collector plates since they are good forever. No more renewals for this bike ever again. The plates are for my '88 so that covers the 20 year old part. The only drawback is that I can not drive the bike in the month of January, In Wisconsin that will not be an issue. I never had anything worth putting on collector plates before. There are so many people that look at it and will not believe it is 23 years old (manufacture date was in '87), at least not when it is clean right after its biannual bath.
  10. This may have been posted before? My Motorcycle Has Taught Me: The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rear view mirror. People ask us why we ride a motorcycle. For those who have experienced the joy, no explanation is necessary... For those who have not, no explanation is possible. I'd rather be riding my motorcycle and thinking about God, than sitting in church thinking about my motorcycle. Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul. Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 60 mph! You start the game of life with a full pot o' luck and an empty pot o' experience. The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. Midnight bugs taste just as bad as Noon time bugs. Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Sometimes it takes a whole tank full of gas before you can think straight. Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone. Never hesitate to ride past the last street light at the edge of town. Never do less than forty miles before breakfast. A bike on the road is worth two in the shed. Respect the person who has seen the dark side of motorcycling and lived, and still rides. Young riders pick a destination and go.. Old riders pick a direction and go. A good mechanic will let you watch without charging you for it. Sometimes the fastest way to get there is to stop for the night. Always back your bike into the curb and sit where you can see it. There are drunk riders and there are old riders, but there are not many old drunk riders. Ride to work. Work to ride. Whatever it is, it's better in the wind. Two-lane blacktop isn't a highway - it's an attitude. When you look down the road, it seems to never end - but you better believe it does! Winter is Nature's way of telling you to test the electrics. Keep your bike in good repair... Motorcycle boots are not all that comfortable for walking. People are like motorcycles: Each is customized a bit differently. Sometimes, the best communication happens when you're on separate bikes. When you're riding lead, don't spit. A friend is someone who'll get out of bed at 2 a.m. to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere to get you when you're broken down. Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary. There's something ugly about a NEW bike on a trailer Everyone crashes. Some get back on. Some don't. Some can't. If you can't get it going with bungee cords and duct tape, it's serious. If you ride like there's no tomorrow, there may not be one. The best modifications cannot be seen from the outside. Always replace the cheapest parts first. You can forget what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze. Only a Biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window. Keep the paint up, and the rubber down! There are two types of people in this world, people who ride motorcycles and people who wish they could ride one.
  11. in Decatur Alabama this past week. Because of this site, a couple of great people came to my rescue by getting some pics of a piece of equipment in Decatur Al. I'm in Ohio and murph35640 in Decatur bailed me out by getting the pics and emailing them to me. As luck would have it, I had to go to Tennessee and Mississippi this week so on the way back I stopped in Decatur and met Murph35640 and his wife. Timing was perfect, I got in town just in time to take them to dinner at O'Charleys, the best steak in town. Bottom line - you meet some of the nicest people on the Venture Rider site !! THANKS Murph for all your help. Dick aka - Adventure 1943
  12. The white stuff is gone, the salt on the road is nowhere to be seen and it's about 80F. I took the Venture out for a 2 hour ride, saw lots of bikes and the highway traffic was minimal. It was so nice, the Harley riders were even waving! I was traveling on my way back home along a dirt road, when a woman quickly backed straight out of her driveway without looking. Since I was on gravel and driving slower than normal, I managed to stop about 2' from her side door. The look on her face was both of shock and horror. She said she was sorry and pulled back into her drive way again. Why don't people think when they get behind the wheel of a car? If I was driving a full size truck she would be dead and her 3 passengers hurt. I'm just glad it was a dirt road, didn't hit her and I didn't drop it. Here we go again... looking out for those people who aren't looking.
  13. hey guys just had a question here for you all..... does any one make hi-po / aftermarket parts for the 83s on up or are there any people who have made non stock parts fit..... just curious......
  14. :rotfl: He's going to pick it up tonight, a 2009 red and raven demo bike with 700 miles.:banana: That makes 4 of us with 2nd gens at a factory with less than 100 people total! One of the others just joined here a couple weeks ago, I'll work on this guy next. Later, Scooter Bob
  15. I just sent an email to Jacksonville Daily News... I figured I'd post it here, and see what y'all thought... From: Henninger, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:48 PM To: 'jdnletters@freedomenc.com' Subject: 'Tis the season to pay attention. As the weather is warming up, and the skies are staying drier, people are spending more time outside, enjoying the change in scenery. Whether it’s to have a cookout, start a garden, go to the park, or just enjoy a weekend drive; more people will be on the roads. With this in mind, I’m asking everyone to take an extra moment, look a little harder and pay more attention. While many people are feeling safe in their cars, there are a lot of people like myself who are taking the covers off our motorcycles, and getting our gear together to go for a ride. I DO admit, there are many riders who act senselessly; squeezing between cars, popping wheelies, and racing down the roads, but I am not one of them. I am one of the overwhelmingly more present safe riders who keep our heads on a swivel, cruise around safely, and are always making every attempt to be aware of our surroundings while enjoying the freedom of two wheels. Even though we do everything we can, there are still people who drive their cars, trucks, vans, and SUV’s in such a manner as if motorcycles don’t exist, and it’s killing us. Literally. Read through this, and give it some thought. We’re not on motorcycles because we’re crazy… We ride because it’s a feeling of freedom that is inexplicable to a non-rider. Please put some kind of note, even if it’s a small one SOMEWHERE in the JDNEWS advising people to be on the lookout for motorcycles, since it is that time of year. I don’t know of any other way to get the message out to drivers, without another biker getting killed by a careless driver. Patrick Henninger Desktop Support Analyst Moen Inc. New Bern, NC (252) 638-3300 x6374
  16. On another thread people made comments about a women who was in a motorcycle accident who happened to be out of work because she was on disability. I'm 100% disabled and would rather be working. (I made lots more money) Until this last back operation I couldn't drive my van for an hour without pulling over and getting out because of the pain. Can't ride in cars because I can't get in or out of them. If I go in a store for a loaf of bread I have to use a shopping cart because if I'm on my feet for more then a few minutes without something to lean on my legs go numb and I can't walk. I bought a special office chair with a dozen adjustments so I can set down without pain at home because regular living room chairs won't work, when I visit someone I ask to set in a kitchen chair so I can get back up. Sleep most of the time propped up setting in the corner of the couch that a friend built a frame to raise the height 8" so I can get in and out of it. If my home caught on fire at night I'd just would have to burn up because when I wake up it takes about a half hour before my right leg will work good enough to take more then a step or two. BUT I can ride the gold wing with back rest I had or the 1st gen Venture with back rest that I have now all day and feel better then anything else I can set in or drive. Friends even joke that I should find a old Venture frame with a seat and put it in my living room. And try applying for a job with such a bad back and see who would hire you. I tried, I didn't want to go on disability, I've worked all my life and wish every day I still could. So because I can ride "certain" motorcycles I'm faking?? There are a lot of people faking and using the system but because someone can find something in their life that they can still do don't lump them in the lazy bum category. Heck having sex is harder then riding and I'm not going to give that up either. So sometimes people need to know all the information before such broad comments are made. Sorry I took it so personal but it hit home.
  17. For those who witnessed one of my last threads unfold, where I thought about selling the bike so my wife could buy herself some...well... surgery-induced-mammorial-swelling, you may already know that we put it on hold until we can afford to do so, WITHOUT selling the scoot. Well, I'm starting to think they're gonna be delayed even MORE... Call me selfish, throw rocks at me, do what you must... But I believe I'm going to set up my garage for electroplating, and anodizing! It's going to cost well over $1,000 to get started, which is 1/5 what she needs towards buying me a 'new backrest' but I can't resist! I have no patience, and can't forsee waiting FOREVER to save $4,850 for some saline bags... I'd rather be able to walk in the garage one day with a plain piece of steel, and next time it sees daylight, it will emerge as a nice triple-plated chrome piece of art! SO- Once I get the hang of it, and my work comes out gorgeous, I'll start chrome plating parts that people send to me. I'll only charge cost of materials & shipping, which I'm sure won't be much. I'm planning to setup tanks large enough to handle fenders & tanks (some people LOVE chrome...) but not much bigger than that. As for my wife... :whistling:She's gonna kill me, so if you'd like to donate to my funeral fund, my paypal payment account is... This all may just be a pipe-dream, but if it works out, I'll be a chrome-plating, and aluminum anodixing fool by Winter!
  18. Kirby


    Well I haven't used a tent since 1990 and Desert Shield. Now I'm thinking I may want to try it on some of my riding adventures. Any of you got any recommendations as to the type of tent I should look for?? I want something that will pack up tight because I don't have a trailer yet for my RSV. Just maybe for 2 people. Any suggestions???
  19. Gamecock


    Just saw it in 3D IMAX! Go see it, GREAT FLICK! Worth all the hype and the 1+ billion people have forked out to see it. I may go back! Ben
  20. I went to the Cycle World Motorcycle Show yesterday in Minneapolis. The Victory display was packed, everyone was lining up to sit on several different colored and accessorized Cross Countrys. Then I went over to the Star display and saw one 2010 stock black Venture up against the wall and no one looking at it. Not much of an attempt to interest people in a new Venture. They have the parts laying around to release Ventures in several colors every year. So why don't they? I loved the 2000 red one, the 2003 two tone red/sand, etc. Harley offers several colors in all thier models, what a shame.
  21. I've been sitting here pretending i'm on my bike just to keep my sanity.... come to think of it, i dont think most people think its very sane to do that but you guys get it right:sick:
  22. Hi guys.. A buddy and I are taking 2 to 3 weeks off to hit the road and tour the lower part of the USA, prolly down the eastern seaboard, across to Texas and / or all points in between.. We may take in Rolling Thunder at the end of May in Washington DC, then across to see Sky Doc for a proper visit this time (and some ribs).. from there the road is open.. I keep catching glimpse of mentioning of "Maintenance Days" and such but can't seem to figure out the who what where when.. I'm interested in hooking up with the learned people and enthusiasts in order to learn how to do more of the advanced maintenance on my bike.. Can anyone point to the info as to what where and when some of these events are taking place, or people available to teach how to do some of the maintenance on our bikes.. ? We plan to put a lot of miles on the bike and see a lot of places.. so drop me a line.. Thanks in advance.
  23. I thought this was kind of neat. http://www.aircooledtech.com/tools-on-the-cheap/soda_blaster/ Might try it on other things. people are always thinking
  24. THE JOB - URINE TEST (Whoever wrote this one deserves a HUGE pat on the back!) Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck in my case, I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem). What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. So, here is my Question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass - doing drugs, while I work. . . Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? I guess we could title that program, 'Urine or You're Out'. Pass this along if you agree or simply ignore it if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though. Something has to change in this country -- and soon
  25. This whole thing is embarrassing to tell, but it is the truth. Yesterday, at the school where I work, the staff was worried to death about the possible snow storm that was headed our way. The prediction was the by 4 AM the snow would start and probably by noon on Thursday there would be 2 inches of snow. Then by the afternoon we would have a possible 3 to 5 inches of snow! The teachers were constantly asking about the weather reports. The problem with this is the community where our schools are located, the people get frantic about SNOW. Which we jokingly call the WHITE DEATH! I am off school today because of the snow. The issue is, if we had had school the parents would have been angry because we had put their children in danger. The timing of the storm was the problem too, it was supposed to get gradually worse as the day went on. So at the time of dismissal at 4PM the road conditions could have been very bad. So not knowing how this was going to turn out, the administrators canceled school. Of course, it was not just our school district, all across the surrounding Cincinnati communities schools were closed because of the weather. I also suppose the below freezing temps, had something to do with this decision. I guess my questions are there other towns who get so crazy about the snow. I do of course, blame the weather people. They seem to promote this sort of behavior. Yama Mama:snow2::snow:
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