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Everything posted by FuzzyRSTD

  1. I admit that the first time I visited this thread was to see what Pickinfred had to say in a thread and kinda check out his attitude (he befriended me and I accepted). I have as of right now, sat here and read after all you fine folks, for at least an hour and a half. A good thread and yes, like a soap opera. Hope Lilbeaver gets gratitude from all this. Wow, this good be printed off and sold as a book..... The Ride Of Life --By Motorsickle Riding Beaver .... Freebird, you might think about selling the rights of all this $$$$$$$$$$$ Nahhhh, just good reading from all you motorsickle friends....... I am going to have to get up from here and get ready for church in a bit. Oh, ya, would be nice to at least see a picture of this "Friend"...
  2. Look here first and then on to somewhere else. Click on the classifieds section at the top of the page. There are a fine bunch of men and women here to cheat you ,,, I am just kidding,,,, to buy from.
  3. Thanks, I will e-mail this to my riding friend JD Holbrooks. He has a Harley Roadking 2004. And I totally agree with you about some of the women folk (my wife included). I showed her some video last night of the Cannon Ball Run, the video that Muffin (I think) posted here, and my wife kinda just said ok I quess. Hey glad to hear you coming this way. Just drop us a line or post here and I will try show you around if possible or at least give you some info., maybe ride a few miles with you. Thanks again Old&Slow. I think I am joining that category also, 47 this yr and feel like 67 sometimes. I am getting kinda slow lately and my eyes have gone to pot. I am looking at this screen with reading classes on, part of life I suppose. But I am very thankful that the Good Lord has blessed me with decent health. Have a good day. Fuzzy
  4. That is probably going to be my next ride trip for 2011. I will talk to riding friend JD and tell him about this. We have been thinking about a trip up North and maybe around one of the lakes, instead of the mountains next trip. I love the mountains, but we have rode the south eastern mountains now for four yrs. This yr we started in the mountains and then rode North up into Maryland and across Ohio and down South to home. Thanks again..... Does the museum cost very much to visit and what was the name of it if you remember ? Thanks again.....
  5. Hope you all have a good safe ride. I have other plans and can not join.Thanks any how Dano. Just wondering though, you say you are delivering a trailer. Do you biuld trailers and sell ?
  6. I have rode West Virgina a lot. I love the sceenery and the people. The Casss Scenic Railroad is nice. Myself and a couple friends rode there and took the train ride, nice. I liked it so well, and my little boy is a train lover, that I took my whole family back and did the train ride again. Make sure and take camera on train, when you reach your destination there is a beatuiful water fall. The Scenica Rocks is ok, but not all that you think, it is some nice riding. But if you want to see the view from the rocks, then you will need your serious hiking boots. Although it was very hot weather when we where there. They do have a very nice viewing biulding and veiw scope out back. And always be aware when you are riding on the back country roads, exspecially the roads that the coal trucks use. The trucks round the curves and pull up gravel from the side of the blacktop onto the blacktop, so be aware at all times. Also if they get any measurable rain in the mountains, the water comes off the mountains quickly and puts gravel and debri on the roadway from driveways and ditches and such. Just some FYI. I work for the State HWY Department and see and hear of the wrecks all the time here in the Ky mountains (Rowan county). Hope you have a very good time. I highly would recomend that you visit Elkins and then Beckly WV too. Just make yourself a round trip up through the Hawks Nest to Elkins and back. Have a safe trip.
  7. Nice pictures, thanks. Where was the museum located ?
  8. I have never heard of this until today. I recieved this from a friend today in an E-mail. I have had CPR training on the job, but this is differant and sounds like the way to go with adults. But not for infants and children or someone who is a drowning victum. Please watch to the end. You could save someones life. http://tinyurl.com/2fx8r59
  9. Sounds like a close call, glad you all OK. I had a similiar inceident while coming back from Lexington Hospital with my wife. We are following in the car behind an 18 wheeler on I-64 east, and like you I am always weary of this and all of a suddon his right rear trailer tire started shredding. So we dogded a little and passed him and then I got on the CB radio and told him. He was very thankful and pulled off the side of the road to check. So everyone please be sure and think about this while riding your bikes behind these truck and trailers.
  10. I had some custom mudflaps made for my bike by a friend whom has a tack shop for horses. He done a really neet job.I done first with card board template, and then took to him. I could not find decent mudflaps anywhere on webb. I also and would very highly recommend using ReJex wax. This is used in the air line industry for airplane wings. I got it and put it on last yr after being informed of it on Riders Club of America webb site, and it is still beading on my bike. Very , very good stuff. Get it from True Value, they orded mine and it is around 18-20 dollars for a small amount, but it goes a long way. You put it on and wipe off and let it cure for 12 hours before riding. Very good stuff...... Oh Ya, I use a leaf blower from Wallmart for about 20 bucks to blow my bike off after washing and it works great; no wiping dry.
  11. I currently have my garage door opener zip tied to my mp3 player holding device (thing a magiger). So sounds interesting to me. I want to mount on Tour Deluxe... Thanks for the info..
  12. Thanks gibvel, I knew I saw something about Candy Red or so on this sight. The Venture History is a good source of info....
  13. Thanks Condor....This is what Colorite says my bike color is, 0918 Deep Red Metallic K (DRMK) Standard Model 5253 with base 1253 I am not a painter and am just trying to figure out if candy apple would even be close. I think if I bought one I would be better off painting (trunk) to match or try finding one that does. OEM maybe from a Venture. I just do not think black would look right with my color sceem on bike, or maybe it would ? James
  14. Here is the paint location and color for any of you all who ever have the same question. http://www.colorrite.com/matrix-colo...TOKEN=17680291 Use the paint wizard at this site to give you your exact paint color. They say that this is the exact match.... Thanks to everyone. I did finally find this info from the site here. Thanks to everyone... Fuzzy
  15. Yes for sure, what he said. I'll be back.................
  16. Does anyone know if candy apple is the red color of the 2007 RSTD in Red Raven. I am looking at a tour trunk for my bike on e-bay and they say they have one in candy apple red. Will this match the color of my bike ???????? :confused24: I seem to think that I read here somewhere that candy apple is the red color, and could not find on site. Thanks in advance.... Fuzzy
  17. Ya, what Freebird said. But I could not help to think though, what it would not hurt to sit and watch to see if he left in his own vehicle and call the law to pick him at the pass.... You done the right thing.....
  18. Remembering you in our prayers Don. Have not even met you, but feel as though I have. We have been thinking about you a lot and will indeeed remember you .
  19. Very nice bike Rick. I think there is a owners manual on this site somewhere. Some one that is more familiar with your bike will help you I am sure. I have a 2007 Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Again you have a very nice bike, and welcome to the club.
  20. So far, it looks like a tie between Condor and Squidley.... 8 Venture and or Tour Deluxe each......Thats 32 spark plugs and 16 tires each. Freebird is the runner up with 5 owned. I have got to get me another one of these bikes. There is a need there..... Two in the garage would be nice. Very good storys and nice bike pictures everyone. Thanks, Fuzzy
  21. Wow, sorry to hear about that. Suppose your doing ok since your back to riding a 2005...
  22. Very nice donation you did 6pak. Thanks from me. Kinda paying it forward you might say.... Have a good day.
  23. Ya, man what a laugh, when I read this. I know that feeling, and you perfectly put it in words.... Thanks ..... Sure a lot of beautiful bikes here to.
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