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  1. Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church, I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized that I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My wife has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them. Her theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to a terrifying conclusion. Her theory was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all. “Honey,” I stammered. (I always call her “honey” in times like these.) “I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.” There was a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard her voice, “Ken,” she barked, “I dropped you off!” Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, “Well, come and get me.” She retorted, “I will ... as soon as I convince this policeman that I have not stolen your car!”
  2. Kent, thanks for the excellent info on alternative replacement parts. I had to replace my fuel pump this week and was able to pickup a Faucet pump at my local Car Quest.
  3. http://bozardford.com/images/spacer.gif We had a chance to get a great deal on this car because my son-in-law shoots this ford dealers commercials. We just couldnt refuse and they gave me a great price on our sebring convertible to boot. Its a 2007 Mustang GT Deluxe....300 HP V8, shaker sound system, full leather interior, 5 speed automatic. Took it for a test drive on I-95 in St Augustine. Hit 100 mph with no effort. Jean deserves this car after putting up with me all these years. But, I do get to drive it now and then.......:smile5: http://cdnedge.vinsolutions.com/AP/3026-2-10257046-64052278-0-0/64052278.jpg
  4. Neighborhood Hazard (or: Why the Cops Won’t Patrol Brice Street) I never dreamed slowly cruising through a residential neighborhood could be so incredibly dangerous! Studies have shown that motorcycling requires more decisions per second, and more sheer data processing than nearly any other common activity or sport. The reactions and accurate decision making abilities needed have been likened to the reactions of fighter pilots! The consequences of bad decisions or poor situational awareness are pretty much the same for both groups too. Occasionally, as a rider I have caught myself starting to make bad or late decisions while riding. In flight training, my instructors called this being “behind the power curve”. It is a mark of experience that when this begins to happen, the rider recognizes the situation, and more importantly, does something about it. A short break, a meal, or even a gas stop can set things right again as it gives the brain a chance to catch up. Good, accurate, and timely decisions are essential when riding a motorcycle…at least if you want to remain among the living. In short, the brain needs to keep up with the machine. I had been banging around the roads of east Texas and as I headed back into Dallas, found myself in very heavy, high-speed traffic on the freeways. Normally, this is not a problem, I commute in these conditions daily, but suddenly I was nearly run down by a cage that decided it needed my lane more than I did. This is not normally a big deal either, as it happens around here often, but usually I can accurately predict which drivers are not paying attention and avoid them before we are even close. This one I missed seeing until it was nearly too late, and as I took evasive action I nearly broadsided another car that I was not even aware was there! Two bad decisions and insufficient situational awareness…all within seconds. I was behind the power curve. Time to get off the freeway. I hit the next exit, and as I was in an area I knew pretty well, headed through a few big residential neighborhoods as a new route home. As I turned onto the nearly empty streets I opened the visor on my full-face helmet to help get some air. I figured some slow riding through the quiet surface streets would give me time to relax, think, and regain that “edge” so frequently required when riding. Little did I suspect… As I passed an oncoming car, a brown furry missile shot out from under it and tumbled to a stop immediately in front of me. It was a squirrel, and must have been trying to run across the road when it encountered the car. I really was not going very fast, but there was no time to brake or avoid it—it was that close. I hate to run over animals…and I really hate it on a motorcycle, but a squirrel should pose no danger to me. I barely had time to brace for the impact. Animal lovers, never fear. Squirrels can take care of themselves! Inches before impact, the squirrel flipped to his feet. He was standing on his hind legs and facing the oncoming Valkyrie with steadfast resolve in his little beady eyes. His mouth opened, and at the last possible second, he screamed and leapt! I am pretty sure the scream was squirrel for, “Banzai!” or maybe, “Die you gravy-sucking, heathen scum!” as the leap was spectacular and he flew over the windshield and impacted me squarely in the chest. Instantly he set upon me. If I did not know better I would have sworn he brought twenty of his little buddies along for the attack. Snarling, hissing, and tearing at my clothes, he was a frenzy of activity. As I was dressed only in a light t-shirt, summer riding gloves, and jeans this was a bit of a cause for concern. This furry little tornado was doing some damage! Picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and leather gloves puttering maybe 25mph down a quiet residential street…and in the fight of his life with a squirrel. And losing. I grabbed for him with my left hand and managed to snag his tail. With all my strength I flung the evil rodent off the left of the bike, almost running into the right curb as I recoiled from the throw. That should have done it. The matter should have ended right there. It really should have. The squirrel could have sailed into one of the pristinely kept yards and gone on about his business, and I could have headed home. No one would have been the wiser. But this was no ordinary squirrel. This was not even an ordinary pissed-off squirrel. This was an evil attack squirrel of death! Somehow he caught my gloved finger with one of his little hands, and with the force of the throw swung around and with a resounding thump and an amazing impact he landed square on my back and resumed his rather anti-social and extremely distracting activities. He also managed to take my left glove with him! The situation was not improved. Not improved at all. His attacks were continuing, and now I could not reach him. I was startled to say the least. The combination of the force of the throw, only having one hand (the throttle hand) on the handlebars, and my jerking back unfortunately put a healthy twist through my right hand and into the throttle. A healthy twist on the throttle of a Valkyrie can only have one result. Torque. This is what the Valkyrie is made for, and she is very, very good at it. The engine roared as the front wheel left the pavement. The squirrel screamed in anger. The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in…well…I just plain screamed. Now picture a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a slightly squirrel torn t-shirt, and only one leather glove roaring at maybe 70mph and rapidly accelerating down a quiet residential street…on one wheel and with a demonic squirrel on his back. The man and the squirrel are both screaming bloody murder. With the sudden acceleration I was forced to put my other hand back on the handlebars and try to get control of the bike. This was leaving the mutant squirrel to his own devices, but I really did not want to crash into somebody’s tree, house, or parked car. Also, I had not yet figured out how to release the throttle…my brain was just simply overloaded. I did manage to mash the back brake, but it had little affect against the massive power of the big cruiser. About this time the squirrel decided that I was not paying sufficient attention to this very serious battle (maybe he is a Scottish attack squirrel of death), and he came around my neck and got IN my full-face helmet with me. As the faceplate closed partway and he began hissing in my face I am quite sure my screaming changed tone and intensity. It seemed to have little affect on the squirrel however. The rpm’s on The Dragon maxed out (I was not concerned about shifting at the moment) and her front end started to drop. Now picture the large man on the huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a very ragged torn t-shirt, and wearing one leather glove, roaring at probably 80mph, still on one wheel, with a large puffy squirrel’s tail sticking out his mostly closed full-face helmet. By now the screams are probably getting a little hoarse. Finally I got the upper hand…I managed to grab his tail again, pulled him out of my helmet, and slung him to the left as hard as I could. This time it worked…sort-of. Spectacularly sort-of, so to speak. Picture the scene. You are a cop. You and your partner have pulled off on a quiet residential street and parked with your windows down to do some paperwork. Suddenly a large man on a huge black and chrome cruiser, dressed in jeans, a torn t-shirt flapping in the breeze, and wearing one leather glove, moving at probably 80mph on one wheel, and screaming bloody murder roars by and with all his strength throws a live squirrel grenade directly into your police car. I heard screams. They weren't mine... I managed to get the big motorcycle under directional control and dropped the front wheel to the ground. I then used maximum braking and skidded to a stop in a cloud of tire smoke at the stop sign at a busy cross street. I would have returned to fess up (and to get my glove back). I really would have. Really. But for two things. First, the cops did not seem interested or the slightest bit concerned about me at the moment. One of them was on his back in the front yard of the house they had been parked in front of and was rapidly crabbing backwards away from the patrol car. The other was standing in the street and was training a riot shotgun on the police cruiser. So the cops were not interested in me. They often insist to “let the professionals handle it” anyway. That was one thing. The other? Well, I swear I could see the squirrel, standing in the back window of the patrol car among shredded and flying pieces of foam and upholstery, and shaking his little fist at me. I think he was shooting me the finger… That is one dangerous squirrel. And now he has a patrol car… I took a deep breath, turned on my turn-signal, made an easy right turn, and sedately left the neighborhood. As for my easy and slow drive home? Screw it. Faced with a choice of 80mph cars and inattentive drivers, or the evil, demonic, attack squirrel of death...I’ll take my chances with the freeway. Every time. And I’ll buy myself a new pair of gloves. Thanks to my buddy Ted Webb!!
  5. An elderly man on a Moped, looking about 90 years old, pulls up next to a doctor at a street light. The old man looks over at the sleek shiny car and asks, "What kind of car ya got there, sonny?" The doctor replies, "A Ferrari. It cost half a million dollars!" "That's a lot of money," says the old man. "Why does it cost so much?" "Because this car can do up to 220 miles an hour!" states the doctor proudly. The Moped driver asks, "Mind if I take a look inside?" "No problem," replies the doctor. So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around.. Then, sitting back on his Moped, the old man says, "That's a pretty nice car, all right.... but I'll stick with my Moped!" Just then the light changes, so the doctor decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 150 mph. Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It seems to be getting closer ! He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly WHOOOOSSSHHH! Something whips by him going much faster! "What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?" the doctor asks himself. He presses harder on the accelerator and takes the Ferrari up to 180 mph. Then, up ahead of him, he sees that it's the old man on the Moped! Amazed that the Moped could pass his Ferrari, he gives it more gas and passes the Moped at 200 mph and he's feeling pretty good until he looks in his mirror and sees the old man gaining on him AGAIN! Astounded by the speed of this old guy, he floors the gas pedal and takes the Ferrari all the way up to 220 mph. Not ten seconds later, he sees the Moped bearing down on him again! The Ferrari is flat out, and there's nothing he can do ! Suddenly, the Moped plows into the back of his Ferrari, demolishing the rear end. The doctor stops and jumps out and unbelievably the old man is still alive. He runs up to the banged-up old guy and says, "I'm a doctor.... Is there anything I can do for you ?" The old man whispers, "Unhook my suspenders from your side view mirror!"
  6. Well so glad the past week is behind me- its been a very lonngg one. Settling into our new place in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Rented a 26 foot truck and had that packed full. And a car carrier pulling behind that with a car loaded too, made a very long ride. I drove that and wife followed me with my truck. Everything went really well, we just took our time and was close to a uneventfull ride down. Bike made it packed away in the truck and not a single box or anything fell on it thru our 931 mile drive. Wife pulled our motorcycle trailer behind the chevy and had a couple harley guys try to buy it somewhere along the way. I did have one incident, yesterday while moving stuff and getting things set up , I somehow (blaming this on just being very tired and sore) hit my foot with a very heavy appliance and ripped my big toe nail almost off. And boy did it hurt, it put me to my knees for a few minutes. Didnt go to doc today, I had so much to do and the internet/cable guy was here most of the day, but going in the morn as it looks like Ill have to have it removed. And Im not looking forward to that. So gonna take a couple asperin and hit the sack. I need some serious sleep lol ps HeLLo N.C.!! So excited to be here!
  7. Searching Autotrader I've found a car I'm interested in at International Auto Group in Milwaukee. Anyone know if they are a reputable dealer? I would like to know a bit about them before I drive 500 miles to pick up a car. Thanks, Dennis
  8. This happened just east of the town I live in http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2012/05/11/nl-moose-memories-511.html Keith
  9. I was all packed up, helmet on and ready to go. Planned on an all day ride up to Ottawa for a new car-topper for the trailer, then down to Cornwall to pick up a set of carbs on the rack I had bought from Thirdbike. I kissed my wife goodbye....turned the key and ....NOTHING! I was up late last night playing with the running lights and I guess I killed the battery. "no problem" I thought, Just boost it off the car and I'll be on my way....a minor delay. Not so! It would not run. I could get it to fire, but it would rev up and die. It wouldn't stay running! Now I know my battery and charging system is OK because I NEVER have issues under normal operating. I suspected fuel delivery... I opened the one screw all the way out thinking it was the drain ...(it was the one that usually is 2 1/2 turns out) but no gas came out. I opened up one carb and removed the slider and diaphram to check and as I tried to start it I couldn't see any fuel misting in there or any other indication it was getting fuel. (Is that even a way to tell?) I checked the fuel filter. (What a pain to get to!) Sure enough when I blew it out I THINK a slug of something came out. I felt something bounce off my hand but it might even have just been a drop of gas. ( As gas was pouring out of the bike I realized I should have turned off the fuel supply first!!!) I charged up the battery while I was working and once I got it all back together I went for a ride for over an hour and it ran just fine. So now I don't know for sure if it was the fuel filter, or if the dead battery could have prevented it from running somehow. I had it connected to the car battery (car not running) so I have to believe it was the filter was plugged. Any thoughts?
  10. Carroll Shelby, father of Cobra sports car, dies at 89
  11. 1st ride of the year. 2nd car of the year. 3rd mile of the year. I pulled onto 2 Way Hwy M-115 and accelerating to 55 - 60-ish, the first car seen is just cresting the slight hill top, just then red sports car with top down and blondie talking on her cell phone as her hair whipping over her eyes too starts to pull out to pass in my lane (I'm already in my far right lane) as soon as our eyes meet I know she now sees my Modulated Headlight and pulls back behind the car she wanted to pass at my expense
  12. Made up my mind this morning. Selling it all moving into town getting one room apartment with concrete all around. Nothing green in sight!! Sell car and truck. All Bikes. Sell Warden. Buy TV dinners. Buy plenty of Ammo. OK I'm done!! Things just not going as they should this morning!!!
  13. I need a car tire for my 2007 (rear) Venture. I put a side car on and now need a car tire . Were can I get one.
  14. Attempted to install a VREDESTEIN T-TRAC TIRES SKU: VREDESTEIN T-TRAC TIRES-V1776 165/80R15 87 T that I purchased on at http://www.tiresbyweb.com for $126. It has a nice round shoulder to it along with a nice tread design. While installing the tire, the sidewall blew out somewhere between 80 and 100psi. After changing underwear, I found a Kumho powerstar 758 165/80-15 at a local Discount tire (they had a lot of them). It went on at 80 psi. We used a tube in the Kumho to reinforce the sidewall. I'm thinking this might be a good idea for any tire where there is difficulty inflating. I'm also using Dyna Beads to balance the tire, so putting dynabeads in a dry tube as opposed to an over lubed tire has merit. I am considering doing this with all of my car tire intallations. In looking at the inflation, it appeared that the tube helped to push the tire inflation "out" rather than "up". I might try the VREDESTEIN again with Tube. But now that I know where to get Kumhos, I am leaning toward sticking to these. I've used them on my VT1100 before with success. It's a good reliable car tire for bikes that need a 165. The ride and handling is very similar to the motorcycle tire. In fact, if you stand up the Kumho next to the MC tire that just came off, you will notice a similar shape....ie flat top.
  15. Hey all, flying down Sunday the 15th to buy a New to Me bike in Florida and riding home. I plan on buying a Side Car for the Grandchild were raising, and to help with weight balance if needed. Unfortuantly Reverse is not available on a RSV. Thought about a trike, but not for me, not yet. Charlene really liked the colors of the 105th Anniversary Edition on the Heritage we just sold. We both missed the RSV, and the touring line with all the extras, and I could never get comfortable on long rides with the Heritage due to my back. The touring line is a bit more than I want to handle, but the future side car will help out. We are buying a 08 H-D Ultra Classic with 2250 miles, like new. I hope the Ultra is as good a bike as my RSV, which is in great hands with Old School. Still enjoy being on this wonderful site and the Great people here. Later-James "Red Ryder" Beyer
  16. They don't make them like this any more. The car or the 90 year old owner. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,533803,00.html
  17. Anyone have any stats as to which has a greater chance being in an accident? A car or a motorcycle? Been searching and nothing comes up.
  18. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/road-rage-carnage-in-brazil/1glbj4sni?from=sharepermalink-facebook&cpkey=26d16d18-deb8-4205-a706-3cde26b4a8e8%7c%7c%7c%7c I always envision this happening around where I work. Too many hot-heads behind the wheel during rush-hour. Our bikes may be larger than others, but they are still no match for even a compact car. Stay cool everyone!
  19. Just watched 5 car loads of Law enforcement folks hit my neighbors house!!!!:clap2: I've been working a long time on this. He is the only one left. There were about 4 junk trailers with dopers living in them. None now they all burnt. (I know nothing) One left in a house that deals in anything they can. I hope the law got something. If that place goes up for auction:whistling: I may have to build another garage!!
  20. This morning about 6:00 AM my daughter was driving her car headed to her job on a two lane road just outside of the city. This is a fairly busy road during the day but not so much at the time of morning. She was doing about 55 mph and heard a scraping noise and the car jerked to the left and slid into the oncoming lane. She couldn't control the car as she slid. She ended up sitting on the edge of the road (no shoulder there) on the oncoming side. She got out to find both front tires flat and a rear losing air. There was a LOT of barbed wire caught under the car and wrapped up in the front suspension. She called 911 as she was alone on the road and no one had come along yet. The Sheriffs Dept responded in good time and helped her contact a friend of mine and made towing arrangements. They got her car safely off the road and to the shop. So a tow bill, three new tires and daughter is okay. Car will survive with a few minor repairs. So... stuff happens on the rural roads right? Stuff falls off trucks, farmers drag stuff out of the fields, and all that. BUT.... come to find out tonight this is the third time this has happend to drivers in the last 6 days in that same area in the early mornings. What the H***? Does this sound like a mishap? An accident? Not to me. The tow driver said he cut off almost 75 feet of barbed wire off the car. It looked like the wire had been looped around a tree trunk as the bark had been scalped off. Me.... I'm just sitting here smoldering figuring out how to make a slip knot for a noose out of barbed wire. I'm thrilled my kid is ok and unharmed but a bit scary for myself also. I run that same road on my bike about every Sunday morning headed out for my Sunday ride. So what are the odds of catching the fool doing this? Probably not very high. Not good at all. I just have this thing about justice. This joker needs to be caught and damned fast before some one gets killed. I'll shut up now..... I need to practice on my knot. Mike
  21. We are flying in to Phoenix during spring break....24th March until the 28th. Just a few days but we want to get an early summer like feeling. Vegas was nice but we want hot! Anyway, we were thinking of renting a car....who be the best? We will pick up at the airport and drive to Mesa and return it on the 28th. Thanks for the tips.
  22. On Jan 15th, my daughter borrowed by RSTD to go for a relaxing ride. Little did either of us know that it wouldn't be very relaxing thanks to a 15 yo boy driving without a drivers license or permit. He ran a light and hit her head on at 40 mph in the middle of an intersection. She came off the bike, hit his windshield and broke it and then went over the car and ended up laying face down in the middle of a very busy intersection. She was wearing leathers, but no helmet. Thankfully, she is fine...though it took the ER $25,000 in medical bills to decide that. And thankfully there were witnesses willing to go on record to say that she had the green and the 15 yo had run the light, and the 4 boys in the car were all lying and saying it was her fault while they were putting her in the ambulance. Grrr! The cop said that with out the witnesses, they would have ticketed my daughter as there were 4 boys in the car and it would have been their word against hers, but the 3rd party witnesses confirmed my dd's story. I guess that my daughter just kept telling everyone that it wasn't her fault and that she needed to get the bike cause it was her mom's. LOL The officer felt it was important enough to tell me that there was nothing my dd could have done...she had no where to go and couldn't have avoided the accident in their opinion. The eyewitnesses also agreed. The other driver got 3 tickets for inattentive driving, failure to yield and driving without a license. I hope they cancel his parents insurance too, as not only did he lie to the officers that night, but they also refused to cooperate with the insurance companies and haven't done anything since the accident to try to get the situation settled. I'm thinking we'll end up in court. My dd was only in the ER for 3 hours, they did CTs on her body and xrays and sent her home with Tylenol and told her to go back to normal activity. The doctor didn't do a head CT, which shocked me when I found out a few days later, and we ended up having to argue with the dr.s to get one as she was having dizziness and head aches. She did injure her right hand/thumb, but that is better now, and she's seeing a chiropractor for whiplash, but all in all, she was very lucky and walked away with no permanent injuries. My bike did not fair so well. She was totalled....broke both the front forks, moved the tank back 2 inches and bent the mounting bolts, and put the tire back into the radiator. Really, she held up pretty well considering the hit she took, and the fact that my dd is OK I attribute at least partially to how well the bike was made. Oh, it totalled out the Toyota Camry that the kid was driving, which comforts me a bit anyway...well, it gives me some personal satisfaction at least. So, State Farm (the other car's insurance) has admitted fault and we're now waiting for dd's medical treatments to be finished so we can talk settlement, but my insurance has paid for the loss of my bike. So, now I'm shopping for another RSTD or perhaps a Venture. Anyone have any suggestions or bikes for sale?
  23. Hi boys and girls! Been a while for me! I was involved in another car wreck in June 2011, shortly after we had the mini maintenance day. I was in a car, not the bike! Long story short... I have been unable to ride, and the bike has been sittin. I'm sort of at a crossroads with my bike. I either need to try to ride again, and overcome the mental block of something bad is going to happen, or just sell her and let someone else enjoy her. Anyhow, I replaced the battery, and she'll turn over and run, but only for a few seconds. I'm not very mechanical, but I think it may be fuel pump / filter related. I've searched the library, but cannot find a copy of the service manual, only the owner's manual. Can anyone take the time to walk me through where to start ? I appreciate all of your help !! AJ
  24. My Brother submitted an invention to www.quirky.com and could use your vote that it would be worth inventing. Hit the link and enter "Car Door Protector" into the search field. It is easier to create an account then vote and comment. Who knows you might also want to submit your ideas here also. It is This one. quirky ideations | Car Door Protector. Do you worry or hate getting ...
  25. We bought a new home the other day. Should be done in August. It will be on the other side of the car. Gonna be a long summer. Brad
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