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Everything posted by Ottawa

  1. I have a pair and like them very much. I like the double zipper and that mine are water proof. Only downside I have found is that I have a wide foot and the boots are a bit narrow for me, but, that probubly my fault for not looking for a wider ones. Other than that, you should be very happy with them. Ryan
  2. Ottawa

    Decent driver

    Excellent control of a vehicle!!! Lets face it most of us would say yes to giving it a try. I would probably do a bit more damage then he did. What I an saying is that I would be the last person to drive it!! What I like the best is that he did it on a track where such driving belongs. When will the speed demons and crotch racketeers get it in there heads. hmmmm I wonder what I can do with my 85 on such a track!!! Maybe I should wait for the CD on turning first.
  3. Here are mine. I think I will just ride this year.
  4. Perfect!! I was looking for something like this. Anyone else have the water proof case? Any problems?
  5. Ottawa


    Around 350lbs
  6. Ottawa


    I think it is. Has a new underside made of aluminum also.
  7. Ottawa


    OK I would love to have a trailer and camp as I go but really how much time will I really have verse the cost to have it sit around 11 months a year??? I found one that I thought was nice for the price of $1900.00 CDN Thats just about $1900.00 for all you US bikers:thumbsup2: Anyway what do you think of this trailer??
  8. I will try to look at that this weekend. Sorry about not telling where the sound was coming from. To tell you the truth its bit hard to tell. Its just real loud!
  9. Here is a good one. When i start the Venture its sounds great. I drive off and within a very short distance I get this very loud sound that will only stop when I pull over or at the very least almost stop rolling. Then when I take off everything is fine! I can only describe the sound as " a sound a worn out drill would make???" I have tried to activate the starter when the noise was sounding but that did not seem to make any difference!! Any sugjestions? Thanks Ryan On a happier note! I was still driving the bike yesterday and plan to take it as far as I can into the winter months. I do have a goal of driving around each month! Doing so with safety in mind.
  10. Please add me to the list. Been sitting on the fence this year and I think it time to get one. Plan on getting new fork springs also. Any idea where I should get them??? Thanks Ryan
  11. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I to would reject blood on religious reasons due to my bible trained conscience ,but, I also want the best medical care for my family. A careful, skillful surgeon who takes his time is a good start. There are sooooo many ways to avoid blood loose or minimize it. Religion aside, my fellow Venture riders make sure you too are getting the best medical care.
  12. I should run that in my 85 venture. I bet it runs cooler tooooo. What a joke ah!!!!!!
  13. My guess is that as long as you keep to the specs you will add 75lbs to the back of your bike with a fully loaded trailer. Looks very nice. I would guess it would also add some weight for the driver keep the bike upright. Just my
  14. ABS epoxy with fiberglass is so easy and holds way better. I've have had a 83 and then a 85. Both around 75.000km and with repair and the cost to purchase I never went over $2000.00 Cdn including paint and tires on the road. Both have been really good to me. Time to ride is so hard to find at times and I feel way better knowing I only have $2000.00 sitting there and no payments rather than $6000.00 or more with a payment each month. Either way bikes aren't cheep to have or run. If you like to work on bikes buy it. If you don't, then either have lots of cash for the shop, or don't ride. Its really that simple. But, I recommend that you ride!!! The purchase price will be important and I have an extra compressor I have no use for!!!
  15. The article stated: "Riding right means that the left side of your tire will have more (and likely faster) miles on it than the right side. Left hand turns have a larger radius than right hand turns in right side driving countries, hence you ride farther (and likely faster) turning left than turning right with subsequent increased side band wear on the tire's left side." This makes sense to me. I do tend to go fasted making a left turn and left turns tend to be longer. Just my
  16. At last some time to go for a real ride and see how well the old girl runs. No map and just road signs to guide the way. OK, OK well I forgot the map, but, the other way I said it sounds way more tough!! I started out and headed ot to Calibogie from Ottawa then after a few back roads I went through Algonquin park to Huntsville. Then to North Bay for a coffee and supper. From there I went back to Ottawa via hwy 17. About 1000KM in a day. I just kept pushing myself. The old girl handled everything with power to spare. Treat the bike well and I think she will be nice to me for years. Actually had to watch the speed because the ride was so smooth. The night driving was a bit hard on me but some more lights should help. Next on the list is a camper so I can really do some driving and spend some nights in interesting areas. Mind you it's a small list with out much cash. I want to head out sometime and see the desert. Just thought I would share!!
  17. Come on up. Ottawa is a nice place to visit. The 401 is very busy and fast. I would recommend up north like Northbay, Sudbury, Timmins if you are ready for some driving. But the country is beautiful. I would recomend the secondary roads just to see the sights a bit slower. Anyway its all good on a bike!!!! If you make it up to Ottawa I can arrange for very nice and affordable accommodations with meals included.
  18. Ottawa

    DSC 3312

    From the album: My Ventures

  19. Ottawa

    DSC 3311

    From the album: My Ventures

  20. Ottawa

    My Ventures

  21. When I went for my maiden voyage I went 400km and found it a bit sluggish but FUN! When I got back all kinds of bad reasons started going through my head!! I had the same issue as you. It turned out to be crossed wires going to the coils on the right side. I am sure I didn't do it but I suspect the previous owner or his shop did it. Have a look at the wires going to the two coiles on the problem side. You will need to remove the battery and box to get a good look. The wires are marked with #'s. (1,2,3,4) then make sure the coil that is going to the cylinders that is cooler correspond to the coil # on the wire. I hope this is it! What amazed me was the 85 VENTURE can even run on two cylinders and do OK!!
  22. I like it. What is the weight put on the bike with a load? It the weight 50/50?
  23. Does anyone have some technical drawings of a fork brace for a first gen? I have a friend at a place in Ottawa here that would like to make me something interesting. I need a good fork brace so why not use state of the are metals!! I could give him the brace of my bike but that would stop the ridding and that would be crazy!
  24. Hi Everyone I am looking for foreword pegs or better yet foreword boards (big feet)for my 85. I need to stretch the legs! I have all the components for the radio and cassette player. Also, I have a set of running boards that need some tender care. They are the ones that connect to their own crash bars. Left side is a bit out of shape. I already gave running boards. I would love to trade stuff. If this is in the wrong area please move or if this is not allowed please fell free to remove.
  25. My 85 is at last on the road and I will enjoy every moment. I would like to thank everyone who has ever added their input to this site. What a big help. The weather is fine and all summer lays ahead. Planned trips are to Sudbury Ontario and the White Mountains in NH. Ryan
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