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Everything posted by PBJ

  1. I have a wolf whistle on my bike and haven't hit a wolf yet! The darn thing don't work on coyotes though!
  2. I couldn't agree with your more which was part of why I used the response i did. For a conservative to blast liberals with out acknowleging that conservative have as many problems and abuses of the law is showing their own blindness to their groups own self serving attitudes. As far as the diabetic issue here we all know we shouldn't stereotype all diabetics either. As its been pointed out there are responsible ones and irresponsible one. If a diabetic is not doing what he or she needs to control thier conditon then they share a percemtage of the responsiblity in an accident and should take the appropriate punishment for not taking care of themselves and becoming a danger to others.
  3. Isn't "Freedom hating Liberal " and Oximoron. Consideing that the word Liberal comes from the word Liberty or fredom for all?
  4. Tell Janet to just keep thinking about riding . She'll heal alot faster!
  5. That being motorcyclist that we already doing our part to conserve?
  6. Yes but to get to the washer the engine has to be pulled and flipped over to get to the shaft. One of the other first gen members has a picture profile of the process. Thats why the dealers want a thousand bucks for the job. The part itself cost next to nothing comparatively. But the engine is powerful enough that you don't need 2nd. Also the bike is so good that its worth the money to fix compared to buying a New ST1300, FJR1300 or new Concours 1400. Which in my opinion were johnny come latelys that were built to compete with the 1st Gens sporting abilities.
  7. hey Kitesquid theres a new thread if ever i saw one. Okay guys who would could be the first?
  8. you should of had hubby go talk to the general manager and instead of ordering the parts call around to other dealers in the area and buy from them. Thats what I did! After the seal popped out in the trailer it was damaged .I called and found another dealer with the part and demanded they buy it from him and put it on . They did!
  9. I wouldn't doubt if they'd be trying to throw off any early speculation because it would ruin new product intro. But the 1900 V twin seems unlikely (Though not impossible). Its the V4 engine that makes a Venture,a Venture . Otherwise they would have dropped the 1600 VTwin or one of the other engines in there along time ago. That would have been cheaper still if going cheap was a real answer. Nope, I'm still going with a V4 detuned V-Max making around 100-120 bhp and 80-90 lb. ft. of torque
  10. Hey Mama, I couldn't believe the news about Marysville losing the Wings. Both My 84 V65 Sabre and my brothers 98 Shadow Tour were also made there. It would be worth it for us to go to see where our bikes came to life. Maybe we'll see you there.Phil
  11. Glad to see your enjoyin being a three wheeler. As a sidecarist i've enjoyed a third wheel for years and agree with all those pro's and con. Another Pro incredily stable in the rain! Don't let any of your two wheel buddies joke about having to wait for ya, you'll be keeping up just fine!
  12. Like there isn't a subject that hasn't been beat to death!
  13. I had a very similar experience and all i took my bike in for was a lousy set of fork seals. Even thoug I ordered my parts a week ahead.( The day I made my appointmnet) The service guy ordered the wrong parts or not all of what he needed. Then the day it was supposed to be ready he calls me when i'm 15 minutes away in the car on the way to the shop to say its still not done yet. The general manager promises they'll deliver it the next day because its already two weeks. When its delivered the right seal pops out and pours its guts into the trailer, so back to the shop it goes. Wait another week and finally its done. The only consilation is the parts and labor were free at that point. But i won't be going back for anything REALLY important.
  14. hi Jerry i saw your on line and figured you might be home . Hows it going?

  15. PBJ


    First of all let me say thank you for appreciating the points i made about tire wear. I had hope i had made a good argument for why one rider might now get the same mileage as another. Secondlt though, I think we're all mature enough to realize that Goose doesn't have a problem so much with a differeance of opinion that you may have with a product . Others have stated a differences that don't neccesarily agitate. Its more your delivery that can rub the nerves at times. Theres an intensity that has a tendency to come through over and over. It can be jarring at times and seemingly unneccesary KIND OF LIKE WHEN PEOPLE WRITE IN CAP'S ALL THE TIME!!! GET MY POINT!?! It would be a disservice if to others of differing opinions if they felt they shouldn't comment because of the way you may something draws fire from others. Have confidence in your differing opinion and don't feel the need to go in guns ablazing . You my find others will more readily back you up if your opinions are stated in a way that they can stand beside. I hope you take this with the spirit of friendship with which it is intended.
  16. Yes that is true on older cars a like an MGA for instance a bike tire of the older variety would work. But that was also back when car tires and bike tires wwere just tirs before the evolution of tires began to separarte the two. Also on a sidecar, as I've stated before, the flatter profile of a c/t would best. But Pegscraper, faulty logic?! Car tires and bike tires are also both Tires But, a car tire IS NOT a bike tire. As you said. Which doesn't matter really if in your mind your happy with the compromises you or any other c/t user makes for a c/t then thats all thats really important. I do have one last thought though. One of the stated advantages of the c/t beside longer wear and cost is the added braking factor the c/t gives a bike. But 60% of a bikes braking power is in the front tire because thats where the weight transfers during braking. Isn't there a chance that a rider with a c/t might rely too heavily on that presumptive better braking using the foot brake more readily despite the weight transfer of a quick stop?
  17. PBJ


    Hey Goose, If the Maineac is only getting 7500 out of a set of Avons that most people are getting over 10k with then logically it comes down to ridng style. Everyone knows that the faster you excellerate, the faster you ride on average combined with the amount of weight being carried by the bike is the determining factor in how fast a tire wears. So obviously the way Maineac rides and the amount of weight his bike has to carry is only giving him a limited amount of usage. Lest just be greatful that this didn't start anothr C/T thread!
  18. Oddly Don I lived in a farm house here in Upstate New York for 24 years and many nights went to bed with my doors unlocked. Had a stable with 4 bikes and two Mustangs and never locked the door. My answer to thieves , I never had anything worth stealing. The t.v worked but was old, same with the stereo, and even if they took it so what , its just stuff. As far as attacking my family members goes this may sound twisted but I wouldn't need a gun to kill someone attacking a family member of mine.
  19. PBJ

    Good news

    Don continued recovery and success in remission. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for all the best for you. Phil.
  20. Well at least it was a !st gen rider that won! LOL!
  21. Thank you , thank you no i couldn't just give it to charity!
  22. That depends does he have Screamin Eagle parts in that thing? He might give you a run for your money!
  23. Pegscraper brought this up on another thread and I thought this would be a good discussion. In 2010 it looks like there couls be a totally new redesign for the Venture. Speculation is that at its heart will be the new V-Max engine in some form of detune , probably with strong low and mid range. The V-max engine is Fuel Injected. The question is will it reall make the engine and bike more effecient or is carburetor technlogy still viable? I used to work for Delphi where we delevoped the Efi for Harley. All indications so far are that the Harley engine start quicker with no warm up neccesary and that the engines actually run smoother and have better throttle response. Plus new Fly-by-wire technology is all the rage F.I .is needed to go to that step. ? What do you think?
  24. Tire design hasn't been the job of ONE engineer or one company, or one circumstance. It is a process of design refinement based on purpose and need. Motorcycle tires as they exist today have evolved differently from car tires due to the fact that bike roll over onto the side of the tie as they turn. The more rounded profile put a larger foot preint to the ground in a turn. Of course a c/t thats been deflated to be softer will warp to the condition exerted on it in a turn but a c/t side wall has been constructed to be more flexible to bend to the forces of a car in a turn Bike tires are firm to hold the weight. Engineers through road and race testing have proven the advantages. Of course as bike tires get wider to accommidate Custom cruisers the tire design becomes flatter and more like a c/t. So the logical conclusion of C/T advocates that they are interchangable isn't outlandish. If it was simple width and cost they'd all be making and excellent point. Still its becomes a bit obvious that there are coprimises to C/T use . Theres the danger that comes when some C/t 's have to be overinflated to seat the bead. This has been discussed in the Darkside thread and seeme to show that SOME tires my be damaged by broken cords in the tire compromising their strength and reliability The other thing its that the tires take longer to "break in" due to facts of design and that members who use the c/t adapt to the tire as oppose to it being a simple switch' These are all the facts that I've seen on the Darkside thread. Its comes down to choice after that but the engineering process has been an evolution which is why one tire has become two. Are they interchangaable? I'll believe it when i start seeing darksiders putting motorcycle tires on their car! LOL!
  25. Tell her to hang in there after the post op pain is gone shes going to feel so much better. My wife had the operation 3 years ago. My brother-in-law got a walker and put a headlight, horn,mirrors, saddle bags and reflectors on it so that when she was walking around she at least looked like she was riding. But at least no more constant pain with every movement.
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