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  1. Looking to order a set of hiway pegs for my 2009 RSV, Can't seem to find the size of the crash bar...anyone know this off hand so I don't order the wrong size ??? Thanks CP
  2. What is the differance in the mount for the Venture and the Royal Star. I may end up with the wrong one off of ebay, my mistake.
  3. Recently acquired this bike (83 model) and have only ridden for about a week. I noted today that the cruise control will not engage. Could not find anything wrong with the fuses. I have not troubleshot beyond that. Any suggestions, or do I need to take it to a Yamaha tech?
  4. This thing or I are wanky. I think I read the instructions correctly to calibrate it. I turned all the screws counterclockwise until they stopped and then turn clockwise to even them all out. All looked good until I plugged each hose into each port on the bike. At 1k, #3 rose to the top (prolly some came through). Then a little later all four did the same thing. All the restricters are int he hoses and at the carb boot end. Tell me what I have done wrong here?
  5. can pc2100 and pc2700 memory ram be run in a computer at the same time. I'm saying no, but there are others smarter than me here that I know will correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY... Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your ass is disconnected. :rotfl:
  7. Wow, it's been a short year! I just logged on after a 5 week out of town trip and there was a message at the top saying that my 'trial membership' has expired! I thought it was just a fluke and it would go away the next day. - Wrong. So, I got to thinking about it and I just KNEW that my membership couldn't have expired, I just did it late last year. So, I was going to contact Freebird and let him know that my membership is logging wrong. - But, just for giggles, I checked my PayPal receipts and sure enough, my time was up. So, I paid my dues and am ready for another year! Time sure does fly when you are having fun. craigr
  8. I have a CB, with the antenna, the splitter, and all the pieces it plugs into, except a white plastic plug. I look a little and couldn't find where it would go to, am i looking wrong? Also, if there is no plug-in for it, where can i buy one?
  9. well today after a long year of not riding. i took out the yamaha maxim i was going to give to the girlfriend before we broke up. the venture finaly made its way to a friends house for the tires and rotor and break work. all was going well but i dont know if any one else ever felt this way? but when i hit the highway. i was scared for about 20 miles. then i started to come around. a friend said im rusty? maybe should see about a refresher course? i took the motorcycle safety course 2 years ago. but that was on a little 250cc bike. i passed with a perfect test run. no mistakes back then. now its time to see what im doing wrong? im thinking take the maxim. through that course. then move up to the big boy? i do have a hard time makeing a u turn on the venture. i once did a low side on it. came in to a parking space thinking i could turn it to face outwards and found out i ran out of room? didnt want to hit the parked car so just kind of let it slide down on the crash bar. no damage but man what a bear to get back up. a good friend has now taught me how to get these heavy bikes back up. i was doing it all wrong. never try to muscle that bike he said. he showed me how to get it back upright from both sides. well that has been my day. hope to ride again tomorrow
  10. 1st this Than this Now who can we trust???
  11. Hold Right There!!!!!!............... What Swifty wrote Down.............. IS ALL TRUE..... The interent is all LIES....... SWIFTY is A well Known Prominent Teacher in Ontario He Does Not LIE:thumbsup2:.....We Trust our teachers in teaching Us what is Right and What is Wrong...... And You know Im right ..He's riding a 1st Gen :rotfl::rotfl:
  12. 8 inches of snow turning to ice as the temp last night was 9 degrees but that's all right I got a 4x4x with new tires right? Wrong! 4x4 went out so now it is only two wheel but that's all right as long as I'm careful then everything else is good...WRONG!!! the heater blower quit. I might as well ride the BIKE!!! NO MO Winter!!! please:225:
  13. Pay attention. There will be a test later. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Yamaha-1999-Royal-Star-Venture-Cruiser-Touring-1300cc_W0QQitemZ120519767272QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item1c0f89b4e8
  14. oldgoat


    i might have spelled it wrong? tonight my nephew called me to ask me about a combat wombat motorcycle? has a chrome gas tank. and is in fair condition. hes been shoveling snow and doing chores for a neighbor who broke his hip. the man offerd him this motorcycle and about 200.00 cash for all the help he has been doing so far. so i might be spelling it wrong and cant find any info on it. so my questions are 1=can he still get and find parts for this bike 2= who built these bikes are they a honda knock off? 3 = how do i find the cc on this bike he said the owner states it a 250? 4 bike turns over but its like kicking a mule? 5= a lever on the left handlebar could it be a compression release? i dont want him getting ripped off. he works about 4 hrs a day for this man. since november. bringing food running erands. all for a little gas money. with the knowledge that he wanted this bike. and 200.00 to maybe throw into it. last year someone stole a kawasaki kdx from him. hes been devestated since then. corn detassling in high heat. only to have that bike for less then a month. i cant help him no more since i cant work. to give him any money for a better dirt bike. he realy wants a duel purpose bike for around $400.00 to $500. he should have saved up by spring?. being a teenager it might not happen he will have that cash LOL. just asking if anyone heard of these bikes and where they good ones can you get pistons and stuff just it case this thing goes south?
  15. ok am i wrong to think this and what do you think? we have a pizza place. here in town about 5 miles down the road. well we got hungry and thought we would order a couple. well we were informed that besides cost of pizza there would be a $3.50 delivery. charge. my g/f got mad and said when the delivery person gets here. give no tip? as he gets the delivery fee. i thought this was wrong and slipped him 2 bucks:mo money:. now g/f said i was wrong. them kids are out there doing a job. and hey its the holiday season right? so im in the dog house for a lousy 2 bucks:Sad_0241:
  16. I've been trying to place the weather sticker on my email. I go to the wondermap, click on the sticker I want to use. It gives the the URL, I copy it and place in the my signature and upload and I get "invalid URL".... what could I be doing wrong!
  17. I will have to double check, not sure if that mileage is correct. I could have sworn I heard 50k, but could be wrong. Super clean bike though. I know the dealer has a couple questions since they aren't as familiar w/ the 1st gens. I will see if I can get them and post them for him. I know 1 of them has to do w/ the box that is on the front right side down by the brake caliper. It was something along the lines of if there is a way to make an adjustment. I can't completely tell you what the question is since I don't know what that box is for. Looks like they have the displacement wrong too. 1st Gen
  18. Okay..okay..I seen the directions. I followed them. I copied and pasted the the addy to my signature and it, says, invalid URL....what am I doing wrong? Please help. Mark
  19. when you're wrong about something you ought to admit it ! well i was wrong about the seats Rick Butler modified and the tour pak back rest cushions. i originally thought i would like the results ...but i was wrong...... I LOVE IT !! after being unable to ride for the past three month (during that time Rick did the mods) today my wife & i rode to Clarksville Va. for lunch - what a beautiful day and ride - the lunch was awesome (pepperoni & sausage lasagna). it was a 225 mi. round trip and my butt and especially my tailbone never bothered me. i could only get about 50 mi. before the mod and my butt & tailbone were aching and needing a break... you can spend the big bucks on all the fancy seats but the $40 for the seats is the best money i've spent on my bike. Thank you Rick Butler for the great job and the great service you provide to us here on VentureRider.
  20. Hi, I'm looking at a new '08 RSV at a local dealer. The sales person says that a CB does not come with the bike, but I have been under the impression that the RSVs came with a CB installed. Am I wrong on this? I did see that it has both an am/fm antenna and a CB antenna mounted.
  21. I posted a thread last night and put it in the wrong forum. How can I change it?
  22. My radio is cutting out badly but I cant find anything wrong any suggestions?
  23. Sept 1 and 44deg in the morning there is something wrong with this.
  24. kenw

    high tech

    I'm just sitting here listening to all the mail of how to add on your phone, (so you can talk like the cagers). Or how you can add this or that to keep touch with the world. I thought that the reason we road was to get rid of all this c****! Correct me if I'm wrong or are we becoming a soccor mom on 2 wheels. Just something to think about!
  25. Yesterday during a group ride, I ment to throw her in second gear to catch up with the group leader but accidentally put her into first instead. I discovered these first gens have enough power to flip ya on your back. You should have seen the looks on all those HD riders faces. One of them said he could've walked under the front wheel. I could just imagine the look on my face! All I remember thinking was, OH:yikes:SH**! She came down kind of hard. But no damage. Other than some to my shorts. Glad I put in those progressive spring when I rebuilt the frontend.
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