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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. Try this on for size http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090113/best_job_090113/20090113?hub=TopStories
  2. Not Dutch, German maybe, but not Dutch Maybe we should have a surprise party at his place just to give some much needed advise.
  3. Just put some Harley signs on it and it won't seem like it's leaking at all.
  4. Neat, but none of their links work, hope this doesn't say anything about the Carver.
  5. What causes the second gear woes is the wearing of the washer, if it didn't wear second could not pop out, but by wearing it gives some space to the gears and second being the power gear, naturally will take the brunt of the the problem. Fifth gear is on the same shaft but has no problem because it not used in heavy torque situations. In answer to your question, second will go at around 60,000 whether you like it or not, unless you don't use it or use it very lightly.
  6. Used to have a front mounted blower on my 16hp tractor. Still got the tractor (last I looked) but sent the blower to the grave yard. I'd much sooner use the walk behind, 10hp \ 28" cut. It handles much easier, is more versatile in tight spots, blow things (all things) much further, and keeps me from freezing up just sitting there. Beats a blade anytime as it does not pile up the snow and create more drifts like a blade. Nope, wouldn't even trade it for the 45" ones that are on the market today. Sometimes you can get too big, too fancy and you just end up going backwards. Your drive Don would take about an hour, 2 round trips to the road and then the parking area, maybe not even that long, mine takes an hour with paths going out the back to the burning pit and sawdust bin.
  7. Maybe it's the MP3 player etc. that makes it a full dresser.
  8. Glad to hear your story, sounds painful but somehow very rich, I can't explain it, but the feeling I got was sorrow mixed with love and a longing. Thanks for sharing, that's what we're here for, sharing and suppoting each other. Carl
  9. Great,,,now what am I going to do,,,,nobody out there to help me,,,,,,,,darn, I guess I'll have to look after myself and do things on my own after all. Thanks for posting. Carl
  10. There really is only one answer and it makes perfect sense to me and a lot of others. Cancel all subscriptions and junk all that electronic stuff. Results:? Save a pile of money on subscriptions, increased fuel mileage so you can go longer on a tank full, peace and quiet when you ride, time to think for yourself, and when you get back from the ride you'll be better equipped to handle all that gets thrown at you. Also, you get to make your own decisions, get lost once in a while and so discover new territory and meet new people, be able to dream what it would be like to live in a perfect world, get caught in a traffic jam and so meet someone new who is also caught in the same predicament, and let yourself be guided by an inner voice that make good sense rather than by someone else who always thinks that their way is better, faster, more efficient, more economical, prettier, useful, safer, sexier, more colorful, quieter, noisier, more down to earth, more hip, healthier, thinner, sportier, and the list goes on and on and on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Better get better soon Taters,,,,,,ain't no better place than to be that is here. Gonna havta meet you'all in the spring,,,,sounding like fun already,,,,,,leastways there is more to see than Bobie when we goes there....
  12. She can be like that,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. Can't use this, but it looks awesome,,, thanks a lot carl
  14. If it's hot it got resistance in there somewhere,, and that will cause problems, like failure. If it were mine and I wasn't going to change it just yet, I would squirt it with lots of Deep Creep and then maybe not have any problems ever,, but then what do I know,,, first gens don't have that issue,,, they always start.
  15. COOL No I don't mean anything about anyone else's suggestion, just call yourself cool,, we won't believe it anyways,, no matter what you call yourself,, after all who believes that Beer 30 stoped at 30,,, bet he's 60 if he's a day. HEY Cool Carl
  16. Glad to hear that you two made it ok, and wish you the blessing from above in the future.
  17. You would have to first of all check the output of your stator. There is often a problem at the white connector, 3 white wires coming from the stator, below the seat on the left hand side. I would take that apart first, check it, clean it, grease it with dielectric grease and put it back together. In the same area is anothe rconnector with 5 wires, different colors, I think there are 2 reds, that also tend to give problems. Take this one apart as well and do the same thing. If that don't fix your problem you may have a battery on it's last legs, that would also couse this issue. Some one else will chime in with all the specs on how to test all this with a meter and the values needed. For now you have something to work on and should be done anyways.
  18. SO these solutions may be right off the wall, but sometimes the wall is kind of handie. Check to make sure the tire is mounted properly, it should be even by the ridge all the way around and even side to side. After checking for brake drag, back off the pads a little with a screw driver, lift the front wheel and give it a spin. Do this a number of times and each time mark the top spot. I should not come to rest in the same spot twice. That would indicate that it is not balanced right. Also check to see how much weight is on the wheel to balance it, more than 25gr would not be good either and if you have that much it should be placed evenly on both sides of the ridge. Also check to make sure that the tire is turning in the direction it's designed to. There is an arrow on the side wall that tells you which way it should be turning when you're going forwards. keep us posted Carl
  19. Shouldn't have that from a V4, haven't heard of that problem before, like has been mentioned, smooth the engine, new plugs, clean carbs and a carb sync, are the things I would look at.
  20. OhOh,,,,,now I'm in deep kakak,,,,,,somebody hang on to her,,,,,,,,,,,,, Love ja Rhonda
  21. Al was good, only remember meeting him once, but he was well liked, that I could tell. Our sympathies to you and his family
  22. I really feel sorry for you, I can't believe that it could be sooo bad, man that must hurt, how long do you think it will be before she can get back to doing the floors and windows again???????? Glad I ride a first gen, least I have a chance of staying ahead of what's to come:no-no-no: ????????
  23. I really think if you park the scoot inside as proposed, it would be awesome for MamaMo, she would be able to see at a glance if you were home, or out on a ride. Now she has to guess or go looking to see where you are or aren't and then have to come up with a conclusion as to whether you were or weren't or decide whether you come or gone, or conclude that your all gone and may not ever return. Knowing all that, she might just decide that it's better to keep you around for a day or two more and so allow you to keep the scoot where everybody can keep an eye out on it.
  24. Hey you all,, glad you're ok,,,,, coming down here were ya???? well that was nice,,I could even have been home,,,,what a mess those cars are in,,,,,,,more cheap metal for GM to build new ones I guess,,,,,,,hope it all turns out ok and you heal fast,,,,,,,,need something, just call and we'll see what can be accomplished.
  25. I can agree with you there, Dan. I have a very long story on that issue, and we're still in the middle of it being developed, fact is development took a direct turn SOUTH and things are set to change around here, big time. It good to know at times like this that the future is not in our own hands, but is guided by our Creator who knows all and sees all. Some day when the story is complete I'll share it but not for right now, I want to be unbiased when I report the happenings.
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