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  1. Young Paddy, moved to Kent and bought a Donkey from a farmer for £100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the Donkey the next day. The next day he drove up and said, 'Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the donkey died.' Paddy replied, 'Well, then just give me my money back.' The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.' Paddy said, 'Ok, then, just bring me the dead donkey.' The farmer asked, 'What are ya gonna do with him? Paddy said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.' The farmer said, 'You can't raffle off a dead donkey!' Paddy said, 'Sure I can. Watch me.. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.' A month later, the farmer met up with Paddy and asked, 'What happened with that dead donkey?' Paddy said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two quid a piece and made a profit of £898.00.' The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?' Paddy said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two quid back.' Paddy now works for the British Government.
  2. Wow this is getting expensive. I went to advance to get a couple thing to clean the bike with. After my military discount and still $40 later i have a few things to clean the bike with. My wife is going to kill me soon. I bought the bike as a way to save money on gas to work. I am making up for that money on products to make her like aweome. I am getting away with it so far becaue i explained it isnt something i have to buy every week. Anyone else having this problem? its like a drug addiction right now.
  3. Maybe it's just that I have lived in this city too long and have trouble seeing the good in a lot of people these days. But tonight I was watching the news and maybe I need to give it another chance. This afternoon it did warm up to the 50's. A long way up from where it has been. Some bikes where out and enjoying the weather. A motorcyclist was riding out at 132nd and Pacific when some motorists noticed money was falling out of his pocket and blowing all over the street. Busy area, 4 lanes and lots of traffic. Some drivers stopped and started grabbing up the money and a couple others took off and chased the guy down and stopped him. When he returned to the area the people that had picked up the cash were waiting for him. YES! I said they were waiting. He had lost $2,500 in $100 bills out of his pocket. He got it all back except a single $100 bill. I think the LEO's that finally arrived were more shocked than he was. There are still some honest people out there. I just wish there were more of them.
  4. Does anyone have the top rail gaurds for the side bags? Are they worth the money? Where is the best place to get them?
  5. Jamies (Wingman) Goldwing is now posted on Ebay and someone is already trying to scam him with an offer to pay more than he is asking and wanting him to sign off on a sales contract........Told him no way you want to deal with this guy unless he shows up at your door with cash in hand.......... Wingmans Wing
  6. Saw this on Ebay and had to share for those with some money left after Christmas. http://vi.ebaydesc.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDesc&item=180317769854&t=0&ds=2&seller=fuquayfire&js=e583:1&hr=http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitemdesc=&ds=2&seller=fuquayfire&caz.html=&ebaydesc=1&js=e583%3A1&item=180317769854,200293479692&t=0&viewitem=&hr=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Febaymotors%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem&caz.html
  7. Broke my Rt side mirror off completely, even the glass. Went looking for spares and I think I could get hen's teeth easier. Stealer wants over 200, fleabay has a couple for a hundred or more. I just don't have that kind of money. I'm thinking about trying to put a pair on from another brand of bike... ones that are not gold plated . Anyone tried that before, if so, how did it work out?
  8. i am currently looking for cheap parts for my first gen venture (especially) front fairing if anyone has any gimmie a holler i do not have much money but i am willing to trade something if i do not have the money (if interested, of course) labor, guns, paint work, graphics, airbrush, etc. update 1-4-09 recently aqired a vetter fairing from my neighbor, gonna try to make it fit, if it doesn't work i'll be back here looking thanks again
  9. Has anyone else noticed that Santa has changed the way he does business? When I was a kid he didn’t charge a thing now every time he shows up it cost me money.
  10. Wow.... if only I had money to spare!! LINK
  11. A few months ago a barrel of oil was about $150+ with predictions of over $200, we are now less than $34. On gasbuddy.com, gas is as low as $1.20 in some places. This would be a great thing if we did not have the economy spiraling down in every direction. I am of the opinion that a lot of what we are seeing is directly related to energy costs going up and taking everything else with it. I feel that many families ended up using all their extra income to pay for fuel costs and in turn simply quit buying anything they did not HAVE to buy. Now, with people tightening up, many others have lost their jobs. Greed seems to be controlling the financial industry and sometimes it bites you in the butt, as in giving your money to Madoff, yeah, he "made off" with a lot of peoples money. There are several people that now are saying that all along Madoff was crooked and the Securities and Exchange Commission would not listen. There may be some heads rolling there. I would be interested in what others have to say, but let us not make this a political discussion. RandyA
  12. Had a friend come to me and said he knew of a fellow that was trying to sell his '89 Goldwing 1500 and would I look at it, as he knew I rode bikes. So we all got together Sat. and I told him what I thought of it and he says "ya want it?". Asked what he was asking for it. He told me and said he needed the money for something else he wanted. I said sure, so now my VR has a brother to play with
  13. :puzzled:I just got this in my Yahoo email. Do you think I should trust this guy? The name of the sender rings a bell. From Donald Nelson Banjul the Gambia (West Africa) ------- Private/Confidential Dear friend, I write to solicit your assistance in a project of mutual benefit and regret any inconveniences contacting you this way with my proposal. I am Donald Nelson, former Head of Accounts Department at the Diamond Mining Company of Sierra Leone. I and my partners (two others) are in urgent need of a foreign associate to work with us to facilitate the transfer of a large sum of money which we intend to invest into profitable areas of business in your country. The funds currently secured with a security company is legitimate money rightfully belonging to me and my partners, which was earned from private diamond business deals during our time as top officials at the Diamond Mining Company of Sierra Leone. Due to unstable political and economic environments in Africa, it is not quite safe investing ones financial future in this part of the world. We are currently living in Banjul capital city of The Gambia and in collaboration with some top officials of the Central Bank of Gambia have concluded arrangements for the transfer. The money involved is eighteen million five hundred thousand US Dollars. However, as a result of the regulations here, we cannot transfer the funds to your country without having an associate there. I am writing to know if you could be our overseas associate to handle the transaction privately at your end, whereby the funds shall be transferred through your bank account, for mutual benefits. All aspects of the transaction will be done legitimately from here via the banking process. We propose your commission shall be 20 per cent of the total money been transferred, in view of the importance your role as our overseas partners will be, without which we cannot transfer the funds. Please consider this proposal seriously and handle with utmost confidentiality the information I have provided you with here. If you are in a position to assist, then get back to me immediately, so I can give you more details. Sincerely, Donald Nelson.
  14. Guest

    Home-made B-29 bomber.

    Wow! This is cool. This aircraft runs on four chainsaw motors. You can just imagine how much time, effort, skill and money these guys have put into this thing. http://users.skynet.be/fa926657/files/B29.wmv Cheers,
  15. I just received my lift adapter from Carbon One. Works great. I had not seen any pics of it installed so thought I'd post this for those who don't have one and wanted to see what it looked like installed. Well worth the money. Thanks Carbon One for your great work.
  16. I know this ain't nice, but the purpose of this post is to chastise and publicly humiliate one of our members here. That scum-ball Moakster just won't stop leaving money at my house!!!!! The nerve of him! I could almost understand it the first time. We spent a lot of hours and did a lot of work resetting the float levels in his carbs, and he DID forget to bring the beer, violating The Goose's cardinal rule. So even though I didn't want his stinking money and told him so, it didn't piss me off Too much when I found it in the kitchen. But this last time - there just ain't no excuse! The only reason he was over here is 'cause I screwed up and didn't put his cruise throttle linkage together correctly last time. So he was only here to let me fix my own mistake. And the peckerwood STILL secretly left $20 bucks on my counter! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!! That just ain't right, and if he don't stop doing stupid things like that I'm gonna have to say even more nasty things about him in the future! So There! Goose
  17. I am preparing a "needs" list for my rebuild of my 87 this winter. I'm looking for a hitch. If any one out there has one to spare at a reasonable cost-- please let me know. Also if anyone knows where to get a master rebuild kit (rings, gaskets, etc.) please chime in.
  18. Check this out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-1986-Yamaha-XVZ13D-Venture-Royale-LOW-MILES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6718QQihZ009QQitemZ190264658922QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#ht_500wt_0 Might be a treasure.
  19. Well...I know that many of you have been through this already but today I take my 16 year old son to get his driver's license. I have been online getting insurance quotes to add him to my policy. Needless to say, my insurance is going UP UP UP. From what I can see so far, it will triple now with him on the policy. I'm talking about the car of course, not the bike.
  20. Does anyone know where I can get replacement or leds for the 2 reflectors on the back of my 86VR W/O spending a fortune?:mo money::mo money:
  21. Hey All, Well....here we go, my somewhat smartalec idea of getting Sledgehammer to get a tat has taken a turn, a good turn. Many of you know from the thread that Sleeperhawks Mechanic posted a few weeks ago about Tim's new dew rag http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26022 kinda morfed into something for St. Judes childrens hospital, well here is the skinny. Bobbie (mechanic) has agreed to get a tattoo with me to try and raise money for St. Judes Hospital. Many of you know that here at VR.org St. Judes holds a very dear place in our hearts. Lewis Cramer (Dragonrider) has been doing the 50/50 raffle at Vogel for 3 years and donates half of the raffle funds to St. Judes. Year before last, he and about 10 other Venturerider members personally went to St. Judes and gave them the donation. Many of you also know that this was the last ride that Mark Stills (Meandog) ever took. We lost mark early this year to his battle with cancer, but he was hellbent on going and helping to deliver that money. He was amazed at the courage that the little ones had as they were and are battling this epidemic called Cancer. The donation will be presented in the memory of Mark Stills (Meandog) http://stj.convio.net/site/TR/Events/Tribute?px=1618382&pg=fund&fr_id=1341 Well it's time, time for us to help the little ones again. Many of us here pride ourselves at helping others. Whether it be wrencing on a bike, or offering an ear and encouragement for those going through difficulties in life. Bobbie has agreed to get a tattoo, not that she really wants to, but instead to sacrifise for a cause that is worthy...like St. Judes. She and I have talked and here is the plan. Our goal is to raise $3000 by October 1st, this is the price that Bobbie feels her going through all this is worth. Now there is a disclaimer here, you are not going to know what our Tattoo's are going to be or where they will go on our persons until we meet that $3K goal. Is it a lot of money....Yes and No. $3K will buy a lot of items, but it's a drop in the bucket considering what the little ones go through. So I challenge all of our over 5000 members to hopefully find it in your hearts to donate what you can and help us meet this goal. I want to say something here in all seriousness, this is strictly voluntary, if you are tight on cash then DONT donate. We have all been there and I'm definitely not asking you folks to give if money is tight. But if you have a spare few buck, perhaps putting off buying that 1 chrome piece for the bike for a few weeks or whatever. I ask that you please help us to meet our goal and make things happen. I will take the lead and will send $100 to Don through paypal as a gesture of my seriousness. I wont burden him with taking the donations, I will handle that as it was my mouth that got this ball rolling. My paypal addy is weldman333@yahoo.com or you can email or PM me for my home addy if you want to send it through the mail. It's a lofty goal, but one that I believe is easily attainable, please help us in helping others that are in way more need. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me either in this thread or by PM/email. Thank you all for listening and I look forward to being able to help us help children that need it St Judes website http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f2bfab46cb118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD
  22. just thought i would give st. jude a little help, cuz i really believe in it. folks check out squidleys sticky at the top of the watering hole, and check out dragonriders poll under polls. great cause, and great meet to donate the money. i was there last year with the group and it was quite heart warming. plus you will meet a bunch of great ventureriders. bill :clap2:
  23. I have had a synch tool for some time and finally took the time to even my carbs up. It was much easier than I thought, even though I've done quite a few carbs in the past. Ports were right there and you don't have to take off any body parts to get to them. I had some popping out the exhaust ever since I've had the bike and it got worse when I did the carbs. The reason I'm writing here is to encourage those that have put off synching the carbs and stopping up the AIS to get with it!! It took me all of 5 minutes to put the stoppers in the AIS system. I did what is described in the tech section. It actually takes longer to warm up the Venture than it does to synch the carbs. Get with it and get it done!! Mine runs better than ever now and with no popping and a great idle. All the money I saved I can buy me some chrome or something.
  24. Wooo back rests for 1st Gen are getting big money on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Drivers-Backrest_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ014QQitemZ330263309151QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW and this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Drivers-Back-Rest-Venture-Royale-Yamaha-86-93_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ013QQitemZ230281837622QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  25. That's what I keep telling myself as I watch my retirement nest egg go down down down. 401K is a good thing but small company plans offer few fund options for moving money around in a down trend. I have watched the bond fund and money markets options for over 10 years. Never seen them make more then 3 or 4 percent in good times but during down trends at least they are good holding funds. I missed the peak in Oct 07 just like I did in 2000. Forget about calling your fund financial planner he only returns calls once every 6 weeks. So now we are waiting for the rebound. The funds I'm in have been good funds but across the board everything is down. So pour me another one as I analyze the difference between where I should be and where I am to the tune of down by $40,000 and falling.Things could be worse GM is down by 60% according to the news. So who on wall street just bought a new Harley on me?Waiting on a rebound.There is always plan B. Work till you die and spend the kids inheritance.
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