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  1. While I have been enjoying my new 2000 Wing for two days now, I have confirmed that my 1st gen is leaving tomorrow for good. It was my second 1st gen. and both were great bikes. This last one was an '87 Royale and it took me to Potato Creek in '05(?), Americade in '06 and Colorado in '07. I thoroughly enjoyed every one of those trips and smile when I remember them. That bike always ran strong, and still does. She a pretty machine and I will truly miss her. Having said that, I LOVE my Wing. It is a 2000 Aspencade. On my 1st gen I was on tip toes at the stop, on the Wing I can sit flatfooted at the stop. It has a significantly lower centre of gravity which you really notice when cornering. Where the 1st gen seemed to love leaning into the turn, the Wing needs to be thrown into the turn but then it rights itself easier. The Wing has tons of pickup and is very smooth. It has all the amenities one could ask for. Although the foot position on the Wing is probably very close to that of the 1st gen, the fairing on the Wing is not as close to my knees, making it feel roomier. Anyway, I am looking forward to taking it for a nice run to Freebird's maintenance day and really looking forward to seeing some of you people again. Here are few pics of the new Wing.
  2. some of this is common sense, but there is some really good stuff in here. 50 Ways To Save Your Life. Quote from Motor Cylist Seen this an old article...some good info Taken from the pages of Motor Cyclist magazine: 1 Assume you're invisible Because to a lot of drivers you are. Never make a move based on the assumption that another driver sees you, even if you've just made eye contact. Bikes don't always register in the four-wheel mind 2. Be Considerate The consequence of strafing the jerk du jour or cutting him off start out bad and get worse. Pretend it was your grandma and think again. 3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or prom Sure, Joaquin's Fish Tacos is a 5-minute trip, but nobody plans to eat pavement. Modern mesh gear means 100-degree heat is no excuse for a T-shirt and board shorts. 4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Assume that a car across the intersection will turn across your bow when the light goes green, with or without a turn signal. 5. Leave your ego at home The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge. 6. Pay attention Yes, there is a half naked girl on the billboard. That shock does feel squishy. Meanwhile, you could be drifting toward big trouble. Focus 7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture Never change direction without turning your head to make sure the coast is really clear. 8. Always take another second or three before you pull out to pass Ride away from a curb or into freeway traffic from an on-ramp. It's what you don't see that gets you. That extra look could save your life. 9.Watch your closing speed Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble. 10. Beware the verge and merge A lot of nasty surprises end up on the side of the road: empty McDonald's bags, nails, TV antennas, ladders, you name it. Watch for potential debris on the sides of the road. 11. Left-turning Car remain a leading killer of motorcyclist. Don't assume someone will wait for you to dart through the intersection. They're trying to beat the light, too 12. Beware of cars running traffic lights The first few seconds after a light changes are the most perilous. Look both ways before barging into a intersection. 13. Check your mirrors Do it every time you change lanes, slow down or stop. Be ready to move if another vehicle is about to occupy the space you'd planned to use. 14.Mind the gap Remember driver's ED? One seconds worth of distance per 10 MPH is the best rule of thumb. Better still, scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble. 15. Beware the tuner car They're quick and their drivers tend to be aggressive. Don't assume you've beaten one away from a light or out spaced it in traffic and change lanes without looking. You could end up as a Nissan hood ornament. 16. Excessive entrance speed hurts It's the leading cause of single bike accidents on twisty roads and racetracks. In slow, out fast is the adage, and it still works. Dialing up corner speed is safer than scrubbing it off. 17. Don't trust that deer whistle Ungulates and other feral beast prowl at dawn and dusk, so heed those big yellow signs. If you're ridding in a target-rich environment, slow down and watch the shoulders. 18. Learn to use both brakes The front does most of your stopping, but a little rear brake on a corner entry can calm a nervous chassis 19. Keep the front brake covered-alwaysSave a second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that. 20. Look where you want to go Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on the solution instead of the problem. 21. Keep your eyes moving Traffic is always shifting, so keep scanning for potential trouble. Don't lock your eyes on any one thing for too long unless you're actually dealing with trouble. 22. Think before you act Careful whipping around that Camry going 7 mph in a 25 mph zone or you could end up with your head in the driver's side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you. 23. Raise your gaze It's too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory. 24. Get your mind right in the driveway Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40 mph, near an intersection or driveway. Yes, that could be your driveway. 25. Come to a full stop at the next stop signPut a foot down. Look again. Anything less forces a snap decision with no time to spot potential trouble. 26. Never drive into a gap in stalled traffic Cars may have stopped for a reason, and you may not be able to see why until it's too late to do anything about it. 27. Don't saddle up more than you can handle If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you're 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers. 28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic And smacking a car that is swerving around some goof-balls open door is just as painful. 29. Don't get in a intersection rut Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersection's if you expect crossing traffic to stop, there could be a painful surprise when it doesn't. 30. Stay in your comfort zone when you're in a group. Riding over your head is a good way to end up in a ditch. Any bunch worth riding with will have a rendezvous point where you'll be able to link up again. 31. Give your eyes some time to adjust. A minute or two of low light heading from a well lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing. Otherwise you're essentially flying blind for the first mile or so. 32. Master the slow U-turn Practice. Park your butt on the outside edge of the seat and lean the bike into the turn as a counter weight as you pivot around the rear wheel. 33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill? Don't panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally-and smoothly-to pull away. 34. If it looks slippery assume it is.A patch of suspicious pavement could be just about anything. Butter flavor Crisco? Gravel? Mobil 1? Or maybe it's nothing. Better to slow down for nothing than go on your head. 35. Bang! A blowout! Now what? No sudden moves. The motorcycle isn't happy, so prepare to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course. Ease back the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel and pull over to the shoulder. Big sigh 36. Drops on the face shield It's raining. Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when it's rinsed by a down-pour, and you never know how much grip there is. Apply maximum-level concentration, caution and smoothness. 37. Emotions in check?To paraphrase Mr; Ice Cube, chickity-check yo self. Emotions are as powerful as any drug, so take inventory every time you saddle up. If you're mad, sad, exhausted or anxious, stay put 38. Wear good gear.Wear stuff that fits you and the weather. If you're too hot or too cold or fighting with a jacket that binds across the shoulders you're dangerous. It's that simple. 39. Leave the IPOD at homeYou wont hear that cement truck in time with Spinal Tap cranked to 11, but they might like your headphones in intensive care. 40. Learn to swerve. Be able to do tight turns in quick succession. Flick left around the bag of briquettes then right back to your original line of trajectory the bike will follow your eyes so look at the way around, not the briquettes. Now practice till it's a reflex 41. Be smooth at low speeds. Take some angst out, especially of slow speed maneuvers, with a bit of rear brake. It adds a welcome bit of stability by minimizing unwelcome weight transfer and potentially bothersome drive line lash. 42. Flashing is good for you. Turn signals get attention by flashing, right? So a few easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic. 43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets. Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/red light on your right and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half. 44.Tune your peripheral vision Pick a point of that wall over there. Now scan as far as you can by moving your attention , not your gaze. The more you can see with out turning your head, the sooner you can react to trouble. 45. All alone at a light that wont turn green? Put as much motorcycle as possible directly above the sensor wire-Usually buried in the pavement beneath you and locate by a round or a square pattern behind the limit line. If the light still wont change, try putting your kickstand down. You should be on your way in seconds. 46. Everything is harder to see after dusk Adjust your headlights. Carry a clear face shield and have your game all the way on after dark, especially during commuting hours. 47. Don't troll next to-right behind- Mr. Peter-built. If one of those 18-retreads blows up- Which they do with some regularity- it de-treads, and that can be ugly. Unless you like dodging huge chunks of flying rubber keep your distance. 48. Take the panic out of panic stops.Develop a intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe, open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and locked wheel, and then do it again, and again. 49. Make sure your tires right. None of this stuff matters unless your skins are right. Don't take'em for granted. Make sure pressure is spot-on every time you ride. Check for cuts, nails and other junk they might have picked up, as well as general wear. 50. Take a deep breath Count to 10. Visualize whirled peas. Forgetting some clown's 80-mph indiscretions beats running the risk of ruining your life, or ending it.
  3. Need backrest for my 86.Can only ride about 50 miles before having to stop and stretch.I can get off the 86 and ride the 99 for about 2 to 3 hours with no pain.HELP.
  4. i have a issue with my air ride system that i dont get, soldered all 6 points in the board, put the beads in oven, cleaned all connections, put the bike together and yea, it works,im sooo happy, day 2, worked 2x then, e2, then it worked again, then e2, then it worked again, day3, e4, what! then e4, and again and again, what the @#$%, on the good note i can touch my feet flat on the ground at a stop sign, any ideas?
  5. Dealer offered me a chance to test ride it, so I did. I had to ask them several times to make sure they were serious. They said yes, so off I went. Nice nimble little bike. Not sure I would would take it cross country or anything like that, but had fun. I think it would be good for putting around town on. But it did sit way too high for me. At least I could get 1 foot flat on the ground when I leaned over at a stop light. Probably could have gotten pulled over for unsafe start too or whatever they want to call it. I kinda hammered it at a stop light, but I will say that I didn't go over the speed limit, I just took the quickest route to get to the speed limit. http://www.metriccruisers.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif I looked over and sure enough there was a cop sitting on the side of the road, but they didn't do anything.
  6. We spent 3 days in this area the scenery is magnificent the roads are good. I would recommend a stop here.
  7. We all run over something once in awhile, but usually will stop when it's safe and check the vehicle out.....especially if it starts to run a little different. A woman ran over a mattress but was in too much of a hurry to stop. The mattress got caught underneath and started what she described as a "slight driveline shimmy at high speeds". She still didn't stop until it caused a hole in the fuel tank. THAT is what caused the vehicle to stop. The tow truck driver looked underneath and this is what they saw when they got it on the lift at the shop...........I wonder what a BIG shimmy would feel like? [ATTACH]29020[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]29021[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]29022[/ATTACH]
  8. The Triumph demo truck is making a stop here in St. Louis,Mo.Tuesday may 12th. It plans to have all the 2009 models and include the 2010 1700cc Thunder Bird. The Truck will be here from 4:00pm to 9:00pm. The location is the: TRIUMPH Grille 3419 Olive St. St.Louis,MO. Here's the web site: www.triumphgrill.com. This place also holds a antique motorcycle museum and has great food to boot!!! Feel free to stop by and look around.
  9. Is it possible to adjust the angle of the shifter? I need the toe lower and the heel higher. I see an adjustment screw (?) just forward of the pivot point. Bike is new and have had some problems going in 1st past neutral when downshifting to a stop. I have also had an incident when shifting up using the heel shifter. The neutral problem makes me move the clutch handle out to help shift down to 1st (not a good feeling when sitting at a stop light). Any suggestions? Thanks!
  10. i wantting to order (new fork seals, rotors, and is there any other bike that uses the same breake calipers so i can stop better)
  11. Have new spark plug wires....figured it was time to replace the 21 year old wires. Obviously one end of the wires goes onto the plug, but never having done this before, I don't know the how and where the bare end attaches. How do I get there? Stop laughing.......
  12. About 5:00 they were around 3 hrs away........mom and dad cant decide if they will come all the way yet tonight or not.....been a loooong day with 2 little ones in the car.... Grandma says..oh come on youre only 3 hrs away now!!!!!!!! I cant wait !! they were going to come out at easter, but decided since son in law is laid off..( has been since Nov) instead of chancing him getting called back to work by then they would come now....SURPRISE! They left Ohio about 8 my time this morning, Macy the oldest is finally doing the potty training thing after many many tries......and apparently she is being so good about it today and refuses to go in her pullup, but everytime they stop for her to go, she cant in a strange bathroom.......they get back on the road and 10 mins later she has to go potty...they stop and go thru the same thing all over again...... anyways Im excited and wont be able to stand it if they stop for the night when they are sooo close.....havent seen them since Christmas..... those of you who have the grandkids close enough to see all the time are so lucky...... ok just had to share my excitement !!!!!
  13. Was following the school bus in this morning - a deer waited for it to pass and then walked right in between it and me. Fortunately I was only going about 35 or 40 and got shut down. Could have reached out and touched her but on my way by. Was watching the school bus more than the side of the road cause it usually has a stop just a little bit further ahead. I did notice I still need to practice being a little more aggressive on that front brake and a little less on the back.
  14. Stop at a Star Dealer the other day I have to say the Red and Black maybe the best colors of any
  15. Hello all, I am fairly new to the forum and this is my first post. I have a 1996 Royal Star Tour Classic and I am having carburetor problems. I have gas leaking out of 2 of the carbs. They are leaking from a screw near the bottom of each of the carbs. I was having problems with my idle lately so I tried the Seafoam enema and let the bike sit a day and then started it up. I was hoping that this would cure the idle problem and stop the gas leak but it did not cure the leaking. I am not sure what the purpose of the screws are so I am reluctant to try and give them a turn or two to see if the leakng will stop. Can anyone clue me in on the purpose of these screws and I would appreciate any input of ideas as to what my carb problem may be. Thanks Bob
  16. Where did the first Generation stop & 2 Gen. start??
  17. Well I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later and it did. Was leaving for a quick trip to the store and noticed that my trunk was not closed, so being the bright person that I am I stopped in the driveway and instead of getting off the bike to close it, I decided to turn around and just close it without putting the stand down. Needless to say my left foot slipped just a little and by the time I could turn back around she was going down and was too far over for me to stop. The engine guard did its job and nothing was hurt except for pride, just so happens the nextdoor neighbor and his son were outside and saw the whole thing. Hopefully it wont happen again for awhile. MURPH
  18. OK IT IS COLD! 20 degrees below zero It is cold as hell and I'am not going to take it any more. STOP ! STOP ! I can't take it any more. SEND HEAT!!!!! EVEN IF IT ONLY GETS TO ZERO I WOULD BE HAPPY! Bubber In the frozen tundra of Minnesota
  19. OK folks, it seems that the spam bots have found a way to get past the human verification manager in the registration process. I have implemented a new system which should stop it for now. We had several spammers join up over the past few days and I have caught them all fairly quickly. They have been deleted and banned but it's a never ending battle. The new system should pretty much solve the problem for now but it unfortunately makes it a bit more time consuming to register. I apologize now for making it so difficult for any new members who are joining up. If this doesn't stop the bots...the next step is one that I really don't want to take but it may eventually become necessary. That is to prevent anybody from joining up who is using one of the free email services. Almost 100% of the spammers are using accounts from Yahoo, GMail, etc. If the steps I have taken do not stop the spammers then I will simply have to require that people use a real email address and NOT one of the free services. The good news is that I think I can do it while allowing our existing members to continue using such emails but they will not be allowed for any new members who try to register.
  20. Définition of a perfect burger ... http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Définition of a perfect burger ... http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg=
  21. Définition of a perfect burger ... Définition of a perfect burger ... Définition of a perfect burger ... http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Définition of a perfect burger ... http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://co112w.col112.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg=
  23. I know this ain't nice, but the purpose of this post is to chastise and publicly humiliate one of our members here. That scum-ball Moakster just won't stop leaving money at my house!!!!! The nerve of him! I could almost understand it the first time. We spent a lot of hours and did a lot of work resetting the float levels in his carbs, and he DID forget to bring the beer, violating The Goose's cardinal rule. So even though I didn't want his stinking money and told him so, it didn't piss me off Too much when I found it in the kitchen. But this last time - there just ain't no excuse! The only reason he was over here is 'cause I screwed up and didn't put his cruise throttle linkage together correctly last time. So he was only here to let me fix my own mistake. And the peckerwood STILL secretly left $20 bucks on my counter! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!! That just ain't right, and if he don't stop doing stupid things like that I'm gonna have to say even more nasty things about him in the future! So There! Goose
  24. I was wondering if someone has any experience with a "racing engine" problem on a first gen Venture. Mine will start running at a higher RPM (about 1500) after a short time in city traffic. It doesn't seem to be stuck cables. The throttle retracts all the way and I can bring it under control at a stop by holding the brake and feathering the clutch in first gear - 1 or 2 times brings it back down to normal. The real problem is any longer diving at highway speeds. After an hour at highway speed the engine will run at 3k when I stop. The clutch method above works but as soon as I let it go, the engine starts climbing to about 3k. It doesn't jump up to 3k but I sure wouldn't call it a creep either. Anyone have any ideas? MikeC
  25. A couple of weeks ago I sent my seats off to Rick Butlerto do his "Butt Butler" modification to them. Mariner Fan had asked me to let him know how I like them now. We were on the St. Judes ride this weekend. Rode a total of about 1310 miles. 170 on Thursday, 491 on Friday, 220 on Saturday and 430 on Sunday. I can tell you there was a big difference from when we rode Labor Day weekend and put on 900 miles. Neither of us had any pain from tailbone pressure whatsoever. In fact, before we would be ready to stop and rest our butts well before we needed fuel. Now, we rode from fuel stop to fuel stop with no problem and weren't sore after the long days. I would highly recommend this seat mod to anyone looking for more comfort for longer trips. It's well worth the money. My 06 Black Cherry has Midnight seats not pillowtops and we were quite comfortable for all day long. Rick is a pleasure to deal with, turns the seats around very quickly and his price is very reasonable. He has an ad in the classifieds if you're interested. Until having this done we were considering buying a set of pillowtop seats but we both feel we don't need to look into that any longer. Besides, the studs on these seats look cool with the other chrome this bike has on it.
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