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  1. Had another 200 mile ride today, this time with Laura with me. At least 50 miles of it was as curvy as the Dragon and most of it was 55mph. It is amazing that North Carolina has some really snakey curvy roads thru the mountains with 55mph speed limits that you could not go that fast with a Lambrogini. I saw the 80º on my thermometer as I was coming into Asheville and it felt sooooo good. This gave me a little better workout with the new Elite III on the front and it also felt good. RandyA
  2. Well the weather was beautiful here in NC today so after doing a bunch of yard work I thought I deserved to take a ride. After about 2 miles I started smelling this very strong gas smell so I pulled over and cut the engins off to see what the problem was. Lo and behold I crawled off and there under the bike was a puddle of gas. No being in the mmod to burn my great little first gen up I let it set for a bit to cool off and headed back home. Again I smelled the gas even stronger now and the bike wasn't running up to it's usual great self. When I got hom I left it outside to let any gas that might still be comeing from where ever it was coming from and for it to cool off before I pulled it into the garage. I was hoping this would eb a really simple find for me like a pin hole in the gas line from the fuel pump up but can life ever be that simple? Well not for me anyway. I pushed it in the garage and put the better halfs cager out side and put it up on the jack so i could get a better look at the situation. I turned the key on and the fuel pump strated pumping but just like always only 2 or 3 clicks and it quit...Shucks foiled again. So I took all the side covers off, the seat off, and the 2 little plastic pieces cover pieces so I could hopefully see where the gas was coming from. I started the ole girl up and here comes the gas but I can't see where it is coming from exactly. It is leaking on top of the rear shock and running down from there but I can't see where it is coming from. Can anyoone give ma any help on what I can to to fix this or if you even know what I am talking about? I haven't had a lick of trouble with this bike since I got it 5 years ago so I guees it's about my time but not being familiar with the mechanics of the bike I am at a loss. I searched the site before I posted this problem in hope of not having to bother any of the tech guru's but didn't find any related threads...they're probably out there I just couldn't find one...So to sum it up in one word....HELP!!!!!! I am going to try and attach pictures of where I am talking about so that it may help you to tell me what I need to do to fix it or what my problem might be.Thanks in advance for any help anyone might be able to give me.
  3. I have noticed in the last week that my low oil pressure warning light is coming on from time to time. So far it only comes on when I approach the rev limiter in 2nd gear, it doesn't come on at high RPM's in 1st or 3rd gear. I have checked the oil and it was just below 1/2 in the sight glass, so I added enough oil to bring it to exactly 1/2. I went for a ride and it is still coming on at high RPM's in 2nd gear. Any ideas on why the light is coming on or if I should be worried by this?
  4. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/01/ohio_studies_vehiclemiles_tax.html We'll all big brother knowing where we've been and how many miles we've driven in a year.
  5. Need a little advice, I have the pumpkin off and when I had it sitting on a slight angle oil was seeping out of the holes that can be seen in the pic...where the leaf stalk is....there is nothing coming from the outside of the coupling gear. So I was wondering if this is normal, I can't see any sort of seal being around that inner part on the exploded view of a diagram. [ATTACH]25560[/ATTACH]
  6. okay, almost last call. who all is going to be at the pro bass meet and eat in springfield, mo. next sat. jan. 24th? linda and i will be there early to shop, but we will be in the lobby at noon by the big fire place. let me know if you are coming for sure. i will be wearing a red goldwing ballcap. bill
  7. hi all i would like to say happy new year to all. i hope the coming year will be great and blessed one for you all. a lot of stuff has happened this year. i started getting more involved in this site / club. but this has turned out to something bigger & better. the people i have meet in person and online. i have been touched by so many. i attented my first international rally in kitchener this year. my 13y.o. daughter sarah went with me, says she had a goog time and is ready to ride with me to the HUB for the '09 int. rally. i hope to meet & ride with more ventureriders in the coming year. in closeing i wish you all well and hope to meet and ride with you all somewere on the road. the porch light is always on. best reguards don c.
  8. i had several events take place that are going to make this a long time coming, great up coming year for linda and me. we hope everyone else has a great 2009, and a very "Merry Christmas". linda and bill predock. aka. mr. & mrs. snarley bill
  9. Was thinking about takeing a motorcycle trip to dodge city this coming summer anyone ever been ? would anyone else be interested in going along?
  10. OK VentureRiders in North Texas, the Big Texas Toy Run in Tarrant and Dallas counties is coming up Sunday, 12/21/08. We usually have between 60,000 and 80,000 bikes on this one: http://www.thebigtexastoyrun.com/printaflyer.html There are departure points in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Grapevine. Anyone want to meet me in Grapevine to form up together? Goose
  11. Received this in an e-mail this morning... found it kind of fascinating. So I'm using my BBQ this weekend... so I thought I'd clean it up.. I have noticed there are bees coming from under the cover so I thought I 'd kill them, obviously... So here's the BBQ in question. Now i know these bombs aren't for bees and that but i thought i'll suffocate/smoke them out. So here is the weapon of choice and delivery system. I thought I was pretty smart hehehe designed to be easily maneuvered under the cover of darkness... so then i release the weapon of buzz destruction.. OMG! the sound from under the cover was incredible!!! You could hear it 3m away easy... Then I ran like the clappers.... coming back few mins later to see the death toll... was at least 20mm deep mass grave I continued to remove the cover and to light the bbq to give it a clean when i noticed some fattly looking substance on the top of th side shelf thing.... Bit weird.. i clean it before i put it away for winter and no way was there fat there so i begun to wonder...... NO..... it can't be could it? I slowly removed the rest of the cover only to find the HQ..
  12. It's official folks and nothing we can do about it.It's tough economic times and winter is coming on. In less then two weeks this state will come to a crawl. All schools closed and businesses cut back to a skeleton crew. Only one thing left to do. Get the guns out and go hunting. Nov 24 begins WV Deer season a state holiday.
  13. I know some of you guys put in some crazy miles this year. I got in just over 9,000 so far, but the season is coming to an end. Hope to bump that number up significantly for next year!
  14. hi all still don't have shore power to my house. but the street lights are coming back on around me. maybe full power by this sunday but we will see. have been using a generator since the 13th of september. but i'am not complaning, so many are without their homes and some loved ones. i'am blissed and life is good. i hope everyone is well. i have missed not being able to visit the site everyday. will say payers for all. my family is ok, hope yours are as well. sarah my 13 y.o. hated having to start back to school after being out of school for soo long. i looking forward to the texas stamped coming up and seeing every one. jb i'll have some 151 proof rum to share. best reguards don c.
  15. They say that laughter helps people heal faster, and I belive it's true. Big Bob's Daughter is updating us all on the "Bad news from Canadian crew going to PIP" daily and she stated that she reads Big Bob the updates from that thread. What if anyone who has a funny joke puts it up on that thread so she can read it to him? It sounds like he is at a point where he is coming off some meds and is able to speak and understand a lot more clearly. Just thought some light hearted humor for him to enjoy might help him heal faster and pass the day more quickly. What do you think?
  16. I noticed a noise coming from the rear end area when slowing down and coasting with clutch pulled in, I thought it was coming from the hub splines and pins needing greased so I pulled the rear wheel and greased them both. The sound is still there, it is a lower pitched sound that kind of warbles. So now I am wondering if it might be the u-joint as the bike has 57K. Does anyone know what is involved in checking u-joint for wear, or even replacing if it needs it?
  17. it can make for great riding. The views just seem more vibrant than normal. But be very aware, you can be at a dangerous disadvantage in traffic for cars pulling out in front of you. We had a crash about 1/4 mile from my house yesterday where a motorcyclist topped a hill and was coming down a long slope coming to an intersection in the late evening. The sun was very low and a car pulled across in front of him because with the sun directly in her eyes she was looking and did not see a car coming, so thought she was clear. It cost the 59 year old motorcyclist his life. What can also make this even more dangerous is having your headlight on, especially on bright. The headlight just washes out the silhouette of the bike and blends in with the sun. So, if you are riding in an area where you have the sun directly behind you, you had better pretend you are invisible, because to many you really are. RandyA
  18. You forgot to e-mail me that Lowell(WildHair) was coming, Well he is here now Enjoying his favourite BREWSKI
  19. no, that's not quarter mile times. If I had been about a second quicker getting to a low visability intersection in my neighborhood, I would have been T-boned in the right side. About three blocks from my house this morning, I was coming over a slight hill and caught sight of a car coming up to a stop sign that was going to fast to get stopped in time. I layed on the brakes and airhorns. When the woman came to a stop, her front end was about a foot from the yellow centerline. She was blocking my lane completely. I got stopped a couple feet before I contacted her front bumper. As we were sitting in the intersection with her not moving, I looked in the car and it was two young Mexican looking women and they were still not looking at me. They were gesturing at each other like they were trying to figure out which way to turn. We never did make eye contact with me staring straight at them. I decided that the best thing for me to do was to do a sharp left and ease around the front of their car. I would have sat there if it had not been for me being concerned about someone coming across the hill and rearending me. We have had a big problem for awhile now with Mexicans driving without a license and any insurance. It is a routine thing to look in the daily police records in the paper and see Mexican sounding names getting charged with DUI. no license or insurance. I have aready increased my uninsured motorist coverage, but I doubt if it is enough. What's worse is this situation is constantly getting worse, not better and I don't feel there is anything we can do about it. RandyA
  20. We arrived home Friday from Missouri visiting our son at Ft. Leonard Wood. Made a few stops along the way coming home. Thought I'd post a pic to see if anyone knows where we are or have been here to.
  21. Maritimer

    5 Down

    Saturday afternoon, 10 bikes heading to a wedding. My friend was to be the best man. The groom was also in the pack. He and my friend were wearing their Tux under their leather ready to strip and say "I do". Many more were supposed to be riding with them including myself but some circumstances out of my control kept me away that day. Anyway, coming off Highway 2 (Trans Canada Hwy) they all took a right turn heading towards the church. Coming the opposite way was a cager with his young daughter. Apperently he was taking to her and not paying much attention to the road and his surrounding. A small curve (if you can even call that) was between the cager and the pack. The car kept going straight through the curve. Nicked the 3rd bike's left mirror and handle bar sending the rider towards the ditch. My buddy was the 4th in line and tried to go around the downed bike but the car never corrected his path of travel and kept coming across the center line hiting my friend on the left side with his bumper. He ended up with a borken leg in 2 places, broken arm and nose. Hiting my friend sent the car in a uncontroled spin which caused him to take 2 more bikes out. The second last rider laid her bike down and suffered only scratches and road rash. The last in line had enough time to see it all and took the the left lane and missed the whole crash by inches. All 5 down riders were taken to hospital. 1 was treated and released within hours. 1 was kept on observation with some minor fractures and has since been released. The other 3 including my friend, the groom and 1 other were kept in ICU until this morning. They are now listed as stable. All 3 have internal injuries with many broken bones. One has lost part of his foot which was amputated yesterday. My friend has 2 pins in his left leg and arm. All were members of the 2nd CAV (Canadian Army Veterans). Charges are pending on the car driver. I am just glad no one had major head injuries. I guess what my have saved them is the fact they were coming off a major Hwy exit and were just starting to pick up speed while the car was heading towards an exit and likely slowing down Down in the crash were 1 GoldWing, 2 Harleys and 2 Stars.
  22. First I want to say thank you for so many of you coming to Asheville. I had no idea so many of you would get there. Seems like you all had a good time. Now there's a few folks I want to send a huge thank you out to: Randya and Laura: They gave me a huge hand with this. Laura is now camp mama, she made sure everyone ate that showed up. She took good care of us. Randy helped with routes for rides. I've been on the roads out there but I couldn't tell you what they were. So I relied on him, and rooster for this. 1rooster: You're a sweetie. He was tail gunner for wed. ride and took good care of our flat lander Thom. He also picked up a few of us in chimney rock to head back to the KOA. Oh and Jeff really liked the little ride he got on your bike with the sidecar. Now he's very motivated to get his on. The rest of my family members, yes you are all my family. Thanks for coming and sharing your time with us. I guess I should thank the muffin for taking me there. This was his idea, I just put it together. Thank you all so very much. Lewis gave me the biggest compliment by saying that this was a great event. I take that as a big pat on the back since he's done vogel for three years. Well gotta get my pics done and see if I can get all the clothes in the hamper. I really need to wash those pants from yesterday at the gem mine. I didn't get any gems but I wore lots of NC dirt. Margaret
  23. For the Asheville ride on Thursday, Randy said he'll lead us up to Chimney rock. If you'd like to go up let us know. If you don't wish to go up we'll need to know that too. (Oh by up I mean up on top of chimney rock.) I don't want folks to be sitting around with no idea what to do next. Here's the link to the park so you can get an idea of what's there. http://www.chimneyrockpark.com/ I haven't gotten a number on how many will be there that week. Some won't be there till thursday or friday. I know that sleeperhawk and the mechanic might not be there till sat. Mother is coming down from Canada with his wifey and he said something about 4 so not sure who else is coming with him. Can't wait to see you all there. This will be more laid back then some of the other events. I'm thinking that we can meet over at the super8 in black mountain to get everyone together on thursday. Probably around 8 maybe a bit later like 9 I'm not sure what time folks are coming in the night before. Then we can eat on the road for lunch. I'm still planning on going to saluda as well. Just have to see what sort of interest we have for any of these rides. I do know that cinderella isn't coming. I wish they could it would have been great seeing them again, but I understand how stuff gets in the way. Margaret
  24. Here's a link to my web site. This link is to the Indiana M&E photos. This one is to the Indiana M&E photos with out the frame for those with smaller monitors. Sorry if I didn't get your name in there. I was overwhelmed by the number of new folks I met. Above all, thanks to everyone for coming! A special thanks to Squidley and Sweetnothing for coming from Michigan. Thanks Dan, for taking over lead after my appendix blew up. I'm glad it went off well, and I hope we can continue to get together!
  25. So, we were out riding yesterday, me on my Midnight and my wife on her Honda Reflex. She's been riding on public roads since last Tuesday after three sessions in a church parking lot, so she's very new to the whole thing. When we were approaching the end of a two-lane stretch, I pulled into the left lane to give her some protection from traffic coming from behind when I notice an SUV coming up at speed on the inside. We are already in the area where the center dotted line has gone and the road is narrowing. I speed up a little and ease to the middle of the road, again to protect my wife ahead and indicate to the SUV that there's no room for her to undertake and, guess what? She does it anyway! As she passes I notice it's a middle-aged woman of the "trophy wife" type, with a yappy dog on her lap. Not immediately sure if she completed the trifecta with a cellphone or not, but it's possible. She then proceeds to ride my wife's tail for about a mile, overtakes her in a turning lane then makes a right turn. It was then that the Sheriff's patrol car comes flying by with blues and twos going full pelt! I signaled to turn and we ended up in a church parking lot and the deputy was giving the SUV driver a lecture on how not to drive, especially when motorcycles are involved! It's the first time in 30+ years of driving that a cop has been in the right place at the right time!! She got off with a warning, but I wonder if people like this EVER thing of the stupidity of their actions and the fact that if there's a wreck, they'd be inconvenienced by a few days of collision repair while the motorcyclist will be either in the hospital or in the morgue, just because they had to get one car's length ahead!
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