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  1. I don't make it to the rally in Harrison, AR. I've read and read the articles about adjusting the float levels in several posts so I finally convinced myself I should at the very least check them. So I now have RSV parts strung all over two garages. I hope I remember where all them little parts go. I'm mostly just kidding but I did take them apart and adjust the level and pretty much followed Goose's write up about it. I do wish he would correct the picture so that it shows the proper way of checking the floats. Anyway mine were not to bad I guess,two of the floats were .22 and the other two were .28. I now have them adjusted to what I think is .34 if I am measuring them right. I do not have the bike back together but I have a lot of confidence it will be fine. The thing I'm really looking forward to is the 10 percent increase in gas mileage that Goose promised. BOO
  2. Today I took the Surburban up to the PO, and didn't have any signs of impending doom. Went inside, took care of biz, and when I got in the car to leave the battery was deader than a door nail. Started fine at the house, and then NADA. Called AAA for a jump. Fired right up and I took it home. I did find the positive side connection on the battery a little loose, and figured that may have caused a loss in charging. Got back to the house and hooked the battery up to a 15amp smart charger. Left it on for a couple of hours and when the wife came out to go to a doctor's appt.... Nada again. Now I put a Multi on it and it read 12.8 vdc. Pretty good. Anyway I removed the battery and took it over to my local Battery dealer. Same thing on his meter. 12.8vdc. Asked to have it load tested. Hooked up the tester and battery read in the green. Cranked up the load and it croaked. Open cell. The batt was only 20 months old, so they gave me a new one. When I installed the new batt the 'burb started a little reluctanly and stalled out a few times before it took hold. Here's the surprising thing. When I took it for a test drive the thing shifted smoother, had more power, and idled as quiet as when we first got it. I'd never seen anything like this before, and the dealer said it was quite rare. But I guess the car had been running on a low voltage for a long time before it died. Where am I going with this?? On our bikes we tend to rely on the volts to indicate charge and battery condition. Next time something doesn't seem right. Ruff running etc. It might be wise to have the battery load tested.
  3. Well, I boosted the Kumho's pressure to 42psi and that took away the squirreliness I had been feeling. I had the wife follow me down some side streets and then a freeway to observe the contact profile. She said she saw no real difference from the M/C tires. We also checked to see if the speedo would read differently. Nope -- mine is exactly 5% off as it always has been. Eventually, I may get that Avon Cobra for the front, but the current tire only has about 5K on it and hardly shows any wear. Woo-Hoo!! Finally made it completely into the Darkside.
  4. I Read a post here once, An automotive Interchange for the thermastat or maybe it was just the cap. any one have thoughts on this. thanx leeway:crying:.
  5. Ok, just got my 84 venture yesterday. Been a vstar rider till now. I have no book on this bike and i'm kind of lost as to what/where everything is. Any suggestions on where I can go to read up? Also: My throttle is "sticky" and doesnt return to normal resting position on its own which is a "royale" (pardon the pun) pain. Any suggestions on adjustments for that? Thanks!! This site is awesome a
  6. I know this might be a question with many many answers like what oil, what tires, what this, or what that but here goes:witch_brew:...Is there a 1st gen year model that tends to be the most desireable? The most undesireable? I have read the history section explaining the breakdown between the year models and it seems like I have read a thread discussing this but can't find it now. The bike that Freebird found (89 SS) :cool10:sounds like the best built 1st gen but I'm talking about "in general" the 1200 vs the 1300 etc...
  7. OK folks, Eileen and I will be leaving for Boston in just a little while. I will start the radiation treatments on Monday. There will be 5 consecutive days of radiation and then we'll head home on Friday. In the meantime, if you have purchased a membership through PayPal, it should be indicated in your UserCP under "Paid Subscriptions". I think I have them all entered so if yours does not show up, then let me know. If you mailed a check, it may or may not be there yet. I have entered the information for the checks that I have received to date but I'm sure that some have not arrived yet. If you paid by check and don't see a paid subscription in your profile, don't worry about it, I'm sure your check will be here when I get home and I'll get everybody updated then. I really want to thank each and every one of you who have subscribed. Some have gone far beyond what was asked and please know that it is sincerely appreciated. I have been snowed under and have not been able to email each of you personally but please know that your kindness is so much appreciated. While I am gone, please give some thought to how you would like the forum to be handled. There are several ways I can do it now. We can have it open for all to read but only paid members to post. We can have it with a short trial membership but only members can read OR post once the trial ends. We can leave it just like it is and simply add some time of indicator to the posts that indicates supporting members. I am open to all suggestions and your opinions are what count. Give it some thought and let me hear your suggestions. I will have my computer with me and hopefully feel like checking in each day. I don't know what else to say at this point. You are the greatest group of folks I have ever been associated with. This entire ordeal has been and continues to be a humbling experience.
  8. I just spent over a hour reading post back to 2005 on tires. My stock tires have 9,700 miles on them, and maybe have another 2K to go. I received a few emails for on-line stores, with 30% off tires, so I started looking into possibly ordering some now then later. I read how popular the Avon Venom's are for the RSV, and also the Dunlap E3's also seem to be well liked. In the past on my GW and other bikes, I always ran Metzler ME880's, but I seen some neg responses for that tire on the RSV. I also read some people are happy with the Commanders as well, but never heard of them. I was hoping to get 15K out of a set of tires, as well as a good highway , low speed handling tire. I do allot of riding 2-UP, so safety and handling are my to concerns My sizes are : Front : 150-80-16 Rear : 150-90-15 Are those the size's I should be ordering for either Avon's or E3's ? Or would you recommend another tire ? Any help is appreciated
  9. Could someone point me to a thread discussing the installation of these pipes? It seems like a read one once but now i cant find it. Thanks
  10. If you can read this message, you are now on the site on the new server. Hope everybody gets here soon. Don
  11. Folks, Recently there have been several posts which have been pushing the envelope. Please be careful with your posts.... We have all been around enough that there is probably very little that would faze most of us. However, we have a realy simple guideline for the site ...If you wouldn't want your wife/child reading it.... don't post it. Thanks for your understanding......
  12. Am I allowed to go up to the local police dept and see and read thru the police report from our case? Including the perps statement? I have not done this up to this point and I am now ready and wanting to read it... I just want to know before i go up there asking, want to make sure what my rights are on this in case they dont want to show it to me. can anyone tell me anything about this?
  13. Am looking to purchase or borrow an adaptor to fit my compression gauge to check my bike. All the ones on my set don't go small enough. I believe it to be 12mm or 14mm. The od of the threads read 11.87mm. Feel free to set me straight on this (I know you will!) Thanks guys (gals), Dan
  14. Just a heads up here folks. As you can imagine, there is a LOT going on in my life right now and it's only going to get worse over the next few weeks and possibly months. Since starting this club about 4 1/2 years ago, I've had it set up to where every post made here comes to me by email. I do this so that I can keep up with things, reply to posts that require or request my reply, watch for any threads that get out of hand for one reason or the other. What this means is that I read every post made here and that is usually hundreds per day in my email box. I'm afraid that I may have to disable this feature for a while. I will continue it through the following week before heading to Boston but will probably have to turn it off before I leave. There will be days when I just won't be able to keep up with the posts here and that will mean thousands of emails to go through when I get the opportunity to do so. Now the main way this affects you is that there are often posts where people will say "I'm sure Freebird will see this and respond"...or "I think Freebird did that"....etc. I very well may not see those posts so if there is something that truly requires my attention and/or input, please do not just assume that I will see the post. Either send me a PM or an Email and I'll respond to it as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for your understanding and if you don't get immediate responses to your PMs or Emails, please understand that I will be doing the best that I can.
  15. Does the odo read 99,000.9 and then roll over to zero, or does it show 100,000.0??
  16. O all knowing moderators... I probably have a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. Why do some of the threads appear on my monitor a screen width, but some are much wider and I have to scroll to the right to read them? Is there something I need to set differently? Thanks in advance for the help!
  17. I have been in contact with the Oberlin Inn and they have a few rooms left. We have filled our block of rooms, but they will still discount any available rooms if you identify yourself as a VR member. They need to verify that everyone that had originally booked rooms for the first date be sure that they will be there at the new date(June 5&6). They have given me a list of last names since I have the reservation booking in my name. If you would please pm me and let me know if you still plan on being there that would be great. They do not want anyone to be charged that was booked for the original date that they switched reservations for. Please give me your last name in the pm please. They want to make sure we are happy. Thanks for your help.
  18. mraf


    Are you alright? Just read about the shooting spree over in your area of Germany.
  19. Ok does anyone know how to tell how old a battery is and or how & where to read the date codes on a battery?
  20. I am sending Both my seats to Rick this week for the Mod on my 2K RSV.. But have read and read Nobody is saying how it has been feeling or working out for the passenger though.. Has any of your wifes said anything or what was the difference has been for them? I am Just sending both and not gunna tell my wife *lol* Thanks, Jeff
  21. Alright I'll admit it, I have been one of the members "lurking" and have not posted yet. I seem to visit the site several times a day, especially this time of year (Minnesota). I have owned my Venture for about a year and a half and will admit I am somewhat "on the fence" about it. The weight does not bother me, after the I-basket the whine is much much better, the ride is smooth and it handles OK for what it is. Maybe its just me (or what I'm comparing it to - previous bike GL1800) but to me it needs more power. I know about using the RPM of the V-4 and keeping it in that range. but I'd rather not have to be in 4th gear, 2 up on the highway to maintain 75 mph with a headwind of 15 to 20 mph. 5th gear would loose speed or be wide open to maintain speed. (2 up our combined weight 320 lbs). I have read about the rear gear swap and was hoping to hear from some of you that have done it, what your opinions are after having it for awhile. (performance, fuel economy, e.t.c) I think I read that its a 10% (roughly) difference in gearing... does that mean 17% speedo error? On a related note, could a resistor be used instead of a speedo-healed to correct the difference? Just Curious...? Sorry to make up for all this time lurking in one post!
  22. Does anyone here have any experience with a motorcycle hauler in the Mass. area? I have a friend who's son needs his crotchrocket taken from Lynn, Mass. to the Ocala Fl, area. I've never used one but I've read about several that have used them. Just wondering if anyone here in that area has any ideas? thanks!
  23. Hey All: Any help here would be appreciated....Going to add some Chrome Grips and Levers to the 06 Venture.... How do the end weights come off?....Is there a "trick" to taking our grips off....I have read about using air pressure, etc... Going with one of the Pro-One Grips below...I have seen both on a V-Star and Road Star.....Probably going with the Ribbed ones?... George In Virginia
  24. Was not sure what to call it but is there anyway to stop the a post from being to far acrss the page that I have to scroll to the right to read the whole post. Only happens on some posts, seems like when people get a little crazy with the smiles. If it is my computer any suggestions on how to fix it as it annoying, and very hard to read. Brad
  25. Going to install brake, clutch and throttle stainless steel lines and would like to know of anything I might run into thats going to give me problems, spent 2 hours reading post about bleeding the clutch and brakes, read so many different ways and problems got me wondering how bad it's going to be (and confused). Any guidance and what tools I will need would be greatly appreciated
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