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  1. If any of you have a really good picture of Darrell, I could sure use it for the memorial page. Thanks for your help.
  2. did any of you see this posting made by BuddyRich?? I do believe he needs to pay for this one.........and severely............ here is the page its on so u can follow the thread postings to which he responded so negatively towards us women members.......... :stirthepot: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=294124&posted=1#post294124
  3. Yes, harley is seeking federal bailout money. You can go to www.dealernews.com and look in the middle of the page for the story.
  4. Ok so here is my problem. I just got my GXM-30 on Saturday. I promptly signed up for XM radio and XM weather. XM Radio was on before I got back to the bike from my PC and I am still waiting on the XM weather. I called the number the XM operator gave me this morning (because they don't work on the weekends) and they gave me yet another number to call. Called them and they said they would send an activation signal down and to leave the radio on for 20 minutes. Well I left it on for 30 minutes and still no weather. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it could take up to 12 hours before the activation signal makes its way to the radio. Anybody have that happen to them? If I turn the key off and go to battery power the XM radio of course will not work but when I turn the key on if I am on the page menu/xm where you see the XM button in the upper left I will briefly see an XM weather button pop up. Hitting it makes no difference and it goes away after 1 or 2 seconds even if it's not hit. I don't know if that is just natural function of the Zumo/GXM even without the XM weather subscription or if there is something evil lurking in my system. I also go to the menu/tools/subscriptions/XM radio page and it shows my Radio ID and the fact that I am subscribed to XM radio with 217 channels, but the data subscription says none. Thanks in advance. BTW as a side note, I rode in today with the XM radio and the Sirius radio on, both on the same channel and the ENTIRE ride I had XM signal strength of 3 bars and Sirius has at best 2 bars and for most of the ride 1 or no signal. It was actually nice and comforting to get the XM programing back. Now that they have Sirius channels I see no reason to have Sirius at all since their equipment seems to be inferior.
  5. I have been playing around with the AutoPager plug-in for Firefox. For multi-page displays, such as a google search results or a long thread or forum here on VentureRider, it automatically loads the next page below the current one so you can just keep scrolling down instead of having to keep selecting the next page and wait for it to load. I think it is pretty cool, but, unfortunately, they don't have detailed documentation in english yet. It works automatically on many pre-defined web sites, like google, but VR is not one of those that have been defined yet. I played around with the Site Wizard and think I have a definition that works well for us. I am attaching it as a txt file to this post. If you have the AutoPager plug-in, try importing this file on the "Manage Settings" page. I haven't done this myself yet on a different computer, so I can only hope it works at this point. I'll update this post as I learn more about it. Goose
  6. Was not sure what to call it but is there anyway to stop the a post from being to far acrss the page that I have to scroll to the right to read the whole post. Only happens on some posts, seems like when people get a little crazy with the smiles. If it is my computer any suggestions on how to fix it as it annoying, and very hard to read. Brad
  7. Hi folks, I've been editing the Wikipedia Venture and RSV pages. I'm getting ready to bring the Venture page up to the style of the RSV page. As such I'm looking for a good pic (1024x768 res or better) of each Mk of the First Gen to put on the page. The pic has to be yours and you have to release it into the public domain. At this point I really only need two. I might be able to get away with one of each year, though I'm not sure how the senior editors feel about that sort of thing. Now you could do this yourself, but you have to do a minimum number of edits before you're allowed to post pics. Naturally corrective edits are welcome on either page. It's not like I own 'em or anything. I'm just trying to keep them in the same basic layout as the RSV one since it's similar to most of the other more established Wikipedia pages. I'm hoping that changing the page to a more Encyclopedic format will put an end to the battles over the adverts for the web sites that Freebird found when he first started the pages. (Thanks for starting them Don.) Anyone interested?
  8. Can't get the mellow yellow background to work, have it selected at the bottom of page.
  9. I have posted several pictures I took in Memphis on Marks St. Jude tribute page, I would like to post more, but I dont have any more that are worthy of posting, If you have some that you think deserve being posted there please post them in this thread and I will see to it that they get posted on the page. And please if you enjoyed the ride and were moved by what you saw and heard, please post a few words about it on the page. I am sure Nancy,Marks wife, would like to read them. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Looking forward to next years ride, hope you will join us for that one. If you havent visited the tribute page, just click on the link in my signature at the bottom of this post and it will take you there.
  10. OK folks, it's time for me to get busy re-programming our rally page with the countdown timers. If any of you have dates and other info for 2009, please let me know what they are. Thanks
  11. While reading an ad in the Classifieds I find that when I click on the members name it takes me to an empty page with profile..specs..etc. down the left side of the window, instead of taking me to the members actual profile page. Any one else having this problem??
  12. My mom just called me to let me know that the Muffinman and myself hit the front page here in Jacksonville Daily News . http://www.jdnews.com/news/memorial_59716___article.html/vietnam_onslow.html What a relief it was to see it wasn't photos to go up in the Post Office ! Yesterday was the 2nd Annual Vietnam Memorial Motorcycle run . As I road with Rolling Thunder , Muffinman , Mini , Poledar , Pole Dancer , SaltyDawg , Chrome Rose , and other VR riders attended as well . BEER30
  13. Does anybody know of a web page or a source of any kind where I can find a trailer I can tow on my RSTD. Thanks,
  14. Yesterday, my computer downloaded and installed an upgrade to my Firefox browser. I now notice that if I refresh the page here at the forum or on the home page, the logos, banners and some most of the thread buttons and etc. go away. When it happens, I can click on forums or home and they come back but a refresh turns them off again. This appears to be totally related to this latest Firefox update and I cannot reproduce the problem with IE7. I will do some research tonight and try to find a fix.
  15. I have had an on-going problem on our site with many pages not fully loading. The symptom is seen in several ways - sometimes the "time line" on the bottom of the browser gets almost to the end, then just sits there forever. Sometimes the status on the bottom actually changes to "Done", but the page below the header stays blank gray. In either of these situations, re-clicking on the link I used does absolutely nothing, but clicking on the refresh button almost always causes the page I was trying to get to to load properly. There does not seem to be any connection with what I was attempting to do - sometimes it is doing a search, sometimes trying to pull up a new thread, sometimes just going to the next page in a thread, and sometimes attempting to make a reply. This problem is not a slow response issue, as the page never finishes loading unless I hit refresh. This seems to have been going on since the last time Don made some fixes after the hosting change, and it ONLY happens to me on this site - never browsing anywhere else. I use XP and IE7. I turned off the Phishing filter in IE7, but it made no difference. The frequency is quite high and may be getting worse - seems like about 1 in 10 page requests on average, but I haven't actually tried to count them yet. I assumed for a long time it was wither my ISP, just normal Internet hiccups, or even my home network, but now I am sure it is specific to our site. Has anyone else been experiencing something like this? Goose
  16. What is the deal with server seem to be giving me error's alot like below. Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request Database errorThe database has encountered a problem.Please try the following: Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser. Open the www.venturerider.org home page, then try to open another page. Click the Back button to try another link. The http://www.venturerider.org forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists. We apologise for any inconvenience. Warning: require_once([path]/includes/class_hook.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Too many open files in system in [path]/includes/init.php on line 265 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/dknelson/public_html/forum/includes/class_hook.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dknelson/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 265 Joe
  17. Is anyone getting the following message at times,not all the time,in the banner area at the top of the page on the home page.........."Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error" .......This is coming up again in the banner area and it also takes me back to the home page that was active on 6/17/08. When I refresh it takes me to the cureent home page..Now it IS NOT doing it all the time but a few times every hour. Strange.
  18. What are the tags for at the ends of threads? I see the box on the reply page for tags. How would I put one in if I wanted to? What sort of text does a tag take?
  19. This year's motorcycle adventure is about 3 weeks away. My wife and I, along with 5 other couples will be travelling to Utah the second week of June. All of the guys will be riding from central KY to Grand Junction, CO where we will meet up with our wives who will be flying in. From there we will be riding a 6 day loop through southern Utah. We plan to visit Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon, Cedar Breaks, and Capital Reef National parks along with Monument Valley. We will be staying in Moab, Page. AZ, Springdale, Bryce and Bicknell before heading back to Grand Junction. I am looking for recommendations for restaurants and other sites to see. From my research online there doesn't appear to be a lot of restaurant selection in some of the towns and what is there doesn't get too good of a review. I am hopefull that we can find some decent food. I am also interested in any unique points of interest, places that we must stop to see. Other than the day from Moab to Page we should only be traveling about 100 to 150 miles per day. So that should give us a fair amount of time to look around. Thanks, Dennis
  20. I see a third theme called default. When selected, it shows the what seems to be the default vBulletin page with the vBulletin logo.
  21. that sometimes I will see the whole sentence on the screen and other times I have to use the right arrow and scan a half-mile long sentence to get to the end of it on the right side of the page, then use the left arrow to get back to read the second line? Why, Why Why.... Just curious, not furious.
  22. I am always going back to this link when I have questions www.gadgetjq.com since I also have a 05' Nomad. Even though John put this together for Kawasaki Vulcans there is alot of useful information for adding the extra items to any motorcycle. I am sure some of you folks have already been here, but for those that have not....happy reading. So check out Gadgets Fix it page... Regards Dave
  23. Mean Dog's Tribute Page @ St. Jude http://stj.convio.net/images/friendraiser_uploads/1341.1628867918.custom.jpg
  24. To see pics of Houston meet and eat, here is a link to my page on photobucket:http://s304.photobucket.com/albums/nn183/TxVenture/ Don H.
  25. To all the members and friends of Mark Still aka Mean Dog for visiting his tribute page and leaving a message about Mark for his family and friends to see and for making donations to St. Jude Childrens's Hospital, hopefully we can make a difference for the kids, for this was very special to Mark. If you havent had the chance to visit the tribute page, I have the link posted at the bottom of my post in my signature "Mean Dogs Tribute Page". Donations are not required to leave a message or a comment. There are also some pictures posted in the photo album for all to see. Thanks to all and God Bless.
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