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  1. I purchase the mic-mute and should get it sometimes next week. Can anyone tell me how big of a job it is to install? And did anyone took pictures of the installation? Gaetan
  2. I've been thinking maybe it's time to park the trailer and find another less physically demanding job. don't get me wrong, I like working outside by myself and for myself, but the knees are going, so are the wrists and back, it's just a matter of time .... Now if i could find some simple work at home job on the computer, that might just be the ticket. anyone got suggestions??
  3. I would like to put Barons Star Bars on my 07, venture will the Tour Deluxe throttle. clutch and brake lines be long enough to do the job. Our do i have go to after market sources. Thank you for any help.
  4. hello every one. im looking at some 1990 side covers and a seat. will these fit my 1984? im trying to get as much good parts as i can then do a paint job after the season ends
  5. I have to offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to kbran.... Yesterday he did the Clutch Upgrade on my scoot using SkyDoc's Kit....The job was flawless and the difference in clutch performance is amazing! Wes came over from Mississippi to how the job was done....and he brought fantastic T-bone steaks which he rustled before he crossed his home State line.Kenny's Pit did a great job on those steaks too! After Supper we were treated to watching 3 of Kenny's Grand-daughters play their Team softball games in a nearby town. The girls had a great time and so did we! I just can't say enough regarding Kenny and Beth opening up their home to us; their gracious hospitality;and lastly their true friendship! Boomer....with respect and gratitude. Post-note.....Kenny on his 1st Gen and I on my scoot did the Bogalusa Twisties late Monday afternoon. Watching that 1st Gen fly through the curves gave me a new-found respect for these older scoots....so much so that next year I will be looking to add one to my stable. Again....Thank you Kenny and Beth.I am blessed to know great folks like you!
  6. I had a lengthy chat with our good friend Eck on Monday evening. He has not been on the Forum recently because he and Konnie are still in the process of moving and getting things like the phone and cable hooked up. Everything seems to be going well with the job and their new town. I just thought I would let everyone know he is doing well, is glad to be back at work, and that we should be able to welcome him back any day now... TERRY
  7. Installing a side car and will probably have triple trees modified to assist with steering effort. What alls involved with removing the triple tree's? Is this a job to tackle myself? I obviously have no idea whats involved as suggested from my first question:doh: Thanks
  8. Hey Brad....My clutch has begun to slip. I'm going to contact Skydoc and get that upgrade kit from him. Is there anything else I should order/buy? If things work out I hope to head your way soon to get this clutch job done. Can the wife make enuff cheesecake to keep me busy and outta yer hair? Warmest regards.....Boomer
  9. Just did my 1st carb sync with my Morgan Carbtune. WoW! When I first hooked up and did initial readings, 1&2 were slightly off, 3&4 were slightly off, and both were slightly off from each other. I first thought that this was a waste of time as all were fairly close to each other, but "what the Hey" I'd bought the Carbtune and might as well try. I tweaked and tweaked and tweaked, and then I balanced 1&2 to 3&4. Even the idle smoothed out. When I ran the bike the difference was obvious-even the rumble/backfire was considerably reduced (looks like next job is the AIS). The job went smoothly thanks to the great instructions from Freebird and Kbran. Isn't this forum great!!!
  10. .....But Finally Finally Finally!....I got a job I'd like to share this with you folks, there are many here in Texas and all over that have helped Lonna and I while we were down and as poor as poor could be. We have the best friends anyone could deserve, and there are many here that I love beyond words. Today, with the help of one of my best friends, Ponch, I was able to get hired in where David works @ Dicar as a machinery maintenance man. The pay is decent, 1/3 less than what I was making....but I have a job. I will tell you all here that I keep things close to the cuff when it comes to how we are doing. We have always been ok, but I have been as depressed and down as any other time in my life. Not being able to support your family wears on a guy. Lonna and I have been "homeless" since we packed up and left out house in Michigan in late October. Gunboat has been the best blessing we could have hoped for, he is one of my best friends and I love him dearly. Without him, we wouldn't have been able to come to Texas, and I can never repay him for all he has put himself through to help both Lonna and myself. I would like to tell you all that I am giddy with excitement, and perhaps tomorrow I will be. But today, I am just relieved, the kind of relief you have when you have been fighting a Gorilla for 7 months and can finally stop fighting with him. I am happy, and I am so looking forward to be able to make some money. I know we all complain about work, I know when it's 100 degrees in August here I will too....but I will remember that I have a job to be able to go to. No great revelations, No banners or Hoopla, just thankful that I can give my brain a little rest and get that elephant off my chest. To all my brothers and sisters here that said a prayer for us....Thank you.
  11. i went for a job interview today. for a janitorial position. while there they asked if they could do a back ground check and credit check? i said yep no problem. well they said they all ready did it from me filling out my aplication 60 days ago. i said ok what did ya find? they said you have a great back ground check for anything criminal. i said thats great . they said now here is some thing that bothers us some? i went ok here it comes what is it? they said you have a credit score of the mark of the beast? i said huh? thye said it comes back 666. which is a D rateing. needless to say i didnt get this job? what the heck does a credit score have to do with cleaning a damn office building?
  12. How hard is it to change the bearing on the clutch. What I thought was a bad fan noise must of been the bearing. It sounded like it was coming from the front.I went on a 40 mile ride today and the longer i went the more noise it made. It would stop when I stopped. Also it makes a small clunking sound when it is in ideal with clutch out.I did see it takes a 6003 bearing from earlier thread. All is not bad though i finally get a job interview after one year off of work.It is for our public service company.NIPSCO Do they count off for spelling on here throwout bearing------have no clue why i put through
  13. Nice job in the Olympics Canada. What a great hockey game. You guys did great all around with the most Gold medals also. Good Job
  14. I just got the final thumps up on the new job. Background check and drug screen came back clean and I start orientation 8:30 Monday morning. It feels great to finally be going back to work in a real job again. Thanks for all of your hopes, prayers and crossed fingers I'm sure they were the final thing that made this all work out.
  15. Today I've been invited back for a second interview, drug screening and possible job offer for a real job back in my field of expertise, Facility Maintenance Management. I've been out of that field for a while (10 Years) being a self employed sub-contractor and have been actively seeking to get back in the job market for the past two years. I don't mind telling you that it has been rough for me over the past few years like it has been for so many others and many of us. Being at this stage of life with an abundance of experience but no Degree it has been a slow process finding a job in my skill level. Most all jobs even the most basic unskilled entry level jobs require a degree to be considered. Those of you with children emphasis the importance of a college degree. I have been close to my economic collapse lately facing loosing my house and the possibility of being homeless. It has been so disheartening that emotionally and spiritually I have been finding strength in my faith that things would work out in God's time. I can see providence at work since this job would be a perfect fit for my past experience and desire to find a position that would allow me to do meaningful Dragon Slayer work. This facility is an Assisted living facility for medical rehabilitation and hospice patients. This job would mean so much to me that I am asking for all of the prayer and crossed finger action I can get in hopes that your sent hopes and prayers will help make it happen.
  16. You can always get a Job in Calisthenics
  17. Well it's time.... Lonna and I are going to be headed back south to home as I have a job interview of sorts in Blanco. My Dad is getting along well, but I really need to pursue this opportunity as they are only taking apps until mid next week. So early Monday morning we are heading out of Michigan and down south. I hate to leave my Dad here by himself, but he's on my arse to apply for this job and hopefully get our lives back on track....wish us luck
  18. Yes, I SUCK for not coming out to this board more often! You can scold me if you want! If you are on FACEBOOK - send me a friend request because I am on there almost daily! So I thought I would update all of my VR family on my last year - a new years letter if you will. Spring: The year started out just like any other. Then, I fell in love with an old boyfriend who had spent the years since high school/college in the military. He talked of marriage and then went on a training exercise and didn't ever call again. He's okay, finally made contact, but said he had way too much going on in his life, and basically broke my heart. I'm over it now. Realized I didn't like my job, but glad I had one. Summer: Bought a slackline (google it if you don't know it - it's FUN) Spent many a summer evening/weekend day with the neighbors slacklining, drinking beer, talking, etc. It was a blast! Was contacted on facebook by a high school classmate, and HE started getting serious, and I was wary - HE WAS IN THE MILITARY TOO! I was careful.... He talked me into it, and I walked away from it, because it seemed too familiar. The job was getting worse... Actually had an anxiety attack at work. I grew many an organic veggie in the garden, and learned how to can (apple butter, apple sauce, pears, zucchini pickles). I also got some good riding time in on the bike! I hired a personal yoga instructor and can now do pushups from my toes, and continue to this day with my morning yoga practice. Fall: After the last "guy friend" and the anxiety attack, I booked TEN days at a solar powered hermitage in the woods. I can't tell you how much that changed my life. Alas, this is where I was when PIP was going on! I read many books, and meditated, and walked in the woods, and watched the wildlife. Reconfirmed my commitment to where I want my life to go - organic and green, and independent. Started interviewing for a new position at the University. I realized that just because I've always been a secretary - doesn't mean I have to do it forever! Winter: Had a horrible incident with a co-worker at the MBA Program - she received "discipline" and everyone at the college said she should have been fired, but it gave me the gumption to take a chance on a new career even though it meant a 25% paycut. I had learned SO much about myself over the year, I knew that this would be a good move. Interviewed for a Campus Police Dispatcher position on December 2nd, and was offered the job the same day - they had even interviewed people with dispatch experience! Spent the holidays with the family. Very nice and relaxed. Started my new job on December 28th, and I said GOODBYE to the MBA PROGRAM! And here I am now - I just completed my third week of "pre-step" training, and was told I was going a phenomenal job! I LOVE the work! It seems important and socially relevant, and it's exciting too. So I apologize for neglecting the VR website, but like I said - if you are on Facebook - send me a friend request (Courtney Bork). I'm much better at keeping in touch there. Love to all! Courtney (blusees)
  19. i hope there is some truth to the myth that bad things happen in three's. as some of you know on the wedsday before christmas i lost 2 of my friends and co-workers thank you again for all your prayers and support but it has happened again on this friday past a co-worker i have known for 16 years who helped train me in my job at the railroad came to work went home ate diner with his family and died in his sleep. Im starting to feel like im running out of tears and short of friends..... thanks again for you guys being here to listen in my time of need again. Ron:depressed:
  20. At the age of 33 my daughter has decided to go back to school. After 2 years of thinking about it she has decided to continue her education and was going to go to school part time while working, she decided that would take to long to get her degree, so stepped out of her comfort zone, and quit her job of 7 years and enrolled full time. She has 2 children, 4 and 2 years old, so it wont be easy trying to raise a family and go to school full time. Her husband has a great job with no travel so he can help with the kids in the evenings while she studies. She already had 2 years of college but not all of those credits carried over to what she is studying for. She has decided to become a nurse, and after one semester her profs have convinced her to go for RN instead of LPN. She had been acing all her tests and it would only take her 2 years instead of one to do that. The odd part about this is, that she is or was very squeamish about blood and that sort of thing, so it came as a real shock when she told us about it. So finally it looks like one of my kids will graduate from college after all.............That makes me very proud. She is a great daughter and she will make a fantastic nurse.
  21. My much better looking than I better half Clare had applied for the local(Winchester, va) police department 6 months ago. After the 200 steps required to be selected, she was offered the job today, and will start the police academy on the 18th of January! I am very excited and proud of her, so I thought I would yell it out loud!
  22. Lessons learned while riding my bike (and living life): I was just making a quick run to the store to pick up a couple things. Three blocks from my house a stupid cager suddenly turned left in front of me and I had to slam on the brakes. I was really angry. Come to find out this was a 19 year old single mother who had just got off a 9 hour shift at her minimum wage job and was rushing home to fix dinner, throw in a load of laundry, and try to spend a few precious minutes with her children before leaving again for her second job. I needed to top off the tank before heading to a friend’s house. Total was $8.22. After having to speak up twice to get the clerks attention, I handed him a $20. It took him three tries to get my change correct. I stomped out wondering about the younger generation and what this world is coming to. Angry again. Come to find out this clerk is a 25 year old college graduate who is still living with his parents because, after two years of looking, he still can’t find a better job. Seems like he is in the same place as when he was 16 years old, except now he has $45,000 in student loans coming due and no idea how to pay. Not going anywhere in particular, when this idiot takes my lane on the freeway. Hard braking, swing to the right, almost too far nearly hitting the guard rail. Was that a damn cell phone in his hand? There’s no excuse for that you dumb, ignorant,…..! Furious this time! Come to find out the driver is a 60 something year old gentleman who was really looking forward to retirement next year. The phone call was from his broker who called to let him know that his savings he had worked and sacrificed for all those years was just gone. No one’s fault, just gone! I pulled up to a stop light when a bum comes rushing over begging for some spare change. Just whatever you can spare to help a guy out. Hell no! Get away from me! Why don’t you get a job like the “rest of us”? When is this light ever going to change? Come to find out this man is a son, a brother, a husband and father of three. All who love him dearly, but he just can’t get past the addiction that makes his life something out of your worst nightmare. He’s tried, he really has. But real help is always just out of his reach. A beautiful country lane on a sunny day, looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. I would be enjoying it a lot more if it wasn’t for the old fart and his wife in front of me driving 20 mile per hour. He’s taking up most of the road, pointing out sights to each other. Why can’t they get off the road if he ain’t going to drive that thing! Really irritated! I have places to go! Come to find out they are childhood sweethearts who have been married for almost 50 years and are looking at the places where they grew up. Remembering their youth. They are taking their time because her biopsy report says they will never get the chance to take this trip again. Yes I get angry when I ride, especially when someone does something stupid and puts my life in danger. But I chose to be there. I put myself in that situation. And my “problems” aren’t worth mentioning.
  23. Well even though this may not be the right location I need all the help I can get. I have a second interview tomorrow for a local job. It is not the dream job but it is in my field and could be very stable, which is very good. So here goes, any one that has a few extra prayers in them and would send them my way I would be eternally great full. The last interview went well and I felt pretty good about it before and after I left the interview. Well I was thinking I could do it on my own and then I realized I needed a little (a lot) of divine intervention. So I asked for help and asked that if nothing else I would be happy about presenting myself and who I am. Sometime when you go to interviews you try to tell the interviewer what they want to hear. I never was that kind of guy but It is easy to do. Anyway as I said the interview went well and I have been called back for a second interview on Thursday. I sure could use the help of the Man up stairs to give me the presence of mind to represent myself just as I did during the first interview. I look at it like this, as long as I am me and don't tell them what I think they want to hear Vs reality I will be happy with the out come no matter what. So if you could bend His ear a little to tell Him I could use His help again I would greatly appreciate it. And yes I will be asking for a little make that a lot of help directly myself. Thank all GIG Steve
  24. Good Luck with the job interview :thumbsup2: when will you know??
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