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  1. I've received a couple of PMs about the restaurant review forum. People are asking how they post there? I'm sorry for any confusion but the reason you can't post there is because it is not finished yet. It will take me a few days to get it finished. Once it is done, it will be different than other forums here. There will be forms for each state and province. You will select the form for the state/province that the restaurant is in and fill it out. The results of that form will be automatically posted to the correct thread in that forum. You will not be able to post directly in those forums as you do others. The reason is that I think it should be limited to reviews and not with a lot of responses and comments. This will make it easier if a member wishes to print the thread from one or more states. They will get the list and not a lot of additional talk. There will automatically be a poll attached to each thread so folks will be able to see if other members have eaten there and what their thoughts were. I hope this makes sense and that it is acceptable to everybody. I will post here to let you know when it is ready to go. It may be as late as early next week though. I still have a lot of work to do there.
  2. Anyone else have this problem? My 87 is too friggin heavy to get it up without assistance. I am ready to chop off 2 inches so t will be usable in a parking lot at least. Or should i bring a come-:179:along and park near a girder or streetlight? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/179.gif
  3. I've been working on Don for a year or so now for a name change, the feller that had it didn't choose to join up, so now I've got it! From here on out, with no regrets or going back, here on the board and out there in VR land I'll now be known as Dano. Formerly known as Danob11. Plus it saves a lot of typing!!!!
  4. Terry and I made it home from the rally today. We left the rally and headed for the Colorado Rockies but a bad cross wind in Oklahoma blew us to the black hills instead. We rode around the Black hills a bit and got in to Winnipeg today. Just came from visiting the grandson. Newborns can grow a lot in 2 1/2 weeks. I very much want to thank all who made the international rally such a successful event. We had a great time. Take care, Tom:canada:
  5. THIS WAS FORWARDED TO ME FROM JERRY MCDANIEL , EDITOR OF THUNDER ROADS OF GEORGIA MAGAZINE. I THOUGHT I WOULD SHARE IT WITH YOU. "Out of the mouths of babes." No teleprompter and a lot more brains than most of those in Congress. Let's make her Speaker of the House. Lots better than what we have now. [nomedia= ] [/"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
  6. Ever since the sinus surgery that is. But one side effect... my gas smells a lot worse! I'm gonna have to give the Doc hell for that!
  7. Don't know any details, but saw this in the AutoZone parking lot in Brandon, MS. Thought some of you would enjoy seeing it...
  8. My group (Pennsylvania-X) rolled into the Bluke Knights Convention in Louisville, KY today. I counted about ten other RSVs during a walk around the motorcycle parking lot this evening. My question: is anyone from the VR group also at the BK convention?
  9. found this today at a local dealor if anyone is interested i'm close enough to go and chack it out for you. http://www.hondaws.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=08774378X7K17K2009J6I25I47JPMQ3690R0&veh=38349&pov=1297971
  10. Ok, I need to donate to the DBF (Dropped Bike Fund) Dropped the wing in the Dairy Queen parking lot on the way home from vacation. I was trying to turn around with the trailer hooked up and there was a big dip in the parking lot that left my Left leg dangling in mid air which in turn made us S L O W L Y go over. No harm no foul and really easy to pick the Wing up. Boy those crash bars really do a god job. So..............where do I send it?
  11. After reading all lot of posts here, I noticed that a lot of you with maps of places ridden have been everywhere in the southeast except Florida. Why not cross over that state line? Think of us as a mirror to Deals Gap. They have 386 curves in 11 miles. We have 11 curves in 386 miles. So, c'mon down!! The waters fine.
  12. Sorry i goofed , i met to say 2 gen Mech. you know it is hard to tell the dif. just got done lowering Mike's aka Skyking 2 gen and it was lot's of fun ! it was lots of fun getting to the front forks than trying to get the the tree down the 1 in. but we got it done ! took a large malet and some pry bars but it is done ! installing the longer dog bones and rear brake relocator was a lot easyer , a little trick do not raise the rear tire off the ground , makes it a lot easyer , only took me a hour to figger that out . the last thing we did was change the kick stand , what a pain in the . why not make the bolt a 1/2 in shorter ? anyway its all done and looks darn good ! Mike said it rides good too he proved it by riding with no hand for a short way and of course i proved to him that 1st gens are faster and a lot easier to work on ! i want to thank JerryW for all the info and help , with out him i could not have done it ! THOM -------- the idiot who thought he was a mech.
  13. I'm entering my first rear tire change on my Venture. In talking to the local motorcycle tire shop guy, he's telling me that Yamaha's are a real pain, a lot to remove etc, etc. Is it really that difficult or is his GoldWing mentality getting in the way ??
  14. We're heading out this week on a trip up through northern Michigan on our way to northern Ontario. Thought we would head over to the west side of the state, since I haven't spent a lot of time over that way and check things out along the way to the "Big Mack". Any suggestions on places to go and things to see. Good bike roads etc. Thanks in advance.
  15. OK, my wife isn't too fond of the passenger pegs on my 84 VR and she'd like to have some passenger floorboards instead. Trouble is, there isn't a whole lot of them on Ebay at the moment. Is there another source for these other than Ebay?
  16. does anyone have a pic or diagram showing where the oil site glass is on an older Goldwing? I am trying to explain it to a co-worker and he has looked and can't find it. Unfortunately he didn't ride in today so I could actually take him out to the lot and show him. I know it's hard to find, so thought a pic would help. Thanks for any help.
  17. Like i said, WOW, thanks for the responses, i think i replied to everybody, if i missed somebody, my apologys, feel a whole lot better and prepared for my upcoming cross country trip Cheers Geoff
  18. went for a 250ml test ride sun,39#air,bike is a little squirrly,from the rear feels like the side wall is flexing a lot more than the BFG,tire is a lot more round than the BFG,but don't feel as stable as the BFG,in the curvies,will rase the # to 42 for the next test
  19. Has amy one found a good way to clean the fins on the moter? Any products that you can spray on & wash off that work? or what kind of brush works well? I to have spent a lot of money on things that don't work! "THANKS"
  20. I just listed a lot more GOODIES in our classifieds. So check them out!
  21. I have a old 93 Buick that has been one of the best all-round cars I have ever owned. I got this thing with 30k on it and it now has 210k on it. 3300 engine doesn't use oil. Have done a lot of work to it but question is. I found a Buick with a 3100 engine and the car looks like it left the showroom about last year. It is a 96. Only 38k. I would buy this old thing for a driver but have heard a lot about intake gaskets in the 3100's?? The 3300 as far as the engine can't be beat.
  22. Any input would be welcome. I have someone interested in trading his 1999 Excelsior-Henderson for my '92 travel trailer. I've done a lot of poking around, and don't see a lot of bad press. They only made the bike for 2 years, 1999-2000, and it seems they produced just over 2000 units. The one I'm looking at is an early stainless model, and has had all the upgrades done. Should I or?? http://www.superxowners.com/images/members/Pina_x392web.jpg
  23. Just sittin' at work thinking about weekend bike plans (and work too of course)...I've got a mudflap to install on my 06RSV. Just wondering if I can remove the front fender completely simply by removing the 4 bolts, without removing the tire. Can I get the fender out by doing that? It'd be a lot easier to drill holes & install the flap while it's sitting on the workbench! Thanks in advance for the info...now I'll get back to work! JR
  24. Virtual Ride to Benefit FreeBird. When I tried to think of a way to help the man that has done so much for so many people I thought of a Benefit Ride with T-shirts and police escorts and a registration fee. I then realized this is no ordinary person. He has reached people all over the world. He has spent countless hours building this website so that we could answer each others questions. He did it at his own expense. I realized that it was not feasible to get everyone that FreeBird has touched together. The money would go to pay the police for the escort and the T-shirt manufacturers would make all the money and everyone would have a t-shirt and FreeBird would get what was left over. I have made a lot of friends and have ridden with a lot of people I would have never met if it were not for FreeBird. I have gotten a lot of help from a lot of people I have never met and I owe it all to FreeBird. I only became a member last October but I feel I know so many of you personally and I have never met a stranger here on VentureRider's and I owe it to FreeBird. Now it is my turn to show my friendship to a man I have never met. The best way I can think of is to have a Virtual Ride to Benefit FreeBird. You do not need to meet anywhere, your do not need to meet as a specific time, you don't even have to get up early to participate. You don't have to donate any time. All you have to do is sit back in you easy chair and think of a place you would like to ride. Now I know many of you have paid your $12.00 yearly dues and so have I. I know many of you have made a donation to FreeBird and so have I. This is going to be a long, tough struggle for FreeBird and like he said it will probably distroy him finacially. I for one can not sit around and watch this happen to the man that brought us all together so I am paying my entry fee of $50 (donation button). Anyone who would like to join me is welcome to do so. Please join me for my Virtual Ride. Harry
  25. Just a warning for those getting back on the scoots after a long Winter...... Benefit & Charity Runs are already popping up everywhere here in the New England Region. Be extra careful if you decide to participate! A lot of folks PLUS new riders don't know how to do group rides with a lot of skill. This always means there will be accidents between bike riders at these Events. Every Spring we also see a fair share of mistakes made at the Patriot Guard Missions as well. Stay alert out there guys. Boomer.....a Ride Captain who cares about all Riders.
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