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About Crash

  • Birthday 03/11/1949

Personal Information

  • Name
    Randy Cohen


  • Location
    Youngstown, OH, United States


  • City
    Youngstown, OH


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    grand kids, dogs,
  • Bike Year and Model
    NO bike for now
  1. The doctor decided to let Marcie come home today! Shannon, her daughter came in for the weekend too so Marcie gets help from both of us as long as my knee can take it. I'm still going to out patient PT for my new knee, Marcie comes first. My knee is doing well enough even ifbit doesn't get any better. Thanks again for all the prayers.
  2. Thanks for all your prayers, they seemed to have worked. The doctor ended up doing 4 bypasses and it ended up being 10 hours from start to finish. She looked great yesterday when we saw her and at about 9:30 last night she started waking up. I just left her room in ccu and she is feeling better. Of course on lots of drugs. If the take the rest of the tubes out today she might be moved out of the ccu. The doctor said all went well with the bypasses. She does have some cholesterol in her aorta but he is not that concerned. More statin drugs should help and maybe in 10to 15 years something else might have to be done. We can live with that. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. Crash
  3. Marcie has had more and more angina lately so her cardiologist scheduled another cath last Thursday and the results were not good to say the least. Two of the bypasses from her triple bypass surgery from eight years ago where 100 percent dead. One of the front arteries has 5 blockages from 80-90 percent blocked and the good one is 50 percent blocked. They are going to leave that one alone for now and do hopefully 2 or 3 bypasses. The 3 doctors we talked to said this is very high risk but the best solution. So Marcie is scheduled for surgery on Monday morning. Please keep Marcie in your thoughts and prayers. We can use all the help. Randy On a good note, we became grandparents again last night as my son and his fiancé had a baby boy. Baby Jack is 6.6 lbs and 19.5 ins.
  4. Thanks all. I actually had a good day yesterday and the best night in years. I actually slept 5 hours straight and then another 3. I've never done that for years. Had a good PT yesterday outside since it was warm and sunny. That's over now as it's cold but at least sunny. But not going out alone anyway. Did some of my exercises and was on the CPM and now ice. Hoping for another good day!
  5. I finally caught the soup commercial 2 nights ago. Wrong TV so NO DVR. Hope I can catch it again.
  6. I got home om Thursday afternoon and was pretty sore. Pt home care and nurse came on Friday to get me started on exercises and check the incision. Feels worse than the first one but I should get there soon.
  7. All went well and I'm waiting for FOOD. Used the CPM from 3:30 to 5:30 AM. Pt starts later today
  8. Thank you all. I'm off to the hospital in 4 hours for my new knee!
  9. Glad all went well and you'll be seeing CLEARLY very soon.
  10. I don't own a Bike right now but there are pictures of my 05 Midnite Venture in my profile. I definitely would be seen in daylight and dark!!
  11. I like the pillow and weight idea. I'll have to try that when I get home from Monday's surgery.
  12. Thanks for the well wishes. I got great motion after my left knee was done. Lots of exercises and funny that no one mention the CPMhttp://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CEIQFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FContinuous_passive_motion&rct=j&q=cpm%20machine&ei=Y_xCTZa9NouGvgOc1b3SAQ&usg=AFQjCNFG8fKwE615e6aJjgXAIfi3I0AMFA&sig2=rAoRvQj27G50ZjhcPKFBcg&cad=rja machine. That machine was great.
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