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  1. We just got back from a week long bike trip down to Nashville. Took our time going down and back staying off the interstates as much as possible. Saw some beautiful country, fall colours and some great country music shows. We went to the Grand Ole Opry both Friday and Saturday nights and hit the down town bars Thursday night and Sunday afternoon. And the weather was perfect. Not a drop of rain all week. Bonus!
  2. Lori and I have put on 13,000 miles on the Scoot since the Makeover this winter: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56020 It has been a great riding season, and we are heading out on a trip this weekend as well, and hope a few more. The bike has been basically Flawless. The only problems that we have had are the Driving Lights like to flash once in a while, and my autio input fell inside the fairing last week. with 13K miles it was time for new tires, front and rear so I decided to go with White Walls. I found some Avon Venoms, so far I have agout 200 miles on them and they are very smooth! I also decided to try the 130 on the front instead of the 150. Seems to respond quicker and easier to turn. Here are a couple of pics: http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/46756/2576194990101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/47064/2273397730101950171S600x600Q85.jpg I also had some larger lowers made last week, They are about 1.5" wider than the stock ones. They took a lot of wind off of our legs. http://inlinethumb15.webshots.com/45838/2549347030101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/45988/2429408350101950171S600x600Q85.jpg So we are very happy with the bike and look forward to many more miles on it. Our only complaint is the relatively poor 32-35 MPG, but we are dealing with that. Ride Safe!
  4. The weather is a little cool, but that doesn't appear to be slowing them down. Several are here and enjoying the 70 degree weather. Not a bad turnout for the fall week and a city that doesn't want to be biker friendly. Could have fooled me.
  5. I've been at the company resort near Hayward, WI all week at our semi-annual sales meeting. It is finally coming to an end. Tonight I fly home and then I'm taking off next week for a much needed vacation. This has to have been one of the longest weeks in history.
  6. Just wondering if any members are heading for Street Vibrations in Reno next week or to Las Vegas for Bike Fest the week after? Unfortunately, I gotta fly to both, but in you're going let me know would like to meet some fellow VR.org members.
  7. Well, at long last the first game of week 1 will begin at 8:30 pm ET. This is going to be a "must see" game as it pares the last two Superbowl Champions against one another... Personally, I'm for the Saints (still PO about the Steelers giving the game away to the Packers earlier this year), and, I like Drew Brees style. The other great game, is this Sunday at 1 pm ET. Hey, whenever the Ravens and Steelers play "it's all good!":Avatars_Gee_George: Rough and tumble... Well... Can anyone else suggest other games that would be good to watch? or pick the winners of this, week 1 regular season? Come on, Bring it!
  8. Next week Thursday, Barb and I are heading down to see the Grandkids in Murfreesboro, TN. Sunday we're meeting friends near Cairo, IL, and the 4 of us are heading towards PA, WV, & OH. for a week of sightseeing. If you know of some roads or scenery in this area that shouldn't be missed, please let us know. We have nothing planned, just wearing out some tires.... Frank D.
  9. How many hrs do you guys spend rideing per week on average. For me I ride about 12 hrs.
  10. Hello:30 years ago this week I asked a coworkers sister out on a date. The sister agreed to go out with me, but mentioned she would only go out with me one time? I did not know she was serious!! I thougt she was kidding. She has never left. This week we celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary with a trip on the bike to Sturgis. Love you Lee!!!!
  11. Well returned to Doc today 11 days after surgery. He said Im healing well removed my staples and come back in a week. Still no riding or driving yet, no heavy lifting and he said to walk as much as possible.. Im feeling alot better the last few days so another week I should be doing really well. John
  12. 7/15/2011: I just received my new E3 from Jake Wilson. It was manufactured the first week of October, 2007. 3 yrs, nine months old. [ATTACH]58750[/ATTACH]
  13. An Elderly Newfie woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his advice in reviving her husband's libido.. 'What about trying Viagra?' asked the doctor. 'Not a chance', she said. 'He won't even take an aspirin.' 'Not a problem,' replied the doctor. 'Give him an 'Irish Viagra'. It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went.' It wasn't a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to her progress. The poor dear exclaimed, 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!' 'Really? What happened?' asked the doctor. 'Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he sent me cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there passionately on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!' 'Why so terrible?' asked the doctor, 'Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?' Lord tunderin, 'twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin here, I'll never be able to show me face in Tim Hortons again!'
  14. Well, today starts our Icelandic adventure..We are all packed and ready to go...will be heading to the airport in about 4 hours or so....yesterday our daughter was admitted into the hospital with chest pains...she is 35. They are running test on her today and we will have to await the outcome to see what caused this..Taters like any mother is concerned about leaving without knowing why this happened .....hope we hear something before we leave. Just got off the phone with Jonas (StarFan) and he sounds as excited as we are...This is going to be a fun week for sure. He has made arrangements to spend the week with him at his sisters summer cottage in the mountains on or near a lake...Gonna bring the 44mag. and show him the way we fish for salmon here in the states.. Will post pictures in a day or so....ON WITH THE ADVENTURE !!!!
  15. Back in my yoot I used to work part time in a discount membership store in the sporting goods dept. Kinda like White Front.. K-Mart.. Fedco.. etc. Anyway we used to sell firearms and one of the rifles we stocked was a Mannlicher Schonauer. I fell in love with that rifle. Just married, kid on the way, and working two jobs 80 hours a week to make ends meet, and I just couldn't afford one. Slow forward 50 years... In the last few years I'd run into one or two at auction, but they went for big bucks. Finally nailed one down last week. She's a beauty and I can't wait to get'r home.... It's in DOJ limbo for another 7 days. Next monday..
  16. She, my bike that is, and I are finally getting a Yamaha shop close to home. Grand opening this week end. Starting Friday and going through Sunday. Now the other she in my life, might think this is bad for us, but Naaahh, not me. http://www.caverunmotorsports.com/ Fuzzy
  17. We made it home today after a great week in Lake George NY. Burned a few tanks of gas riding the back roads in the area. It was really hot for most of the week and rained all day Saturday. We tried out a Victory Cross Country and a Honda GL 1800 trike and just missed getting to ride a Can-Am Spider. Saw lots of RSV's in and around the area while we were there.
  18. Seems I've hardly been able to catch my breath since maintenance day. Had just enough time on Sunday evening and Monday morning to sort of get things put away and then had to leave for Indianapolis to set up for a trade show. The show lasted through Saturday at 4:00 and then by the time I got the booth torn down and packed up and made the 5 hour drive home, I got here about 11:30 last night. Now I'm home today but have to leave for a week in the DuBois and State College area of Pennsylvania first thing tomorrow morning. I tell you, I am really tired of the constant travel and would love to find a good job that would allow me to be home every night but in this economy and at my age, that's not likely so "I owe, I owe so off to work I go". Due to the show and etc., haven't been on much since maintenance day but hopefully things will start calming down a bit now. I did manage to get two new tires ordered this week and called Chad at Pioneer to take advantage of the good deal that he is offering on brake pads so they are on the way to me also. I intended to pick them up while he was here but completely forgot about them. Looks like it's going to rain here today so about all I can do is stay in the house and rest. I'm not too disappointed in that.
  19. Good afternoon all, How many Ventures are going to be going to Americade this week. Lou
  20. I am going in on tuesday morning to have a Cataract removed from my rt. eye. they will be replaceing the lens so I will not need glasses any more the Doc said to stay away from dust and away from painting for at least a week. Making these grills is nothing but dust. Looking forward to seeing right again. The left eye had a small vien brake last weekend so that eye is blurry to. Trying to type or read is just a ton of fun right now. LOL
  21. Well it is getting close enough for me to start watching the long range weather horrorcasts. The last 6 days of the 10 day horrorcast is for what would be near perfect weather. Not that I actually believe the weather people...........but it does give me something to look at. Think Freebird can string on another 3 good days onto the end of the week?
  22. I am not one to really ask for much for myself, but it has come time that I will require some higher support. I was was doing stupid things thinking I was 20 again about a month ago. Anyway, I took a bad fall, and dislocated my shoulder. That was an easy fix, no major issues there, but I also dislocated my collar bone from the breast plate. That is the hard part. It does not want to heal,and the pain is making me a little more crazy than normal as it is constant. I have an appointment with specialist next week to go over what ever options there may be. I hate to ask for myself, but I believe if you could please send a few prayers my way, this will help me to heal and hopefully keep me off of the operating table..... Thank you, Rob
  23. Folks, I am in Minnesota for our semi-annual sales meeting. This is always a busy week as we have meeting from about 8:00 in the morning till usually about 9:00 at night. I usually manage to check my messages and etc. in the morning and later in the evening but just don't have a lot of time this week. If you send me a message or a request, please understand that the reply times are a bit delayed right now.
  24. around Dandridge Tennessee - I'm leaving around noon on Monday, 5/9/11 to an auction at the Bush Brothers plant in Dandridge. I'll be there Tuesday and Wednesday - depending on how much/what I buy, I may be there til the end of the week.
  25. Was ready to fly to the east coast Friday night, for Saturday pick up of my trike..not ready Apparently it was held up in customs, due to the timber used to make the crate luckily I had allowed a week in case of hiccups. Now we'll be cutting it fine to deliver to the shipping agent Wow, what a day!!
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