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  1. :yikes: Just got sent another lot of "People of Walmart" :yikes: Now them thar is some scarey lookin' people!! Can't believe they go out in public dressed [or not!] like that...Geez:doh:
  2. I am thinking about an item swapping project that is stewing in the back of my slow working brain..... I am still thinking about the logistics, but to start people thinking about it, here is a small hint of what the project is: You would have to mail a package to me with somewhere between 75 and 100 small items (depending on how many people sign up) OF MY CHOOSING in it, and I would distribute the items you sent me to all other participants... In return you would receive a package with one item from all the other participants, however due to the scale of this project all participants would have to include return postage.............. I am trying to work out my items first BEFORE any of the participants collect there's so I can provide a photograph to get the excitement going..... I am wondering about where some of our active members are from. I assume there is a member in each of the 48 contiguous United States, so I need to know about how many of you live Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS). As I cannot find the FRAPPER map of members I need to ask: Who lives in Alaska? Who lives in Hawaii? Who lives in a country outside the US and what country is it and what State/Provence do you live in? Oh I might need someone to manage the participants list as I do travel for work quite a bit and sometimes I am unable to access the internet for a few days.... The only down side to this project is I will have to limit the number of participants to ONE per State/Provence so only 47 people from the Continental United States can participate as I count as one.
  3. I recently replace my old Dunlop E2 tires with 404's. I'm not unhappy with the 404's but I can tell they are less tire than the E2's were and I'll probably look for some more robust tires when these wear out. Can you get anywhere the same miles out of E3's that you could the E2's ? I could run the E2's forever. I know Metzler and Michelin, Avon etc... make some great tires too but I had such good luck with the E2's I'll probably stick with Dunlop since most of my riding these days is old-geezer style anyway. The E2's are hard to find now and are too pricey so I'm wondering how people who have had them like the E3's and if people that have previously ran E2's also like the E3's ?
  4. well getting ready to head out to the park on thursday. not going to be a big meet but it will be a good one. got some great rides planned and some great people coming. can't wait to see everyone. if you are planning on attending, sign in on the calender. see you there. bill
  5. So we decided that a longish ride was in order and the weather forcast was perfect. I twisted Steve's rubber arm (The Count) so that he and his wife Michele would join Robin and me. We headed to Western New York with a route plan in mind BUT Tom and Vicky (Big Tom) Ken (BuffaloBodner) and Steve said they would join us as well. Seeing as how the local people usually know the best roads we threw out our plan and went with the flow. Tom lead us on a fantasic ride. We had great people, great weather, Great Food AND great roads.. Doesn't get any better.. Here is a taste of what the day was like... Thanks Tom, Vicky, Steve, Ken, Steve and Michele for an AWSOME day.
  6. Was out last evening to just ride a while and was doing some low speed weaving in my lane. (like weaving the in line cones) was doing about 20-25 and heard/felt a little bumping noise that was reminiscent of a wheel bearing. I stoped and did what I could on the side of the rode to check for a loose front bearing. Don't seem to be that but!!! I checked (searched) the forum and most people said it was probably a tire issue. They look good. Met 880's Before I get it on the rack, What are the best ways to determine the problem in your opinion?
  7. I just bought 2006 rstd with 30 day warranty.Returned to dealer because of noise coming from forks which really sounds like a broken spring to me.The suspension seems to work fine so service people say that its worn bushings which wouldnt be covered. Has anyone had this noise(almost like cracking sound) when pushing down on forks or hitting some bumps while riding?
  8. There are many different posts on here about what type of aftermarket radio you should use. I see many people say they would go with the JMCB-2003-Dual, I want to be able to talk with my passenger and with my wife on the other bike. However, I can't find anyone who says whether they are good or bad. I see the post on the Q4 powerset; however, you can only talk with one other bike and they seem to have a lot of problems. I want a CB so i can talk to several other bikes. I like the looks of the JMCB set but I was first wanting to know how people who have them like them, second are there any problems with them. The next thing I would like to know is there a better system out there that has a radio in it. I don't listen to it much but like it in the morning to check the traffic. All I am really looking for here is opinions so please let me hear them.
  9. In the past with other bikes I've owned, I always came up needing a part that's near impossible to find. After months of searching for some parts, I came across a couple of motorcycle "Wreckers" in the Greater Vancouver area. Unfortunately, one closed it's doors, but the other is always busy with people looking for what they need and the owner helping out whenever possible. That second location is a business called "Bent Bike" located in Langley BC. I thought it would be a worthwhile thread for people to list any recyclers in their area to form a resource for those looking for parts for their aging bikes. For example, I walked in the door today and hanging up in the rafters is the left side saddle bag for an '84 Royale, no lid was visable but apparently they have a lot of other plastic from that bike. I'll put the contact info below and if the powers that be find that this isn't a good idea, feel free to delete this thread, (or make it a sticky if it's worth it...) Bent Bike 201-20701 #10 Hwy Langley BC V3A 5E8 ph: 604 534-1033 bentbike@telus.net
  10. to all of you who attended the 2010 Internatuional at Potato Creek, a big Thank You for coming and making this a success. To those of you who stepped up and helped out with planning, the dinner, helping me lead the different groups on rides, an even bigger Thank You! Sue and I have met a lot of Ventureriders over the past 4 years, we count many of them as great friends. We made more of those in the last few days. This rally may not have been one of the best organized or structured but there was some great comraderie there. We got to spend more time with people we'd only met briefly once or twice. The rides turned out good, the food was good and the ice cream was great, especially at Oink's. But the people were the greatest part of this. It was our honor and priviledge to host this event and to show you a little of our area of the country. Again, thanks to all, we had a great time. And YES, I'm glad it's done. As Snarley Bill told me, it's a big job and takes a lot out of you, but it is very rewarding. Looks like everyone is making it home safe. We'll see you all somewhere down the road.
  11. Hi All Check out the Ithaca journal .com under Arson to see what I was up to satthe 10th at 4am. This will not be pretty when it all shakes out. Some people need to not be on this earth. Bull463
  12. Several people asked to see pics of the short windscreen I have my Midnight RSV so here they are..
  13. I've been changing oil twice a year with about 1000 miles between. Last year I changed the oil and put in amsoil with the MotorKote additive. The whine became unbearable at 55-60 mph so I dumped it out and put mobile 1 back in. Now the whine is guaranteed to show up at 55mph and yesterday a chirp showed up. Tomorrow I'm going to change oil again and this time I'm going to put Mobile 1 20w50 in it. It's really getting aggravating when people on the street stare at you and I know I'm not THAT unattractive, nor is my Venture. If anybody has any theories on this I sure would be willing to try them. I haven't bought the oil yet but I will tomorrow. My plan is to have a nice ride or 2 at Potato Creek w/o people staring at my bike because of the whine Thanks in advance
  14. I posted a new thread a little while ago and some people responded now I can't find it is there sub categories that I am missing?
  15. If you were at MD 2010, and see a picture with you in it, please post it and identify yourself in it, so that others may see what you look like. Like many others, I have trouble putting the faces with the names until I've met the person several times. This is also for the people who couldn't make MD, so that they can see who is who. Left to right: Midnite, Angel(my wife), ScarryLarry and myself. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/IMG_9591.jpg
  16. There is a Kitty on the prowl and she's out to find her friends. Lol Thanks to everyone who was in Ohio last week. It was such a wonderful trip and I meet some of the best people ( including Beer30) %). Watch out though. This Kitty has been know to steal Ventures . . . =D
  17. I just wanted to mention here that we recently had the need for the PGR out here. A 24 yr old Army Lt, Joe Theinert was killed in Afghanistan 2 weeks ago. He lived on Shelter Island, which is a really small community and very close knit...you need a ferry to get to it.. My In Laws live there and we know alot of the people there. The Town really came together and did not allow the family to do ANYTHING except some very personal things....everything got handled. Word got out that some inbred idiots who call themselves a church...(wont mention the name but you know who they are) were going to make an appearance. Well...the PGR came in with 75 bikes and made quite an impression on the community. The initial reaction of some people was to wonder what all these mean looking bikers were doing here...but once they saw them surrounding the service with their flags....they were truly touched. I think alot of people have a new view of scary bikers. God Bless The PGR
  18. Well showed up for my first ever Maintenance Day. Pulled into Don's place with my big, heavy trailer wondering what type of reception I would receive. First thing I noticed was a ton of Ventures parked everywhere and people standing everywhere! My girlfriend pointed out the place she wanted us to camp and hopped off to secure it leaving me to negotiate a turnaround! I drove down to the house expecting a turn around and ran right into a dead end with everyone looking. Great, just what I wanted a crowd to critique my turning capabilities with that heavy trailer! Fortunately several Venture riders jumped to my aide and with a lot of encouraging, but conflicting directions, and some pushing and pulling we got her turned around! I did not get a chance to get anyone's name and would have promptly forgot them anyhow but I do want to say a mighty THANK YOU!! The standard reverse that comes with these bikes just sucks and I would have been totally embarrassed without the aide. After camp set up we toured the bikes snapping pictures and got in line for the brake fluid change. Bobby, "Naked Rider" was kind enough to do the maintenance while letting me hold things, get in the way, and ask a lot of redundant questions! Not only was he tolerant but he also supplied me with some DOT4 since I had brought DOT3. Big Thanks, Bobby!! The I was ready for Ken, V7Goose, who was adjusting carb's. For those who have not meet Ken, you will find he is a very personable guy. This "guy" drives 1200 miles to this MD works tirelessly all through the day, puts up with ignorant people, asking all kind of questions, such as myself, and then is rewarded with a 1200 mile trip home! He sync my carbs adjusted my pilot screws, and taught me a little more about my bike. Freebird and I tried to quiz him about getting my AIS system off but he just wasn't biting!! By the way for all of us out there that owe Ken for working on our bikes he does like cigars! I plan on having some for him next MD! Besides the maintenance I finally got to meet some of the people from this website such as Earl "Skydoc". Earl has supplied a lot of us with an upgrade kit for our clutches and he had my correct size spring there. What a great guy he is. Learned a lot about brakes and clutches while talking with him. Then there was "Gunboat" or Don! After reading Don's comments about being a darksider I took the plunge and have not looked back. Enjoyed talking with him immensely! Like him I am fortunate enough to have a daughter, now 18, who still loves to go riding with me! Now that is a blessing!! During our conversation I told Don that a center stand for my bike was on my wish list. He is giving me his! Will not take payment for it just wants me to donate to this site! That is why I am a member here, people with hearts like Don's. Speaking of Don, there is the other Don, "Freebird" our host,! What a classy guy, very humble, feels honored to support us with this fantastic website! I so enjoyed listening to him and Rick Butler tell stories before we left the next day. Big, big Thanks to him and his wife for this shindig!!! I did not get to meet all! There was Carbon One who I had purchased some braces from. I was told he was there but did not catch up to him. (to busy running my mouth!) Did not see "Wanderer" either! I also am sure I have not thanked everyone who helped me out or took the time to say hi. What a great bunch!! For those who have not made the pilgrimage I highly recommend this annual MD. You will learn so much and meet the very best!!
  19. Man seems so quiet while MD is going on or has that storm knocked every one of line. I think there are more people on line at 5 am than there are now.
  20. It's sad when people in vehicles do not pay attention or just won't. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/jun/16/fatal-crash-early-wednesday-morning-palm-city-slow/
  21. ... amazing that many seemed oblivious to oncoming traffic and the number of people who seemed to be uninjured This is unbelievable. Driving in China: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QESfEd180rQ [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QESfEd180rQ][/url]
  22. I joined VR.com just over a year ago. I've been reflecting lately on what an amazing site this is and just wanted to throw this all out there. I found a bike in South Carolina, over 12 hours ride away. I found this site and asked if anyone could advise me on where to stay, and for tips on getting transport to the dealer. What I got instead was a free ride from the airport, a place to stay for the night (with a demon-posessed teddy bear that nearly scared the life out of me), a full maintenance routine on my bike, and a personal escort to Savannah from Sleeperhawk, the Mechanic, and Wanderer. I met a few other riders that weekend at dinner (which Sleeperhawk wouldn't let me pay for!) and at the maintenance day. I was amazed at the amount of time, energy, resources, and kindness that was shared with me in just that first 24 hours or so. Next, I rolled into Jacksonville the next day and met Ruffy and a few other riders (sorry, still can't remember names) for breakfast. Again, Ruffy helped me with a couple "upgrades" on the bike and gave me a few good tips of aftermarket accessories and ideas. It was another Amazing day with incredible people I met because of VR. What's really amazing, is that over the last year (with a few months off from a medical scare), I have found the most amazing, funny, insightful, helpful, and friendly people on this site. Sometimes I just log in to read a joke or two or poke around the watering hole and get my mind off some stress form work or home or whatever... It just takes 15 minutes of reading around to feel like I'm among friends and get back to a better frame of mind. I have also found an INCREDIBLE amount of knowledge on this site. Sure, the maintenance manual download is nice... but it's written for mechanics (or the mechanically inclined), and a lot of times I don't feel like I understand everything I should before doing a job on the bike. But the writeups here, with pictures, great tips on how to make parts of the job easier, often a few jokes, and many times an explanation of WHY this thing should be changed or WHAT it does or HOW it works... Those give me the confidance that I need to attempt to do it myself. And I've been successful every time so far. I can follow directions, but if something doesn't make sense to me, I'll be stuck. If I can understand HOW the thing works, I can do some problem solving and be successful every time. VR writeups in the tech library and the tech talk forums often give me this extra info that makes me feel confidant to try the work myself. The help I've recieved, either publically in forums, privately in messages, and sometimes over the phone and in person, is incredible. Freebird, Goose, Sleeperhawk and the Mechanic, Wanderer, Rick Butler, Carbon One, Ponch, and probably 20-30 more people I just can't think of now (there's so many, I'm just remembering who's helped me in the last week alone!!!) have been incredible sources of knowledge, information, wisdom, and encouragement. I'm glad to know all of you and appreciate the time you take to help total strangers out on this site. And that's the real thing here. I bought a bike, but I found a "family" of amazing people on this site. I pride myself on being a pretty picky person when it comes to who I associate with. I prefer to surround myself with people that are generous, friendly, intelligent people with a lot of character and integrity. I have found an uncommon concentration of people here with incredible generosity and character. It makes me proud to be a part of this site, and to count some of you as friends. I wanted to just stop and take the time to tell you, all of you, how much I appreciate this site. I don't generally take the time to write "Thank you" notes, but I really felt compelled to just thank you guys for all you've done for me. I know for a fact you have saved me HUNDREDS of dollars, possibly over a thousand by now, in service for preventitive maintenance, and by helping me fix things on my own that I may have had to pay someone else to figure out for me. Most of it was simple and easy with your help, but I would have paid at least 300-400 in service fees to take it to the shop. VR is amazing. This is a good thing. I'm proud to be a member and proud to count those of you I've personally met (or just met online) as friends. This place is just stuffed full of amazing people, which is really cool since it's this unorganized bunch of ragamuffins who just choose to welcome all and share what they have, be it material or intellectual. Thanks to you, all of you, for helping this nerdy (but damn sexy), mechanically challenged (but getting better), bald goofy guy feel like he could ride across the country and not have to worry about being stranded alone on the road. I know I could log into the site on my phone and probably find the answer to fix any problem I had with the bike, and if it wasn't road fixable or I couldn't figure it out, I know there's someone here that would stop what they're doing, and take the time riding for miles and miles, to come help a total stranger out of a jam with a ride to civilization/safety and a place to stay... Not for any reward or recognition, but because that's just the type of class act that populates this board. This board is full of everyday heroes. Thanks, everyone, for everything you do for everyone here and everyone around you. I'm stunned with the incredible character and generosity of everyone I've bumped into on this board. I rarely write thank you notes, I wish I was better at that. But in this case, reflecting on it lately, I was positively compelled to take the time and say thanks for everything everyone has done here to help this newbie out. Talking to a friend the other day about bikes and all the money he's spent doing things I learned to do here... and he couldn't believe the amount I've learned (he knew I wasn't mechanically inclined before), and was completely floored when I told him about the people that fed, opened their homes, worked on the bike, and rode for literally hours with a total stranger. I was a part of a lot of religious organizations for MANY years, and quite frankly, this group is more generous to strangers and outsiders than any church or ministry I ever was a part of. I see here what most people are searching for at churches/synagogues/mosques/etc.- Honesty, integrity, relationship, and fellowship. REAL fellowship. And lastly, if you've read this far, you're also incredibly patient, a glutton for punishment, and/or a masochist. So be proud of that too, or realize you need serious help- whichever applies to your particular situation. Take it easy guys- keep the shiny side up. ~Rob
  23. Apparently some folks have quite a bit of time on their hands. I got an e-mail from the IT guy that runs/maintains one of the servers that I do most of my work on. Apparently 5 of our account passwords have been compromised (that is 5 people with accounts on this system), some files have been accessed and there is some stuff missing. So, apparently my 16 character password that is case sensitive including symbols, numbers, lower case and uppercase letters (and nothing that even resembles a real English word, phone number, address, etc) wasn't quite good enough - or someone just really wanted to get in. Now with that said, I'm pretty sure the joke is on them because most of the stuff in that account is either incomplete data analysis (since this particular experiment is still ongoing) and the rest is stuff that is completed and I either already have it published or it is in the process of being published - so they really have nothing to gain from accessing my junk. Anyways - I'm glad I keep my stuff backed up, so I can restore everything and not think twice about what may have been monkeyed with, but regardless it is still a little bit irritating and confusing. I just don't get some people Okay, I'll shut up and get back to work
  24. Well folks, the time is drawing near. Eileen is placing the order for food today. As near as I can determine, we should have right at 200 people this year. Really looking forward to seeing all our old friends and meeting some new ones. Also wondering how many people might be wanting to go our for dinner on Friday night. Charlie want BBQ and there is a decent place up on 58 near Amherst. Probably about 15 miles away. I'm not sure though that they can handle a large group. Let me know who is interested and I'll call and find out.
  25. As usual, there really isn't one. For those of you not familiar with the history of Freebird's Maintenance Day, I started doing this maybe 5 years ago. The first year I did it, I think we had about 12 people. It lasted a few hours on a Saturday and then everybody went home. We had some sandwiches and etc. and had a nice time. It has grown steadily since that first time. I think that on years two and three, we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs but that finally became too difficult with the number of people present. So a couple of years ago, I started catering the Saturday lunch from a local establishment. They do a good job and I think everybody has been pretty pleased with it. Will do the same this year. There is no set price for the Saturday meal. There will be a donation can available if you wish to help with the costs. Though I still list it as a Saturday event, for several years now people have started pulling in on Thursday afternoon and we usually have to run them off sometime on Sunday. So, this little one day even now lasts about 3-4 days. It is very informal. We usually try to do some kind of clinic on Friday. V7Goose is very good at this. This year it will be a valve adjusting clinic and my bike will be used as the demo. Please do not expect that you will get your valves adjusted because it's just too big a job to tackle for everybody that might want it done. The purpose of the clinic is to demonstrate how it is done so that you can tackle it when you get home. Saturday is usually a very busy day with carb syncs, tire changes, plug changes, adding accessories, etc. Please understand that there are only so many hours in the day and there will be a lot of people who want help with things so please keep your expectations reasonable. If you have a job that will take several hours, you are pretty much on your own as far as people helping you. Also, please bring whatever supplies you need to get your job done. Oil, grease, plugs, etc. There will be plenty of people to lend assistance and help but you are responsible for any supplies that you might need. It always turns out that a handful of folks are working HARD to help others. We all want to get things done that need to be done but we are there to have a good time also. Therefore, we usually try to set a cut-off time on Saturday to clean things up and then sit around and visit or some folks like to go for a short group ride. So I'm going to say that we'll set around 3:00 - 4:00 as the cut-off time on Saturday. Eileen and I are looking forward to seeing you all again. This is always a fun and family oriented event. You will meet some great folks and not feel like a stranger. Just show up and have fun. If you have never attended a VentureRider event before, we look forward to welcoming you to our family. Don
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