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  1. Wife and I are planning a ride out to Ft. Davis, TX. We want to head in a new direction and see things we haven't seen 5 times. We're planning on driving out on a friday afternoon and coming back Sunday, so it's going to be a quick trip. Just long enough to soak up the scenery for a day and head back the next. We will be riding mostly but there are some real nice mountan-ish roads out there (looks like) and some places here and there to stop and cork-off. Does anyone have any recomendations on any B & B or hotel/motels around that area? Any advice on roadways to see or avoid would be much appreciated too! Will be posting pics and review when we get back, too. Thanks!
  2. Has anyone ever had the wiring harness replaced on their RSV? The Yama dealer is replacing a sub harness and may have to replace the entire harness. I'm not real secure with this. Just seems like it may cause more problems than what I'm having already. Glenn
  3. http://www.ktvu.com/news/17174989/detail.html?taf=fran How about it? What's our Georgia residents have to say here? Real deal or fake? Larry
  4. What's the best recommended trailer hitch for a 2006 Venture? In real world situations, how much can you safely pull with these bikes, how much tongue weight etc? I've always found the books will tell you one thing but real world experience say something else. I'm always one to err on the side of caution and safety but need to know the max values for those 'just in case' situations. Cheers
  5. "Hi folks". I'm new here and I'm presently riding an '07 RoadStar. I've had mileage issues with the Roadie and usually get real good MPG when I finish fiddling with the carbs. I started with 28-32 MPG off the showroom floor and stock jetting. After 6 carb surgery's by me and alot of fiddling I'm at 52-54 MPG just cruising 60-65 and 40-44 MPG on the super slab. I'm considering the Venture and I can work carbs but I'd sure like a bike that comes resonably setup off the floor. I read 42MPG on the Yammy tags at the dealer but I'd like to know from you folks that ride these bikes everyday just what you really get? Any and all input will be appreciated. Please be candid..............Thanks.....Mike P.S. How bad is the Venture in downtown stop n go manuvering?
  6. This guy got his wife real good........ http://www.maniacworld.com/firecracker-gun-prank.html
  7. Are you okay? Just saw the news and it looked like your area really took a big hit this morning with the storms that moved through. Did you have any hail damage to your vehicles or broken windows. We had some real high winds and lost some more tree limbs, and the power was out for about 7 hours today, but no damage to the house.
  8. :cool10:OH Happy Day! My youngest son finally landed a full time job a year and a half after he finished school. His degree is in physics and this job is right up that alley. He will be doing some kind of lab work. Yesterday he had his third interview with them and they called back in the afternoon to see if he could start this morning. He was up with the chickens bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7:30 (that's real early for him...LOL) and off to work with lunch in hand at 8:00. I told him he had bankers hours. Sure hope this works out for him. Mom would have been so proud. http://www.protoxrd.com/aboutproto.htm
  9. There is a member named Midnight Tour with 4,294,967,295 Posts. How come I never see this name but has an unbelievable amount of posts?
  10. This might be fun. My eldest boy = ThunderNutZ My eldest girl = MonkeyNutZ My youngest girl = NumbNutZ The top two kids, those are their XBOX Gamer tags. In fact, they answer to them better than their real names. When I pick them up from day care, I say "Jaffa, Cree!" and they come runnin'. I don't have to say anything else, lol.
  11. Last week when Don sent the email out about the new costs that have been incurred. I immediately responded and paid for a full year up front. Now before you think I am tooting my own horn let me explain to you why. I had narrowed my choice of motorcycles down to a either a Venture or a BMW 1200 LT. I ended up with the BMW. But for several years I had been a member of this forum reading how you guys reach out and help each other in very real and personal ways. I am a member of other BMW forums, but I haven't seen the level of camaraderie of this group. And I told Don this. So here I am with no Venture, but I would love to be a part of this group and if anyone in or near Wilmington, NC needs something or just a riding buddy, look me up. Thanks for letting me stay and be a member... George
  12. This is absolutely incredible to watch this guy shoot - no camera tricks, the real thing! I think I need to go and target practice! Enjoy, Bobbie [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woILVt30QV8[/ame]
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&viewitem=&item=370041438791
  14. Well i made it to georgia but new GPS not too good. First about 20 miles from home it detoured me thru school yard and back to main road. I kind of thought this might be wrong. Next just as i entered the first Tunnel on the West Virginia Turnpike it said "Turn Left and then Turn Left" Now I'm not real sure on this yet but as you are entering a tunnel it might not be the smartest thing you ever did to make two left turns.....
  15. Can someone tell me what this part number is for?? I looked it up in the price manual, but it's not real clear as to what it actually is. Is it the entire CLASS controller, or one of the parts? 31M-W8591-M0-00
  16. While looking through some old pictures when I was stationed oversea and while on a trip to Italy, I found this picture of REAL curvey road.
  17. How is your new Wing working out? If Yamaha does not upgrade the Venture for 09 I'll be taking a real hard look at Honda for sure.
  18. I have spent all day trying to align the small end of the shaft in place, can anyone give me direction on how to do this, I tried the wire with no luck, this is a real pain.
  19. (just when you thought it was safe...) These were in an email my wife rec'd. 2nd pic is real. Nominated by Nat'l Geographic for photo of the Year
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/02/28/biker.meeting/index.html
  21. Well I quit for the night. Had it all together with an extra spacer washer to take up some of the slop on the driven gear, then after I torqued it all down the tranny was stiff and hard to turn, so I took it all apart again, removed the washer, set it up loose and verything was ticka di booo. Put the bolts back in, after cleaning everything again and new gasket stuff, and now it's the same again. It's hard to turn and a real bugger to shift, feels like it's jumping through the rotations. Any ideas?? Is this normal until it gets full oil or should I look for something else?
  22. I belong to a few forums out there and I guess this week it came to shocking realization how much goes into this fine place we call home. One of the Chevy Avalanche forums I belong to came to an end due to lack of support and lack of help for the Admin. He just couldnt do it anymore and the money was up there. Sure everyone begged him not to shut it down and a few offered a few bucks but no real help. Real sad day there and I was only there a few weeks. I guess what Im trying to say is Thanks so much for all you do. You handle things so well here both administrator wise and reasoning wise many take it for granted. I hope you never get to that point ever and if you are ever close we will give the help! Everyone a little donation from time to time helps alot cuz this place is free to us but someone had to pay so we should all share a little of it. And Don--- Thank You!!!
  23. Does anyone have one of these on their bike? I have a Corbin seat, but sometimes the butt gets real sore on those long days. I am considering buying a sheepskin seat cover.
  24. While I was at our fellowship gathering after church, I saw a church member that I know rides an HD Ultra. Since it has been cold here in Cincinnati, I asked him if he has been riding his bike. He said some. I innocently asked, if he has been wearing HEATED GLOVES? He looked at me a bit strangely and replied that he was TOO MUCH OF A MAN to wear heated gloves. So I said, Most of the real men I know have hands, and in the winter their hands seem to be more comfortable in the cold with heated gloves. He had nothing else to say. Then I got to thinking, most of the HD people I see ride by wear gloves even in the hot weather, so much for fellowship. I guess I need to tell him to GET A GRIP. Peggy
  25. Aint mother nature grand..........I havent ridden either one of my bikes in the last 10 days and it may be a while longer before I can get on and ride again. I am suffering from a recurring Pilonidal Abcess, that has been treated many times in the past 12 years but keeps rearing its ugly head almost yearly, nothing they have done has cured it. I wont go into detail of what it is, but I will tell you this........."Its a real pain in the a..!!!" If you want to see what it is just google it.........but dont look at the pictures. I am hoping it will clear up before next Saturday so I can attend Ecks lunch meet & eat that I have been looking forward to.
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