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  1. Are any of you going out to St. Judes? Mechanic and I are kind of open as to when we leave Friday afternoon/evening going through Ashville, NC or going to Atlanta. Need to get a count going to let Dragonrider know. Oh Yeah, Mechanic is sweating it out big time now. :crying::rotf:
  2. Attached are the pics the Mechanic took, not quite 1400 this time. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20Clay18%20Special%20Event%2008/
  3. I have an oil leak, 4-6 running drips at about 40 mile or so when hot, that shows up on the left side of engine (sitting on bike). The oil is coming from front of engine and running out just behind that chrome bolt and large washer that kinda protrudes out from front middle,left side of engine. The mechanics say it is the O-ring seal that is between starter and engine ? It was replaced, and I checked, it was leaking before I got home from dealer(160 mile round trip). I first thought it was just some oil residue from the intial leaking. But it is not. Mechanic says can't get to it until next week. :bawling:I have been waiting on him now for 2 weeks. He says that the seal is really hard to get to, and was possible that it got pinched when replacement was done. 1..What do you all think it is? 2..Has anyone else had this problem? 3.. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help and ideas, 2 cents or what ever. Thankyou........... James Update on oil leak *** Took back to same dealer mechanic yesterday afternoon (Mon. August 25) . He said he would check it out again, early next morning.No word today-(Tues. August 26). I will probably call the mechanic tommorrow. Update *** Mechanic called (Wed. August 27 ) problem solved I hope. Mechanic says that there was a bulliton out about this and he just now discovered it; the head bolt tourge on some of these bikes was improperly set from factory. So I had an oil leak from head gasket. Oil was coming from behind that head cover,when he took off, he said that it was very obvious. Hopefully get bike back this week. I called Yamaha's customer service and complained; Yamaha promised me $200.00 in merchandise set up at dealer. So I am happy again, as long as bike is fixed this time. Another update; no bike yet. Still at dealers.(Monday,September 15 th , no word yet.) **Finally got my bike back, Wed. Sept. 25, 2008. Problem fixed,head gasket replaced, back to riding again. Boone said that this was the first in 12 yrs that he had worked on this kinda problem with the 1300 engine. Ther was a bulletine put out from Yamaha on this 2007 yr model bike. The head bolts where not properly tightened. Well I am just glad to back to riding again.
  4. I noticed on the way home from work today that when I take a sharp turn at speed (to avoid something in the road) I get a slight rumble from the front wheel. Is that the front wheel bearing going bad? If so how difficult is it for a shadetree mechanic to fix it himself? I dont have a press but have access to one. does nayone have a procedure for removal of the front tire and service/replacement of the front bearing?
  5. I have an 1984 Venture that I bought 2 years ago with the hopes that I would bring here back to here glory and ride all over creation. Well she's sat for over a year in my garage and its now time to get out and ride. Can't get it running and I'm looking for a good mechanic. I'm in Morristown NJ anyone have a suggestion. Thanks Jim
  6. After 15 hours in the saddle, we are home at 9:40 pm Sunday A little over 1700 mile round trip. It was a great weekend, seeing old friends and making new ones. The bike presentation was great and I even got to ride the bike for over 100 miles. Muffinman was on my 08. Want to thank BEER30 for letting the Mechanic ride with him in his pickup for most of the heat of the day. You all Ride Safe.
  7. Guest

    Low Gas Mileage

    My 2008 Venture went from 38/40 MPG to 23 MPG right after my 600 mile service. Can someone help me. I checked with the head mechanic at te dealership and he told me to keep my foot out of the carbs. HELP!!!!
  8. Mechanic and I went to Huntsville AL for the Easter weekend. Stop in Atlanta Friday morning and had breakfast with BlackJack. Was great seeing you BlackJack, we will be there next Saturday too. Then had breakfast Saturday with the Huntsville area Venture rider gang. Mechanic said I could go play with the boys. Oh boy, didnt get back until around 3pm Was great meeting and riding with the gang through Tennessee and Alabama. Tried to talk them into going to rescue the 2nd gens castration party, but no takers. Bet if we knew about them RIBS earlier, we would have made it. This was a great ride, no rain, tempatures were just right. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20Alabama%20ME%2020080322/ Oh, since the Mechanic was not there to take pics on the ride with the Alabama gang, you all will have to make do with my pics. :rasberry:
  9. A very nice ride up to Lake Lure, NC. Sunny, birds singing, bugs splattering the windshield, Mechanic takin pics on some twisties. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhakws%20Mechani%20Lake%20Lure%2020080301/ :cool10:
  10. Hey everyone, I just bought an 83 venture royale and I was told the main wiring harness was bad when I bought it. Finally today I got around to stripping down this beast and getting to the wires only to find that I am in way over my head! there are more wires on this thing than my truck! On top of that I cannot nearly call myself a mechanic of an electrician. I need help, and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get some help or if there was another member somewhere that could help me fix the wiring! I am willing to pay! please send help! thanks guys. -Charles.
  11. ....don't pay me at all. I guess that's the thinking, anyway. I did some work for a local Venture owner (sad to say, a member on this forum, although I don't think he's ever posted here-he registered after I recommended the site to him) last summer. Let me start at the beginning. I am a professional mechanic for a living (not motorcycles) who also happens to be be a bike owner, rider and mechanic. I decided to open a little side biz working on bikes to earn a little cash on the side (mostly to support my bike hobby!) and invested in a Handy Lift and a lot of tools for my home shop. I took on a job on this guy's Venture with a whole laundry list of problems to fix. He dropped off the bike around the first of June last year with a $50.00 deposit for parts & whatnot. He knew up front I charged $40.00/hr, and as I worked off the problems I informed him as to what had been done, and what was left. He kept adding on things to fix as we went along. At the end of the first week I'd already used up the deposit money on fluids, parts, etc, and I called him up and informed him that I'd need more money if there were any more parts needed. I mentioned that the labor bill was starting to "get up there" (it was about $400.00 at that point) but he brushed it off and laughed...."I'm not worried about it" were his exact words.... Now I can see why. I carried on with the work, paring it down to a wiring nightmare issue somebody else had Frankensteined together, and an intermittant CLASS system problem that went from not working at all, to working most of the time. In the end, the bill was around $800.00. I had kept in touch via emails after the bill hit the $500.00 mark with no negative responses. About the third week of June he called saying he needed the bike for a weekend jaunt and wanted to pick it up Friday; he'd bring a check. OK, fine. But I wasn't going to be home; I was going to a car show. He asked if I'd leave the bike outside. No problem, I said. I'll leave the invoice on the instrument panel. Just leave the check in my mailbox. Well, you guessed it. No check. He'd respond to my emails alright, offering excuses and apologies, but nothing else. My last contact with him was a week before Christmas, hinting I could really use the money for the Holidays. More excuses, more apologies. But no money. The bill was almost $900.00 by hours worked. I'd knocked off over $200.00 due to the fact there was some head-scratching involved and that the CLASS system was still intermittant. The bill reflected this credit. Now, part of this is, naturally, my fault. I never should have released the bike without payment, "friend" or not. But I had more work coming in, no room to store the bike, and ........he was a "friend". Maybe he felt like he didn't need to pay me, as I was not a "professional" motorcycle mechanic? Maybe he had good intentions.....but we all know what the road to hell is paved with..... Maybe he thought that, as an acquaintance, I should sacrifice my family time for his hobby? Maybe he had no intention of paying the bill in the first place (as my wife believes) and played me for a sucker? I run a clean business. I email my customers with progress updates several times a week complete with photos and keep in phone contact. My invoices are detailed and professional. I guess the reason for this post is (1) to vent, and (2) to advise you guys out there to keep in touch with your mechanic, don't give carte blanche unless you intent to pay for it, and in the end, if you owe it, be a man, suck it up and pay it. I would've happily taken partial payments or made arrangements or even adjusted the bill if there was any dissention about any particular items. His silence on the matter indicates there was not. But to blow me off completely shows me there was really never any intention to pay up to begin with. (3) Your mechanic doesn't work on other people's bikes as a hobby or excuse to get away from his family. He's trading time he could be relaxing, spending time with family, or even working overtime at his "real" job. He's trading that, in the hopes you will play square with him and compensate him for the time he invested in YOUR hobby. Yeah, I know I could drag the guy into small claims, or begin and continue harrassing him with emails, letters or phone calls, or make threats. But that's just not my way of doing business. He has, however, lost a mechanic in the future, unless he squared up with interest and late fees, and paid for future work UP FRONT. So, guys, remember this when your favorite wrench asks for a deposit, or payment in full on delivery. He's not being a jerk. He's protecting his interests. Sad to say, out of all my customers, the Venture rider is the only one who stiffed me. I would appreciate any and all comments and opinions on this thread.
  12. I love my 07 Venture but I hate the sound of the exhaust. Sounds like it's missing all the time. I'm thinking of drilling some holes in the rear of the exhaust. The local stealer mechanic says it shouldn't cause any carb problems of any kind. I'd appreciate any info you can give me. Eddie:bighug:
  13. Well I guess I really am joining the club. After my ride from Brisbane on arriving home in Perth I noticed a small leak coming from the rear shock. Not knowing what I now know (thanks to all here) my mechanic sent it off to Sydney to be rebuilt. After a long silence I called him up - wots the go bro? Can't be rebuilt! Damn. Anyway I saved my mechanic a long time searching for a replacement after reading "Spears" troubles in Australia replacing his and immediately ordered one from FlatoutMotorcycles. Hopefully it will arrive here next week and my bike will be back on the road in time for Xmas. Summer holidays here.
  14. My audio system started to on it's own cycle through all functions at will especially when vibration was present. engine idle, going down hwy etc. It would work perfectly normal with bike setting and engine off. The Mechanic suggested as has been suggested here to check all connections behind the fairing behind the dash . I did that and I also applied dialectic grease as suggested on posts here. To no avail. I took it to my mechanic @ the dealership & helped him troubleshoot the problem. We noticed that even with the main control pod turned off the sound of the cycling through the speakers was still present.To make a long story short it was deduced that the main brain located behind the top fairing just behind the cassette deck tape slot was the culprit. They ordered it directly from Clarion and it came in in about 1wk. Thank God it is still under warranty because the brain is 1,000 dollars if I had to replace it. I also had the main switch replaced 2 wks ago when they trouble shot the Audio. That is another 3 to 4 hundred expense that I would of had to endure. The Yamaha warranty is awesome. My bike is an 03 as you can tell top of page Duh! No other bike in the world would be under warranty 4 yrs out would cover these problems. I also have about 62,000 miles on my bike. The K&N yamaha dealership service manager just called me ironically as I am doing this post to see if everything is functioning properly. That's service. I have bought all my new bikes from them for these reasons. K&N is the oldest yamaha dealer in the U.S. established 1957. The Head mechanic has been there for 20yrs + and can work on anything. The junior mechanic age 21 just won the top Yamaha mechanic competition for North America by Yamaha Corp. and went to Japan to compete for top mechanic worldwide. Guess where K&N got there name. Norm Mcdonald owner was partner with the k ( I can't recall his name) but they designed the K&N filters many of us use and love. Norm sold out his portion of the company some time back. K&N is in Tulsa, Ok. I apologize for going on and on but with all the bad press some dealerships receive on this sight and the nightmare reports that a positive report might be due.
  15. Guest

    2nd Gear Fix Question

    First a real thamk you to all the replies to the posts and the general helping attitude here... you guys all rock!!!!!!! ok now to the point... i am an auto mechanic but bikes are confusing sometimes, with a harley i can almost get to any thing quick but not so on my venture.... we've determined that the engine rattle i have is the 2nd gear, ok now heres the question... id be able to do this with full tools at a little shop with a harley/honda certified mechanic (old lady's padre) with lift.. but he's unsure about this one, never worked on yams before.. i tried to d/l the manual in pdf from here but it wont let me so... what has to be done to change out 2nd gear? how long? anything weird to expect? what am i going to break first and how much or wheres a good place to get a new set of gears? is there a trap door in the bottom? i dont take things to shops when i own tools!!!!! im up for it but not sure what to expect... the bike is my car so if its a day or 2 job then ill go for it other wise it will have to wait...
  16. I am really worried about a leak on my new Venture. I have used the dealership for 15 plus years and do trust them but this problem really concerns me. I picked up the bike in August and on the first few miles I noticed some coolant behind the left rear cylinder. The dealership said that they re-torqued the head bolts and it should be all good. I then noticed some oil in the same spot and it seemed to continue. I basically have oil all over the side stand and drips all over the garage floor. I have never needed to add oil as the level is right at the top of the sight glass. The mechanic feels that there must be something wrong with a gasket as it is not seating properly and because of the slow nature of the leak he said it was OK to ride and he would pull the motor apart over the winter when it wasn't cutting into my riding season. He most recently told me that he talked to a rep at a convention and was told that Yamaha used a new environmentally friendly process for bolt retention instead of something like loc-tite that they had always used and that might be contributing to the problem. My fears include: that the bike will always leak (given this "new" technique") plus I have oil all over the underneath of my bike. I have also heard that over filling the oil could cause blow by. Since my oil level is way up at the top of the sight glass, could the leak be that blow by? Just wondering... Any other thoughts? I am not well versed in the mechanics of the motor and thought some of you might have some insight. sorry for the long post - if you have any more questions I can ask my mechanic... Here are 3 pictures of the left rear cylinder and from underneath. You can see where the oil settles (I have not cleaned the bike for a week so that the pics would be obvious).. http://www.fototime.com/554B44BC04B821F/standard.jpg http://www.fototime.com/287EB48769D72E4/standard.jpg http://www.fototime.com/D9E90F19B12FC8C/standard.jpg
  17. After a good night's rest and a few cups of coffee , Wild Hare is on the road again, heading west on I-20 towards Atlanta! Where he stops next, only Sleeperhawk and Mechanic know!!!!:cool10: P.S. I took over 650 pictures of this weekend, have edited them down to about 619 and Sleeperhawk will start the tedious task of uploading them to Photobucket later!:)
  18. My mechanic has been a busy one lately. I’ve noticed that a lot of my friends also show up at his door asking questions, getting advice, sharing a story or two and making him laugh with some of their jokes. I just don’t know how he keeps up with the, now two, shops that he looks after plus his family his property. I sure glad he’s got some help with some of the locals. What bothers me sometimes though, is how long will he stay on. Very few of his customers pay him anything because he just won’t present a bill, he says it all from the goodness of his heart, and I believe that to be true. The other day though, I did leave him a little something so that he could maybe repaint the front door or maybe replace the chairs that we seem to have worn out by sitting on and watching him work. I’m thinking to make up a sign so that more of the other ‘locals’ will leave a little bit so that this winter when it gets cold, it could be a little warmer when we sit around and chat. I figure that with a little over the 3000 customers he has, we should be able to keep quite warm this winter. Yep you guessed it, MY MECHANIC is this site and if I need to say more this part will have to go to part 3. I really think that just counting the bike info we get, let alone all the other entertainment, comradery, prayers, support, physical help, and more, that we get from this site, we certainly would not want to forget to place just a little something in the donation box. Ok I’ve said too much, but it’s been on my mind and I couldn’t shake it. Now it’s done. Carl
  19. Guest

    Yamaha Venture 1990

    I am the new (and proud) owner of a Yamaha Venture 1990. I live in Bryan, TX, north of Houston. Would you let me know the name of a good Venture mechanic in the area of Bryan - College Station for future maintenance of the bike. Thank you. Maurice.
  20. Just wondering if anyone on here can recomend a good (fair, reasonably priced) Yamaha mechanic in Northeast Houston/Humble/Kingwood area. I have a nice old 81 Maxim 650 that I'd like to get running again, and wrench turning is not my specialty. It was running good about two years ago, but I spent some time commuting between Houston and San Antonio and didn't get to ride it for a while. Needs carb work, fork seals, and some brake work. I tried the Yamaha dealer on 59 in Humble, but they won't work on a bike this old for some reason. Another option is to sell this bike and find a nice first gen Venture, but I'd really like it running first cuase I don't think it's gonna take that much. Any suggestions appreciated.
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