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  1. Here is the diagram and Radio Shack part numbers for converting a single wire tail light (pilot LED light bar) to be feed as a brake and running light. Note the diodes are directional feed, so the end that has the red tape/silver band goes towards the light. I saved this from before the crash and I don't believe it has been posted again so now its here. I am running the Radio Shack parts on mine with no problems. Gary [ATTACH]28526[/ATTACH]
  2. I bought a set of the Freeway Blasters last year. High and low. I hooked them up to the stock wires and was disappointed that they didn't seem much louder than the stock horns so I put them aside for later. I read the posts on the wiring of the aftermarket horns and with a little help from Bongobobny got the relay installed right. I had Squidleys driving light brackets on the bike so they mounted there. I found that if you rotate the horns to point toward the radiator side panels they resonate nicely off of that. If you can call these horns nice. heh heh heh! So last week they got put to the test. Twice! In one day. I was riding west on a four lane city street at about 35 mph in heavy traffic. I was in the inside lane coming up on an SUV on the right. As I was passing, and I was shoulder to shoulder with the driver, a blue hair wannabe, she drifted into my lane about half way before I could hit the button. Apparently the horns work as she swung back to the right so far she jumped the curb. I thought that was a bit dramatic but that was nothing to what happend next. I stopped at a light a few blocks later and she pulled up next to me and rolled her window down and proceeded to rip me a new one. She was yelling that I scared her to death. She just kept going on about how "I" could have killed "her". All I could do was grin at her. Well, I gave her another touch to the horn button to go with my smile. The window rolled back up pretty fast but her mouth was still running behind the glass. Couldn't hear the rest of her ranting though. Oh well. So all I can say is they work as advertised. The fella that was directly behind me in a cage that I may have been sitting on his hood if I'd hit my brakes hard pulled up to me at another light and gave me the . He said that was the best thing he's seen in weeks and loved my horns. At least some people get it. But for the money......inexpensive.....less that $35.00 for both and a relay it was well spent. I'm still here. That's all that matters to me. Mike
  3. I have noticed that the clutch is starting to engage with the lever just barely off the grip. Also the bike tries to move forward if I start the engine in gear, with the clutch lever pulled all the way back, but does not move after the engine starts. It shifts fine and does not try to creep while I'm stopped at a traffic light, nor does it leak down while I'm waiting for the light to change. It just appears that an adjustment is needed. I have downloaded the repair manual for my bike (1998 RSTC) and cannot find any mention of adjustment. Suggestions anyone?
  4. I read the tech advisory from Freebird (thanks buddy) on how to install the Yamaha spoiler with brake light......but am confused about the wiring. Freebird show directions on where to connect THREE wires....mine only has two: red and black. Does this mean a) mine isn't genuine Yamaha (does someone else make one?) ...or b) I lost a wire somewhere? If I am resigned to having/using only two wires, can anyone advise which "jacks" they should be plugged into to provide either "on when running" or "on when braking" or both? Thanks, guys! Mike Smart riding saves lives......loud pipes cause deafness and piss of your neighbours.
  5. Can find a light bar for my 2003 midnight venture....any ideas...please help
  6. Was putting the red light bar on my bike and the wife thought this would be a good idea. The more I looked at it the more I liked it. shouldn't have to worry about being seen now! Dale
  7. I purchased new speakers for my 87'VR :sign woo hoo:and was hoping that someone who has info on the removal of the old speakers could shed some light on the easiest way to get those little buggers out! I would be grateful for any help. Earl
  8. some of this is common sense, but there is some really good stuff in here. 50 Ways To Save Your Life. Quote from Motor Cylist Seen this an old article...some good info Taken from the pages of Motor Cyclist magazine: 1 Assume you're invisible Because to a lot of drivers you are. Never make a move based on the assumption that another driver sees you, even if you've just made eye contact. Bikes don't always register in the four-wheel mind 2. Be Considerate The consequence of strafing the jerk du jour or cutting him off start out bad and get worse. Pretend it was your grandma and think again. 3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or prom Sure, Joaquin's Fish Tacos is a 5-minute trip, but nobody plans to eat pavement. Modern mesh gear means 100-degree heat is no excuse for a T-shirt and board shorts. 4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Assume that a car across the intersection will turn across your bow when the light goes green, with or without a turn signal. 5. Leave your ego at home The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge. 6. Pay attention Yes, there is a half naked girl on the billboard. That shock does feel squishy. Meanwhile, you could be drifting toward big trouble. Focus 7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture Never change direction without turning your head to make sure the coast is really clear. 8. Always take another second or three before you pull out to pass Ride away from a curb or into freeway traffic from an on-ramp. It's what you don't see that gets you. That extra look could save your life. 9.Watch your closing speed Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble. 10. Beware the verge and merge A lot of nasty surprises end up on the side of the road: empty McDonald's bags, nails, TV antennas, ladders, you name it. Watch for potential debris on the sides of the road. 11. Left-turning Car remain a leading killer of motorcyclist. Don't assume someone will wait for you to dart through the intersection. They're trying to beat the light, too 12. Beware of cars running traffic lights The first few seconds after a light changes are the most perilous. Look both ways before barging into a intersection. 13. Check your mirrors Do it every time you change lanes, slow down or stop. Be ready to move if another vehicle is about to occupy the space you'd planned to use. 14.Mind the gap Remember driver's ED? One seconds worth of distance per 10 MPH is the best rule of thumb. Better still, scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble. 15. Beware the tuner car They're quick and their drivers tend to be aggressive. Don't assume you've beaten one away from a light or out spaced it in traffic and change lanes without looking. You could end up as a Nissan hood ornament. 16. Excessive entrance speed hurts It's the leading cause of single bike accidents on twisty roads and racetracks. In slow, out fast is the adage, and it still works. Dialing up corner speed is safer than scrubbing it off. 17. Don't trust that deer whistle Ungulates and other feral beast prowl at dawn and dusk, so heed those big yellow signs. If you're ridding in a target-rich environment, slow down and watch the shoulders. 18. Learn to use both brakes The front does most of your stopping, but a little rear brake on a corner entry can calm a nervous chassis 19. Keep the front brake covered-alwaysSave a second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that. 20. Look where you want to go Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on the solution instead of the problem. 21. Keep your eyes moving Traffic is always shifting, so keep scanning for potential trouble. Don't lock your eyes on any one thing for too long unless you're actually dealing with trouble. 22. Think before you act Careful whipping around that Camry going 7 mph in a 25 mph zone or you could end up with your head in the driver's side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you. 23. Raise your gaze It's too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory. 24. Get your mind right in the driveway Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40 mph, near an intersection or driveway. Yes, that could be your driveway. 25. Come to a full stop at the next stop signPut a foot down. Look again. Anything less forces a snap decision with no time to spot potential trouble. 26. Never drive into a gap in stalled traffic Cars may have stopped for a reason, and you may not be able to see why until it's too late to do anything about it. 27. Don't saddle up more than you can handle If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you're 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers. 28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic And smacking a car that is swerving around some goof-balls open door is just as painful. 29. Don't get in a intersection rut Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersection's if you expect crossing traffic to stop, there could be a painful surprise when it doesn't. 30. Stay in your comfort zone when you're in a group. Riding over your head is a good way to end up in a ditch. Any bunch worth riding with will have a rendezvous point where you'll be able to link up again. 31. Give your eyes some time to adjust. A minute or two of low light heading from a well lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing. Otherwise you're essentially flying blind for the first mile or so. 32. Master the slow U-turn Practice. Park your butt on the outside edge of the seat and lean the bike into the turn as a counter weight as you pivot around the rear wheel. 33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill? Don't panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally-and smoothly-to pull away. 34. If it looks slippery assume it is.A patch of suspicious pavement could be just about anything. Butter flavor Crisco? Gravel? Mobil 1? Or maybe it's nothing. Better to slow down for nothing than go on your head. 35. Bang! A blowout! Now what? No sudden moves. The motorcycle isn't happy, so prepare to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course. Ease back the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel and pull over to the shoulder. Big sigh 36. Drops on the face shield It's raining. Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when it's rinsed by a down-pour, and you never know how much grip there is. Apply maximum-level concentration, caution and smoothness. 37. Emotions in check?To paraphrase Mr; Ice Cube, chickity-check yo self. Emotions are as powerful as any drug, so take inventory every time you saddle up. If you're mad, sad, exhausted or anxious, stay put 38. Wear good gear.Wear stuff that fits you and the weather. If you're too hot or too cold or fighting with a jacket that binds across the shoulders you're dangerous. It's that simple. 39. Leave the IPOD at homeYou wont hear that cement truck in time with Spinal Tap cranked to 11, but they might like your headphones in intensive care. 40. Learn to swerve. Be able to do tight turns in quick succession. Flick left around the bag of briquettes then right back to your original line of trajectory the bike will follow your eyes so look at the way around, not the briquettes. Now practice till it's a reflex 41. Be smooth at low speeds. Take some angst out, especially of slow speed maneuvers, with a bit of rear brake. It adds a welcome bit of stability by minimizing unwelcome weight transfer and potentially bothersome drive line lash. 42. Flashing is good for you. Turn signals get attention by flashing, right? So a few easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic. 43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets. Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/red light on your right and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half. 44.Tune your peripheral vision Pick a point of that wall over there. Now scan as far as you can by moving your attention , not your gaze. The more you can see with out turning your head, the sooner you can react to trouble. 45. All alone at a light that wont turn green? Put as much motorcycle as possible directly above the sensor wire-Usually buried in the pavement beneath you and locate by a round or a square pattern behind the limit line. If the light still wont change, try putting your kickstand down. You should be on your way in seconds. 46. Everything is harder to see after dusk Adjust your headlights. Carry a clear face shield and have your game all the way on after dark, especially during commuting hours. 47. Don't troll next to-right behind- Mr. Peter-built. If one of those 18-retreads blows up- Which they do with some regularity- it de-treads, and that can be ugly. Unless you like dodging huge chunks of flying rubber keep your distance. 48. Take the panic out of panic stops.Develop a intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe, open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and locked wheel, and then do it again, and again. 49. Make sure your tires right. None of this stuff matters unless your skins are right. Don't take'em for granted. Make sure pressure is spot-on every time you ride. Check for cuts, nails and other junk they might have picked up, as well as general wear. 50. Take a deep breath Count to 10. Visualize whirled peas. Forgetting some clown's 80-mph indiscretions beats running the risk of ruining your life, or ending it.
  9. Does anyone know if there is an LED Brake Light kit for the RSTD? I want to switch out the entire brake light assembly, and have a full LED kit. I find the LED lights on other bike just amazing. And it seems like a safety issue as well. Is there an aftermarket kit available that does not require extensive re-wiring? Any help most appreciated. Sonny
  10. Has anybody purchased led's from this business...........prices look pretty good, think I might give them a shot....... Flexible LED Strips & LED Ribbon Lights - LED Rope Light & LED Pods | Commercial LED Lighting
  11. Does anyone have some pictures of what the R-Mark Light Bar looks like? I know what it looks like mounted, I'm looking the the part you can't see once it's mounted. I'm interestd in how it mounts and how the LEDs are mounted onto whatever it is that is screwed onto the bike. Thanks.
  12. When I took my 86 VR to the shop for some work I told the mechanic that the battery light would be on because I installed a new battery and that I would fix it when I got it back home. When I picked up the bike the mechanic had wired the battery sensor to the positive battery post. Needless to say the battery light was off. I told him that could damage the electronics and he disconnected the sensor from the battery. Everything seems to work correctly. How can I tell if the chip has been damaged. Will the light stay on or will other things quit working?
  13. OK, I have read a few threads here about that doggone battery light that wont go off. I have one. and have followed the recommended fixes to the tee. Even purchased the 2.2 and 1k resistors and tried fooling the light to go off. No deal. I am just about to resort to the duct tape fix like some have recommend but thought I give it one last shot by soliciting guidance here. The battery is good and tests at 12.45 volts even after sitting for some time. But just to be sure while trying to diagnose this thing tonight I had a battery tender on it and it had gone up to 12.55. Anyway, it does have a battery sensor attached between cells 3 and 4. There is a resistor in-line just after the sensor. Voltage just after the sensor is 6.24 volts. Voltage at the plug is 6.24v where it connects into the white with red stripe wire. I had even followed the white/red wire to the connector on the back of the CMS at the rear of the instrument panel - voltage 6.24v. Therefore, I thought the CMS had gone bad. I had a replacement and tonight I swapped them out. Result - Battery Light still flashing. What the heck! Any ideas here from those that perhaps have been confronted with this problem. I am all ears or in this case; eyes.
  14. Wife and I were heading home last night. Stopped at a familiar light where a side road crosses the highway, next to the train tracks. My light turned green. Car in front went, I started to follow and slammed on the brakes hard as I saw bouncing headlights to my right. A driver blew the red light hard. doing about 50 mph she barely missed the rear bumper of the car in front of me and I would have been broadsided by an idiot on her phone who thinks laying on the horn is more important than brakes. Her look on her face was as clear as day as my headlight could not have been more than 3 feet from her. Be very aware out there. The light was a solid green for at least 10 seconds before I got into the intersection, if it had been raining or day I would have never saw the bouncing headlights that let me know that someone flew over the train tracks and was driving recklessly. Honestly, at her speed, if I waited for the car next to me to enter the intersection to go along, I would have had the other car on top of me. Dont assume that cager will stop.
  15. I am in the process of trying to figure out how I will modify my 2004 RSV before taking off on my 30 day ride this August. I am not a good mechanic, hell I'm not even a good backyard mechanic. I'm looking for "Plug and play", if this is the right term, for front and rear lights. I'm looking at either adding passing lamps in the front or changing to a HID light for increased visibility. I don't ride at night so visibility to cagers is my biggest concern. I'm looking for some type of new lights for the rear-I guess a LED brake light and turn signals if they exist. I'm also looking to replace the stock horn if there is one that can be added without a lot of modifications needed. Also, (sorry) also looking to order brakes on line for the bike. I have someone who will help me put these on. I'd also appreciate suggestions on replacement tires and where the best place to order them. To summarize: Front lights: Passing lamps or new HID light? Rear lights: Horn: Tires: Front and rear brakes: Thanks all
  16. Now that we are into 90+ degree weather here all ready ( Florida ), I don't have a good light motorcycle jacket to wear. I have several motorcycle jackets, leathers, and mesh, but none of them seem to carry well in the bike. They take up allot of room when not using them. The mesh jackets work great, but with all the armour inside, there hard to fold up. Even with them removed, there still bulky, take up half my saddle bag I was out riding for Little while tonight, and this Harley rider was getting gas at the same time I was, and He threw on a light HD Motorcycle jacket. It was perfect, he pulled it outta his saddle bags, and I could tell just from the material, it was probably fleece inside, and a light material outside, or something like that, and it looked comfortable, and was rolled up nicely when he removed. HD always seems to have nice appeal, all though it's expensive Any suggestions for an all around light weight jacket, for carrying around in the summer time, to throw on maybe on a chilly night while out riding? I ALWAYS carry my heated vest, so If the temp drop down into the lower 60's at night, I could throw the heated vest on low, under the jacket Thanks for your help. Seems I have a ton of jackets, but there all to heavy to carry for here in FL for just a throw on when it gets chilly at night
  17. Dealer offered me a chance to test ride it, so I did. I had to ask them several times to make sure they were serious. They said yes, so off I went. Nice nimble little bike. Not sure I would would take it cross country or anything like that, but had fun. I think it would be good for putting around town on. But it did sit way too high for me. At least I could get 1 foot flat on the ground when I leaned over at a stop light. Probably could have gotten pulled over for unsafe start too or whatever they want to call it. I kinda hammered it at a stop light, but I will say that I didn't go over the speed limit, I just took the quickest route to get to the speed limit. http://www.metriccruisers.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif I looked over and sure enough there was a cop sitting on the side of the road, but they didn't do anything.
  18. One of my new turn signal dash indicator lamps I put in this winter burned out already. The original that was 20+ years old and was blackened and still worked worked forever, but a new one died in 30 miles. That's my luck. so today, I decided that I needed to replace the dash turn indicator as well as upgrade it, in bright sun I can barely see they are blinking and I need an indicator that reminds me that I'm being an old geezer riding with a signal blinking. I went to autozone and found the 194 lamps in a yellow led form. they have 4 super-bright LED's on each and they are $10.99 for 2 of them. They fit just fine and only work one way (flip it over if it does not blink.) The results were incredible. they are blindingly bright with high noon sun shining directly on them. no way to miss my blinkers are on. At night it will light me up as well as act as a side indicator to cars sitting next ot me. I'll try to post pics later of them working and the empty package. I forgot to take photos as I was doing the change.
  19. 08 Royal Star Venture - I purchased a cargo trailer (Cyclemate CM-1000) that has a "5 wire" system. Using the layout you see below everything works -- except the "4 way flashers" on the bike. When the trailer is plugged in they blink once and then go out. Unplug the trailer and they work fine. Dark green is the right turn signal. Dark brown is the left turn signal. Blue is the tail light. Yellow is the brake light. White is ground. Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance Tom
  20. Dose anyone have any information or photos on how they assembled an additional brake light under the trunk. Had seen them on here befor but cannot locate them. Thanks Joe
  21. I am wondering if it is possible to take the taillight and add reflective material inside the light housing and if possible would it make the light appear brighter to people following me?? Any thoughts? Don H.
  22. So i was taking my wife to our local garden store this afternoon (any excuse to ride) and on our way back as i was approaching a very green light at a busy intersection, i saw roughly 30 Harley riders stoped at their red light to my right side. just as i was about to enter the intersection (running about 50 mph) the first rider just looked at me and pulled out, then the pack proceeded as well - these guys were the hardcore riders and tried to run us off the rode providing gestures and all that hooplah. about all i could do was slow down as the idiots passed me on the left & right just flying. they were headed to a club (bar) that hosts bikers events, even as we approached the event they still were dodging in front of me. is there some motorcycle etiquette that i violated by not stopping at my green light as the ran their red light? scared the dog doo outta my wife and kinda shook me up with these guys coming so close to us. anyone else had this type experience?
  23. This has happened to most of us. It happened last night again. I sat in a left turn lane for two full cycles of the lights and I never got the green arrow. So after the second time of not getting the green arrow I waited until it was safe to proceed and went through on the red. Sure as heck some cop was watching and pulled me over. He gets out and says "Do you know why I stopped ya?". I said I do know, but I did wait for two cycles of the lights and since they never gave me the green I waited until it was safe to proceed through the intersection as required by MN state law. His response was that MN does not have a law that allows that, but since he also rides we knows why I went through the light and didn't write me a ticket. He did run my name and plates to make sure I was a nice guy. So when we got home my wonderful wife had to look up the law since I was sure that two years ago MN added a provision for this. Here is what she found. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dps.state.mn.us/mmsc/latest/MMSCHomeSecondary.asp?cid=5&mid=153 Sec. 42. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169.06, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 9. [AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE RELATING TO UNCHANGING TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL.] (a) A person operating a motorcycle who violates subdivision 4 by entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light has an affirmative defense to that charge if the person establishes all of the following conditions: (1) the motorcycle has been brought to a complete stop; (2) the traffic-control signal continues to show a red light for an unreasonable time; (3) the traffic-control signal is apparently malfunctioning or, if programmed or engineered to change to a green light only after detecting the approach of a motor vehicle, the signal has apparently failed to detect the arrival of the motorcycle; and (4) no motor vehicle or person is approaching on the street or highway to be crossed or entered or is so far away from the intersection that it does not constitute an immediate hazard. (b) The affirmative defense in this subdivision applies only to a violation for entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light and does not provide a defense to any other civil or criminal action. ----------------------------------------------- So, they didn't make it truly legal, but they did write into law that it is excusable under the proper conditions. What is the law on this in your state?
  24. I was out at Leesburgh biker event this past weekend, and Custom Dynamic's was there as always with their trailer set up. I bought their LED Night Riderz RUN/BRAKE strip, which I have to say, when I saw it, it was extremely bright, and for $26.00 bucks, I had to try it. It took less then 15 min to install, and looks awesome ! It has a LED light that goes back and forth like Night Rider in RUN mode, and when you hit the brake, it flashes 5 times, before staying lite. I mounted mine right under the license plate, on the reflector, and it is perfect. I'm next going to buy their light bar for under the trunk. Here's the link to their LED strip I just bought, when you open the page, its the first set of 3 videos on top, and the first one to the left, to see a demo. Custom Dynamics did it again! http://www.customdynamics.com/knight_rider_led_light_bar.htm
  25. I have a 2007 RSTD with 900 miles. This weekend I changed out the handlebars to Flanders and replaced both cables with Barnett Braided stainless steel with the two inch added. Also replaced both front brakes and clutch with braided lines. The most difficult part was tearing into the area where the throttle cables and cruise come together. When I took it apart of course everything popped out at once. So putting it together was a guess. My problem is I got everything put back together and took it out for a trial run. The first time I went out the cruise control light came on and the set light came on but the throttle was like it was stuck but would not keep the speed and then the set light went out. Went back home and tore into it again and pulled the cable around the pulley the other direction and this time the set light didn't even come on. I tore into it two more times turning the the pulley both ways again and still the same things. I know that I still have some air in the clutch line, but ran out of fluid. Was wondering if anybody has any idea what I have done. And yes I did put the spring back in each time. Sorry for being so long, but figured I would try to cover everything. Thanks in advance. Kevin
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