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Everything posted by 1joeranger

  1. By disassembly I assume I will be doing that during the fork oil change!?
  2. Thanks but JakeWilson is selling it for $142.99 with free shipping. Motorcycle Superstore is $165.99 with free shipping. But I have added Superstore to my shopping bookmarks, THanks!!
  3. Thanks All!! Jake Wilson, is in the lead with DennisKirk a nose behind! Cycle Gear is either out of stock or not showing a 150/80R-16. They do show a 150/80HR-17. Not sure what that is but am sure price is not competitive! I have had good service from DennisKirk but wasn't sure who JakeWilson was. So I am assuming JakeWilson.com is legit? Plus they have Dyna Beads!!! Yhea Me!!! Please, really, not trying to start another p****g match here regarding beads!
  4. Time to install a new front tire! Where is the best deal now for Avon Cobra's? Also plan on chaning the fork oil and adjusting the steering Head bearings. Could use some input there! This is the only write up I could find for the procedure: http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002013&id=349 Thinking about putting a zerk fitting in the steering head yoke area? Any thoughts on that? I know there was a how to write up but cannot find it?! What else should I be doing while I have this all apart? THANKS ALL!!
  5. Oldgoat, I was born in 58 and joined the Army in 76. Hell, we might have shared some of the same mud together during our serivce! My father, who was a hard man but dearly loved, commited suicide many years ago. I, at one point, tip toed along the edge of that abiss as well. So I believe I can say I have walked in your shoes. Not much I can say to alleviate your pain. Just know there are others out there who can emphasis with you! I am now 52, with two grown daughters who for some reason, even knowing that I do not walk on water, love me dearly and I, them! I am in great shape after deciding years ago I did not want to look like the old man with the tire bulge and the health issues. I date a women who quite frankly has the best looking rear I have ever seen! Not all thing are roses. The economy has hit me hard and I am constantly scratching two pennies together. Some months it creative financing time to pay the bills. I make less today then I did 15 yrs ago and I have no savings. BUT, I have a job and we do manage to pay the bills and have a little left over to go camping with the bike about every other month. So I choose to be happy with what I have and I choose to savor the things that are good in my life. I hope that this, in its own way, helps! I would love to sit with ya one day and share old war stories, or BS and lies as we use to say. I would love to hear about your friends, who now must live on through you. We are all from the same generation and it would be neat to compare similarities! Keep that chin up!!
  6. I lived in Maine for a few years and remember the two seasons, Winter and July!! I now love visiting the North, during July and enjoying the south during the Winter! Proud to say, I have no idea how to winterize a bike for storage!! I love that you opened this can of worms!!!! I am sure all of us "Southerners" will be happy to send you pictures during the coming season! We will be easy to identify! Happy faces bikes in the background no snow!!!
  7. Once, while remodeling a garage for a customer, I had just knocked down an old block wall and saw something out of the corner of my eye, jumping toward me through the dust! Instinctively I swung my hammer while shrieking like a little girl. Upon nailing it (lucky strike) I ran for all I was worth out of that garage and into the sunlight were my customer's family had just pulled up! Yhea, I showed that chipmunk who was boss!! Chipmunk actually was seen running in the opposite direction! Took a few moments of the terror to settle and the brain to process the images!!
  8. I guess we are all a little curious, if not in denial, about the end of our Motorcycle journey. Check back with us and 6 months or so and let us know what it is like! Thanks for showing us how to do this with grace, humility, and dignity!!
  9. Hey Skydoc 17, Don't you sell a 2nd generation rear brake replacement kit? ("Not so subtle plug, Not so subtle plug!")
  10. Got up early this morning, got my coffee and sat down to catch up on reading some of the new posts here. Read every thread on this one and laughed so hard that I woke my girlfriend up several times and had to explain to her what was so hilarious! Thank You all for for the entertainment!! Wish I could leave it alone but so love adding to the pot! Can we get some threads here involving politics? Also I think some religious debate would enhance this brew! Finally lets not be chauvinistic, we need some female input as well!!
  11. Came across this thread awhile ago and saved it for my next rear tire change. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43827 Hope this helps!!
  12. Back in the Day! when I was in the RANGERS all of us dranked, smoked, and chewed! We were young and bulletproof, or at least we thought we were! When we would go for a 10mile+ run, which was frequently! The 1st mile was rough, then we would throw up the alcohol from the night before and things would settle down for the rest of the run! Those were the days!!!! After the military I gave up smoking, which meant I would not touch a cigarette unless I was out dancing and drinking. I would then usually burn through an entire pack in one night feeling like crap the next day. Finally things came to a head one night when I leaned over and kissed the girl I had been lucky enough to pick up that night. She got this shocked expression on her gorgious face and said: "Yhew, uck, Are you smoking?" I replied: "No babe, it must have got on me when I passed by those guys by the latrine!" Last cancer stick I ever had! Yep, I have always had my priorities straight when it came to women!!! My first year, after I really quit I did real good except when I saw someone light up. At that point a wanted their cigarette. Not a cigarette, but their cigarette! It was so strange. The urge finally faded away and I thought I would take up the poison again once I turned 80ish, by then who would care?! Now though I find myself feeling nausous whenever I am in the presence of a lot of smokers. And unfortunately, smokers tend to stink! Yuck!! I have tried dating a few women who smoke but their mouths always taste like ashtrays or taste like gum flavored ash trays! To many good looking women that do not smoke to put up with that!!! I hope, in my own way, this helps anyone who has that demon riding their back!!!
  13. This the stuff you all are talking about? Itched like crazy and lasted about 10 days! Found out about "Technu" a little to late!
  14. So I just got back with an evening out with my girlfriend to read this! She bought dinner, and as soon as she finishes feeding the cats she is gonna tie me down and, using her words, "do some nasty things to me!" Her idea of a dream vacation is to take me to Vegas buy some hooker and have them do "some nasty things to me!" I'm realizing ITS GOOD TO BE ME!!!!
  15. Brad, I've been looking for an excuse to return to Texas for a visit! Besides my mom has been on my case about visiting her for the last several years or so. She lives in the Hill Country west of Austin. I'd love seeing the A&M campus again. Tentative trip plan is Spring Break next semester so I can bring my daughter, her granddaughter, along! So, if you are so inclined, we could stop by and look over the trailer.
  16. In the early eighties we were running around and had just started the book on Special Ops tactics. Our idea of high speed gear was 100mph duct tape! I am amazed at the equipment out there today! A few years ago I had the opportunity to look through the latest in NVG (night vision goggles) and was blown away by the clarity and depth perception the device offered. Our generation of NVG was good to about 200 meters only with no depth perception making hard to coordinate with AC130's in the sky! I was issued one of the first Lazer designators which was about the size of big box. Could not talk about it then, could not use it in the field except during the night. Very hush, hush! I have seen one or two in movies since then and the product itself is now about the size of a cigerate pack which can be attached to most weapons! Back then we could not figure out how we were gonna jump one in much less how we were gonna hump it through the boonies!
  17. I choose not to read all 114 posts on that thread! Hated I missed all the fun of that one!! I did read post #46, #93 and about the last five threads! Very informative. Loved the pictures and diagram from Dave, V7Goose's techniques and Squidley's assistance! With this new knowledge I will be using an 8' level and plumb bob to determine my issue. Squidley I'll give you a holler when I locate the problem so you can bring the parts over! It's only 574 miles between us so I'm thinking you can get here over a weekend! Don't worry, Conroe is the only place between us that you have to adhere to the speed limit! Seriously though, is there a way to shim the tires in or out depending on the circumstances. My trailer is second hand and modified! So I'm not going to be able to just exchange parts, even if I knew the manufacturer. I realize I need to uncover the issue but just trying to think ahead!
  18. Thanks V7Goose, always learn something from you! Now how do I fix this problem? When the yoke was extended we used a framing square and plumb string to align the axle. I felt we got her set fairly perpendicular. What would the tolerance be? And what does V7 stand for anyway?
  19. I pulled a trailer, with new tires, 2 summers ago for about 12~15,000 miles with the tires at maximum psi. As mentioned earlier in this post I had to replace them after that trip since the center tread was gone. I now run about 25psi in the new trailer tires and I am expecting to get a longer life out of these. I like tripod's technique with the water!
  20. I used this site when I decided to purchase a RSTD! http://www.cycletrader.com/Yamaha-Royal+Star+Tour+Deluxe-Motorcycles/search-results?type=Motorcycle|356953&make=Yamaha|2321194&model=Royal+Star+Tour+Deluxe&year=2000:2012&zip=37422&radius=any&sort=price:asc&newsort=1 My needs were very specific. I wanted a RSTD with less then 10,000 miles Black over red, which meant an 05 model, and garage kept. Spent several months looking and finally found one in Ohio that meet my criteria. This was in 08 so she still had 2yrs warranty. The warranty does transfer with ownership. I now have 30,000 plus on her. I have ridden her across the US and 1/2 of Canada taking her to every state except North Dakota, Alaska, and Hawaii. Do my own maintenance, after consulting the guru's of this website, and absolutely love the bike!! I want to transport her to Europe one day and tour there. I know I could rent a bike there cheaper, but you see, in my mind she is one of kind, like no other!
  21. 3 times! Once on gravel, twice on grass. Each time I had her turned a little to far while going slow! The first time my girlfriend went and found someone to help me lift her out of the gravel. Really was not embarrassed and sort of glad it finally happened! The second time my daughter helped me lift her. She was very anxious that I hurt myself. I think she considered me old!? The third time was in wet grass, About 5 in the morning, dark, getting ready to head to work. No one around and did not feel like waking neighbors for help. I managed to get her up on my own without a hernia. Really do not want to do that ever again! Have a broken engine cover to show for it. But unless I point it out the break is unnoticeable! Bought Carbon Ones cattle guard braces to alleviate any future damage but hopefully the 3rd time is the charm! I now put a little more consideration into what I am doing at slow speed in the grass or in the gravel! Being an Aggie, it takes at least 3 lessons to sink in!!!
  22. Thanks! Seems to work in Windows 7 as well!
  23. Nicely done! First fairing I have seen that I liked!
  24. The Ultimate seat one of the first purchases I made after getting my RSTD. Others here have no issue with the stock seat but for me it just was not good. I cringed at the cost and wasn't gonna replace the passengers seat but their website made it clear that you had to replace both, if purchasing an Ultimate. I have since heard that that may be untrue, I really do not know. What I do know is that the Ultimate is the best I have ever sat on. My girlfriend concurs. I rode from Redding, CA to Phonix, AZ, 996 miles, in one day on that seat. I was tired and wore out but my rear did not know it. Besides the cost the seat is not waterproof and they recommend not waterproofing it. I have had several downpours while on her, over the past 1 1/2 years, and the seat does not seem worse for wear. Have no experience with Rick Butler seat, although everyone who has one speaks highly of his craftmanship. I also have no experience with a Corbin or Mustang seat. I vaguely remember not liking the looks of those.
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