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  1. I was looking for someone that has the radio controller on the handlebars for a 2nd Gen. Mine seems to acting up and not all the script shows on the screen so I just want to see if the controller is at fault or the nut behind the wheel. Any body got one to lend me to try out and potentially sell? Bubber Bike is 2006 Midnight Venture
  2. My 1986 Venture is showing a fault message "E4" on the screen. I cannot adjust the air pressure any more. I replaced the pressure sensor under the trunk already and I replaced the whole control unit in the dashboard. That fault message is still there. Anybody out there having an idea what has to be done or what part of the system is gone bad?
  3. ... if you got caught in this situation, how would you have handled it and avoided going down? (happens appx 2:05 in the vid) also, who do you feel is at fault (one or the other...) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoQCLW1jVDo&feature=player_embedded]motorcycle crash part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
  4. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Bob no ofense just a quick poke at ya:whistling:. Just the other day you complain about the snow and now my wife is setting in JFK Airport wandering if she will be able to go home or not. Her flight was supossed to leave out at 4:40 pm and as of now they are saying 10:10 pm. So who knows if she will get a flight out today or not. So yeah its all your fault. you said the 4 letter s word David:rotf::rotf:
  5. The Weather Channel says yesterday's east coast earthquake was caused by an unknown fault line running under D.C. and through Virginia. It is now being called Obama's Fault, though Obama will say it's really Bush's Fault. Other theories are that it was the founding fathers rolling over in their graves, or that what we all believed to be an earthquake was actually the effects of a 14.6 trillion dollar check bouncing in Washington. (I loved this one and just had to share it - thanks!!)
  6. Got home early today and my daughter wanted to go for a ride, not 20 mins into the ride a car stopped real quick and smack. My fault and I got a ticket for going too fast for conditions. Not a scratch on the car I hit. My daughter hit her knee and elbow when the bike fell over. What I learned. 1. Thank God for steel toe boots otherwise mine foot would either be broke or gone. 2. Engine and Bag rails are worth the cost. 3. Full gear keeps away road rash. 4. 2 seconds behind a vehicle is too close for me. 5. You can never have too much breaking practice. The State Trooper and witnesses said I probably could not have done anything different to prevent it, however there is always something. Any suggestions on what I could or should have been doing and don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. Looks like I am not going to be doing any riding for awhile and dealing with insurance.
  7. http://www.justwings.com/Technical_Information.html I found this site on installation of accessories and fault codes and recalls that I found helpful..Hope this will help you also.
  8. http://charlotte.news14.com/content/top_stories/636768/patriot-guard-member-killed-in-motorcycle-accident Seems like one wasn't enough for the cagers. This was a Patriot Gaurd rider. And there is no question of who was at fault.
  9. Hi can anyone help me i have a 2008 royal star dour deluxe and about last may i had a ignition coil go on my bike rear off side, at christmas i had the rear near side go on my bike to, last week i just got round to replaceing that one to now the other one has stop working again is it the coil that are at fault or dose anyone no of any other reson way they keep going wrong. peter (From England)
  10. Mr. Freebird is a man who tells you a simple thing in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault.
  11. It is not my fault that Tom made the Big Bend run on a new Goldwing. It is not my fault that my wife fell in love with the bike...ok, so did I. It is not my fault that when we stopped in at a Honda dealer for rainsuits that they had an '07 Goldwing...level three that we would really like. I guess it is MY fault that we ended up buying it, though. I hope I will not be disowned by this group...
  12. Today I was preparing to go to Tennessee to get Monty's trailer and I noticed that the tag on my Venture had expired LAST JANUARY I've been to Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and of course Ohio this summer so far. Fortunately my riding habits didn't draw the attention of the Police in any of those states or I may right now. After a lot of scurrying around I managed to get a valid sticker and get it on the bike. To some it's not really a big deal, however, had I been involved in an accident, regardless who's fault, it would have been my fault because I was illegally operating a vehicle on public roads. All sorts of things come to mind and NONE of them were of a good nature. guess I'd better start paying attention to more than riding and tire pressure.
  13. I know I'll be spat upon for this but I think it needs to be said just to bring things into proper perspective. Occasionally, there are threads about the idiotic cagers colliding with a bike. Usually it's deemed the cages fault because they are in a cage and not on a bike, however, in other threads, it's mentioned how fast one can go on a bike either on the straight away or tackling some twisties. This causes me to wonder if there is shared responsibility or if it always the cages fault when we as operators act like we're running the Datona 500 on bikes on public highways and subjecting ourselves to unsuspecting cagers. Ok - fire away --
  14. jac offerd a pair of Diamond R passenger hwy pegs up for sale at a great price. He claimed they were in great shape and since I had been considering getting a set for the boss, I jumped on them. Sent the paypal Sunday afternoon but for some reason (probably my fault) it didnt take the shipping fee. I got that sent out Monday AM. Got home from work Tuesday afternoon and there they were. Wow! That was fast. Not only fast, I dont see a scratch or blemish anywhere. Not what I expected for a used part. Thanks Jac!
  15. I post this for two reasons: one to let you all know about Presidents Choice Financial Insurance and two in hopes you spread the word far and wide. I had a car accident 4 years ago while turning right on a corner, a woman came from the LEFT side of me, turned right also, right into the left side of my car. Unfortunately, the donut-eater was more involved in the witnesses cleavage than the damage to my vehicle and the case was originally deemed BOTH at fault. So I went to court (cost me 3 days pay with their remands and other BS) but the judge saw the truth and I was deemed 100% fault free and the fault was placed on the other driver. I called back to make sure my insurance was corrected and was told I'd have to get the transcript of the trail and send it to the Adjusters who would deem at fault. I paid the $60 for the copy and sent it off, verified weeks later that things were corrected and was told they were. Years go by and PCF Insurance has now scewed around enough people that they decide they had better get in the brokerage business instead, so I get my new premiums and they are up 32%!! I was stunned. I call back to ask why and I am told "Thats the best rate we can do for you" I shop around and find it for the same price I'm paying now (which is supposed to be discounted 35%!!) and make the move over. While in a conference call with the new company and PCF it comes to light that I am still being charged at fault for the accident, but it also states third party liable.... can't be both! So I start to try and get this fixed. Through PCF and Crawford Adjusters and Aviva Underwriters they have me running around between approx. 10 different people all with different ways to try and run you around. Finally, I get a lady on the phone who admits to the new company it is not my fault, so I can get the new rate and leave PCF. But, in the process of trying to get things fixed I found out a little insurance tidbit: IF YOU PAY YOUR DEDUCTIBLE, YOU ARE DEEMED TO BE TAKING PARTIAL FAULT FOR THE ACCIDENT. This reminded me that I never did get back my $500 deductible, so on I fought. Then, about two weeks ago I receive, from a buddy, a funny email called "Wii for Women" with some quite graphic scenes at the end of it. But, lo and behold, he had just forwarded this on from his source, who had also forwarded it on with .... the FULL CORPORATE signature of one of the head lady adjusters from Aviva. (How stupid can some people be with email, just boggles the mind!) Naturally, I was quite happy to send that on far and wide to every living thing I could find. Oh, and THEN and I called and left a message telling her she should be more careful with her email, and PERHAPS IF SHE SPENT A LITTLE LESS TIME EMAILING PORN ON A COMPANY COMPUTER SHE'D HAVE MORE TIME TO SOLVE CLIENTS PROBLEMS. Don't play with Scorpios, they're a spiteful bunch. I am happy to say I got the cheque in the mail for the $500 last week. Coincidence??? I think not! But ..... I was looking at my banking last night, even though I had verbally cancelled 3 times, sent in a written cancellation a month ago which they admit receiving, they still went and took out the money from my account and are now saying "Whoops, sorry, we'll get that money right back to you, should be no more than 3 WEEKS." It never ends! PLEASE .... warn all your friends and family to avoid these shylocks, don't get yourself into this STRESS MESS like me. But ... if you happen to come across a forwarded email called Wii for Women.... feel free to send that sucker to Timbuktu and back!
  16. I have an 87 Venture. The left 2 cylinders will not fire unless I restrict the airflow to the carbs. When I restrict the air a little, both cylinders start to fire. I was told that the carb slide might be at fault as the bike was sitting for a year or so. Is this correct?
  17. Finally figured it out. It's Skid's fault I don't have time to get my bike fixed!!!! If he would quit catching all those bad guys I wouldn't have to watch them!!
  18. i got board , i got up this am looked at Silver , thinking how bad she looks than the oops happened , by the way thanks tim aka motorbiketim , this is all your fault , :rotfl: i,ll keep this way untill i get all the plastic fixed
  19. well, I got a call today from the guy that bought Tom's bike and trailer. He wanted to know if I had the manuel and a fix it book. I found the manuel, now how to see if I can find the fix it book...I know Tom had one of those. I blabbed his ear off about Tom's love of that scoot. This guy is 62 and lives on a house boat in half moon bay. But NO internet access...I told him, boy you better get yourself down the library and get on the net cuz those guys on the Venture site are gonna wanna hear about how that scoot is ridin! Says he has been riding every day that its been possible. Isn't that great? Tom would be soooooo happy his GF is on the 'road again'... I got kinda choked up talking to him. went to the pretrial hearing today and asked that the case be heard by a jury. The date is set for February 23rd. My attourney thinks it will take about 2 weeks. The opposing side has found an accident 'expert' to say that Tom tried to pass the trailer, vering into the other lane, coming back into his own lane, applying the breaks and was speeding. The limit was 35, and 100 feet from the the speed goes up to 45. Our expert says Tom was doing 40-43 mph, so he was escalating from 35-45, in the middle of the two signs. His skid marks are CLEARLY in the middle of his lane. Regardless of whether they was doing 50, that they say, or 40, he had the right of way. You dont see the bike, you turn in front of him, he hits the breaks, bike goes down. Your at fault. This is rediculous. All I can say, is that, we have to be closer to getting this done and over with. Closure cannot happen until this is finished. But, I am fighting for Toms rights. He was not at fault and I will resist them applying any blame to him.
  20. Smoke has a new sister and it is all Ruff's fault !! he is the one that told me she was for sale , i thought i would use her for a parts bike but when i saw her it was love at 1st site , black 86 with 88000 miles on her , jrichard is down here and is helping get it running , changed the oil and oil filter drained the gas , rite now carbs are soaking in seafoam , hopefully tomorrow we can start it up than i got to put it back together , i have a lot of work to do , some of you old timers mite remember i got it from Ernie from Debary Fl. , he layed it down on i 95 two years ago and now rides a V star by the way , thanks Ruff
  21. At what age do ya let your kids out on a motorcycle??? And what do you inform them of? I don't want mine on any until they take a safety course. And then no CROTCH ROCKETS, this is what happened to a fellow student and band member of my youngest son. http://www.kwes.com/global/story.asp?s=7186157 By all means, if ya want your kids to ride, teach them not to be foolish for one thing, this was all the riders fault, now the driver of the car has to live with his or her friend being killed buy them, even though it was not their fault. I don't think teens should ride unless they go through a course, get validated and be known to be safe, I really don't think they need to ride crotch rockets. All the time the rockets pull up next to me, take off before the light goes green doing a wheelies for several blocks. Sorry, just another useless death..
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