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  1. OK, some of you know I've been looking at scooters for my wife. She has a five mile commute up and down a mountainside to work and it would be a great way of a) getting her onto two wheels and b) save a lot of money in gas. So here's the question... There are a lot of Chinese/Korean off-brand scooters out there with 150cc versions costing around $1300-1800. She has wanted a Honda Reflex (250) for a while and we've been looking for one of these. The best we have found so far is a 2002 with 21k miles for $2850 and the price of a new one is in the region of $5200+. Is it worth buying a cheap off-brand, almost disposable scooter and throwing it away after two or three years and replacing it, or are we better to buy the known brand for triple the money? Other possibilities for known brand scooters are the Yamaha Majesty or the Suzuki Burgman. Both bigger, I know, and considerably more expensive, but I worry about safety and replacement parts. Fire away boys (and girls) !!
  2. OK folks, today I finally got around to re-organizing and putting away my tools from Maintenance Day. Now I know how it is when there are that many people grabbing tools and working on various bikes. I fully understand how easy it is to have to change a socket or grab a different sized wrench and stick the other one in your pocket. I even understand how a person can forget about the tool in that pocket and end up taking it home. I also know that a LOT of folks had tools of their own and it is easy to grab one of mine and throw it in the bag with yours by mistake. So my question is, HOW did none of that happen? Every single socket and wrench is accounted for. Which tells me, a LOT of you simply didn't do a darn thing except talk and tell lies the whole time you were here. What is THAT all about? ALSO...how come I ended up with no EXTRA tools. You would THINK that somebody one have left SOMETHING here. OH...I AM missing a pen though. My lucky Waterman Rolling Ball. I noticed when birthday cards were being passed around and signed that it was MY lucky pen being used. Now I've had that pen for about 10 years and used it to sign off on a LOT of deals when I had finished negotiating them. It may be here somewhere or else somebody did forget and stick that in their shirt pocket. So....if you have it...please let me know. Thanks, Don
  3. Happy Father's Day to all dads out there, whether brand new ones or very experienced! Hope you have a day of great weather for riding, going out for an ice cream and having time with your family! Something to share: My Father My Father When I was: Four years old: My daddy can do anything. When I was: Five years old: My daddy knows a whole lot. When I was: Six years old: My dad is smarter than your dad. When I was: Eight years old: My dad doesn't know exactly everything. When I was: 10 years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different. When I was: 12 years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn't know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood. When I was: 14 years old: Don't pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned. When I was: 21 years old: Him? My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date. When I was: 25 years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long. When I was: 30 years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience. When I was: 35 years old: I'm not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad. When I was: 40 years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise. When I was: 50 years old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him. By: Ann Landers
  4. from the insurance company. As a lot of you know my bike was wrecked in an accident last august. I finally got the cheque this week and so today I started pulling my bike apart to see what else I need to fix it. I managed to get a lot of the major pcs from a bike scrap yard although even these pcs need some repair work. I my still try to find a better left side upper fairing. On the down side I decide to pull my final drive apart assuming it would need new bearings since it had a bad whine and i was constantly changing the oil to get rid of metal fillings so I could continue to ride it the remainder of the summer (didnt count on getting run of the road though). Sad thing is after i pulled it apart i discovered the threaded end was snapped off of the pinion gear, and as near as i can figure crown and pinion are not available for this as separate or matched parts.
  5. can anyone tell me if modifying the air boxes on the 2nd gin will help it breathe a little better?? and how is it done?and will it hurt the bike? a lot of questions,but if there is a way to help the bike I would like to do it.but if it dosen't help ,there is no reason to do it.:confused24: jack
  6. I am scheduled to go to Reston, Va for a week at the end of July. Question I have for you folks up that way is. Is there any good riding to be done up in that area? I'm sure there is, but it would be nice to know from those who live in the area, or those who have traveled it. It's been over 10 years since I have been in that area, back then it was some beautiful country, but A LOT of building going on. Thanks.
  7. Hi Again, Just reading the post about a backrest desparely needed, So now I have a question. My newly aquired 88 VR has a seat that has a place behind the driver to insert a backrest, a lot like my HD. Just wondeering who makes the seat? Saddlemen? if so where can I find a backrest as I do not have it. Thanks in advance, Kim
  8. I put on the smaller front tire 500 miles ago and thought I would express my opinion. It definitely makes a difference. At parking lot speeds it is easier to turn. I didn't really have a problem with the way it handled before but thought I would try it. After I wear this one out I will go back to stock size because the wind blows it around a lot more now.
  9. Was at the dealers last week and got to talking to an older gentleman, 55, about his scoot. He had it there for a licence certification for about 3 weeks and it seemed that it could go a little longer. He was getting impatient. He's a bit like me, only got his licence for 2 years, bought an older scoot and now wants to ride. Trouble was, his front forks were leaking bad and needed to be repaired, but he was afraid to do it himself because he hadn't done it before. Well I don't have that hang-up, if I haven't done it before now is the first time then. So, to keep this story shorter he called me on Tuesday and asked if my shop would be available and if I could stand by while he did the work. Seeing as the Wizard765's bike is all fixed and gone, I got room, so it's here. It's a 1980 GL 1100, in need of some tender loving care and maybe some upgrades to chrome from rust, but basically it's looks like a lot of elbow grease. He started by pulling off the forks and then I cleaned a little piece on the lower tubes. Well they look like brand new now. Course you just can't stop there, so you call in the troops. We should have this scoot on the road next week after the parts all arrive, new seals, springs, oil, ,,,,,, and oh ja ,,,,,,,tires!!!!!!!! Believe it or not, the front tire was a vintage for sure, manufactured by Dunlop 1973, and the rear was a lot newer,, 1990. He plans on making this a winter project and it should look real nice by next spring.
  10. The hubby and I are taking our 3 sons out to Spearfish/Deadwood for a trip in a couple of weeks!! We don't want to travel interstate (I-90) so we are looking at Hwy 44 south of I-90 . We've never been out there before. Just wondering...has anyone ridden this road in the last year? Is it a decent one (potholes, etc)? Also, have gotten a lot of info off the website as far as where to ride, (Needles, Spearfish Canyon, Custer Park) but anyone have any funky off the beaten path roads or places we should stop. We'll be out there a week and the boy's can't wait. Thanks!
  11. We used to be able to hold the cursor over someone's state flag it would show what state it was. Did we lose this because of the server change? Can it be put back? I used that a lot.
  12. how about sume reports,we have a lot of members in that part of the country:fingers-crossed-emo:feedback:
  13. No, not on the bike. I was pouring concrete at my house wed. with my wife and son helping. Just 7 yd. but the last half was getting tough to drag and I ended up on my knees. The knees began to hurt I thought from the rocks but when we got thru I could barely walk and when I changed pants, realized something worse had happened. Concrete has alkaline in it and I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my knees and about 5 inches down my legs. So needless to say I have been in some pain the last few days and haven't been on the site. Not only that but wed. eve. we had tornados and the power was off until last night. One neigobor lost a roof and a trailer destroyed down the road with a lot of trees and power lines down. Anyway that's enough crying on your shoulders, it's getting better, according to the doc it could have been a lot worse.
  14. While pulling into Cracker Barrel in Brooksville FL (I-75) Sunday nite at about 8 PM, a couple on a Midnight RSV was pulling out of the parking lot. One of us??
  15. 1 - UP


    After a lot of consideration I have decided to trike my bike. I leave Monday the 12th to go up to Seymoure, Indiana to have a Hannigan Trike kit installed. (reason why Indiana, I have family up there and it's a good time to visit.) My legs are getting bad and it becomes hard to hold the bike up when stopping and starting again. I know that some of you have already or are in the process of triking your bike. I'm going to miss being on two wheels, but I still want to ride. I have a lot of camping to do with the bike, I mean trike. I will have some parts for an "04 White RSV, so if you know anyone that needs something in that line have them get a hold of me. I will also have a trailer hitch, and a jack adapter from Carbon 1 that I wont need any more. I look forward to riding with you all. Ken
  16. I would like some advice from someone who has cut down his windshield and was happy with the result. I would like to know; * What kind of saw did you use? I assume a hand held electric jig saw. * What type of blade is best? * How did you mark the line? Tape? * Did you have to do finish work on the new edge and what did you use? My wind screen is a lot higher now that I have new Progressive fork springs, so I need to take about 4 inches off. Thanks
  17. Just to let you know. Haven't been on the site to much of late. But, just checked the MN members and looks like we may be real close to passing Ontario. And a lot of them are in the northern part of the state. If we can get them out for the Pork in the Pines, we would have an awesome turn out this year.
  18. OK, it's only new to me. Just traded my '01 wing for a '99 Venture. A guy in my riding club had wanted my wing since I got it. He had purchased the Venture last year and just wasn't up to handling it, had dropped it several times at walking speeds. Anyway, I have a couple cages that need work and needed cash and he made an offer I couldn't refuse. Another member of the club rides a Cream colored Venture and really loves it so I thought I'd be ok. And I love it! It does have it's problems though. It really "flops" over at parking lot speeds. I'm going to replace the front tire, the current one is really worn (a 150?! wow) I also plan to add a wider handlebar for leverage. Has anyone replaced theirs? I could use a suggestion or two. It also dawned on me that it would probably help to replace the steering head bearing with tapered rollers. Does anyone have experience with that procedure? Maybe a part #? I know I'm asking a lot for a first day member but having read a couple hundred other letters in the forum I feel someone out there will have the answers. I'm looking forward to a long and fruitfull membership in your group. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
  19. I had the honor of participating in Riverside's 3rd Annual Salute to Veterans Parade. I'm with the Patriot Guard Riders, and there were about 50 bikes and 3 cages representing. I had the special honor of flying the Unites States Navy flag on my Venture up at the front along with the other services flags. Of course everyone loves a parade, but one honoring our veterans has to be the best. I actually got to meet and shake hands with a Marine Veteran who saw action in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. This Hero looked to be in his 90's, and he was just beaming with pride as we stood in awe of his life. I also shook hands with retired Army Colonel Lewis Lee Millett, a Congressional Medal of Honor receipient. Another Hero I shook hands with was Tuskegee Airmen Buford A Johnson. We were near the end of the parade, and during our three hour wait to get going, I was able to see and talk to a lot of interesting people. I especially appreciated the WWII Veterans. My dad served in the British Royal Navy during WWII, so I was thinking a lot about him as I saw these aging Heros. I had the privilege of serving aboard the battleships USS Iowa and USS Missouri when I was in the navy, and I had my USS Missouri ballcap on for the parade. A lot of the older sailors had stories about the battleships from their days. I don't have any really great photos to share of the parade itself, but I'll attach a couple from before it. It was a great day.
  20. Thought you all would find this interesting! Dan Will I live to be 80? Sometimes you just have to ask yourself ' Will I live to be 80?' I recently chose a new primary care physician. After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, 'Do you think I'll live to be 80?' He asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco or drink alcoholic beverages?' 'No,' I replied. 'I don't do drugs, either' Then he asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?' I said, 'No, my other doctor said that all red meat is unhealthy!' 'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, boating, fishing or relaxing on the beach?' 'No, I don't,' I said. He asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?' 'No,' I said. 'I don't do any of those things.' Then he looked at me and asked, 'Then why do you give a s**t?' Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.
  21. Finally got the new to me Venture to where it will start and run. Clutch is working. Brakes on front. Still got rear brakes and a lot of plastic to go.But a lot of moisture coming out of the breather tube. Had it running without box on and a LOT of moisture coming out of there. So heavy it throws it in drops when you rev it. Don't know. That black cloud just don't want to go away. Don't want to say it. HEAD GASKET?? Change engines??"Blue Beast" starting to look like my best option.
  22. yamahamer

    Be A Star?

    A coworker/friend of mine wrote this song he sold two to the artist and there is talk of makeing a video for the second one. He told me they want a seen in it with a lot of bikes. I told him with a little notice we could make it happen. I will keep you posted on the chance to be video stars. Enjoy the video....GOOD SONG! http://video.aol.com/video-detail/james-cain-live-it-for-the-minute-country-video/997967510
  23. Just unloaded my new 07 Venture from the truck and ready to start working on it. Got a little money to spend and want to know what everyone recommends as the immediate mods, critical, then those nice to have and the order i should start knocking them out in... Ive seen a lot of talk on the site of exhaust, leveling, passing lights, led's, etc but thought it would be nice for us newbies to have the vetrans give us the list from their experience... Thoughts?
  24. Guest

    stock seat?

    i still have the stock seat on my2006 rstd. after about 150 miles but rearend(butt) starts to not feel so good. help me find a pad or something i can add to my seat to make it better, thank a lot guys. rooster522
  25. how good is the electrical system on these bikes,,right now i have a lot of accent lights ,,a amp,,strobe lights,,with the driving lights and the radio on it takes a lot of power and since these bike have a generator and not an alternator how much can they take,,i have frends who have goldwings and they have compu-fire alternators, do they make anything for the ventures , i also have a capacitor for the amp so it does'nt draw alot of power from the bike when the bass hits from the bazooke tube,but the lights still dim,,
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