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  1. Greetings all, I've been a bit quiet of late (flat out like a lizard drinking) so I thought I'd better jump on line and wish y'all a Merry Christmas. Beautiful day here - expecting a top of 33degC. Daughter and son-in-law are visiting from Adelaide so we're having a quiet (but quite busy) time. Sharing Christmas lunch with my 89 years old neighbour. He doesn't go out much, won't "disturb us" by joining us for lunch so we're going to deliver a feast to him. Anyway, all that said, a lot of you are still in Christmas Eve mode so enjoy it whenever it gets to you. As usual we Aussies get to do it first, don't we Annie? Best wishes to all. Spear.
  2. I'm replacing the cassette deck on my 89 with a hook up for an MP3 player. I put a switch on to enable/disable the radio. I was wondering what the effect would be if the radio was on AND I had audio feeding from the MP3. Turns out it behaves just like the intercom - when there is audio from the MP3 it mutes the radio. This would be annoying with an MP3 because the radio would be piping up at quiet sections and between songs. It would be a really slick way to tie in something like GPS or cell phone though. Of course the radio would have to be on to hear the other device.
  3. http://www.coj.net/departments/sheriffs-office/news-room/jso-news/bank-robbery-suspect-sought-%282%29.aspx This photo ran on the local news several days ago. Turns out it was a co-worker. This guy used to load our trucks and was always quiet and kept to himself. Not even a disguise! I guess in a plant of about 800 people, someone was bound to recognize him. No, it wasnt me who turned him in either. But i am glad that no one was hurt. A few years back another quiet, unassuming co-worker who minded his own business was arrested for blowing away his wife and her boyfriend after finding them in bed...his bed!!! Sure glad im not quiet. Strange, but not quiet....
  4. Looks like a hunting morning. I was wondering yesterday where Beer30 was? He was on here around the 1st but its not like the Table Dancer to be so quiet!!! WHATS UP GENE??
  5. Taters left for Vegas early yesterday morning around 5 am...Sure is quiet around here.....Poor dog is wandering around the house looking for her...Only 24 hours and I miss her already....Sure is quiet around here.....Hope she is having a wonderful time visiting her friend and hanging out with her sister.....They have tickets to see a few shows ...Marie Osmond for one....Sure is quiet around here......She will be returning Sunday evening....Its tough being with someone for 26 years and being on your own again, even if it is just for a few days...Did I mention how quiet it is around here?....well, its off to work because its just to quiet around here.................... :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: PS...................MISS YA TATERS...Hope your havin fun !!!!!!
  6. ...and then this happens! Not sure where it was, but I'm guessing BC since there is a Canadian flag in the infield and a billboard ad for KISW radio 99.9 FM which is a Seattle station. This is going to ruin our reputation for being quiet and peaceful. But I would have loved to be there to see it. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKtlKcG09H4]air show crash THE CRUSHER world record semi truck jump by far the best video - YouTube[/ame] Andy
  7. was hoping maybe someone could answer a couple questions i have.. on my 05 venture does anyone know how i can get rid of the kilometers on the speedo... not a big deal but i was just looking at it today while we were riding and wondered.. second, quiet often when i have the radio on i get an "rx" on the display. thought it was just loosing signal but we hooked an ipod to it today and it still did it.. any advice would be much appreciated.. thanks
  8. Just wanted to offer my sincere thanks to all of you who attended my maintenance day. It was great to see all our old friends and meet some new ones as well. This is something that Eileen and I truly enjoy doing and once again, we enjoyed it immensely. It would have been perfect had it been about 10 degrees cooler. I told you that I would not let it rain but I just can't seem to get the temperature thing down. When the last had left and Eileen and I were sitting on the front porch having a cup of coffee, we both had the feeling that it was WAY to quiet. It's almost like an "empty next" syndrome. She looked at me and said "maybe we should do this twice a year". I was quiet surprised by that remark and don't know that it would be a good idea but I was surprised that she said it. I think though that having it once per year makes it a bit more special. If we ever DO decide to do it twice per year, I'm thinking that the fall one would just be for socializing and NOT for maintenance. A lot of work got done and if I try to name all that helped with the many projects then I will surely miss some people. V7Goose is always MAJOR help though as well as Squidley, SkyDoc, Monty and so many others. This just couldn't happen without the help of so many of you. If somebody was there to lend a hand for you and you want to thank them publicly here, please do so. Again, a big thanks to each and every one of you who made the trip. You folks really touch our hearts and you probably have no idea what a huge part that VentureRider plays in my life. You are all very special people. Some of you are so special that perhaps a bit of medication would help.
  9. It sure is quiet around here with everyone on their way to MD. I sure wish I were one of them, I would have been somewhere around Toledo right about now.....
  10. Does anyone else out there have a second gen venture that souds like a city bus coming to a stop, if so what can be done to quiet the frront brakes ? Thanks for your help
  11. I wanted to get a louder horn for my RSV and didn't have the extra cash to swing for a Stebel. I had read a few comments on here that the Bad Boy's were quiet a bit louder than the stock horn, but not quiet as loud as the Stebel. I got my Bad Boy today and hooked it up. Got all excited and hit the button and no where near as loud as the stock horn. I'm very disappointed, I could have used that money on something else for the bike.
  12. Man seems so quiet while MD is going on or has that storm knocked every one of line. I think there are more people on line at 5 am than there are now.
  13. I havent seen any posts from my buddy Bill "Snarly Bill" Predock lately, has anyone talked to him or seen him lately, not like Ole Snarly to be so quiet.............:think:
  14. I really need to do something about the constant engine/pipe noise when I'm riding with my wife. I've seen posts about both quiet mics and mic-mutes. Is one better that the other? Is there a preference here to one over the other. Thanks.
  15. As strange and against the grain as it seems...I want my machine as quiet as possible. Mine is a 1rst Gen '83 XVZ12 Venture. As you may guess the pipes have rotted on the ends. I've seen posts on putting HD Road Kings on as replacements and that is great. But I know that Gold Wings are verrrrrry quiet machines. Has anybody ever tried this exhaust? Or any kind of mufflers that are intended for silence? Blessings
  16. First let me say that I'm new here, and I appreciate all the good info on the site. I ride a VStar 1100, but I'm going to move to a Venture. I want to get back into the long haul rides, and 2-up the V Star just isn't enough for me. I want to look for a recent model, maybe '06 or up. Here's my question.. I thought I read somewhere that there was a change in the transmission gear cut in '08 that made it more quiet. Now I can't find where I saw that, maybe I misread it at the time. Are there any major changes in recent years that I should know about when deciding which year to go with? I've looked at the history of the venture, but it just doesn't go into that detail. Any tips would be great..I'm looking fwd to joining you guys as a Venture rider! Chris J
  17. has anyone tried or had success in getting the trunk to stop rattling all over the place? such a beautiful machine, quiet, smooth, and the dang trunk sounds like it belongs on a tonka truck.
  18. Now I understand your License Plate since you live across from a cemetary :rotfl: So Quiet, Died Last Year :dancefool: SQuidley Does Lovely Yodelling
  19. Right hand side exhaust on my '99 RSV finally rusted through. I ride year-round in New England. I see that new OEM exhaust pipes are around $250 each side but the mufflers are around $800+!!! I want nice and quiet exhaust. I see lots of posts about after market slip-ons and HD exhaust. Any suggestions for moderately priced exhaust system? Anyone have 2nd Gen exhaust for sale?
  20. geez, seems Big Tom isnt around as much as he used to be.........kinda quiet wouldnt ya say ???????? tee hee hee ......:whistling: :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  21. For the Engine/Performance Experts: Subject: Samson Turn down Silver bullet mufflers Used them on my HD. Ultra..(now sold) what are the problems with them on a 2003 RSMV? Bike came with slashers (too loud!!) Returned to stock (sane, but quiet) would the Samsons be an option? And if so..what air/back pressure issues are there? Any help? Regards, Bob D
  22. Jeff you off lurking someplace with all those that dont post...........not like you to be this quiet and unassuming.........
  23. I just tripped across this in my web travels......neat idea, tho somewhat pricey! Mufflers have a "butterfly" in them......can electrically switch from quiet to loud depending on your mood and/or location! Sorry first genners, they fit second gen only! http://www.peacemakersexhausts.com/images/N41310_XVZ1300TF.jpg http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/nresults2.html?search_model=ym-082
  24. I think I know the answer to this, but if a man wanted to buy the absolutely quietest touring motorcycle, what would he buy? I have a 2005 RSTD, but it is not exactly quiet. I changed it some with BUB exhausts, but that was to try to drown out the engine whine, valve clatter, etc. It was never what I would call a quiet running motorcycle (although it's been a great one!) What's the answer? Absolute quietest - exhaust, engine noise, etc. - motorcycle right off the showroom floor?
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