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  1. The wife and I were taking a morning breakfast run today and saw a 2nd gen Midnight on Hwy 5 in Aledo Texas today. Anyone from the site??
  2. No politics here this is about Yamaha's new 09 offerings.Check out there web site Monday!:dancefool: 2009 MODEL INTRO http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/star/base/flex-line.gif http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gif http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/common/blank.gif Experience new models Monday September 8, 2008 3 PM Eastern
  3. I passed a white RSV on I35 this afternoon and it exited at Purcell. Was it someone who is a member of this site ?
  4. was out for my sunday morning coffee run and stopped at a riverside park in herman, mo.. this fellow walks up to me and wants to take my picture. we got to talking and he is from eureka springs and a professional photographer. anyway he has an awesome website called http://www.cruisetheozarks.com , check it out. i invited him to visit our site and he is going to come to my eureka springs meet in two weeks. and visit with us. he rides all over on a honda pacific coast. really nice guy. do check out the site. if you want the riding scoop on arkansas. very professional. :clap2::2133:bill
  5. Just wondering if there is a Honda goldwing site such as venture rider, I need a little info, if there is such a site could someone please pass it along thankyou!
  6. Maybe I am off base, but seems to me that either the truth ain't in Freebird or the moderators are spending more time than they should on keeping this site what it was meant to be. Not trying to start anything, just my Just for the record, I don't think it an untruth on Freebird's part. "Welcome to VentureRider.org. We are glad you are here. This site was first founded on July 21st, 2004. What started as a small group of about 100 members has quickly grown to the largest and friendliest Venture and Royal Star site on the Internet. "
  7. Just found this site, looking forward to lots of info as I delve into a new project. Here's my first problem: need a frame with a clear title to swap into. The bike I bought was complete and came with a bill of sale. Georgia will only register vehicles with a bill of sale that are 1985 or older. Tough lesson to learn! Going through the parts lists that are posted on this site, it looks like 1988-1993 all have the same part number. Can older frames be swapped into? I've read plenty to stay away from the 1983 frame due to potential failure on the center stand area. Anyone have a frame gathering dust in the garage they want to get rid of? Looking forward to learning lots more about these bikes! Thanks for the help.
  8. Well I went to see the Doc. today and he said the hip is doing great and set up my surgery for my rt. knee replacemnt for Sept.3rd. I have recived a few orders for Grills and have 10 grills (not spoken for ) that I will have ready to ship before my surgery. I am not going to take down my no orders at this time on my web site. I am offering these Grills to members of this site on a first come first serv . I will be making them again after the end of Oct. so not to worry if you decide to get one down the road. Thanks to everyone for all your support and I hope this will be the last time to go under the knife for a long time. Please email me direct at steveww1@alltel.net if you would like to place an order or call me first at 770-630-0973. Ride Safe Steve
  9. While browsing VR site this morning, Mean Dogs pic popped up in the pics at the top of the page, so I took that as a reminder to bring this back up to the top so others that havent visited the site might do so, and maybe even make a contribution to St. Jude in his honor. Mean Dog's Tribute
  10. Guest

    Bought a goldwing

    I hate to say it, but went and bought a 94 goldwing. Iam selling my 84 venture.asking $2500.00 Does any one know a AWSOME website like this one for goldwing owners. I have to say so far I havent found one as good as this web site, and as helpful. I will be hanging around on this site as well, kinda hard to leave. ROBERT:322:
  11. I am looking at trading my VTX1800 for a 99 RSV. I need 2-up comfort and found someone who is wanting to go the other way so it will benefit us both without the hassle of selling and buying, etc. I don't see many of them on the road so I'm not that familiar with the bike. i have been looking through the site and have seen very few issues or problems. Anything I should be aware of on the RSV? Will the electrical system handle aux. lights, a communication system and heated clothing? How hard/costly is it to install the Vmax cams and how much benefit? Anything else I need to know? Thanks.
  12. I got an email the other day and then spoke on the telephone to a company that does custom paint jobs. He was interested in purchasing a banner on our site. I talked to him for about 30 minutes on the phone and he seems to be very customer oriented. His work is NOT cheap. It is top notch and professional. I do think though that, based on quotes that I've received in the past, his prices are fair for the type of work that he does. I declined the offer to sell him a banner simply because I haven't seen a LOT of interest here for high end custom paint jobs and I didn't feel that it was a perfect match for our members and I am committed to not adding banners just for the sake of making money. I do think though that this is a reputable company and worth checking out if you really want a nice custom paint job. I spent some time looking through the pictures on his site and really like the work that they do. They have been featured in many custom motorcycle publications, also television on the Biker Build-off and many other places. Here is the link for anybody who is interested. http://www.airea5150.com/
  13. Last week I saw a part that I now find that I really WANT. I saw it on one of the sites and thought I had saved it in my favorites but now I can't find it. The part is a toggle switch ( actually 3) that sit on top of the front brake MC. I saw it either on this site or the other venture site and I am hoping that someone will remember where it was and assist me in finding it. I ahve my new key switch ordered and we ( Gunboat et al) are doing a clutch slave rebuild in the next week, as well as adding a new clearview WS and some new grips to the 99 RSV. I con't sope my self now I just bid on a set of RK pipes that are on ebay and located right here is Houston. I can save the shipping on that at least. But I gotta have more chrome I need chrome, I want chrome. LOL I found out this past weekend that my 99RSV will do at least 118, but I chickened out at that speed as I was in an area with a lot of curves. Have a great weekend all and thanks for this great site. JB
  14. A few of you mention the Wagner grill. Where do I locate the site?
  15. I,ve got an 83 vr, and was wondering if anyone has put a aftermarket oil pressure gauge on theirs, I don't trust the idiot lights, GREAT web site I've been a member for a bit over a year, and it's been a lot of help on The Beast.
  16. My Firefox browser worked fine this morning. Now all I get on ventureriders site is minature text when viewing. It still works great on every other site. My IE browser works fine on ventureriders?????:think: I'll check from home later I'm at the office on lunch break.
  17. My better half was quizzing me about a Valkerie today. So I got onto the Honda website to show her what they were all about. The only problem is I cannot find a Valkerie on the site. Are they not selling them anymore??? Have Goldwing and VTX knocked them out of the picture?? :confused24::confused24:
  18. The web site for this product is gone. It it no longer available?
  19. Seen a feller on an 08 RSV today at 5 pm pulling out of a Shell gas station on Lone Oak Road in Paducah, KY. If you visit this site, give me a shout. Ventures are very rare in my neck of the woods. Glenn
  20. OK folks....we have a winner of the contest. As stated, the winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate courtesy of New Enough at http://www.newenough.com I used a random number generator to select a winner from all who replied to the thread with their suggestion of a Rally Site or their support of a previous suggestion. So....as I said...we NOW have a winner. Does anybody wish to know who that winner IS?
  21. How many here belong to the Patriot Guards? I was reading a little about this group this weekend, I like what they stand for and was wondering about a few things about them. Do you have to be a veteran to belong? Do they have local meeting places? How often are you required to be available? While writing this post I realized I could have just gone to their web site. But then I wanted to here from some Patriot Guards from this group. Thanks for any information you can give me. BigD
  22. Hi To All, When I purchased my 87' VR at the beginning of this year I was not new to the First Gen. VR but now that this bike is 21 years old I have had to dig into her a lot deeper than I had on my other VR. While changing out the old battery the dreded "Battery Fluid Low" sensor fell apart in my hands. After crying the blues on this site, danob11 sent me his old one for free! Well now I had a part but being a Machinist by trade electrical issues are like Greek to me. A short time after that I received an invite from a small group of riders from this site that live in my area, so after traveling about 50 miles from my house my Fusebox fell apart at 55 mph. My brother came with the trailer and drug me home and I missed the ride. After some paperclips and crazyglue I again started out for West Virginia to make it to the WV Skid-In, this time with the bike fully loaded and with Jean on the back. We didn't even make it out of the state of Pa. and again the fusebox crapped out! I whinned on this site again:fiddle:, and Lonestarmedic sent me pics of his fusebox replacement, answered all of my questions and assured me that even though I am all thumbs with wire, I could do this! I bought a soldering gun, a new fusebox, a s***load of wire, and over the weekend of the 4th installed the battery sensor and the new fusebox. I only burned myself about 50 times, and I also found out that a soldering iron lights my cigars really well, but doesn't work for soldering after that without a good cleaning! So many problems went away after the new fusebox install, from poor charging to excessive amp draw when the brake lights were used to just flat not running! My most humble apologies to the riders I stiffed on my first outing and to Skid and his wife for not making it to the Skid-in. I also owe an apology to my wife Jean for dragging her to Bedford, Pa. and making her push me on the VR! Thank you once more for the help and friendship on this site, As I have gotten older I have found it harder to accept help from other people but the people on the VR.org site have softened my heart and I just wanted to say so. I posted a few pics of the new fuse box, If anyone has any questions about where I got the parts or is struggling like I was, or needs some brackets made, Please just ask! I feel I need to "Pay it Forward" for the kindness you all have shared with me. Ride Safe, Earl
  23. For my latest ruminations, with which Venture riders will identify, click on the following: http://www.thetentacle.com/author.cfm?MyAuthor=52 . Then click on "Christmas in the Summertime." As I've mentioned before, my columns for http://www.thetentacle.com are published every other Tuesday, and today is such a Tuesday. This site is not a motorcycle site, but I have the privilege of being allowed to write about motorcycling and math education (and today I managed to combine the two). Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  24. I have not said anything but I must expressing my feelings. During the maintenance day someone wanted the chrome piece on the rear of the front fender of my bike and decided to take it. It happened at the hotel on Saturday night. I am not saying someone from the site did it but it had to be someone with a 2nd Gen. I priced the item from Yamaha and it is $160. I guess I will just do without for that price. I am sorry that this had to happen.
  25. Hi all. I've started this thread as I think a lot of people, me included, would like to start Zinc/Chrome plating but I don't have a clue, so does anyone on this site have the know how? If so please let me/us know. I'd also like information on how to get rust off in a soak bath/tank?
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