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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. My two favorites are: Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail and Top Secret!
  2. Man some side scoops and a little more chrome and you could call it a V max. Or a V Min maybe. Truthfully, your pics are about ten hours of work away from where mine sits now...
  3. Well, I got the 84 starting and running nicely now, so I need to put it all back together. Time to find an instrument cluster and working on paint. Thanks for all the help and encouragement (and parts!) to this point. Now if any of you have any anti-burnout, I can use it so I get this thing up before riding weather comes.
  4. Yeah, my user name there is Ivan. Original huh? Bet you can't guess my real name. I am a tad past half way to the sought after "guru" status there.
  5. I quit just over 11 years ago, from two to three packs a day. Cold turkey. Hardest thing I have ever done, hands down. I still fight cravings every once in a while. I quit due to my first son being born, and felt I had to man up and fly right.
  6. Did the XS Venturer use a vetter faring? I had always assumed it used the Yamaha style. I think I will leave my XS naked, now that I have a Venture in the works. Someday I will get a wiseco big bore kit and keep it as my hotrod. The venture takes it in the "style" department though. Cant wait to cruise on it.
  7. I just started the Alli plan about two weeks ago. I need to loose about 145 to be what they call "Normal BMI" So far I have not lost much at all. The upside is that my heartburn has decreased, I am sleeping better, and feeling much better as a whole. The alli plan is a low fat plan with a pill that limits how well you digest fat. Since undigested fat is a laxative, eating too much fat can have involuntary and "explosive" consequences. I have found that limiting fat intake is pretty easy, due to the variety of fat free and low fat alternatives available today. Calories are very easy to keep down, since fats are the highest calorie density foods. I am supposed to shoot for 1800 a day, and that has not been a problem. I woudl die for a 16 oz ribeye eith all the trimming though.
  8. First, you need to know that utorrent and any other torrent client broadcasts your ip address to every one looking for the same torrent. This includes and is not limited to the nice people who put the warnings on the front of the movies about minimums of 5 years and $500,000 fines. The precedent has been set in court, and there is little defence, if you get caught. First they will try to settle with you though, for lesser sums (usually $2000-$5000) if you ignore the first rounds of threatening e-mails, and do not cease and desist. "They" have been known to put files "out there" that carry tracking trojans and other nasty things, that would normally be a violation of privacy, under different conditions. Take it from a guy who has been hit with all kinds of nasty viruses from these activities, and been sent a few nasty e-mails about not stealing stuff etc. It would be easier to just rent the movies, and cheaper in the long run. I don't download anything other than already run series episodes that I have missed. Even this is a grey line, which might be pricey to cross. As far as burning movies, that is a whole other ball of wax. You're going to get better quality copying [backing up your own legal] DVDs, since the usual codecs you find on the net are not "lossless" and will suffer degradation through format changes. Now we are into the Blue Ray phenomenon, and those suckers have up to 50 Gb on one disk, so even with a 10Mb/s connection, you could have rented it, bought beer and twizzlers, made popcorn, watched it and bragged about it on Facebook by the time you get a BRD format movie downloaded, not to mention the Blueray burner is going to set you back a pretty penny, and a single blue ray writable disk is about twice what it costs to rent that movie. That's my take on it anyway. Unless you are pirating Metallica music, then go ahead, I like to see Lars cry like a school girl.
  9. What a load of crap. Bailouts are a bad idea, but subsidizing porn? Maybe they should subsidize casinos and RJ Reynolds too. Or maybe they could just inject our kids with AIDS when they hit ninth grade, Give them a carton of cigs, and drop them off at the roulette wheel, and give them a ticket for free drinks and meth. Get them hooked on every damn addiction possible so the Dems can get that socialized health plan in full force. That way the government will have full control over our lives, and be able to decide who is healthy and who dies. Porn is way more important than finding cheap sources of oil in the US, keeping our rights granted in the Constitution from being stripped away, or feeding the destitute. "I am Janie Doe, your SRS case worker. Unfortunately, you made $2.50 last year which is $30,000 more than allowed for a family of eight to qualify for food stamps. Good news though, we have a year's subscription to Hustler and the full set of Girls Gone Wild DVDs. Make sure your kids watch them. Apparently The US was able to cut a better deal with Larry Flynt than with Piggly Wiggly."
  10. What the heck is so uncool about RonHenry4? You got a lot of convincing to do to get me to think RonHenry isn't a cool name.
  11. The bleed hole doesn't matter once the engine warms enough to open the thermostat. It is mainly there, in most engines, to allow for full fill of the cooling system before warm up. Old school auto engines would burp when the tstat opened, and you'd have to refill them. On a chevy 350, it usually took a gallon or a gallon and a half to fill it the rest of the way.
  12. Ivan


    Well, I got it back today, leak tested, cleaned and a nice job of TiG welding done on the broken part. Then I took apart the thermostat housing to replace the tstat. I will need to bead blast that to get all the junk out of it. One question about the drain valve. How does it work? I looked it over today and can't seem to find any place that the coolant is to come out. It appears that there is a hole that lines up with the small hose out of the bottom of the radiator and that it only opens or closes this port. I'm stumped
  13. FWIW I just picked up a 156 today, so they are not discontinued.
  14. http://www.napaonline.com/NOLPPSE/(S(vtnz2umri5fe3m455uci3szj))/Detail.aspx?R=THM156_0183719105 Something like this?
  15. Ivan


    Thanks Cap'n, will let you know if there is a problem with mine.
  16. Ivan


    In the process of pulling the starter on my first gen, I found that the small nipple of the radiator was merely held in by JB weld, which I completely disdain, and when wiggled just a smidge fell clear out. After looking at some of the ebay prices, and trying to shop around for a used one, I took mine to the radiator shop and asked if it could be fixed. He said "absolutely, won't be a problem". I asked if he could flush and leak test it as well, and asked the expected price. Then he drooped his head and said, "Well, for something like that it is pretty expensive." I thought, "Oh hell" Then he said, "I feel like I am stealing from you, but the time is what you are paying for. I have to ask for thirty bucks." I said, "Well, a guy has to make his money."
  17. So, that's whats wrong with me.... Short thumbs!!!!
  18. Damnit, now I am going to have to do a helluva lot more burnouts.
  19. Well, I did one on my XS when I was going to replace the rear tire anyway. I didn't get much of a kick out of it, and my wife asked the same exact question: Why? All I could say was "just cause I wanted to." There are burn out competitions at some of the rallies, around here, and they are just for fun. I guess just to show your stuff. Speaking of showing your stuff, as I understand it, last year's burnout winner at Sturgis was showing her stuff, as she did it topless. I am a man, and the thought of melted rubber landing on my nipples gives me the heebie jeebies.
  20. Well shoot! Ifn' it'll fix up the ol' tater peeler, it oughter do jus' fine fer makin gas tanks stop leakin'. :hihi:
  21. I sent an e-mail asking about the radiator and cap and the small pipe with the drain cock in it, not sure if you got it. Hows the condition of the radiator?
  22. I am not completely familiar with the Venture yet (yet ) but on the xs1100 site, guys are replacing the flasher unit with a heavy duty flasher for trucks with lots of lights. The new flasher can be put in and the third wire just left with nothing on it. Of course this disables the automatic shut off feature, which only works half the time on the XS if you're lucky, so it isn't missed.
  23. My father had three back surgeries that stemmed from lifting a hay grinder off a guy that was welding under it. One of those adreniline super strength things. He ended up rupturing three discs, and went under the knife three times for that and once for a hernia. I have seen first hand what a back injury can do to a person. I am glad you are recovering, and know that better (much less pain) times are ahead.
  24. The peace maker isn't a popular aircraft for modelers because it wasn't ever used in an actual combat situation. It's design was meant to deliver nuclear ordinance anywhere in the world. At that time, it was an excellent scare tactic since the US was the only one with nukes. The ICBM was so close to follow and much cheaper to operate, that the Peace maker never "got off the ground" so to say. I have seen a peace maker in person and they are truly something to behold. Very sleek lines and the rear facing props are just the right touch. I agree that it is too bad more of them arent modeled. Most of the old codgers (being nice here) that I have flown RC with try to model aircraft they have actually flown, and there weren't many at all with B36 time.
  25. It used to be that when I clicked on it, it popped up a new, appropriately sized window. Now it opens in another tab, and is not appropriately sized. I haven't changed any settings that I know of. Can it be restored?
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