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Everything posted by Ramblingman

  1. On saturday there is a poker/ observation run that we do ....but I'll be at the West Montrose Family Camp ground ......it's a great time ...I've mentioned it here before but no one seems interested ......personally I just love the area to ride around ...but better then the southern end of the province where it's flat .....
  2. Well I'm headed to West Montrose tomorrow for the cyclefest once again , as you folks know now there is some great riding in the Kitchener area and I enjoy it every year ...sounds like the weather is going to be great ...well except maybe tomorrow (Friday) ....got the camper packed and ready to go .....come on over and visit ...just look for the RedKnights sign ...there well be about 18 of us this year in our small group ...thank gawd these people like my wife .....(last comment is for all the smart a$$'$ on here) she has friends and they put up with me LOL:stickinouttounge:
  3. Thanks Gary for not telling them you figured that out on my bike ...your a pal!!! :whistling:
  4. I've had that problem with just the music and I switched my spark plugs over to the resistor type and the problem went away ...could be that simple !
  5. Congrats on the Grandson ..........I have one of each and couldn't be happier!!! Their a hoot!!!
  6. I thought he was a Dairy Queen rep??????? But I do have to agreee ..........he's a super ..............I just can't do this :rotf:Just keeping your feet planted on the ground Squid !!!!
  7. Well I have to say I had a great time with great people . The Boys and Girls of the Kitchener area did a great job. I have to say I have never laughed so hard in ages ...thanks to Hal ...and yes you folks have to ask for pictures ...You'll know why I was laughing so dam hard. This is one for my favorite area's to ride in ...and if you didn't make it you missed out you missed out on some great riding and most of all the great people that show up at these meets. All I have to say is Thanks Reiny and Gang!!
  8. Reiny I'll be there and pay ya the door ...I've been waiting on someone else myself .....count me in for the meal as well !
  9. I used that JB Weld last summer on my long trip ...the exact same part broke on me ...we were camping and I just let it cure over night and it's been fine every since!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Tom I sent a message to you ...did you not get it ? I don't think we'll be coming down there this fall ...friend has been told he's got to much now going on *the wife I believe * lol ...anyways send my Love to Deb and hope all is going well ...stay out of the heat to young man!!

  11. The bunkhouse and my aspen are basically the same ....my weight is around 350 empty and depends what you want to throw inside of it ....hitch weight around 25 ...but it pulls easy and like Tom said ...use a lot of common sense when your pulling it ....I stay away from traffic and don't be in a hurry with it ...I went though the mountains in BC is pouring down rain and didn't have a problem ...It's been a very good investment ...under normal circumstances I use it at least 5 times during the summer months!...Last year it went over 20,000 k's with me !!
  12. Great news Gary .....tell Jeff I said congratulations and hope him all the best in his new in devour .... now he just has to put in 30 plus years then he can retire ...
  13. Hey Tom I do believe I have a bed waiting for you here if you like ....and the weather is usually descent here in October ..I may have to ride down there then come back up with ya ...I'm just not sure as of yet ....we'll stay in touch with you on that one for now ...I told one of the guys in the club about the hill country and he wants to swing on down there ...But ...I'm just not sure yet ...I'll let ya know though!!
  14. Well I got talked into the Avons.......and I have to say I love em ...been in wet weather ..pulling a trailer and I have a lot more confindence then before ...if I get the mileage out of them I"ll go with another set ...otherwise I think I"ll try the commanders this time round!!..Shouldn't have to change out tires this year ...no real longs trips planned as of yet ...may head to Texas this fall ....not sure as of now!
  15. I'll be staying at the State Park HeartStone camping on 9N ...about 5 minutes out of town ...been there now for the last three years ...I've been going up there with the Red Knights the last few years ....always have a good time anyone wanting to get together I have to do it by Thursday ...have to leave Friday this year ....the Grandkids are in a wedding and I ain't going to miss that!! I have the Wednesday rodeo ...and we're doing a self guided tour also ...I"ll be there Monday ...so anyone wanting to get together let me know! Sure we can arrange something!
  16. Opppppppppps ...should have read ...hope you have many years of marriage
  17. Congarts To you Two and I hope you have many more!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I really wanted to show up ....but ..just getting home from the Americade and one of my daughters closest friends is getting married that day and both my grandkids are in the wedding party...this is a can't miss for me !!!! Dam one of these years I'm going to make it down there !!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Don if you remember Tom from San Antonio ...he's been trying to tell people he's from southern ontario ............. I don't believe he's fooled anyone yet ....and btw .....thanks ...great site ...great people ...well except this one dude from Michigan ...he gives me a hard time when ever I see him ...that dam Squid LOL:rotf:
  20. Wow Gary ...glad you got it home ...........need any help you know how to reach me ...!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!
  21. Lou : Darn you ....ya beat me to the punch ...I have a pic of the West Montrose Bridge here somewhere .... Oh well better luck next time Tom : You remember that ride we took ...the two of the three sisters ...If I remember right you were getting direction from a pretty hot ...oppppppppps sorry ....Deb might read this lol ......
  22. You know I had a set and they worked good ...but I just couldn't get past the look of the darn thangs ......so what I did was went with the lowers from Yamaha that go on the crash bars and at the time Diamond R had a set that went on the motor bars? ...that block the wind on my knees ...I have to say I'm much happier with what I have now ....also I do have a used set of baker wind deflectors now ............:rotf:if anyone is interested!
  23. I use to like you southern boys!!!!!:rotf:
  24. Yea and Tom didn't even point that at us when we were there .............but them dam fire ants should have been shot !!!!!!
  25. Tom I love ya like a brother .....but bite me !!!!!!!:rotf:
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