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About FozzyUSN

  • Birthday 08/02/1961

Personal Information

  • Name
    John F Foster III


  • Location
    Centerville, OH, United States


  • City
    Centerville, OH


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Star Trek, Riding, Model Railroading
  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 Venture Royale
  1. Very good thing to post. I downloaded it and sent it to a few friends. It is already making another journey across the US. Thanks for posting this DragonRider!
  2. I wonder if a response was ever received from that letter? I would be interested to see it as well. Way to go!
  3. I took Blue-Belle in last Thursday for her annual physical. I'm having the carbs sonic cleaned and rebuilt as well as the brake worked on. About the only mechanic that will still work on anything that is over 3 or 4 years old. Should be getting her back in a couple of weeks or so.
  4. For what it's worth, I voted! I'm real happy about the status also.
  5. Skeet shooting worked fine, but the archery came up a blank screen. I'm also at work, so they may have the network tied down too tight.
  6. I'm not afraid to admit it, the trailer got a few from me. I will be asking a few 'friends' if they will record it for me.
  7. Snow does not bother me one bit. It is the ice beneath the snow and the IDIOTS above the snow that get on my nerves.
  8. Promise us with a good time - - - then don't deliver!
  9. Bring an extra case there TATERS, I'm hungry! ! !
  10. :rasberry: There ya-all go again, making promises you have no intention on keeping! :rasberry:
  11. FozzyUSN


    I picked up a 98 Ford Ranger extended cab that also has 4X4 and came with a matching cap on the back. The only thing I don't like about it is, it's a two-door. To get the four-door, you have to go up to a 2001 or higher. Interstate mileage is 20-21 and in town is 15-16. I love mine and when it comes time, I will simply move up to a newer model. A few of my students (past & present) have had a Dodge pickup and they did nothing but grumble about one thing or another going bad on it. How well they took care of it or what year their's were, I don't know.
  12. Don't worry BuddyRich, I got your back. I tweeked them a few weeks ago with this joke: Q. Why does the bride wear white at the wedding? A. Isn't the dishwasher supposed to match the fridge and stove! I'm not fraid of them one bit. And to prove it, I'll go one more: For many years, I thought you loaded the dishwasher with one more drink than she could handle. I ain't scarred of em one bit. I'll bring my own cheesecake!
  13. The only hardship you could put on the trans would be downshifting to 1st or 2nd and the bike is still moving at 50+. I would not want to see the shrapnel left behind on that one.
  14. I started smoking in 1979 while going through Basic Training in Great Lakes, IL because the only breaks given were for smokers. In 1984, I met my first X-wife and was given an ultimatum, either the cigarettes disappeared or she did. At the time I was stationed aboard the USS O'Bannon and resposible for weapons safety. I was not allowed to carry a firearm for a month while quitting. Looking back at this, it was one of three of the best things she did for me (the first two being my boys).
  15. My favorite gift was having both of my boys (John-21 & Albert-11) and my brother in a new home. Did all of the cooking and cleaning up, but it was worth every minute of it.
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