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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Nice bike but a lousy rider.
  2. I always want to order this stuff but hesitate. The main reason right now is money but also sizes. I'm a big/tall guy and half the stuff I buy on line doesn't fit. I normally need a 2XL long and these are often hard to get. Many vendors are using cheaper materials and the fit isn't what it used to be. The quality is falling on many clothing items. Not saying these are but what I've seen over the last few years have. I used to take care of shirt orders for my softball team and work K9 unit. The t-shirts over the last few years seem to be getting shorter or I am getting taller as I age.
  3. How about www.woundedwarriorproject.org. There is an online donation form or here is the address if this is the one we'll use. I was recently at a fund raiser for this group and there are some good people involved. Wounded Warrior Project P.O. Box 758517 Topeka, KS 66675-8517 Fax: (904) 296-7347
  4. I don't see a link so can't read the article. I obviously know nothing about this homeless vet. Buy being a career LEO I saw and dealt with plenty of homeless people over the 30 years. One thing you learn is that many of the home less want no help and there is nothing you can do. Years ago you could lock someone up in a mental ward if they were homeless and presented a danger to themselves. The courts put an end to that for the most part making it hard to deal with. More times than I can count we would try and find someplace for a homeless person or family. Sometimes no shelter with rooms could be found and often the homeless person did not want our help. Again, I have no clue what happened with this guy but without knowing the entire story it would be hard to criticize.
  5. He definitely sounds like he was a fighter and his blog was well written. Good for him for what he's done. My condolences to his family. Wayne
  6. Prayers coming your way. Please let her know we're thinking of her.
  7. Luray huh? One hour from my home. I'm ready for the ride.
  8. Reminds me of a call I went on about 10 years ago. I was called out with K9 to run a track on a robbery suspect during the middle of the day. The suspect abducted a lady and made her drive to an ATM to withdraw her money. He made her ride around before they stopped at the edge of some woods where he bailed out and ran. I walked up to the passenger door where the perp was last seen and I opened the door to start the track there. Sitting on the floorboard on the passenger front seat was a drivers license for a b/m. The victim was white and the perp black. I pulled it out and handed it to the detective. The victim immediately identified the rocket scientist that robbed her Easiest arrest of the day.
  9. You could always call Dell but if you don't speak one of the many foreign languages their support people speak then you're SOL. The tech people are all in India or somewhere similar and very hard to understand. I wish I had some good advice for you but I don't.
  10. Just curious. How difficult is it to hook this gear up?
  11. I like them. When I first installed them my right elbow started hurting on the first ride. Within a 2nd or 3rd ride it was fine so maybe it wasn't the risers causing the pain. Without the risers I would have had to leave off the backrest which is now a piece of equipment I'll never go without again. At 6'5 my knees would hit the end of the bars without the bar risers. The backrest was pushing me forward just enough to create this problem. I really don't recall how I did the weather thing. Maybe someone else will remember.
  12. I used Barons 1 1/2 inch risers. I had to use them once I put a backrest on or my knees would hit the end of the bars. Fairly simple to install.
  13. Thanks Riderduke. I'd like to take you up on the offer. We have a new member in between us (Dumfries) so we should plan a meet and eat somewhere very soon.
  14. I just happen to have a pamphlet given to me by my urologist the other day. There are various causes and the stones or pieces of them have to be analyzed at a lab to determine their exact cause. Here are several things it says the Dr may recommend to cut out or reduce in a diet. Protein: Meats, eggs, cheese, etc... Excessive intake of caffeinated beverages can be a problem. Coffee, tea, sodas although one cup (8oz) of tea or coffee has shown to be a benefit to stone suffers. (Tea is a hard one for me to limit) Reduce your sodium intake High oxolate intake can cause problems: Foods rich in oxolate-Chocolate, cocoa, spinach, (and other dark leafy greens) beets, strawberries, wheat germ, peanuts, pacans and soy. Obviously only a Dr can tell which of these you need to be cautious about.
  15. Hi Rick, Close. 6'5. And no. Not inseam challenged here. I keep the pressure a little high on the rear shock. Never thought much about the leveling links although I've seen it discussed here. Are they difficult to install?
  16. I just found out I have multiple Kidney Stones. I did the whole CT Scan and the doctor is going to do the shockwave thing and a stint you know where. Yikes. I saw the scan and the ones in my left Kidney look like they are massive. Not looking forward to this.
  17. I use my GPS even when I don't need it for directions. I can easily see the speed I'm doing and it's more accurate than the speedo.
  18. Smart aleck. That quit scaring me years ago when I couldn't change anything.
  19. No thanks. At 6'5 I hurt enough on my trips on the RSV.
  20. Please post somewhere in the Watering Hole as a reminder when ready.
  21. Yeah. My big feet have always caused problems. I actually wear 15XW in sneakers.
  22. Yesterday while running errands I made a right 90-degree turn onto another road about 15 mph or so. My right foot board scraped pretty loud which I've never done before on the RSV. I've scraped pegs on other bikes but never on this one. I knew I was leaning pretty good but man. What scared me so much was my big foot, size 14 X wide was hanging off a little and the boot starting scraping with the board.
  23. Name of Restaurant Hermitage Inn Restaurant Street Address 203 Virginia Ave City Petersburg State or Province WV Website (Optional) www.hermitageinn.net Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Good Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) American Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments Casual Dining. Banquet Facilities. I know they serve lunch and dinner. I presume breakfast as well since it's an Inn. Nice old Inn with great decorations. I had a Fried Dough covered with Apple Butter for an appetizer and wow. Great. I'd definitely go again.
  24. Thanks for this info. My daughter and son in law live on base but just moved there. There were in an apt off base for the last 18 mos. He's been deployed twice but I'm sure he drank some of the water.
  25. Amen Don. I guess I was referring more to the right section. But you're right. The Star Spangled Banner fits just about anywhere.
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