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  1. Looks like whatever was wrong with Chat is now fixed. We can get back in and the music seems to be working. (I put a few extra quarters in) So some of us can now relax that we can get in when we want to. Margaret
  2. I've read the threads on sterios but not found an answer to my question. I don't have to tell you how bad the '85 Royale radio is (if you have one). I've decided to swap it out with a modern radio with a CD player. But, here's my question, are there any out there that will mount vertically without a lot of CD skip? I'm desperate for decent music!
  3. okay group i want to add another person to our committee. first i will tell you the pay stinks and it will be a voluntary thing. i need some one to put all the videos and pictures together that people take and donate to the cause on a dvd to music and edit them with some professionalism so we can make them available to the members that want to savor the memories of the meet. if you are artistic and good in this field let me know. i know alot of folks will be taking videos, and pictures. your cost to make the dvd's will be covered. when the members order them. do i have any volunteers? remember they have to be top of the line and the music has to fit the video. i know i'm being awful picky but. if you are familiar with the ones floyd made of previous meets you would understand why they need to be good. his were top of the line. bill
  4. Actually a couple of questions. My computer does not have a SD card slot. Can I put the card in my Zumo and download music with the USB cable? Does anyone know of a free site to convert WMA music files to MP3. I read that the Zumo only plays MP3.
  5. This Country Music festival takes place every year for the last 25 years about 17 miles north or Regina Sk. Canada. There is about 25000 people there daily and everyone stays in the campgrounds and just has one heck of a good time. This year they had everyone from Toby Keith to Dierks Bentley, on Sunday afternoons lineup. I have a couple of pics and one video of the campground and you can see the stage waayy off in the distance, but it will give you the idea of the geography. Go to http://picasaweb.google.com/friesman1/CravenCountryMusicJamboree2008 Brian:cool10:
  6. My very first ride of the season. I'm just so buried with things to do around here that I just haven't had time to ride. With all the typical spring cleaning, painting, yard work around here and working on the site and trying to get the new server optimized...I've just been buried. So, this morning I got on the bike around 7:30 and went for a ride. WOW....I can't even start to tell you how much clearer my head is now. Folks, I really needed that little ride. Probably only did about 50 miles but it sure felt good. Here are some of my initial impressions of some recent changes I have made to the bike. Avon tires. So far, I love them. I have a very high opinion of the Michelin Commanders that I have been running but decided to try the Avons to see what all the fuss is about. It's way too soon to tell if I will stay with them over the Michelins but the initial impression is very good. The one and ONLY complaint I had with the Michelins were that they howl just a bit in the long sweeping curves. These Avons are very quiet at all times. Now if they do as well as the Michelins on wet roads and I get close to the same mileage out of them, I'll be sold. Speakers. I recently changed out my Pioneer speakers in the front with the Polk db401. I have to say that the Polks are a better speaker. Bass is just a bit better maybe but they just seem to have a cleaner sound overall. I'm not sure it's important now though because....... Headset. I tell you the truth. Since buying my RSV in 1999, I have always used the external speakers for music. The reason is simple. I've never found a headset that does justice to music. They all seemed a bit tinny to me, lacked depth and bass, just didn't sound good at all. I've tried several models of high end and low end J&Ms. For about the past 3 years, I've used AirRiders which were about $200.00 a set...still not impressed. So, I just continued to use the bike's speakers for music and have been through 3 sets of them. As I mentioned in another post, I finally risked wasting my money again and bought a set of Edset's. WOW...what a difference. For the first time in the 9 years that I've owned my bike, I finally prefer listening to the music through my headset. These have the best sound, best bass, best clarity of any headset that I have ever used. I had tried them in the garage after installing them and they sounded good but I've found that the others sound OK also when sitting in a garage. It's not until you get on the road that you can really judge them. I have now ridden with them at speeds up to about 90 MPH and I can tell you, in my opinion, these are the only ones that live up to expectations for a headset. PLUS...these things are only about 1/8 - 1/4" thick so are not even noticeable in your helmet. I often had to push on and re-arrange the others so that they didn't start hurting my ears. Other than that, I really enjoyed the ride except that the bike isn't running quiet right. I feel a bit of hesitation when I roll on the throttle and it just doesn't feel right in general. Maybe later today I'll check the carb sync and maybe even the plugs. It's OK and still a joy to ride but something isn't perfect. I'll figure that out when I have time.
  7. Those of you who use MP3 players on your bike - could you answer a question for someone (I won't mention any names, but, yes, it's actually me) who doesn't know anything about this new-fangled electronics stuff..... I bought a 8G MP3 player. I understand that they sound best if you rip your music straight from CDs at a minimum 160 Bitrate. I own approx. 115 CDs, and according to the info I got with the player, it should hold them all. I've started ripping the CDs to the computer using the highest quality, constant bitrate of 320. I'm approximately half way through and the computer says my music file is already well over 10G! Do I have to rip the CDs at something less than the highest quality? I figure with the speakers on my Venture, I'll need the best sounding music I can get. Is using a Constant Bitrate the problem or is the 320 the problem. I don't want to have to delete everything I've already ripped because it's been extremely time consuming. Thanks for any info.....
  8. I'm about to put my third Garmin 350 in the trash (after less than 10,000 miles). The first two were covered by the warranty. And the warranty is now over. Has anyone gotten upward of 20,000 miles out of any brand of GPS. I can get by with tiny buttons and tinny music if the thing will last a while. I'm a little leary of $700 for a Zumo, given Garmin's track record with me.
  9. To all my new Nashville friends, Deb, Carson and I will be spending a couple of days in Nashville on the 24th and 25th of April to meet up with her brother she hasn't seen in years who will be there for a convention. We'll definitely be checking out Gruhn Guitars and Printer's Alley while there. Keeping in mind Carson and I are both amateur musician and love live music and that she is only 14. Any suggestion on some good all age music venues (preferably blues or rock) in the area that we might go check out Thursday night???? Any good open mic nights also??? Thanks!
  10. This is sort of long, but I enjoyed the music and the cars. http://thefiftiesandsixties.com/CarsWeDrove.htm Mama
  11. Dunno what's going on lately but whenever I play one of those embedded vids, my PC totally freezes. No mouse, no keyboard....nothin. and the vid sounds like a music cd when it's skipping .... anyone else having this problem or know what's causing it? This only started recently.
  12. Hey Everyone: Gotta Love this video folks...If you live where its cold, you'll get an increase in Spring Fever...I did.... Check This Out: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4mU8ZqMZPU]YouTube - Open Road Music Video[/ame] Enjoy...TURN UP THE VOLUME.... George In Virginia....
  13. As I've posted before, I've had XM in my home, car, work car, and motorcycle for about 4 years now. I've become less satisfied with them over the past months though due to more and more advertising. Often it is only advertising about other XM channels but to me, that is STILL advertising. Just play the music and get rid of ALL ads, djs, etc. Today I bought a Sirius and will see how it compares. If I'm happier with it, I will be replacing all my XM units with Sirius. I just bought one unit for now. It came with the vehicle kit and I picked up a home kit for it also. I've been listening to it for a couple of hours now and so far like the music channels better than the XM. I already knew that I would though because I get XM music channels on my TV with my Dish Network service. The only downside is that the decent Sirius units are expensive. I will say that you get more receiver for the money with XM.
  14. I found this link to a great video on another site. It just makes you want to RIDE. Enjoy. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=x4mU8ZqMZPU]YouTube - Open Road Music Video[/ame]
  15. Several download sites offer Free and Legal downloads of music so they say. Is there such a thing as legal and free music downloads? I know I know everybody is doing it.Not me at least not yet. I'm looking for a good source of music from 60's to current files of different variety.I need to load up a MP3.I'm just concerned about legalities.
  16. this thing is great i have put a load of music in it and still have room for a lot of pic's and the earbuds the best i have ever used
  17. While I am somewhat set in my ways when it comes to my preferences in music and singers (If it ain't Willie or Joan, well then it ain't s...), but I think I am eclectic enough to at least listen to other music so that I can somewhat talk about it intelligently. However, I have been listening to alternative radio here recently, and it makes me wonder, "What happened to the music?" Now maybe I just don't understand, or I'm to old to really appreciate someone screaming "Hey look.. I've got a band" 17 times in a row while accompanied by a four cord change rip. But..... is this really music. Heck, even a very young Bob Dillon (who, in my opinion was a genius lyricist, but should never have sung any of his songs) would be preferable to what they are trying to pass off as music today.
  18. BEER30


    Ok , this is for you XM fans . I know some prefer Sirius , but I just broke down and subscribe to XM , as my Zumo is XM compatible . Went ahead also purchased the Garmin GXM 30 antenna , but still working on a cheaper alternative . Being new , (like 6 hours new to me ) , trying to figure out the various bouquets of music . I'm a southern rock , C & W , Oldies , classic rock , adult comedy and some of the older long hair bands . What is your favorite channel that you listen too , other than talkshows and sports ? Right now I'm listening to channel 49 , Big Tracks . Having an insight as to what others listen too , may help out on saving time to listening to some undesired music . But then again , variety is the spice of life ! I also subscribe to the Online XM , which was also included in the subscription to listen to at work and home while on the puter . And before you ask , I get pic's of where I mounted my antenna posted tomorrow . But to enlighten you , I have previously made a mount out of Kydex , which is moldable plastic like material . I heated a strip 2" x 5" wide with a heat gun , folded it onto my mirror mount like a table top . The fold wrapped around at the bend of the mirror arm so the kydex does not twist . Then used self sticking loop Velcro on the top . Then used the hook portion on the bottom of the XM antenna . I sometimes placed my radar detector there . BEER30
  19. Pilot

    Eat Crow

    Ok I’m going to have to say it but this 07 is faster, has a more responsive throttle and handles much better then my 03 Midnight. Also has a better radio, on my 03 I had to have the volume on 24 to hear the music out of the bikes speaker @ 70 mph, well I went on my break-in ride yesterday (340 miles) and I could hear the music with the volume set at 18, man what a bike. And like HIDRSV it’s PRETTY! Had some popping so I plugged the AIS and installed the Stebel Crome Nautilus which I ordered Wednesday morning and received yesterday, fast shipping from CALIFORNIA SPORT TOURING
  20. Since the riding season is coming to a close in the north east, I thought I'd put together a compilation of pictures from the various rides that I was lucky enough to attend this year. Once the snow flies, I should be totalling about 25,000 kms on the RSV and another 5,000 on the Virago for the year - arguably, not too shabby for a working man. The new release is out now ... after much editing and head scratching about what music to play, what pictures to include and which ones to leave out, the "LAMP (London Area Motorcycle People) Production Company" has finally released its first film... To view it, simply go to the following link: The new release is out now ... after much editing and head scratching about what music to play, what pictures to include and which ones to leave out, the "LAMP Production Company" has finally released its first film... To view it, simply go to the following link: http://media.putfile.com/2007-LAMP-Rides So - sit back, grab a drink of choice, turn the volume up and watch our version of the 2007 in pictures in just a little over 10 minutes. Cheers,
  21. Thank you Don! Love the new music addition to CHAT. If you are curious come to chat and boog ie on down tonight to hear it. Don thanks again! Peggy
  22. I have an 84 and when you plug in the head set there is a high pitched whining noise through the head set, sometimes. Sometimes it is totally clean with music or cb coming through. Any ideas? Thx for any help you can give.
  23. Initially, I didn't think that music was going to be such a big part of my riding (my previous bike had no such ability), but I now wish to better what I have on my '83 VR. It came with the radio/cassette deck, but the latter doesn't function at all. The radio does play, but only on certain stations. Changing between those few stations means pulling over, somewhere, and using a pin to depress within the well where the buttons used to reside. Even then, it is somewhat of a trying situation because the LED panel is with broken visuals, and also very dimly lit. I do have a 30gig Ipod that I would LOVE to use with it, but my unit is a little before such technological gadgetry , which means that it doesn't have the required connecting port. I have wondered, though, if there were some way to 'rig' a hookup for my Ipod, with what my '83 has. Providing that there is no possibility for the above, the next best thing would be a CD player capable of reading MP3 files. I have heard mention of 'marine grade' devices, and wonder how much more they would hit the pocket, over & above their conventional counterparts. Also, what else might I need to 'securely' install a CD player into the same well as the cassette player? Advanced thanks.
  24. Hi, I was sent this site from a USA riding friend, It is great if you put your cursor on the songs that show on the juke box from the years 1956/57/58/59/60 The music is the real thing,it brings back many thoughts of pulling into a resturant putting in a quater and getting 5 songs, and ordering a soft drink and a hotdog, but the time and the music is much different today,but for anyone who would like to reminise or to just get a taste of the music from the past now is your chance. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. > mobile http://www.bobforrest.com/JukeBox.htm
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