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  1. Riding today was pretty good. Met many bikes out on the road, But what caught my attention was the fact of who wasn't waving back. The ones on the GWs were the ones looking the other way, or just ignoring us alltogether. What's up with that. I know all GW riders as Not all HD riders are a__holes ,but why they want to look down there nose at us.Just really pisses me off when somebody passes judgement on me, thinking themselves better. We all ride two wheels, can't help it if I want to see my engine not plastic.:soapbox:Sorry I'll go back to my corner now.No offense to the GW riders on the site have met a few of you and like you all.
  2. Eileen and I made it home Friday evening from a whirlwind visit to Texas. We spent time with family in Tyler, Longview, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Prairie, Arlington and Granbury. Not near enough time in any one place and spent way too much time driving and not enough time with people that we were way overdue visiting. Now, it had been almost 10 years since I was last home to Texas. During this trip, I met 4 grand kids that I had never met, I met two daughter in laws that I had never met, I met 5 nieces and nephews that I had never met. It was a bit strange, a bit sad, a bit joyous and a bit hectic but overall, was a good trip. I'm sincerely sorry that I was unable to attend the International Rally. From all reports, Leadwolf and team did a fantastic job with it. This is the first one that I've missed and I hated doing so but I only have a limited amount of vacation and visiting family was way overdue. I can't wait so long before going home again. I spent yesterday working on the lawn tractor and managed to put a big gash in my hand and arm first thing yesterday morning but that is fairly typical of what happens when I work on something. Got the tractor repaired though so at least it was a success. Still have luggage in the car that I have to get out today and help Eileen get everything unpacked. Then I have to get my work car organized and hit the road again tomorrow. I feel like I need a vacation to get over my vacation but don't have any remaining time right now. I thank all of you for your understanding and sorry if I've neglected anything here during my time away.
  3. to all of you who attended the 2010 Internatuional at Potato Creek, a big Thank You for coming and making this a success. To those of you who stepped up and helped out with planning, the dinner, helping me lead the different groups on rides, an even bigger Thank You! Sue and I have met a lot of Ventureriders over the past 4 years, we count many of them as great friends. We made more of those in the last few days. This rally may not have been one of the best organized or structured but there was some great comraderie there. We got to spend more time with people we'd only met briefly once or twice. The rides turned out good, the food was good and the ice cream was great, especially at Oink's. But the people were the greatest part of this. It was our honor and priviledge to host this event and to show you a little of our area of the country. Again, thanks to all, we had a great time. And YES, I'm glad it's done. As Snarley Bill told me, it's a big job and takes a lot out of you, but it is very rewarding. Looks like everyone is making it home safe. We'll see you all somewhere down the road.
  4. Here are some photos from the Newport Motorcycle Rally. It was a scorcher so the crowds were not like they usually are. We however, were there every day and stayed to midnight. There was a lot of good music, and we met a lot of really friendly folks. Motorcyclists are great people. Yama Mama http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a200/RonnieY/Newport%202010/
  5. Laura and I just pulled in a little bit ago. It was fun being as we were ther newbies to maintenence dahy and had no idea of what to do or expect. Thanks Don and Elileen for alowing us to borrow a piece of your realestate to place pur tent. On the way home we met up with Patricia, Jrichard and one other rider.Sorry we didnt catch your name . And then today in the blue ridge parkway we met Midnite and his lovely other half. We were setting talking at a overlook to a couple that was hiking the trail on their way to Roanaoke for the night and eventually to geargia to their destination. It was mentioned that they were running a little low on food and being as we were on wheels and they were on their feet we just had to feed them. Cant stand to see someone hungry when I got food. And besides we had been eating ham sandwithes for 3 days and was just plain sick of it. They were happy and their dog was too...Good luck my friends. After that we hit the slabs to get on home and ran into rain. Thank god for dry ducks. DAvid
  6. Got my new links on yesterday, everyone was right. the bike feels so much lighter and more fun to ride. I wanted say to those that haven't met Squidley, what great people he and his wife are. I had never met them before and they treated me like an old friend. Hope my wife and I can go for a ride with them soon. Thanks again Squidley.
  7. hello all met chopper pilot on sunday he came by to pick up a extra windshield i had if you recall he lost his riding we had a good conversation he showed me his old windshield it looked like someone cut out the hole the was soiled and made another one wider that maybe why it came off i look forward to meeting up with him for a ride sometime bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  8. I have never driven a trike before, and found out it's not as simple as it looks! I need to practice the steering in an empty lot for a couple of hours!! I have to fight the urge to lean, and not to put my feet down! It's a whole different world for sure. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it though. Don't have much choice, do I?!!? Had an absolutely wonderful time yesterday! Met KY Rider for the first time along with B2Dad at Hannigans and we had a wonderful bredakfast together later. B2Dad showed us a local bike shop, Pit Bull (some of you may have heard of the Pit Bull lift) and I bought myself a new leather jacket as my old one is getting just that, OLD! Later we spent the afternoon in Paris! Tenessee that is. Helped out the local economy, Becky loves to shop! Met up fod dinner with B@ Mom and Dad, Mr. & Mrs. Monty, and Midnight for an excellent dinner! It's off to Nashville later this morning for a couple of days then back here, hopefully for a little riding Thursday compliments of KY Rider!!
  9. Most of us know what factory paint looks like and i think Yamaha has some good colors . Buuuuuuuuuuuuut you know their are a few of us that can,t leave well enough alone . so i would like to start a thread on pic's of our after market paint jobs and why we can't leave well enough alone , i'll start , sense i have painted mine 3 time in less than 3 years ! when i got mine it had a ruff life and looked pretty bad , my so called friends that i rode with where at the same feeling as me - don't care what you ride as long as you ride - until i showed up with my faded brown 1 gen , very faded brown , it was the same color of a well fed dog leaves behind . the day that i made up my mind to paint her is when i was following a friend and a another rider came up beside my friend and told him he need to change his diet because he is leaving ruff looking turds behind him , enough said , my bike got the 1st paint job ! this is the only pic's of it when it was brown . the pic and a lot of wax made it look a lot better than it was than the Met. silver with ice green next it blue and a few mods , that was after a nice lady backed over it , at present 3 stage Met white with Met. blue I showed y'all mine , now it's your turn !
  10. I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book And every year at Christmas time I go and take a look And that is when I realise that those names are a part - Not of the book they are written in, but of my very heart. For each name stands for someone who has touched my life sometime, And left such a print of friendship that they are good friends of mine. And while it sounds fantastic for me to make this claim I really feel I am composed of each remembered name. And while you may not be aware of any special link, Just knowing you has shaped my life more than you can think. For once you’ve met somebody, the years cannot erase The memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face. So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine Of names upon a Christmas list-forgotten in between. For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you, It’s because you are on a list of folks I am indebted to. For one is but a total of the many folks they’ve met And you happen to be one of those I prefer NOT to forget. And whether I have known you for many years or few, In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do. And every year when Christmas comes, I realise anew - The biggest gift life can give is knowing folks like you!! And may the spirit of Christmas that eternally endures, Leave its richest blessing in the hearts of you and yours. Merry Christmas Everyone Annie and Alan Collins
  11. Almost 60 degrees and I spent the afternon riding!!! Didn.t want to come home but oh, well!!! Met up with Reiny Rooster for lunch and then cruised for a while...
  12. Valerie and I made it home around noon today from the Southern Indiana weekend. Thanks to Joe (Freesyrider) and Donna for organizing the weekend. Although it was a bit cool yesterday we had a great time and met new and old friends and shared good food. What more could you ask for? Dennis
  13. Monty

    BH Rally

    This weekend is the International Boss Hoss Rally, and Mid-South Motorcycle Festival here in Paris, Tn. Great food, drink and lots of bikes. I have even met up with some Venture Riders, but only one that used to be a member here. I took a few pics... http://s74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/th_IMG_0034.jpg
  14. Doreen and I met up with bj66 (Bernie) & randyg on Saturday in Sioux Falls. Had some good conversation and mutual admiration of bikes. Great meeting you both. Hoep to get together again sometime. I did not know when I set this date that a National softball tourny would be going on the same weekend. Hotels all booked. Doreen and I stayed the night in a room we were able to find. (Must have been that last one in town.) Lots of bikes going through enroute to Sturgis. We met a couple from Ontario. Nice folks. I did not catch their names. Her bike is a 650 Vstar (I think) and painted so that the color changes from blue to green depending on the angle of the light. His Venture was black with flames. The fender had the figure of Death within the flames and he was pointing out to the viewer. He said he come on here once in while. They had just spen a week in the Black Hills and were headed home. Hope all those on the roads ride safe and arrive home intact. Dave
  15. rod


    We laid my Dad to rest yesterday. He loved the out doors; camping, motorcycling, running, walking, hunting and fishing. He held on long enough to get to know his grandson from Tennessee that he had never met. Thanks to all of you that offered up prayers, it worked. He is out of pain and in a better place. Rod
  16. I saw something the other day that I don't think I have ever seen before. I met an older guy on a big cruiser that only had one arm. Didn't notice it when he pulled up to the stop sign, but when he turned in front of me, I could see that his left arm is missing. Just had to think about how hard it would be to ride a bike with only one arm. I was both impressed by his moxie but concerned at the same time. I knew a guy a long time ago that rode with an artificial leg, but that would seem relatively easy compared to missing an arm. Have any of you met or known someone who rides a bike without both arms and legs? I'm just wondering how common that actually is.
  17. Sorry to rip off a Waylon song, but we had a pretty good time today. I met up with Tom in Blanco and we rode over to the KOA outside of Fredricksburg to get to met JerryW. I have not met anyone from the forum that has not been great people. (I think Don must have ESP and screens the riff-raff out) although I am sure a few of you might be a little shady:rasberry:. We went on down to Luchenbach, but the place was empty. My theory is that everyone partied so hard last night that they were still asleep at 9 AM. The entire Luchenbach loop takes less than 2 minutes. (Don't blink) We then took RR 1376 (I think) down through Sisterdale back to 281. 150 Miles round trip for me, but beautiful scenery and I heard that time spent riding your bike with friends is not deducted from your time on earth. I think thats why some of us are so dadgummed oldfile:///C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg.[ATTACH]30561[/ATTACH] Since everyone likes pictures. I made an attempt to video tape while riding behind Tom but haven't looked at it yet. If it is OK I will sned a snippet to the videos. [ATTACH]30562[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]30563[/ATTACH]file:///C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg
  18. A couple weeks ago I decided that I wanted a two tone Venture so I took everything off except the rear fender and left all of it at my local auto body shop (same place that did $10,000 repair to my Z71 when I met that deer in Pa ) Yesterday They called and said the parts were ready to be pin sripped and that Jaybird was waiting for me to decide the color. I met him there and we decided that a silver would be best. I left him to do his magic and was told that I should be able to pick everything up today. Now the question is, now that it's a two tone bike, is it still a MIDNIGHT Venture or is it a 10:30 Venture. Can't be midnight - it's not all black anymore. I don't have any pics yet but as soon as I get it back together I'll try to figure out how to post some pics.
  19. was down at st.louis bread co. for my morning coffee, and had the wing parked where it was facing me. on my windshield i have a large venturerider.org logo that i had made. the more i looked at it the more i thought. why do i have that on a goldwing. the reason is that i am proud to be a venturerider. last weekend at my st. charles meet i had a group of the finest people anyone would want to know. i have met so many great people from the usa and canada, can't leave out squeeze, and annie, from germany and australia even though i never met them. i just wish i had the time and energy to make all the meets. this site is so full of great folks, and i have aquired so many friends, that i show that logo on my windshield with great pride. i take this site very serious cuz it is my family. just want to thank you all for being there and putting up with this old wing riding fart. if you don't like me thats to bad. your stuck with me. snarly bill
  20. well, what a crowd showed up for the meet last night. we met at the crackerbarrel at 7pm and took a short ride to my house, for coffee and cake. alot of old freinds are here, and met a bunch of new members. all in all, as usual, a great bunch of people. as tired as i was, i had a ball. wrongway and lowell came yesterday afternoon and we sat on the patio and drank a few beers and did some reminising, when i should have been catching up on some sleep. well i'm ready to hit it again for the big ride today. we meet again at 8am. got to go clean the bike up a little before i leave. kbran had a spill in some gravel on the trip here and hurt his ankle. he stayed in the room last night with an ice pack on it, i hope he is okay. i will check on him this morning. bill ps. i heard a little bit of gossip last night. wrongway just may have lived up to his name again and missed my street with the group he was leading. i saw them go by, don't want to make any false accusations. i will get to the bottom of it today. :rotf::rotfl:
  21. Well, Took the GW out for a couple hundred mile jaunt and was just enjoying the day, no cares, no worries all two lanes. Pulled away from a Stop sign accellerated and got to about 3rd gear and met a Trooper. I had been crusing at 57 - 60 all day long and as I met him I had let off to shift on up and hit the cruise well he turned around stopped me for going 63 in a 55????!! I ride with many troopers and most all have said if I ride 9 and under the speed limit no problems. Well he siad they were given a directive to slow down Motorcycles, to which I said what about all the cars tring to kill us, he laughed and said them too. A whole speeding spring campaign. Nice guy just gave me a warning. Any way if you ride IL roads better take it easy,
  22. Virtual Ride to Benefit FreeBird. When I tried to think of a way to help the man that has done so much for so many people I thought of a Benefit Ride with T-shirts and police escorts and a registration fee. I then realized this is no ordinary person. He has reached people all over the world. He has spent countless hours building this website so that we could answer each others questions. He did it at his own expense. I realized that it was not feasible to get everyone that FreeBird has touched together. The money would go to pay the police for the escort and the T-shirt manufacturers would make all the money and everyone would have a t-shirt and FreeBird would get what was left over. I have made a lot of friends and have ridden with a lot of people I would have never met if it were not for FreeBird. I have gotten a lot of help from a lot of people I have never met and I owe it all to FreeBird. I only became a member last October but I feel I know so many of you personally and I have never met a stranger here on VentureRider's and I owe it to FreeBird. Now it is my turn to show my friendship to a man I have never met. The best way I can think of is to have a Virtual Ride to Benefit FreeBird. You do not need to meet anywhere, your do not need to meet as a specific time, you don't even have to get up early to participate. You don't have to donate any time. All you have to do is sit back in you easy chair and think of a place you would like to ride. Now I know many of you have paid your $12.00 yearly dues and so have I. I know many of you have made a donation to FreeBird and so have I. This is going to be a long, tough struggle for FreeBird and like he said it will probably distroy him finacially. I for one can not sit around and watch this happen to the man that brought us all together so I am paying my entry fee of $50 (donation button). Anyone who would like to join me is welcome to do so. Please join me for my Virtual Ride. Harry
  23. ……. to meet Carbon One (Larry Skeels). I knew I was going to be in Larrys’ neck of the woods in Michigan. I have relatives in the area. Called Larry up before I left saying I’d be in the area and would it be ok to come over, meet him and take a look at one of his lift adapters and just chat. We met at a time that was good for both of us. He is one pure gentleman, plain and simple!!! We talked about his trike, the mods he’s done, we crawled up under it so I could see how the lift adapter worked and answered all my questions with sincerity and a smile. He invited me in his home, met his wife, two dogs and to take look at his winter project (and newly renovated kitchen) and checked out some of the archery trophies. I’m a better person to have met Larry, and I encourage anyone if they get a chance to meet him also. I'm sure any one else who has met him with agree with me. p.s …… I did get the lift adaptor and it works as described. Thanks again Larry. A new friend, Ed.
  24. met up with mo river rat (chris), this morning for coffee. a really nice guy and a real biker. he lives about 3 miles from me, so wrongway (allanh), and i have a new riding partner. now we just need some warm weather. bill
  25. I don't have any flashing trees or reindeer noses to send out, but I would like to wish everyone a merry CHRISTMAS!!! I'd like to thank Don for this website and all the people I've met through it during the year! Take Care and God bless us in 2009! Ken & Jackie Wasielak
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