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Everything posted by Marcarl

  1. I'm just plum happy that you found out what they were to, just thankful once more that I ride a 1st gen, and don't have to put up with all that extra stuff and the thread crap that goes with it.
  2. Need some advice? I thought by now you'd have it all figured out. Call me if it really becomes desperate.
  3. No wonder it's so cold here, it's all dropping down from the zooo. Why don't you guys turn on the heat a bit, you too cheap or what? But then it's only -14 so I guess it'll be alright, Rain forcast for the weekend.
  4. And here I thought you were annouceing that Spring had sprung and we'd all better be ready for a ride, bummer, just some road trash left by some well meaning biker, knowing you were coming and maybe in need of some parts.
  5. Can't figure out what your problems are,,,,,,,,,,,, you guys got to think out side the box,,,,,,,,,, come on there is a very fine solution to all this,,,,,,,,, you're all talking about the temp. which we can do nothing about,,,,,,,, heated garages: that should be scoot territory only, come on think,,,,,,,,,,,,, DON'T WASH THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!. I very seldom wash the car,,,,,, last time I washed it was last March when Mom passed away,,,,,,,, was told it was the thing to do,,,,,, didn't make any difference, it was clean to start with, and all salty when we got to the funeral. Right now it's in the drive looking like it just got washed yesterday. Problem solved.
  6. So why a new sight glass??????
  7. Sounds like you have the right attitude in your post,and that's good, but I know it ain't a bed of roses either at home or in the hospital, so we keep praying for you.
  8. Hey that looks real good, just the kind of house to fit a single lady. Yep got to be a Lady all right, all kinds of shots from the house, and then the most important part, the garage, only one picture. Guess you don't want us to feel tooo jealous do you.
  9. Got 'er so far apart now I could ebay it. Wonder what a can full of screws would bring. Gonna have to take some pictures soon, can't post without pictures. There some other dodads that don't sem to make any sense either, they just shine a lot and blind the eyes, and then there's some dirty oily parts that need a lot of cleaning, maybe sell them and get new clean looking ones. Oooooo I'm not thinking quite right am I, maybe I do have a screw loose. What a bright idea!!!!!!!!!!I should have and olde fashioned deck raisen' or maybe call it a barn raisen and then when everybody gets here ya'll get to help out with the scoot, should have it back together in no tiime flat:whistling:. Opps, just had another thought, so that wouldn't work either: I live toooo close to the coffee can guy and he will show up and then we wouldn't have any parts left to stick back on. Guess I'll just have to carry on in secret.
  10. Sorry lady, I'm the cut 'em up sort of guy, and when I do have to stick it back together, there is usually some parts missing and it don't look anything like it did before. I kind of like you the way you look now, and I'm not sure if I want to deal with Brad if I handed you back, looking somewhat different than what he is used to. And it does take two good arms to make good cheesecake, so, sorry, you're not on the BUTCHER list.
  11. Couldn't find what you are talking about, you'll have to explain it better or show some pictures about it, white plastic wheel did not come to the foreground in my 'diaster'. I'll tell ya, I can now be called a BUTCHER, there seems nothing left but bare bones, almost. Made it all into hamburger and sausages. Nothing left but the carcass. Cleaned off the hide, opened 'im up and split the guts all over the shop, parts and pieces are helter skelter, but the heart I found intact with a slight mummer and a broken muscle. Will have to do more surgery next week to determine the cause and see if a transplant is in order. Noticed quite a few loose joints as well in the process, and some cortisone shots are likely to help steady the old boy and keep 'im from wobbling at times. Should have taken some pictures, maybe lots of them, ah it don't matter, leftovers can easily be sold on ebay before anyone notices huh.
  12. If there is a ring in the needle it will depend on exactly how the needle seats each time, if it seats exactly right in the ring everything will be hunkydoory, but should it be off just a wee bit, it will continue to allow fuel through and hence you have an overflow situation.
  13. If a cop askes you to do whatever (comply) and you don't come in line with his request, then he can take whatever action he\she deems necessary. How are they to know your history, your condition or whatever. All you are showing them is that you are not in agreement with what they would like and if you then start to make a rukus over it, well be forewarned, they have tazars, guns and the like, you may get hurt, so respect their request. They're not looking to hurt or kill you, they just need to have the situation under their control so that all may work out for the better. Just my humble opinion.
  14. I could offer my insights and opinions, and that would or could be very close to the real thing, but I've never been to SC, where ever that is, so I'll just say nothing, other than what I've said already, which is probably too much anyhow, now hush.
  15. I will tell the real story sometime, but this one was going over real good, and it sounded almost real.
  16. At least there is an engine in yours, I would post some more pictures, but my camera went for a poop, be the end of the month before it comes back, used the movie camera from the church to take the others.
  17. Good thought, max weight rating at this young age is, 180lbs
  18. To take some time, a few tools. a little extra light, and go over your scooter from front to back and make sure all the nuts and bolts are good and tight. Reason why I say this? I have to fix second gear on my scoot and so I got started on it today. The motor is now ready to slide out. In the process I found lots of bolts that should have been tight but instead were soo loose that I hardly needed a wrench to take them out. Engine mounts, tightened last year, bottom side rail,(right side part of frame) tightened last year were my biggest concern. I will now go and check each and every bolt I can find and make sure it's tight, tight ,TIGHT.
  19. Gotta wait for the weather to warm a bit, you know, don't want to take the baby out in the cold tooo soon.
  20. I'm not sure what to name it, don't know whether it's a male or female yet, been checking, but maybe that comes later, I'm don't know much about this sort of thing, it's all a surprise and new to me.
  21. Pretty soon we have to change our name to Venturewing or something like that. Sweet scoot you got there, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it for a long time. You'll have to stick around though, where else are you gonna find the advice and kicking around that you find here?
  22. So I guess it's time I told the story about Scamper. Back in 2005, a long time in motorcycle years, Scamper was brought to his present village. Many where the well wishers and the oglers that attended to view this specimen, extraordinare. His colours shone, his chrome was set to sparkling, and his footing was sure:happy65:. Always was he ready for all that was required, rain or sunshine. Scamper loved his new home. He was proud, not only to carry his master from place to place, but when the time came he was more than ready and very able to carry both his master and his masters companions. But as the season wore on, the days began to get colder and the time soon came that Scamper was housed in his stable to undergo some general maintenance and a much needed and deserved face lift. New safety items were added, new footwear was installed, and some new sparkle completed the resting season. The warmer temperatures and drier atmosphere created ideal conditions for Scamper and his riders, so that all were able to enjoy many miles of freedom and relaxation. But alas, the temperatures again did drop, and the clouds returned and once again Scamper was put into his stable to endure the winter. PICTURE#1. He did complain some, about having to spend so much time alone, that a companion was sought to be with him and keep him from getting lonely:cold:. In due time a Wizard was found and with him a companion with good looks, and a blonde complexion. These two now spent their time together in the same stable. PICTURE#2.It took some time for them to get acquainted, but then one day as I went out to check up on them and to make sure they were not as some ventures are known to do, I noticed that the Blonde was not in her usual berth. Much to my surprise she had moved to an intimate position and seemed to be much taken by the now very pleased Scamper:think:. I didn't think too much of it and thought to let them spend some time together, seeing as seemed to be a thing of the past and better relations were on the way. Just how much better became evident some time later, when again I went to do a daily check and :shock3:PICTURE#3.
  23. Lets see, we take off the faring, and pull the motor and trans, turn it upside down, shake it good a couple of times and then see if it's working better, if that doesn't do it I guess we'll have to pull the pan or whatever and see what is causing all the ruckus, hammer it back in place, put in some chewing gum and some bale wire and that should fix it, oh ya after all that we'll read the instructions to see if they have it right and maybe send them some notes as to recommended upgrades to the manual. Does it sound like I'll be alright or do you think I might use some help?
  24. Hope to start tomorrow, Wednesday, have to see how the day progresses. Need to do 2nd gear so it's got to come all apart. The blonde is here already and now is awaiting parts for upgrades. Friday is busy so is Saturday, people need to eat I hear. But thanks, we'll keep it posted.
  25. No good here, I ride a 1st gen, but others have talked about it before, so hang in there and you'll get the answer.
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